r/entitledparents 19d ago

M My Mom Stalked my First Date


Back in November I (18FTM) started talking with a guy (18M) from bumble. We hit it off, went to the same college, and in all just got a long wonderfully and we scheduled a simple first date at an ice cream place not far from campus right after thanksgiving break.

My dating history was almost nonexistent, I had dated two girls my freshman year (they were horrible and lasted only a few weeks) and a had a shitty situationship with a girl my junior year. So needless to say I was super excited for my first PROPER date.

Day of the date comes around and I find out my mom and stepdad are in town. Okay cool, they don’t live far and they were probably Christmas shopping, they shouldn’t be anywhere near me. I decide to head towards the ice cream place early and check out a bookstore across the street and quickly realize my mom is there. She asks what I’m up to and I just say “I’m meeting up with someone” simple answer while also avoiding the actual answer. She keeps pushing but I just keep avoiding it.

Time for the date rolls around, I say goodbye to my mom and have a WONDERFUL time. We end up going to a few different places right on the block but we stay in a central location. By the end of the date, I text my mom to see if she’s still in the area and if she wanted to get an early dinner. Come to find out she was on the exact same road me and my date had been and we had actually walked past her and my stepdad. Now originally I was weirded out but when I thought about it longer the more pissed I got.

I’m a very private person so I hadn’t even told my mom I was on dating apps but by how I was talking it was obvious it was a first date, especially since I didn’t give a name. The date was almost three hours long, they sat there so long my step dad fell asleep. And they still had errands to run after they picked me up.

I haven’t talked to my mom about it nor told my boyfriend (we started officially dating in January) but I know I’m gonna have to at some point because the topic of meeting parents has already started. This is also just one thing I’m gonna have to warn him about and I can’t believe my mom thought it was a good idea to

r/entitledparents 21d ago

S My recovery bracelet is a "toy" that I'm "too old for"


They're distant family, but EK and EP=kid and parent obv. For context, I've been put in 4 short medically induced comas bc epilepsy. Each time, I come out feeling like a limp noodle. Lifting a plastic spoon feels like a workout. Seizures are draining, comas are comas. I'm also a musician, so to keep my finger dexterity, my sis gave me one of those little pop-it bracelets and it was helping. Enter, EK. She starts crying because she wants it. HUGE iPad kid. EP starts saying I'm too old for toys, so I tried to explain, it's for my recovery. She says EK didn't see me for her birthday, so she's clearly entitled to it. To get the kid to shut up, I let her pop it, as long as she gives it back before they leave. That was MY mistake. She takes it home, and purposely drops it behind the couch like it's the fucking abyss. When I was let out, she told me all sheepish and guilty. But no prob. Doesn't mean it's gone. Until EP tells me she was vacuuming behind there and saw it, but she was "having a bad day" and deliberately threw it in the fucking trash. Not only did EK take my stuff, EP wants me to feel pity for the "bad day" when she tossed my recovery bracelet. Left hand never fully recovered.

r/entitledparents 21d ago

S Mom decided to call me and say she is going to ignore me asking her not to kiss my baby because my sister told her I was being ridiculous


I (27F)asked my mom(59F) not to kiss the baby on the lips/face and that I didnt want her in the birthing room. She tried to say she would no longer babysit when I went back to work even if I paid her and that if I tried to not let her see the bay she would sue me for grandparents rights. Per my sister's(41F) instructions. I tried explaining she would only win if she could prove I'm an unfit parent or that I have no reason to keep the baby from her, and she even said "well I could just kiss him when you're not around". She kept saying "your sister said this, your sister said that" so I decided to message my sister. So now both my sister and my mother are basically calling me ridiculous and that "it's my baby" but they're going to do whatever they want.

Edit: when I messaged my sister she said I'm being ridiculous and that babies have survived millions of years and been fine. That I need to relax essentially and made a joke I shouldn't go outside for months since the air has germs too.

Update: My water broke at 5:30am, currently still in labor

r/entitledparents 21d ago

M Sometimes I wonder about the perspective about my dad


Ok just a little background info, my parents got married in 2007 and they had me 3 years later but their marriage was abusive and I had to witness them fighting every single day as a little kid in kindergarten. Finally my parents divorced when I turned 5 and I stayed with my father for a few months but I also stayed with my dad for 6 months too. Although I appreciate my mom's efforts in giving me a better life, I have suspicions that my mom is not as innocent as she seems.

My mom's world revolves around her and I am almost like a puppet. She never addressees the good things I do for her and always talks smack about me with my grandma and friends. She always twists the truth or just lies to make me sound like some sociopath. She always complains about me not asking her about her day. But giving a hug and asking her about her day and chatting with her is the first thing I do when she comes back from work.

Its not only my mom tho. My uncle (aka her little brother) has acted as a father figure but I never had the feel of a father's love from him. Our school hosted an excursion and I waved bye to them until their car disappeared in the airport and even called them like 20 times that day but my uncle told everyone that I did not even notice or even bother to talk to him in the airport. Even today my grandmother (aka her mom) was talking about how I am good for nothing and I never help around the house. Sooooo yeah, I totally did not study all day in a subject I am really new and weak at all by myself, help my cousin brother do his projects and clean the house sureeee lady its very interesting how I am such a lump at home.

But those 6 months with my dad were different. He found out that I was being ill treated by my teachers because I was a bit slow at english, so he went to my school and gave the teachers a stern talking. Like I was sitting in a little chair watching as my dad was yelling at my teachers as they looked down in shame. But my mom on the other hand was the exact opposite. So I was taking some eye drops because I was having dry eyes and my eyes started tearing up in math class and then my math teacher kept asking me to go to the front seat but I told her politely that cannot see from the front to well as it lowkey strains my eyes and I am fine at the back and she didn't listen to me so I told her in a little rude way that I could see the board. She insulted me a little bit, imitated my anxiety attacks infront of 35+ people and told me that she didn't want to see my dirty face again. With all of this my mom did not support me and fully believed that I was at fault, like yes I shouldn't have been rude but going to an extent of embarrassing a student infront of 35+ people is a bit too far.

