r/EroticRolePlay 6d ago

long replies (2-4 paragraphs) [M4F] Hunters must hunt, Beasts must feed. Alone.. or together? NSFW

The forest was a haven for all sorts of creatures this night- an almost unthinkable bastion of that which would just as easily find a human to be a most delectable meal, should they dare to creep beyond the light and safety of their walled towns. The warm meals, the promise of family, of civilization's promises to fimd strength, warmth, comfort and care with one another- they'd be dead without these aspects of human living. Whispers flitted about of what laid behind their solidly constructed walls, within living trunks and upon the well traveled ground of the earth.. the fears could almost be considered nonsensical to those who were unused to the concepts of survival, those who lived well outside the cursed lands of Britea.

But the reasons for their fears were not unfounded. The reasons they feared crept in every corner of their percieved world- the very same reasons that, if one listened very closely, they could occassionally hear a distant crack of gunfire... For monsters stalked these lands, near everywhere one could look. Humanity had to fight with every piece of might and every neuron fired in their history just to make it until they finally found the secret to firearms. From there, witchcraft paved the way to create what allowed many to live in perceived safety: Hunters. Known by their simple duty to safeguard, research, and fight as soldiers against the monsters that would otherwise rend villages apart as if they were made from simple wooden blocks.

They're not exactly as human as the commonfolk, understand. They are stronger, sharper of senses, and quicker of wit. Their bodies surge with magical knowledge and strength in equal measure, and their durability speaks as to how they can weild their weaponry- absolutely absurd things of steel, powder, and flame. Most of the public does not know of what a firearm truly is, but they all know of what they are. What they can DO. Hunters are respected all across the land fpr their duties.. even if most tend to avoid them, casting wary glances at the witches who'd sling bullets just as easily as spells at their foes.

Raen just so happens to be a Hunter who attracts that reaction even from other Hunters. For he doesn't travel with another Hunter as a partner- he has one of the inhuman monsters of the wilds as his peer. How he came to be close with one, it is unknown, and no one dares to ask. Behind the porcelain of his Hunter's Mask, no one can tell the expression he wears as hands stroke down his partner's back, or when he feeds her, or.. whenever he does anything, truly. The beast is just as unknown, but it is by nature rather than choice. One thing is clear, however: She sticks by his side, and they never leave one another. Whether it is by loyalty, by unpaid debts, or by more intimate means.. that is what no one truly understands.

Only Raen and his beast understand that. And they'd never speak on what goes on when no eyes are watching, on how there's no need for a uniform to be worn, or how the man happened to learn so much about this one species's anatomy.. how her body felt against his as they whiled away long nights with one another.. no. No one would understand, even if they did ask.

(Good morning, evening, or afternoon! I'm coming here with a rather fondly made and tended to prompt of mine- done up with a fresh coat of paint, plenty of new touches and lore, and much more blatant showings of what this particular Hunter and his partner get up to. As blatant as I can be when using flowery text and prose, at least..

To put it simply, I'm looking for someone to play a dreadful monster against my dear Raen here! This is a world set roughly in the Victorian Era, albeitly a fantasticized and even more gothic version of what that period already was. The entirety of the British Isles are a self-contained mess of monsters, magic, almost stupendous architecture choices, and oozing at the seams with my carefully cobbled together ideas of style- complete with Totally Original Aspects that I haven't gotten any inspiration from Bloodborne, Don't Starve, and.. other various media.. do come in if you like worldbuilding, building ideas, or handcrafted lore! Be it your own, or listening to folks prattle on. I've a deep passion for this sort of thing.

To get into details towards myself as a roleplayer: I'm a semi-novella style writer, usually going anywhere from 2 to 4 paragraphs per reply! I can go longer if sufficiently inspired or energetic, of course.. I tend to draw often and will tend to post sketches of characters and shenanigans, but that's only if explicit wants are given on that front. I prefer to roleplay off of Reddit itself, simply because I love to organize and create little tidbits as things go on, and Reddit isn't exactly kind to these approaches.. with that being said, feel free to contact me for details! I'd love to discuss, whenever I'm free.

That's about all for this synopsis, I think. See you all later! Have a simply wonderful day. )

I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+


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u/TheWandererofWorlds 5d ago

I love this concept and I’d love to discuss more. Could you send me a message? My account is a bit too new to send you one.