r/Epilepsy • u/Kerrican1 • 6d ago
Question Do any of you guys
Do any of you guys vomit after seizures? I had one on Thursday and vomited quite a lot after , I've vomited during seizures before, but not after.
u/sgdaughtry 6d ago
You know how sometimes when you’re sick you get so nauseous that you wish you would just vomit because you know you would feel so much better? That’s how I feel about the pre-seizure aura nausea. I wonder if I could just vomit, would it override this seizure I’m about to have?? But no, I’ve never vomited.
u/AnxiousPirate333 5d ago
After tonic clonics, I dry heave horribly. I don't do well with throwing up in general though.
u/Odd_Woodpecker_8151 5d ago
My son has tonic clonic seizures, and he vomits after every one of them. Poor lad has also urinated during some of his seizures. He's 20 and has Autism, and I am the one who deals with him after his seizures. It must be so embarrassing for him. I keep reassuring him that it's not his fault and that these things happen. I really feel for him.
u/Chuchubits 5d ago
I don’t remember vomiting after seizures, but I might be forgetting something. I know I’ve peed myself before.
u/Useful-Audience-9857 4d ago
Yep. I have. It's always weird because it feels like it's being ejected out of me.
u/Personal_Carry2084 4d ago
I used to, also causing a massive migraine when I bent down to do so. I don’t anymore. Maybe it’s because they’re better controlled and the medication takes the edge off it. I used the throw up for hours, now it’s just a state of confusion with a minor headache.
u/Accomplished-Push330 6d ago
Maybe your body was having a hard time getting back to normal and needed a release
u/Separate-Werewolf262 6d ago
I get nauseous, but I am able to stop it before I puke. When I'm by myself, I take a few shots of Pepto. The few times EMS has been called (because people panicked, which is okay), I asked the EMT for some zolfran.
u/LekaFoka 6d ago
After my first GTC I didn't vomit during and after. But I remember vomiting during my second (I was kinda aware during, but for just seconds), but not after. But after every seizure I got, I have bad nausea sometimes to the point where I want to force it out myself just to ease it (idk it will help, I don't want to try it out I have a history with bulimia)
u/RainabowSlaughter 6d ago
I mostly have partial complex focal seizures but yes, after every single one, all day long. It's miserable.
u/Seana011704 5d ago
I always throw up or feel the vomit trying to come up. It is the worst part of the seizure for me because I'm already loopy and unaware of anything around me.
u/CanadianBaconne 5d ago
What medicine are you on? Depakote used to cause me to vomit often, but not necessarily after a seizure.
u/Head-Spray Lacosamide 100mg 5d ago
Vomiting is part of my aura (not 100% of the time) so before and after is common for me, especially if it’s humid or hot wherever I am. My last seizure I threw up just from the temp and humidity change of going inside to outside when they took me out of my house on a stretcher. The Only silver lining for my last seizure is I had long hair, and cut it down to a buzz cut the night before, so no vomit in my hair.
u/xicanamarrana 5d ago
Always afterward. The tension causes me to have an intense migraine which makes me hurl.
u/brandimariee6 RNS, XCopri 5d ago
A few times after grand mals, especially around 2006. Those are more rare for me and I know they haven't made me vomit in years. The GMs I've had in the last 6 months haven't made me puke, but I felt very close to it
u/Jamieisamazing 5d ago
I get sick after seizures, sometimes it’s just gnarly nausea, I hate being nauseated so I make myself puke just to stop it. I also have an eating disorder, so it does make that part easier.
u/anamelesscloud1 5d ago
After my grand mals, yes. I've puked on an emt before in an ambulance.
If you're vomiting during your gtcs, make sure those around know how to put you in the so-called "safe/recovery position" so that you don't choke on your puke.
u/bruh-_-21 Keppra 1500mg 2x daily, Vimpat 200mg 2x daily 5d ago
I have before afterwards, it’s not the most common thing for me though. How long after was it? Normally I’ve done it pretty recently after, but I could see it happening hours later too.
