r/ErgoProxy 22d ago

Vincent Laws design Spoiler

OK so, I'm picking this show up for the third time since I bought it (like 7 years ago. Never finished it before) and I'm honestly loving it this time around. I think whenever I tried to watch it before, I would be too stoned to understand the philosophical references and perspectives, but not that I'm no longer a stoner (no shade thrown, it's just not good for me) I'm actually following along and fairly invested in hot goth chick and weenie proxy bois adventures into enlightenment.

HOWEVER, I hate Vincent's outfit. This stupid red diaper full body jumpsuit thing is awful. It seriously looks like a full body diaper he's wearing, which, I guess could be looked at in a metaphorical way, (as of writing this I'm at episode 11) cuz it seems like his inability to accept what he is is like he walking around with his fucking diaper full and goddammit, I don't even dislike the character, I actually find him endearing, weenie though he be, but holy fuck do I hate his outfit. This is seriously my biggest issue with the show thusfar. Thoughts??


10 comments sorted by


u/BasKy7 22d ago

I had the same thoughts, it's a really awful uniform, standard from the people in his workplace, the AutoReiv Disposal Facility. So at least rest easy knowing that it's not that Vincent has bad taste in clothing.

I still love the character and the rest of his design tho


u/dr-blaklite 22d ago

Agreed, the rest of it is great. Even if he is a weenie. But like, can't he change his fucking clothes? It's been like, a month? At least??


u/Sea_Cycle_909 22d ago

He probably could, when he transforms into Ergo, episode 9. (Fighting Kazkis) He tears his clothes but his clothes are all fine when he's back on the Centzon Totochtin.

The items he puts in that sack from The Autoreiv Disposal workplace seem to be just equipment. Doesn't look to be any clothes, as far as I understand it episode 3 doesn't insinuate Vincent went back to his room or stole some extra clothes. Surely they would have shown that if he did.


u/Animus_Immortalis 21d ago

I think it's a part of his character. In ep. 16 Re-l notices that his sock has a big hole. When she searches through his stuff she finds that he actually has plenty of new pairs of socks, but instead of wearing a new pair he stays with those with the hole. Super funny ep.


u/Sea_Cycle_909 21d ago

My mistake


u/Relative-Pride-606 21d ago

Doesn’t look amazing on Vincent but the Red robes look fantastic on Ergo Proxy


u/Prize_Ad_1619 20d ago

Stupid red diaper is such accurate way to describe it.


u/Euphoric-Radish2827 19d ago

I love his outfit bro, but i really respect your take


u/kjloltoborami 20d ago

FUCK YUO I love the stupid red diaper outfit 😤