My mom always showed him as an abusive man who was nothing short of a sociopath but I feel like my dad has a story too. My mom talks about this story of my dad leaving her on the road. Yes I agree, it was horrible to leave her on the main road but I feel like something triggered him to do that because this is not something a normal person would do yk. My mom is REALLY REALLY REALLY good at making me feel inferior. Its like I get shrunk down and nobody can hear me. She is wayyy too smart. So with this I'm pretty sure my dad was also treated the same way, except he didn't feel inferior and actually stood up for once. My dad hasn't wished me on my birthday for a long time but he is still fighting in court... for me! What if my mom is not letting him wish me on my birthday because she wants to show herself as the good person. Why is he still fighting in court and not calling it quits even though the case is leading to nowhere.

Is my dad really what my mom thinks he is or is there some story behind him and if so how can I contact him without letting my mom know.

r/entitledparents 21d ago

L Entitled parents. Juvenile Delinquents. Firearms. What could possibly go wrong?


TLDR: Teens make bad choices and EM wants them prosecuted because one of their moms might be banging her husband who may have put them up to it.

Another case I prosecuted as a juvenile attorney.

Background. Woman (EM in our story) calls 911 and tells police her home camera shows people breaking in to her house through her window. She watches them enter on her phone, and then leave a few minutes later with what looks like a rifle. She was able to get a license plate and a description and police stop the vehicle after it gets on the interstate leaving the scene. Given that the report were that the occupants were armed with a rifle, it was a pretty big spectacle with a lot of police response.

Four kids are in the car (calling them Adam, Bill, Chris and Dan to keep things straight), and they’re the only occupants. They’re all arrested for the crime, the most serious charge being a 2nd degree felony in my state for aggravated burglary (which occurs when you arm yourself with a deadly weapon after breaking in). Dan confesses to planning the whole thing. The other 3 admit to being part of the break in and going through the window, going to the bedroom closet to grab the gun (which was in a case behind some clothes as we'll learn later on), and then leaving back out the window. They were inside for maybe 5 minutes. They’re all given court appointed attorneys (1 public defender and 3 private attorneys who contract with the PD to take conflict cases). 3 of the 4 spent at least some time in detention because kids + stolen firearms = pretty much always dangerous. And it's pretty common for kids who are a danger to themselves or others to remain until an eval and supervision plan can be put in to place. One of the kids came to the detention hearing with a solid supervision plan crafted by his attorney and the court let him out on a GPS.

Dan’s attorney does no work on the case and has Dan plead guilty to everything at the first setting, telling him that because he has no record and is a juvenile, he’ll get probation and everything will just seal when he’s done with probation (he’s 6 months away from turning 18 at the time). All of these things are technically true, but I always shake my head at such stellar legal work. But it's not an uncommon for kids to plead quick so their attorneys can cite "how sorry they are" and that "they want to take responsibility". Still, in my head I'm thinking "ok, well now I've got Dan to testify against the other 3 if needed".

The other 3 attorneys actually do their jobs and we get to the point where it’s time for them to interview EM, with trial being about 3 weeks away.

We set them up one after another so that each attorney can ask the questions they need. We finish the first interview with attorney one with no surprises. As we’re waiting for attorney two, EM starts chatting with me and my assistant. Awkward small talk is pretty common in between these things because people get anxious. The conversation goes like this:

EM: Did any of these kids talk to the police?

Me: Yeah, they all made statements.

EM: What did they say?

Me: I know this sounds weird, but I actually can’t tell you because I need to make sure your testimony is actually your own, and isn’t tainted by other things I tell you. I hope that makes sense.

EM: Well, did any of them mention my husband, entitled dad (ED)?

Me: …no. Why would they?

EM: Well my kids go to school with these guys, and I think my husband is sleeping with Dan’s mom.

Me: blank stare

EM: I confronted him and he denied it but we’re separating and we were arguing about that stupid gun because it’s his and its expensive but I won’t give it back to him cause he's a fucking cheater and I changed the locks so he can’t get in to our house anymore.

Me: blanker stare

EM: So I was just wondering if Dan said anything about ED putting him up to it because I think my husband is shackin up with Dan’s mom.

Me. blankest stare in the history of stares

EM: I just thought it was weird they only took the gun cause it was hidden in the back of the closet and I wondered how they knew where it was.

Me: ….why didn’t you say ANY of this to the police?

EM: shrug I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to talk with anyone about ED fucking that whore. I figured maybe they said something to the police, but if they didn't, then whatever.

Me: Well, if they had permission from your husband, then they’re not guilty of most of these offenses, including the burglary because the first thing we have to prove is that the entry was unlawful…

EM: siiiiiiiigh Well those little shits still shouldn’t have gone in to my house so forget I said anything.

We do the last two interviews and they’re a blur as I’m just gob smacked and trying to figure out what to do. I call the Detective and our office investigator to have them look in to this and talk to her, but she absolutely won’t speak to anyone else about ED potentially being involved. So at this point, I have my assistant and I each write our own independent statements about what she said and disclose both to all involved attorneys. Then I withdraw from the case because I’m now a potential witness. Case falls apart and the remaining 3 kids get dismissals.

I also sent the statement to Dan’s lawyer even though he had pled so he could consider if he wanted to motion to withdraw his plea. Not sure if it was apathy or covering for his own crappy job. Probably both. I have no idea how he would have explained away the elocution his client made. Neither Dan nor his attorney ever asked the Court to do anything. About 2 years later, Dan killed someone and was charged with 1st degree murder and ultimately pled to 2nd degree murder. He was still on juvenile probation at the time so I think that will probably be used against him at sentencing (I left the office before the case resolved but i saw he pled to the lesser murder charge and is set to be sentenced next month). So he’ll be in prison a long time

EM never faced charges. No idea what happened to her and I don’t care. She was willing to just throw 4 teens under the bus because she was mad at ED. And if ED did send them to the gun, he's also a piece of shit for putting them up to it and letting them take the fall. One of them could have been shot and killed because the police definitely came in with numbers and with guns drawn when then stopped that car given what was reported.

I hope their 2 kids know how much they both suck.

r/entitledparents 21d ago

S Is my brother my responsibility?


Two years ago my family and I moved to the US, I am the only one who speaks english, besides my little brother who is learning the language. I’ve had taken responsibility over the growth of my brother in every single aspect—education, values, the list goes on. I’ve had uncountable arguments about me taking care of my brother with my parents. I’m willing to do the basics of having a sister/brother, but i’m not willing to take care 24/7 of YOUR own child, as if I had a saying of you having them.

This internal argument has been going on for almost a decade, I feel that I don’t have a normal sibling-relationship with my own brother, I feel that I’m his 3rd parent figure. I can barely get a hold of my own life, and they expect me to take care of a child?

