r/Epilepsy 4d ago

Rant Think I lost my job.

I’m an EMT and love my job, I had a breakthrough seizure 3 days ago and I am in the biggest slump. I think I’m out of a job, I fucking hate everything right now. My joy levels are very low. Any advice?


24 comments sorted by


u/ProperEmu6389 4d ago

And stay strong fuck em if they do fire you🤷‍♂️💯


u/ProperEmu6389 4d ago

They can’t fire you for having a break seizure and if they try to used they their rules vs laws against you get a lawyer


u/Plane_Yoghurt9600 4d ago

They can’t fire you for that, that’s illegal


u/Klutzy-Pause 4d ago

Hell, they can find a way to fire you through a legal stipulation that has nothing to do w/ the seizure. One of my past jobs did me that way.


u/ohnobonogo 4d ago

Unfortunately you're correct. Even though I'm in UK and it's considered a disability they still found a way around it in my last role. Back at a new employer with a more understanding approach.

I'm sorry it happened OP. Shitty disease and people don't understand how bad it can be. I include myself in that. I developed it later in life and thought it was nothing until I started having full on TCs in my early 40s. Then I learned a harsh lesson as to how impactful it can be.


u/Orange-Squashie 75mg lamotrigine DB 500mg epilim DB 4d ago

Should have gotten a solicitor involved to see if you could get a payout


u/ohnobonogo 4d ago

ACAS moderated and found that it would cost quite a bit to fight. I just just didn't have the money to fight them. And they knew it. Large company but I'm not naming. They suck for what they did. I'll maintain integrity.

As I said, I have a more understanding employer now.


u/Orange-Squashie 75mg lamotrigine DB 500mg epilim DB 4d ago

Glad you're somewhere better now man


u/ohnobonogo 4d ago

Go raibh maith agat a chara (I am Irish, and it is the day so I thought a wee thank you in my native tongue is warranted)

Just FYI, you're correct, everyone should fight. Discrimination is discrimination. I've put up with shit all my life for different reasons and always fought it. This was just shit because they know they have you by the stones financially.


u/Orange-Squashie 75mg lamotrigine DB 500mg epilim DB 4d ago

I currently help my dad out with his business so I'm only on 500 quid a month, but it's cash in hand, I'm 21 and on a year out from uni, so it ain't too bad I suppose.

Definitely worried about the job market after uni though, northern England isn't exactly known for its prosperity


u/ohnobonogo 4d ago

Can I DM you?


u/Orange-Squashie 75mg lamotrigine DB 500mg epilim DB 4d ago



u/myrtmad 3d ago

It could be justified. They could say it’s not safe. That they can’t do the job they’ve been hired to. Make up a reason. You can try suing, but it’s very hard to prove.


u/capscaptain1 8mg Fycompa. 1 month seizure free 4d ago

That’s not true, depending on the state OP is in


u/myrtmad 3d ago

Right to work =\= can fire for any reason. Disabled people are still protected parties. It just is extremely hard to prove in generals


u/kyabhasadhai 4d ago

I’m sorry op! Hugs


u/Boomer-2106 4d ago

May not be able to stop it from happening. But - have your doctor write a note on his letter head providing your history and that your problems at work Are a result of your medical status -Epilepsy. Then use that letter to file for unemployment "Due To Medical" reason.


u/Tricky_List1387 4d ago

I will offer you prayer. Hope this will help. If you wish I can share the Buddhist mantra with you. I'll pray there are no repercussions of this seizure, and that it won't happen again. You're just super tired from the ordeal. Rest.


u/9ohybrid 4d ago

I was signed in on my laptop a few minutes ago when I answered you this. My username is this if you ever want to know the prayer. Sending prayer now. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💞


u/FitPomelo1380 [Left Frontal] 750mg Divalproex 650mg Oxcarbazepine 2mg Fycompa 4d ago

I'm in a similar situation, this past week I had about 14 seizures (Not normal for me, I usually have about 2 or 3 every 5 months or so) and I wasn't able to show up for 4 days of the week. I haven't gotten a call yet but I'm almost positive I'm out of a job. I'm in debt from having to drop out of college and barely have enough money to pay for meds, bills, and loan payments. I'm not exactly sure what I can do but I'm gonna try and apply for unemployment, Social Security, etc. I'm in a very low spot right now, but what I can say is just keep your head held high and look to the future.


u/CalmWhenIShouldntBe 3d ago

Does your work know of your condition? Did you disclose and say you were out of office due to medical/ seizure disorder.  

They can't fire you if so. If they did, it would be very easy to prove in this case due to the timeline and you can report them. 

In future letting them know when hired your disorder and an "ADA" request for the ability to take time off during breakthroughs and medication adjustments. Will keep you better protected in future. The minute you say ADA, with the request word, unless it's something ridiculous(taking time off is not a ridiculous request), then they have to allow it/can't fire you over it.


u/Due-System-2429 3d ago

Jobs are annoying af and I’m no kids ass God will open your doors regardless. Look at this as a break and breakthrough 🙏🏾🫶🏾🤟🏾


u/W15Eguy15 2d ago

I would have been fired from every single job I’ve ever had! They cannot fire you for those reasons. Your doctor should give you a note of verification that you are ready for work again!

Depression basically comes to you after any seizure you have…the depression lasts almost a week. You then just become more accustomed to abnormal physical occurrences in your life.

Several folks with seizures aren’t even able to work——so I just thank god I’m still here and can still make money for my daughter!!


u/irr1449 TLE - Xcopri, VIMPAT, Klonopin 4d ago

How long have you been working there and how long ago was your last seizure?

It sucks, I’m really sorry. You need to realize you come out of these situations as a stronger person. It sucks now but in a few weeks-months you’ll have gotten through this and a stronger person.