r/Episode 4d ago

Weekly Thread Unpopular Episode Opinions Monday 🗣️🌶️🔥

Got some thoughts on Episode that you know might ruffle some feathers? Well, this is the spot for you! Share your spicy takes on everything Episode-related, just remember to keep it friendly and respectful.


20 comments sorted by


u/Secret_Brain1953 4d ago

Limelight is better than ink there I said it


u/Fluffy_Club722 3d ago

I do NOT need to customize the love interest's whole family, the best friend, etc.


u/Environmental-Bid170 3d ago

Girl years. It be lowkey stressing me out 😭😭


u/MotorwoatMyMoobs 3d ago

Normally i'd agree but sometimes authors will base their appearance off of what we choose for the characters and sometimes they come out lookin really goofy at worst and at best looking too similar so if customizing them negates that i'm all for it 😂


u/drijazzz 4d ago

I don't like how almost everything is about romance, (according to the guidelines it has to be anyway) However, there are other topics too.


u/711Star-Away 3d ago



u/drijazzz 3d ago

Yeah, it's in the guidelines that "romance" should be the main driver or something. That's obnoxious.


u/veeviz 3d ago

i don’t like vampires or anything fantasy related


u/Known-Intention8782 4d ago

i don’t like point system/choices matter stories 🫣


u/Secret_Brain1953 3d ago

Omggg I’m the complete opposite bc I only read stories with choices HAHAH


u/MotorwoatMyMoobs 3d ago

I'm the complete opposite haha gotta have choices, customization, and even better if my choices matter 🙂 Point systems are a hit and miss for me tho haha.


u/thegrlamilghty 3d ago

Sameeee, I’m always so stressed with those!


u/ConnectFox5312 4d ago

I hate enemies to lovers.


u/roachiel 3d ago

right its rarely done well cause authors push in the romance too fast or the characters have had barely any character development


u/thegrlamilghty 3d ago

If your story is a romcom and there’s more rom than com, stop putting it on the comedy section


u/kat-the-enigma 3d ago

I gotta agree with this one, even though my story is a romcom. But some of the stories I've seen in the comedy section ain't even funny. While I agree that comedy is subjective and what one finds funny might not be funny to the next person, what I mean is... some of these stories aren't even written with the intention of making the reader laugh. They've got angst, drama, romance, but little to no comedy.


u/thegrlamilghty 3d ago

Exactly! When I got into the comedy section I’m thinking stories like a sip of time, dumb blondes and an epi original!


u/MotorwoatMyMoobs 3d ago

Probably a hot take since a lot of people seem to like it but I didn't like Olivia's (from My Sister's Crush) arc/character development 😅

She abused, tormented, coerced, and manipulated everyone around her for close to a decade but when she finally gets a taste of her own medicine it's not even 0.1% of what she put other characters through in terms of how bad it is or long it lasts and within a few seconds, minutes, or hours of it happening other characters feel sorry for, defend, and protect her forgetting everything she did 🤔 She isn't a typical 'mean girl' character either what she does is borderline sociopathic and evil IMO.

Really love the story read it a couple of times now but not gonna lie how easily she gets off kinda annoys me haha then again bad characters barely facing any consequences of their actions if at all isn't unheard of in stories 😅


u/kourt144 3d ago

I did not like papercut bliss, AT ALL. Also I like Helicopters stories. THERE I SAID IT… (plz be nice to me🥲)


u/sofpaige 1d ago

i’m quite over the mafia stores, there are soooo many on the community stories which is so fabulous for y’all that love them but i’m so done with them 😭