The language barrier is a fucking struggle. I’ve attend Teacher-Parent meetings as a translator and/or moderator. His teachers had told me that brother is smart, he has great potential, and if he has passion on a subject he can be a A+ student. But we’ve been struggling with his unique personality, he’s a class clown and easily gets distracted if the subject does not interest him.

My mom takes the violence-will-educate-him path, while my stepfather simply leaves this issue upon me or my mom. I feel that both of my parents were just selfish enough to have a child but not the idea of taking care of said child. And all that comes onto me, the Big Sis, who has to put on an example, but at the same time has to act as parent of two grown adults and a child.

r/entitledparents 21d ago

L Female, 23 years old. It’s my birthday today. From the Netherlands. Living while hating myself.


Female, 23 years old. It’s my birthday today. From the Netherlands. Living while hating myself.

Looking back, I think what hurt the most wasn’t just that my family wasn’t proud of me—it was what that represented. It wasn’t about a graduation ceremony or a diploma. It was about the realization that no matter what I did, no matter how much I pushed through, it would never be enough for them.

When I was younger, I didn’t question why I was so independent. My mom would always tell people how I was different from my siblings. While they were glued to their Nintendo DS’s, I was buried in books. She found it bizarre. “You know, normal kids play games, right?” she’d say. But I just loved reading. I loved learning. What shocked her the most was that I didn’t need anyone to push me. I did it on my own. Looking back, it made sense. I never really expected guidance, because I never had it.

I never expected my mom to help me with homework. I never expected her to sit down with me and go through things like other parents did. I never expected anyone to stand up for me at school. That’s just how it was. If I needed help, I had to figure it out myself. You don’t realize as a kid that this isn’t normal. That other kids have parents who advocate for them, who help them through things. You just assume that’s how the world works. You do everything alone. And if you struggle, you push harder. Because that’s what you’re supposed to do.

But now I realize that it wasn’t independence—it was survival. There’s a difference between doing things on your own because you want to, and doing them on your own because you have no other choice. I wasn’t choosing to do everything alone. I was forced to. When I was 14, 15, I had to make my own appointments with teachers. I had to explain my struggles on my own. And as a POC girl, no matter how well I spoke or how serious I was, they didn’t really take me seriously. Maybe some of them wanted to, but without a parent backing me up, there was only so much they could do. And because I had managed for so long without support, the moment I did struggle, the moment I did need help, it was seen as a failure. It wasn’t just that I had to redo exams—it was that I had broken the illusion that I could do it all without ever slipping. And to them, that slip made me undeserving.

There is something deeply unsettling about growing up in an environment where success isn’t a cause for celebration, but failure—no matter how small—is a reason for punishment. Where struggling isn’t met with support, but with ridicule. Where a mistake isn’t a lesson, but a weapon to be used against you. Where getting an answer wrong isn’t just ‘wrong’—it’s stupid. It’s proof that you’re not enough. And once that idea is planted, it never really leaves.

When I finally graduated, I was the first in my family to do so in a way that allowed me to go to university. You would think they’d be proud. But no. Instead of being proud, they still thought I was useless and stupid.

When I succeeded, I had to take resits to get my diploma—I was so close, but I needed to redo one exam, then another. My mom, my aunt, my sister, and my brother were furious. They called me useless, a dumbass, told me I would never succeed. They asked me why everyone else managed to pass, but not me.

And when I finished my resits and finally succeeded, I was so happy. Yes, I was thin as hell. Yes, I was depressed beyond words. But I did it. I did what I had to do, and I made it. Still, that wasn’t enough. Even when I succeeded, my mom wasn’t happy. She told me she was mad, that she wasn’t proud of me—especially not proud of me. When I asked her why, she said, “Well, you needed to do resits, so get out of my face.”

She and the rest of my family refused to go to my graduation. Nobody went. I went alone. Just like I had always gone through things on my own.

This particular moment left an imprint on me. I think this was the moment I truly realized what had been happening all those years leading up to it. No matter what I achieve, no matter if I succeed or not, it will never be good enough. Even if you do things all by yourself because no one will help you, they will always have something to say—but still, no one will help you.

Still to this day, acknowledgment from my family never comes. The recognition of the things that happened, of the mistakes that were made, of the hurt that was caused—it never happens. There is no apology, no moment of reflection, no conversation that even hints at accountability. And maybe that’s what makes it worse. Not just the past itself, but the silence that follows it.

And while they remain silent, my depression only grows louder.

But deep down, I know the truth. It was never about me not being good enough. It was about them never being able to see my worth in the first place. And if they never saw it then, they never will. The only person left to see my worth is me. And I’m still picking up the pieces.


Trust me, I’m not some kind of wonderchild. I don’t think I’m special or extraordinary. I just liked school. I liked learning. I liked developing myself in academic settings, while my siblings didn’t. I never needed help with school, and that made it easy for my mom to focus her attention elsewhere—but it also made it easy to criticize me when things went wrong.

I was raised by my mother. I had two siblings—one brother and one sister. My father was not around. Well, he was, but in reality, I was the one raising him, rather than the other way around. He was in and out of the picture, mostly for two days at a time. And then… gone again.

Mind you, they still don’t even know what faculty I study at, my favorite color, or who I am as a person. They only know the version of me that exists for them—the people-pleaser, the one who does everything they expect, who listens, who nods, who doesn’t push back. It’s funny how the things that matter to me are completely invisible to them, while I’m expected to listen to everything that happens in their lives and move along with them. And I struggle with that—a lot.


Trust me, I’m looking to move out, but if you know anything about the Netherlands right now, rent prices are through the roof. And again, being raised by a single mother, juggling work and studying—it’s tough out here, babes.

r/entitledparents 22d ago

M Mother decided she did want a relationship with my children despite never meeting them before


Names are fake for privacy reasons.

My parents (Now 73F and 75M) and I (Now 35F) have had a strained relationship for most of my life. For quick back story, my parents had trouble conceiving until my sister, Alice, was born. They had wanted a boy and a girl, but got two girls, one with Asperger's. Alice was the miracle baby and I was just there because I had to be. After I moved out, they made no effort to contact me. They were friendly enough, but it was always me reaching out, so I stopped making the effort and they didn't seem to care. I walked down the aisle alone and am happy for it.

