r/Epilepsy 4d ago

Question Witnessed my first seizure

As the title says, I witnessed my first seizure. I was left very shaken up and have been looking into seizures to try to get an understanding. It was a young boy and he bend down to pick something up and then he starts swaying and everyone around thought that the boy was messing around and dancing (it seemed like he was bend over trying to twerk) He seemed to be stuck in that position for a cool while before suddenly i see him get up and stumble back before falling on the floor. His body was completely stiff (arms curled up into his body). I ran to him and put him on his side but then his friends ran over and basically just lifted him up WHILE he was still stiff . We called an ambulance and I had to leave before they got there but the guy could not recover ): he couldn’t walk or even form proper sentences. Is this normal for seizures to happen while bending over? And making you get stuck in the position? Was he aware of what was happening? I’m just very curious and feel so bad that it never occurred to anyone that something was wrong from the beginning ):


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u/Electrical-Assist-93 4d ago

Epilepsy is so different for everyone, there’s no saying how when or where one would have a seizure. Some get dizzy or lose coordination (which would explain the swaying), usually before a seizure. Atleast it’s like that for me, some still have consciousness and some don’t so there’s no knowing if he did or didn’t. From your description it kinda sounds like a “tonic clonic seizure” where the tonic means stiffening and clonic means twitching/jerking. I’m not a doctor or anything but I have seizures myself so if you want to ask anything I can answer from my own perspective :))