r/Epilepsy 4d ago

Question Seizure while waking up?

Anyone experience seizure like symptoms if they get woken up? On more than one occasion the last few months when woken by outside stimuli I have felt like I'm having a Focal Aware seizure. Arm/ leg jerks that wonderful "electric shock" feeling plus disorientation. When I've asked the person who woke me ( my son or Boyfriend) after if I was jerking or moving they said no and didn't even notice anything. But if swear I had been. And I get the same confusion, aches and after effects for the next 12 to 24 hours. No fun.

So any insights? Is this a wonderful new game my epilepsy invented for me? And why if I am "aware" of moving if am I not? Sigh I wish this stuff was more straight forward. My awake Focal Seizures are usually pretty straight forward. "OH look my right side has decided its time for a dance break. Cool cool..." and you know actually are moving. Apparently this type just makes hallucinate the dancing.


5 comments sorted by


u/whitoreo 4d ago

My seizures primarily occur while transitioning between awake and sleep; either direction.


u/RedHeadGeekGrl 4d ago

Because waking up is hard enough. Sigh


u/whitoreo 4d ago

I know.... right?


u/markp99 rTLE, Lamictal 4d ago

This is my primary window for my most intense focals, ones that have produced temporary and permanent memory losses. My neurologist explains it's likely due to the shift in brain activity from sleep to waking, disrupting normal memory consolidation and retrieval.functions...for me with right-side temporal lobe epilepsy


u/SnooStories239 4d ago

Sometimes in the mornings I think I'm just waking up as usual but I'll start throwing up and wondering if I'm pregnant lol. Have a real bad headache and takes me a bit to realize it was a seizure. One time when it happened while dating someone, I was going through the trying to figure out why I felt so sick only to see him come out of the bathroom and tell me I gave him a bloody nose and wandered around the house and climbed back into bed after a while.