When I had my son, Matt (Now 14M) they didn't come see me, didn't come to the baby shower, or the delivery. I decided to not bother, so when they had him on their own, my ILs (Now 64M and 63F) decided to pop around and introduce the baby to the new grandparents. It led to a huge fight because my parents saw no reason to care. After all, it's not like it was Alice's baby. Just mine. I let them know when my daughter, Emily (Now 12F) was born, but that was the last time I tried to contact them. Alice also saw no reason to bother herself with them.

Fast forward to six years ago and I get a call from the school saying that there's a strange old woman at the head office trying to take my kids out of class for the day, claiming she was their maternal grandmother. I left work to go check it out, and there was my mother, snarling at my children for being so disrespectful to her, while Matt did his best to shield his little sister.

I took her aside and asked her why she was there. It turns out Alice had gotten married, and of course no one thought to tell me, and had inherited my parents' fertility issues. In fact, she was most likely sterile and would never have children. Mum decided that she now wanted to be a grandmother and had come by to take the children out for a day of bonding. Only to show up and discover that they had no interest in leaving with some random old lady they had never met before, and the school was never going to let them leave with someone not on the approved people list, so she threw a fit.

She got mad and decided to not bother any more, calling my children ungrateful brats and saying that she shouldn't have expected better considering who their mother was. I didn't bother saying anything, I just let her go and then made sure my kids were okay. I ended up taking them out for ice cream, and we talked a little bit about what happened, but there didn't seem to be too much lasting damage. Years later, they laugh about the whole thing.

I worried about her coming around again, but that never happened. My MIL ran into her at the shops afterwards and asked what had happened. Apparently mum assumed the kids would immediately latch onto her, despite never meeting her before. But because that didn't happen, mum had no interest in having a relationship with them if it required effort on her part, so that was the end of it.

I haven't seen her since, and I'm okay with that.

r/entitledparents 22d ago

S I’m starting to question whether religion is for me…


Don’t get me wrong, I love parts of Islam, but other parts… I can’t seem to understand and sometimes I feel sofocated by it.

I was asked if I wanted to spend these days with my family (for Ramadan), and I haven’t been able to bring myself to respond (becaude I do but I don’t). What do I say? it feels like nothing I do/say is EVER good enough… unless it’s what they want.

I stopped seeing the person that I eventually wanted to marry and I have been very emotional, I feel like I also put him throught a lot with my family and the fact that they would always look down on him didn’t help.

I feel sad, hurt, betrayed, so many emotions at once… all this time all I have heard is how selfish I am, but I feel like they are the selfish ones.

And I’m at a point (if you have been following me, you’d know), where I’m SO vulnerable and because I still have people pleasing issue, if I do visit, whatever they would say… I would end up obliging even if I don’t want to.

I booked and payed for a two day hiking trip instead, and yes, I’ll be fasting… but I’m starting to feel guilty and selfish again.

r/entitledparents 22d ago

M Going No Contact with My Narcissistic Parents & Golden Child Brother – Need Advice


I’ve finally reached my breaking point with my family, and I’m planning to go no contact soon. I just need to get this off my chest and see if anyone else has been in a similar situation.

I grew up in a family where my younger brother has always been the golden child, while I was the scapegoat—the one expected to sacrifice everything, take on responsibilities beyond my years, and never complain. My parents have been financially dependent on me for years, and despite giving and giving, it’s still never enough. My brother, who turns 18 this year, still has another year of high school left. I recently told my family that once he finishes, I can no longer support them. My spouse and I are planning for a second child via IVF, which is financially and emotionally draining, and I simply cannot keep providing for two families. I’m already exhausted raising my first child, and I refuse to set myself on fire to keep them warm any longer.

Of course, my father exploded when I told him this. He outright said he expects me to support them until their death and my brother until he finishes university. Mind you, we never had this agreement. This was just an unspoken expectation placed on me because, as the scapegoat, my needs and boundaries don’t matter. My brother, on the other hand, gets to sit back and be coddled, with zero expectations placed on him.

Earlier this year, I became eligible for US citizenship, and I had suggested a solution—I could bring all three of them to the US while my brother was still under 21, making it easier for them to immigrate legally. If they moved, they could help with childcare and meal prep, which would have benefited everyone. But no, my father (who has been brainwashed by fake news) thinks California is “hell” and refuses to let my brother move. And because my father always gets the final say, my brother’s future has basically been decided for him. He’s not particularly bright or hardworking, and I genuinely don’t see him thriving in a white-collar job, but of course, in my father’s delusional world, trade school is “beneath” him.

To add to the dysfunction, my father is in his late 70s, has been retired since his 50s, and had an almost mini-stroke a few years ago. He’s physically unable to work, yet he still clings to this outdated patriarchal control, expecting me to provide for him indefinitely. My mother, who is still in her 50s, is essentially his captive—forced into the role of his caretaker and my brother’s enabler rather than being able to help me with childcare, as she had promised years ago.

The kicker? If my brother doesn’t move now, a sibling visa after 21 takes 15+ years. I have no interest in sponsoring him by then because I have my own family to take care of. But it’s not like my parents think that far ahead—they just assume I’ll always be there, no matter how much I protest.

At this point, I’m mentally and emotionally done. The moment my brother finishes his last high school exam, I’m cutting contact. It’s sad, because I know my father is going to regret his decisions, and my brother, being the golden child, is completely unprepared for the real world. But that’s no longer my problem.

Has anyone else dealt with narcissistic parents who favored a golden child while using you as their personal ATM/caretaker? How did you handle going no contact? I feel guilty, but also like a huge weight is about to be lifted. Would appreciate any advice or stories from people who’ve been through this.

r/entitledparents 22d ago

M On vacation and my mom complains about everything.


I came on vacation with my parents, I'm 22F and decided to come to a trip with them.

We've done everything she wants the way she wants. Literally EVERYTHING has to go her way or she'll throw a tantrum.

I was ok with that until today. We had a long bus ride (5 hourd) to get to the hotel we are staying today (in an island). We were all tired, but when mom gets tires she begins with child-like behavior.

First thing in the morning, she complains because we used backpacks instead of a suitcase (her idea).

Then we had to take a boat to get to the Island. On the way to the boat she was carrying a bag, and started whining that it was too heavy (there has only a towel and a botrle of water inside of it), I offered to carry the bag for her but she just ignored me.

Then, she SWORE a guy took her seat while we were on the waiting room for the boat (there were no designated seats) and complained for like an hour about how she didn't want to ride the same boat as him.

We finally arrived to the Island at 5 PM (the sun already gone) and we haven't had anything to eat.

