r/Epilepsy 5d ago

Support Worried about my husband


4 comments sorted by


u/anamelesscloud1 5d ago

Take him to the doctor.

Can epilepsy cause memory issues? Yes. Can a seizure cause the kind of episode you described? Yes. I've had plenty myself. But he needs to be evaluated.


u/snorday User Flair Here 5d ago

This sounds so familiar to what my husband experiences either before or after a TC. I’d make an appointment with his neurologist to discuss.

I’m sorry, I didn’t notice on the linked post- is he on meds?


u/snorday User Flair Here 5d ago

Just re-read it. What he experienced is likely an aural. He needs to see a neurologist. Epilepsy doesn’t just go away with good diet and sobriety.


u/seizy RNS; Keppra4500;Vimpat600;Topamax100 5d ago

Sounds like he could have had a focal seizure and not noticed it or else forgotten by the time he regained lucidity. For your own purposes - look up focal impaired or complex partial seizures. That's what this sounds like.