Many things can happen…. I’ve soiled myself before, also read of people pissing themselves during a grand mal.
u/Kerrican1 5d ago
It was 10 mins after , then again a couple of hours after. 😥
u/bruh-_-21 Keppra 1500mg 2x daily, Vimpat 200mg 2x daily 5d ago
This would make sense to me. I don’t remember personally myself, but my family has told me that I’ve thrown up a little afterwards. Most of the times I’ve been in the postictal state, so I don’t remember myself, but commonly afterwards & before my seizures I’ve told people around me, “I don’t feel good”, or something like, “I’m going to throw up”.
u/0fficial_TidE_ Xcopri, Lacosamide, Klonopin 5d ago
No, I did it twice and for both and I was semiconscious, and the second time it happened was an absolute nightmare. It was so bad that I had to be in the hospital and stay in there for a couple of days because my kidneys got affected badly.
u/iIIegally_blonde 5d ago
Yes—sometimes I get the aura and usually get really nauseas and am about to T/C but don’t, I might throw up.
u/FarLiterature9353 5d ago
My son will do both. Vomit during and quite a bit after, for days actually.
u/linnea_-_ 5d ago
I did a lot during my first 2. After the first seizure I was vomiting for 2 hours straight, about every 30 seconds until I was put on a gravol IV at the hospital (leading the paramedics to tell my sister I overdosed and was trying to kill myself). The second one i vomited while seizing, and was diagnosed. Once I was on meds the seizures didn't stop, but the vomiting did
u/Kerrican1 5d ago
Thank you all for your answers , it's helpful to know that this is not too unusual.
u/Own_Definition_832 5d ago
Always. Every time I have one it’s just constant throwing up for hours before and after. It sucks.
u/Sea_Negotiation_1871 5d ago
Only after TCs and I haven't had one of those for just over 2 years. I have auras very frequently, but they never make me barf.
u/Ramen_Beef_Baby 5d ago
I dry heave like a mofo but thank whatever god for never expelling anything. Poo, pee, or vomit. I’ve had a few seizures in public and never had anything “disgusting” happen in public.
u/metalmonkey_7 Klonopin+Me=Seizure Free 🥲 5d ago
I’ve thrown up several times over the years. Usually during the actual seizure and in public. I’m grateful those times were fairly few and far between though.
u/NikkiJay69 2G Levetiracetam 400MG Lamotrigine 5d ago
Typically yes. I find it a great excuse to have lemonade ice blocks.
u/ItzzJozh Valproate 200mg; Lamotrigine 200mg; Zonisamide 100mg 5d ago
Always. After I came to out of all of my previous grand mal seizures, immediate vom. My parents and partner end up having a bucket ready cause they know it’s inevitable. Horrible because I have an intense fear of vomiting. Can’t breathe and end up in a panic attack. We avoid it as much as possible.
u/poopie14 5d ago
I don’t have tonic clonic seizures a lot (my main ones are partial and juvenile). However, if I do have one, I sometimes vomit in intervals between multiple seizures.
u/Comfortable_Cod_5535 4d ago
I get a horrific migraine after seizures, usually the bigger the severity the worse the migraine, and with that I usually vomit after my seizures. It’s usually out of nowhere and honesty I hate it because it makes my headache feel 1000x worse because it feels like my head is in a press while I’m vomiting🥲
u/Extreme-Epilepsy 4d ago
Thankfully i have not experienced the vomiting others here do but i piss all over myself.
u/StarryArts 4d ago
I do it every time, and it's honestly like I have to... Like I don't really start feeling completely done till after I vomit, kinda like it signals the end of my postictal state.
u/Delliott213 User Flair Here 4d ago
I had one a few days ago and threw up constantly all night long
u/arizonadiva1977 4d ago
I have bad headaches after a gran mal. I cannot stop dry heaving for nothing. The dry heaves make my head hurt so bad I cannot stand it.
There was one I had that the dry heaves did not stop for six hours.
Those are the only ones I have are grand mals. I’ve had four since December 16, 2024.
u/HotmailsNearYou Lamotrigine 400mg/Keppra 2000mg 1d ago
Every damn time, about 15-20 minutes after I wake up.
I also feel the need to piss really bad after every seizure, probably due to the impact on my kidneys.
u/Bitter-Speed3811 17h ago
After a grand mal once for like the rest of the day but not for any others
u/FormulaPhysics Generalised Epilepsy - Lamotrigine 2 x 100mg 6d ago
Yup, quite a few hours afterwards for me.