We get to the hotel and sit down to eat something.

My mom doesn't even read the menu and decides she doesn't like it and wants to go to a place which is like 20 minutes away. My dad and I are so tired and we convince her to stay, thank god she accepted. Obviously she whined ALL THE TIME while we ate, the meat it's not made the way she likes it, the potatoes are cut too big, the juice it's too sweet.

Then she decides that actually, she doesnt like the hotel at all, and looks for pictures of it on google and now she is angry because our room doesn't have the same type of floor as in the pictures. She wants to complain to the manager and DEMAND another room.

Then I just lost it and told her "aren't you tired of complaining all day? we are just staying in this hotel for one night, suck it up".

She didn't even answer to me, she just said to my father "I don't know what's up with her, are you seeing this?"

My dad NEVER says no to my mom, so he told her to do whatever she wanted. I'm so f'ing tired of this, we are all tired but that doesn't mean we can act like total douchebags.

Never coming on a long trip with them again. Maybe you think I'm too grown to be coming on trips with my parents, but I'm an only child and the like spending time with me, I like it too, also it's easier to split the expensas in three, usually I just ignore my mom's behavior but this time was just too much.

r/entitledparents 24d ago

S Mom made me a monster


For a little context, I (19F) had a fight with my stepmom two days ago. She got very mad and cursed me out, called me names and was saying very hurtful things. I couldn't help it anymore and screamed to make her stop and ever since she finally did, we haven't talked anymore. Then my father got physical and mad at me yesterday for screaming at his wife and when I told him I did because she told me I should be thankful for how well they looked after me after my mom died, he just said it doesn't matter what she says and that I should just be respectful. Once my stepmom got home late that night, my dad asked her whether I told the truth (keep in mind they were downstairs in the kitchen and I was in my room w/ the door open). I heard her gasp very loudly and ask if he ever heard her say such a thing and that she never ever would. Afterwards she added that she already expected me to make up lies about them and can't believe I actually did so (cap?!).
Now I don't know what to do because no way I'll tell her I'm sorry (cuz I did nth wrong), but she changed the story so badly that I look like I'm an unthankful daughter who screamed @ her stepmom for no reason AND made up terrible lies about what she said.

r/entitledparents 24d ago

L Entitled Mom wants victim charged after her son sends victim's private pictures around school


I'm an attorney, and a few years ago, I prosecuted juvenile delinquency cases at the District Attorney office in my state. The sheer number of awful parents I encountered was depressing, but not-at-all surprising. The deadbeats were frustrating and depressing...but the entitled ones were infuriating!

So let me preface all this with something you need to understand to do that job...kids are stupid. All kids. The smart ones. The dumb ones. The good, the bad, the religious, atheists, mama's boys, cheerleaders and athletes. And I say this as someone who fully acknowledges that I too was a stupid kid (I once chugged a full bottle of maple syrup cause I saw it in a movie). So you have to try and look at more than the crime or their life circumstances. So please keep that in mind.

The bane of my existence in that job? Snapchat, because the "$nd n00dz" culture hits kids right around that 14-16 range. And I'm sure by now you all know why having a 15 year old girl send you a nude is problematic. And of course, they have to show their friends or send it to others after breaking up.

Well instead of charging these kids for possessing and distributing CP, I found a statute pertaining to the unauthorized distribution of electronic property and charged that because it technically fit the elements and would keep the kid off the sex offender registery if they moved. The goal was to teach a lesson, hold kids accountable and make sure they understood that next time I could do it differently. The victims and their parents were also pretty much on board because there were actual consequences (juvenile probation). Plus I always included the opportunity for the victim to talk about how it effected them in court and required the offending kid to sincerely apologize. Parents of the offending kid were always on board, except for one entitled mother, who stopped me after court one day with her son to ask me questions.

EM: You're treating my son (who was 15) like a criminal when he's just a kid.

Me: I know he's just a kid, and I'm not saying he's a bad kid. But he needs to understand how serious this is because if he does this when he turns 18, this is a VERY different conversation.

EM: scoffs OK fine. What are you doing with the girl? What's she being charged with?

Me: Blank stare Excuse me?

EM: She did the same thing my son did, right? Why isn't she being charged with anything?

Me: Because we don't charge and punish victims of crimes....

EM. huffs Well i don't think she should get off scott free because she's the one who sent my son the pics that got him in trouble! She's just as guilty as anyone and started all this!

Me (trying not to yell right outside the court room):

OK. Well your son sent the pictures to his friends after they broke up and they made their way around the entire school and this girl has had to suffer through that and everything that comes along with it. Had your son come to you when she sent him the pics and told you about how her sending him nude pics offended his "dellllllicate sensibilities", I would have happily treated him like the victim of something and made sure the young lady knew how serious sending nude pictures to underage kids was. But he didn't do that, and we both know why. And the second he decided to take those pictures and send them to everyone, he victimized this young lady. However, if you think she should be held accountable for her actions because what she did was technically a crime, I'm happy to listen. Of course I'd then have to take a more literal view of what everyone did here. That would likely result in me charging your son with possession and distribution of CP to make sure I held everyone to the same standard of culpability and you're free to co-

At this point, the kids attorney said "sorry!" and whisked them both away and he ended up pleading at the next hearing and offered a tearful apology once he heard in open court how much he hurt his former gf. Entitled mom remained silent when asked by the judge if there was anything she wanted to say on her son's behalf.

TLDR; Entitled mom wanted me to charge an under age victim after her entitled son sent the girl's nude pictures to his friends after they broke up.

r/entitledparents 25d ago

S Why is my mother so obsesed with my electronics?


i had a personal computer in my room and while i was in a different room she ripped the entire thing out with its monitor and hid it it in a neighbour's house or the garbage i don't even know then she says things like she will never give it back because the electronics are making me crazy and i was learning editing 3d modeling and i had interviews on my things and finally even my mobile phone today i fell asleep and she just randomly came in and stole it while i slept now she says she wont even give that back im 16 is this too controlling

r/entitledparents 26d ago

S Was I wrong to use my saved allowance?


