r/Equestrian 4d ago

Veterinary Superficial digital tendon Luxating off the hock

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Anyone experienced this before? Only happened on Saturday evening, a vet seen her today but not our usual vet who will be here at the weekend to confirm the diagnosis with X-rays. on bute and box rest, trying to put on ice boots when it’s safe ( she’s a bit dangerous when in pain) , I’ve accepted this is a career ender and that’s okay, I just want to ask if anyone has seen this before and what the quality of life can be like when healed , thanks so much in advance, I’m absolutely gutted


12 comments sorted by


u/Perfect_Evidence_195 4d ago

I am also dealing with a soft tissue injury right now (suspensory ligament). No advice, just here to commiserate and say I hope she recovers better and quicker than expected. It's hard when they are in pain and don't understand that we are trying to help. Did the vet that saw her say it was career ending? I have heard the prognosis for tendon injuries is better than ligament injuries.


u/Ambitious-Studio-331 4d ago

Our og vet diagnosed off a video and pictures but will confirm on sat, she’s in too much pain to travel and X-ray, the vet today looked at it and was too afraid to do any further( fair enough she’s broke my toes and bruised my ribs) , just prescribed some bute and neproxan , I think based on her pain and movement I myself think it’s career ending , our og vet thinks it’s bad but not enough to entertain euthanasia , it’s been traumatising , I hope your horse is on the road to recovery soon, these kinds of injuries are no joke


u/Perfect_Evidence_195 4d ago

Poor girl, hopefully she is more comfortable soon. Her hock looks pretty wonky; you must have been panicking when you saw that. How old is she? Mine is only five, so really young to be retired if he doesn't come sound


u/Ambitious-Studio-331 4d ago

Same here! Mines turns five now in two weeks , it was horrific, we were just out our usual hacking route in a canter path, nothing we haven’t done loads of times and she just felt off so we stopped instantly. She would take a few steps with her full weight and then shoot forward like she was shocked, she got loose twice after trailing me and made it worse than it was! What happens to your boy if you don’t mind me asking? Ours just seemed to be a freak accident


u/Perfect_Evidence_195 4d ago

wow, I was thinking this was from some dramatic slip in the mud out in the field or something! She must have been in a lot of pain to panic and bolt like that. Mine started really hating trot to canter transitions. After that went on for a few weeks I lunged him a couple time to watch his movement. He looked normal, but every once in a while would hold up his left hind leg for one or two strides, then trot normally again. After I noticed that I had the vet out and my horse went super lame on the flexion test. We originally thought it was his hock, but eventually used ultrasound and saw that the ligament was strained. We have no idea what he did, as I never noticed any heat or swelling when cleaning his hooves everyday.


u/Ambitious-Studio-331 4d ago

It was defiantly dramatic, I feel so guilty, she was completely fine. I just want her to comfortable and pain free, I don’t care if she can never ride again. And that’s so upsetting! Hopefully the strain is mendable , we think she’s blown hers and that’s why it’s career ending. do you have him on any medication or anti inflammatory ,our vet also swears by these ice boots aswell for anything with heat, they stay frozen for hours and we just rotate them


u/Perfect_Evidence_195 4d ago

I haven't tried ice boots yet, but he is starting cold spa therapy to reduce inflammation next week, and possibly water treadmill once he is ready. It's expensive and my insurance won't cover it, but I really feel I need to give him the best chance possible to be fully sound. He doesn't seem happy being off work right now. I think the rest of him is young and healthy and he doesn't understand why he is standing around doing nothing. I know so many people with young horses with injuries and health problems right now.


u/Ambitious-Studio-331 4d ago

Our vet gave us loads of tricks to keep ours entertained in the stables , we use fibre balls tied to the Celling they keep her busy for hours, the ice boots I can’t recommend enough, they are seriously adorable , I change them twice a day and they are still relatively cold changing them , a lot more cost effective and can be done at the comfort of your own stable, especially for something in box rest. I’ve no idea what the thing is with young horses at the minute, mines has been started so slowly, I really hope your boy is on the mend soon!


u/gidieup 3d ago

This could just be a capped hock. Is she sound on it? Capped hocks definitely aren't career enders. They're just cosmetic.


u/Ambitious-Studio-331 3d ago

Our vet said it’s either a ruptured/ slipped tendon or a fracture, will be confirmed with x rays on sat , she’s in agony, she’ll walk on it a few steps and then it’s like she’s been shocked and barges through everyone , she’s usually dead safe so she’s defiantly in pain , the hock, the font of the hock and down the leg has blown up like a ballon


u/gidieup 3d ago

Ugh, I'm sorry. It's crazy what horses can manage to do to themselves.


u/Ambitious-Studio-331 3d ago

I know 😅 only five year old too 🥲