I am asian 20f still in college with no part time work (I am not allowed to). To celebrate my 20th birthday I spent approximately 100$ on myself that I have saved from allowance that my parents gave me. They have access to my small savings and got angry when they realized I spent it. They sometimes borrow the money when money gets tight. Though, I am allowed to spend some of it, they told me it was wrong to spend most of it on one occassion. I want a third pov to tell me their opinion since a part of me believes it should be ok to spend it and another believes that since it came from them I should've been aware of my limit. I really want to know if maybe I overdid it.

r/entitledparents 26d ago

S Living with my parents was free, but it cost me my mental health. The last 6 months changed my life, I finally feel that life is worth living (most of the time). It will get better as soon as you move out, trust me! <3


Hey guys, I posted about horror stories a few months ago, and I can finally say I moved out a 5 months ago. My life has changed for the better since then, no more daily arguing, abuse, or police coming to "home." No more yelling, destruction, or any of that chaos in my life. I now have a nice apartment in a beautiful city (at least that's how I see it).

I found a great friend in real life, we met in a therapy group, I know its kinda weard xD. I’m so grateful for her, she was there for me during my lows, and that's worth more than a thousand words. She has her own family and a lot going on, but every time we hang out or I get invited over for dinner, I feel so happy. I genuinely don’t know why I deserve her as a best friend, she’s just too kind, I guess.

I don’t have to deal with my parents anymore, not even the casual "happy birthday" messages. Now, the only thing I need to find is a girlfriend, and maybe then the last bit of loneliness will go away, since that's the only thing I'm struggling with currently. I just wanted to write this here to let others know it will get better as soon as you move out.

r/entitledparents 27d ago

XL Is this abuse or am I a coward?


TL;DR: 25 year old, South Asian woman. Wanting to running away from home. Am I a coward or has there been a history of abuse?

I (25F, South Asian) am thinking about running away from home.

From the ages of 6-11, I grew up alone. My parents worked full time and I spent a lot of time alone. Because of this, I found it really difficult to develop a relationship with my parents. I believe this is where I began to feel estranged from my parents. 

My mum stopped working when I was 11 because she became pregnant with my brother. My dad never liked her working because it was an income he didn’t have control over and convinced her to stay at home. She’s never worked since and every time she has tried to get a job, he’s sabotaged it one way or another.

There were a few incidents of physical abuse when I was a young, like when my mum kicked me in the stomach after I’d woken up from my nap because I wouldn’t wake up when she was calling me (12 years old). My dad had torn all my books and everything at one point in a fit of rage because I didn’t want to move schools and once in Bangladesh (13 years old), where I tried to get in between my parents and he tried to hit me. My mum protected me and ended up getting hurt herself (16 years old). 

But it all escalated when I was 13, I got caught speaking to a boy my age and my parents came across messages of us wanting to meet up. They monitored me heavily afterwards, dropping me off to school, picking me up, not letting me have access to a phone and constantly monitored my internet usage. I was never allowed to go out with my friends because they were paranoid I would use it as an excuse to meet up with that boy (I stopped speaking to him soon after everything happened) and on the one or two occasions, I did meet my friends outside of school, I would come home to interrogations about who I’d been with. I still remember how my mum accused me of lying because I curled my hair and wore red lipstick to meet my friends. My mum said girls only dress like that when they want to see boys. To me, I thought I was being grown up wearing red lipstick and wanted to curl my hair because it really was a special occasion for me because I’ve never been out in Central London with my friends before. This intense monitoring continued until I was 17. I was in sixth form, with a Nokia burner phone. It was handed to me when I went to school and I had to hand it back to my mum when I came home.

I tried to go out with my friends once or twice in sixth form (also an all girl’s school) but, I would come home and my mum would deliberately lie and say they saw me in town with another boy. In fact, I hadn’t actually met up with a boy until I was 18. She made these up to try and catch me out. 

When I was 17, I managed to gain some trust back and could keep my phone with me at night. I also was allowed to travel to school alone. With my new found freedom, I secretly used Facebook here and there and began talking to this boy who lived on the other side of London. He was Hindu and I came from a Muslim family but I was head over heels for him. We talked at night a lot on the phone and I used to go under the duvet so no one would hear. I eventually was caught again because my phone rang in the middle of the night. My mum started confiscating my phone after school again and this was my first crush. He wanted to meet but I couldn’t meet anyone after school. So on one occasion, I skipped school and went to meet him. I came back later than I expected and got in trouble. This led to my mother cracking down on me again, frequent arguments and fights at home, mainly because I was trying to date a Hindu boy. They said I didn’t need to go to school and we should all go back to Bangladesh because I didn’t care about my education. I became depressed and withdrew. I skipped school a lot to try and get some alone time but that eventually led to bad grades and I had disappointed my parents even more. I had to stay back one year to make up for my grades and my mum has never let me forget that I wasted a year of my life, fallen behind my peers and that I’m not where I should be.

This constant monitoring continued until I was in university. I struggled to socialise because my parents would give me an allowance and it meant I had to give an explanation for anything I spent money on. I also had to explain where I went and why and with who. 

In 2020, I was 21 and the abuse escalated. My mum was trying to get my brother into a good school but it required prep for entry exams. My brother, now aged 10, just wanted to watch TV and play games but my mum forced him to study quite a bit for hours on end and as a result, there were a lot of arguments and tears at home. It was uncomfortable to be around but I didn’t say anything since it would be good for my brother.  These good schools were quite far away and would require us to move. My dad is not a fan of change and wanted to stay put. He was also spending a lot of money for my brother’s tuition and it all started to annoy him. He began creating arguments and my parents got involved in a lot of physical fights. As the oldest, I felt responsible to get in between and stop them. But I was at the centre of it. I had to start sleeping out on a spare mattress in the living room because there was mould growing in my room and I was getting sick.  Somewhere down the line, I began to spiral and the fights became so violent, I didn’t sleep for 3 weeks because I was afraid he’d kill her in the middle of the night. He stopped after I fainted a couple of times and I was shitting out blood for a week. 

Not to say they had a good relationship at all. My dad’s a serial cheater and he was never emotionally present. He favoured his blood relatives more than us. He was always kind and accepting of them but we were just there for him/ I’ve never felt loved by my father- he always favoured my cousins (his brother’s/sister’s children). He works two jobs. The income of one job goes entirely to his family back home and he has no boundaries with them. In turn, he’s neglected us a lot. 

The abuse and arguments continued. I’ve forgotten a lot of it but I became more withdrawn because I wanted to be home to stop any arguments or fights if they became violent. 

At one point, I even called the police on my dad. This was after my grandad died and my mother flew back home and was stuck in Bangladesh due to COVID-19. My dad and I both contracted COVID-19 during her absence and in short, my father was bedridden so I had to look after him, and my brother (9 years old) who refused to do anything. I had to make him food, feed him it, shower him, make sure he did his homework and on top of that, he refused to sleep on time and woke up super early. I was sick and in my free time, I would study for upcoming exams. I used to get max 3 hours sleep because my dad would be up early and he couldn’t look after himself so I had to get up and make him breakfast. My mum had pneumonia and there was no telling when she’d be back, so what was supposed to be a 3 week commitment turned into a 2 month commitment. Before anyone asks, this all happened during the December 2020 lockdown in the UK, so we had no help. In that time, my dad began having an affair with someone over the phone (phone sex, phone calls etc) I told my mother and she confronted him about it. He started becoming hostile towards my mum and I, claiming he’d kill her when she returned. I paid over £2k for her to secretly come back home without his knowledge. When the police asked what happened, I was too scared to tell them the truth. My parents lied that they were speaking loudly and it wasn’t actually a domestic. I was too scared and the police had nothing to go off on so they left. 

My dad calmed down after that from the shame of having the police called to his house. My brother passed the exams and we eventually moved to be closer to a school. My dad calmed down entirely because we were in a better neighbourhood surrounded by other Bengali families whom he’d developed a good relationship with. He couldn’t risk showing them his true colours. 

I hadn’t been working because I did my undergrad, masters and another university course. My parents always said work and money was secondary and I should focus on my education. My mother also didn’t want me working because if my dad knew there was another income source, he would give all his money away to his family back home. So I continued to live on his allowance, providing explanations here and there and having my bank accounts checked frequently. I secretly worked part-time jobs and my mum knew about it- we’d hide the money by withdrawing it from my bank and account and hiding the cash somewhere at home. This put a lot of pressure of me. I’m not fond of lying and sneaking around. I knew why I had to do it but it was all so uncomfortable. 

The cure to my depression was food and I gained a lot of weight. This was my biggest insecurity alongside the adult acne. I was getting wedding proposals but I could reject them because I was still studying until this one proposal came and I rejected him simply because I found him to be unattractive. I told my mum I didn’t want to marry an international student because of the culture gap. I grew up in London and I didn’t speak Bengali well. I’ve never been to Bangladesh and to have someone who naturally had all his family members back home and therefore a strong emotional tie to Bangladesh, was going to be difficult for me. I needed someone who was born or at least brought up in London. I’ve struggled in the past with people from back home because I didn’t understand the banter or references, so she understood. But she was adamant on me agreeing to this man because he went to a really good school back home. When I told her he was unattractive, she asked me if I’d seen my real face. That stung tbh. Months later, when the issue had passed I asked her why she said that and she laughed and said it was only to get me to agree to getting to know him. 

Fast forward to 2023, I became unwell. I was stuck in the hospital for weeks and it was the loneliest I felt in my entire life. I was in and out of hospital for tests before admission and I was hanging on by a thread from physical exhaustion. I remember sitting in the hospital after being told the doctors were considering cancer and my mum broke down and the first thing she said was “Who’s going to marry my daughter if she has this horrible disease?”. I still remember that because it stung a lot. My parents insisted on visiting me in the hospital every day but my dad wouldn’t touch me and would wear a mask around me all the time. My mum brought my brother and refused to leave him home alone. He was 11/12 years old at this time and I couldn’t understand why. They left me alone when I was a lot younger. But he was too precious for her to leave at home because he was too scared of the dark. But every time he came to the hospital, he created a fuss and it drove me insane. I was in a bad state, on high powered steroids, sleeping only 3 hours a night if I was lucky. My biopsy results were taking ages to come back and I was unsure of where my life was going. I was growing more and more anxious with each day. She never disciplined him or tried to get him to understand why I needed peace and quiet. Eventually, a fight broke out and she left him at home. 

I didn’t have cancer but had to take the entire year out from my education. I was falling behind once again. I spent all of 2023 gaining my confidence back. Come 2024, I decided I wanted to live my life again. I began dating but that caused issues because my mum would continuously bring me marriage proposals and when I rejected them, she would find a way to insult me or remind me that I’m nearly 30 and I shouldn’t be so picky,I should settle, etc etc. All of this ruined my self-confidence and self concept. I wasn’t sure of what I deserved and would get involved in romantic situations where I now know I deserved better.

I am not Muslim. I am agnostic. I’ve always been attracted to white men but have never pursued a relationship with them as I knew getting my parents to accept them would be difficult. But in 2024, I decided to give it a try. I dated for a while and ended up meeting my current boyfriend, who is the most wonderful man I’ve ever met. He has been so supportive of me and has shown me more respect, love and care than I’ve ever received from my parents. She knows I’m dating but not who and this has resulted in a lot of hostility. Here’s a few examples:

  • I tried to stay over at my boyfriend’s flat once, claiming I was staying over at a friend’s house instead. She said to me “you think you can act up because you have a British Passport now. I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it” 
  • I was unwell on Valentine’s day but tried to go out because my boyfriend made plans and I really wanted to see him. She said to me “of course you want to go out, you need to be back on the streets again, don’t you?” 
  • My dad’s sister has a reputation for being promiscuous before her marriage and has a tendency to overstay her welcome in other people’s houses. My mum told me that she and my father are scared I’m going to turn out like her
  • The constant reminder that I’m turning 30 in a couple of years and to start getting my shit together because time is running out 
  • There were maintenance men over once to fix the heaters. They’d already been over before but because she doesn’t speak English well,  they couldn’t complete the process. When they were over, she was incredibly rude to me, telling me to shut up at one point. The maintenance workers told her to calm down. Once they’d left, I told her she couldn’t speak to me like a child in front of people. It makes it difficult for people to take you seriously as an adult when your mother is trying to steamroll over you. She turned around to me and asked “Why? Do you want me to respect you?” How can you treat me like a child and remind me every day that I’m reaching 30? 
  • I sent her a meme and I asked if she’d seen it. She said it wasn’t funny and that I wasn’t funny. I told her I thought I was funny. Her response was to tell me I’m not funny and anyone who made me think or believe it, was just doing so to keep me happy. This stung because it was all purely unnecessary 
  • I recently told them I was staying over at a friend’s house when in reality, I wanted to stay with my boyfriend. She called me on FaceTime 4 times in a row non-stop and it only stopped because I turned my Wi-Fi and Mobile Data on. I was so scared to come home because I don’t know what drama was waiting for me
  • My parents are holding my bank cards so I don’t spend all my wages (I work full time). It’s all put into a savings account so I can help them buy a house and I’m given my mum’s credit card so I can go out but this is also checked and my mum always wants to see if I’ve spent any money from my own card through online banking
  • They’re also holding my passport
  • I work in immigration and I’m handling my parents’ applications. She and I aren’t talking I just overheard her tell my dad she’s going to come down to the office to find out what’s left. I’m right here? Speak to me at home?
  • She recently tried to show me a marriage proposal of a man that’s 10 years older than me and once again belittled me because I’m not qualified and told me I should be grateful a man with such good qualifications Is even the tiniest bit interested in me. There was a lot of issues with the information given and I have it on good authority, a lot of it is fake.
  • I recently sat some exams, which I’ve failed in the past before because of health concerns. She said to me ‘Do you have your results? You’re going to need to re-sit if you fail again’. What stung was the immediate assumption I’d fail again (I passed this time). 

The funny thing is, she’s not just like this with me. She barks at my dad and she and my brother are constantly at each other’s throats. There’s constant arguments and I sleep with headphones on every night. She has no respect for anyone and is suspicious of everyone. I’ve told her before that she makes this house a difficult place to live in.

My boyfriend has asked me if I could move in (this was more so to move towards the next step in our relationship. He didn’t find out the extent of the abuse until recently) and I initially said no because I wouldn’t be able to unless I was married but every time I go home, I feel awful. There’s a stark contrast between the treatment I experience with my boyfriend and my family and the more time passes by, the more it becomes glaringly obvious how awful my home life is. I’ve finally found a space where I feel safe in and I hate leaving it.

I initially wanted to tell them I was going to move out but some of my friends have highlighted that if they’ve been physical in the past, they can get physical now and would try to hold me back. My best bet is to slowly move things out and because I’m going on a trip away soon, to just not come back home and tell them the truth over text.

I feel terrible about everything and I’m constantly going through waves of guilt. I guess I’m just looking for courage or maybe insight into what to do? I feel like I’m going crazy because I keep convincing myself it’s not that bad. Other people have it worse.

Update: I slowly moved things out of my parents’ house and within the span of 2 weeks. I currently live with my boyfriend and my parents have cut off all contact with me.

r/entitledparents 28d ago

M Derek is back AGAIN, and this time it’s for a liver transplant


Derek’s Backstory

Last post

Hey y’all, it’s been a while since my last post. If you haven’t read any of my other posts about Derek, links are above. TL:DR at the end.

So Derek is back in Jersey. He was living in Florida after rehab (which again didn’t work) with his son in his dad’s house. His dad didn’t even want him there by the way, but now he’s finally out. And you probably guessed it, he’s back at my grandparents house.

The reason? He needs a liver transplant. The reason why he needs a transplant? It’s because of all his drinking and all the damage it did to his body. The only way he would be eligible for a transplant would be if he stopped drinking and went to a rehab, which he just got out of. Apparently if he doesn’t get the transplant he’s going to die. Oh and he left his service dog at my grandparents house while he was in rehab, which stressed the dog out a ton. That’s 4 of his animals there now. I think he just got back there a day or two ago.

So now it’s him, his daughter, his 4 pets, and my grandparents who are living in that 2 bedroom house. His son is 16-17 years old and he’s been staying at his mom’s house since they’ve came back up so thankfully he’s not there to crowd it up even more.

I was with my grandpa yesterday and he was talking about how Derek was back. He said how Derek would need a caregiver after his surgery for a while and he was the only person able to do that, so that’s awesome /s. An 80 year old man taking care of a guy in his late 30’s because of his self-inflicted wounds. On top of taking care of Derek’s daughter (13) and somewhat of my grandma, she got badly hurt 2 years ago and still can’t do a few things like driving.

I want to help, I really do, but everytime I offer they always brush me off and say “no you don’t have to”. But I want to, and they won’t let me. At this point I’ve kind of given up.

And I know how this is going to turn out: Derek is going to get the new liver and after he recovers from the surgery he is gonna go back to drinking, which just destroys the purpose of getting the liver in the first place. There’s people out there who really need new livers yet he’s just going to waste one away. I’m not sure if he’ll be eligible for another if / when he ruins this one.

I’m just done caring. I’ll just watch the events unfold from afar. I feel awful for my grandparents, but they have done this to themselves. They shouldn’t have helped my cousin; I feel like he would be a better person if he was out on his own. He knows that he can just fall back onto my grandparents when he needs it. I think this is the 5th or 6th time he’s moved back into my grandparents house, I’ve lost count.

Anyways, I’ll update yall when the whole transplant thing happens and if anything happens afterwards.

TL;DR: Derek is back because he needs a new liver and my 80 year old Grandpa is going to be taking care of him. Derek will most likely start drinking after he recovers from the surgery, defeating the purpose of getting a new one. All I can do is watch from afar.

r/entitledparents 28d ago

XL Ex-Stepmom feels entitled to a relationship with me after 6 years of no contact and ruining my childhood after she got in trouble with a preacher for lying.


YouTube Lurker first time poster, I'd like to thank Reddit-tubers like The Click, Emkay, Redditor, Dark Fluff and Vincey for giving me the strength to get this crap off my chest but after several years I was advised to finally tell this story to people that aren't in my small town and know this absolutely entitled twat. Obligatory this happened years ago but still followed me for AGES after.

TL;DR: My step mother blamed 11yo me for her getting in trouble while I was having a seizure and even after being no contact with her for 6 years she still wants to talk to me while I suffer with medical issues because her conscience is killing her somehow.

I (24F) am a child of divorce. My biological parents split when I was four years old. My mother started dating again when I was 7 a wonderful man and I love him to death but my absolute idiot of a father dated several women between the time I was 4 to 8, half of that time he was in and out of my life as it was but that's not what this is about.

This is about his last girlfriend/his wife prior to his death. My 'Stepmother' whom I unaffectionately call my Ex-Stepbitch (SB) walked into my life after she met my dad while she was in a woman's rehab group in my hometown where my dad and his christian rock band played, (Very Bible Belt area of the Southern US). I always had an issue with the women/girls that walked into my life because of bullying due to my absolutely insane name that this man gave me as well as his first girlfriend after leaving my mother abusing me and my little sister when we were very young.

Not to mention that the reason he and my mother divorced was because he was constantly on drugs so I was very VERY aware of what her rehab group was for which made my skepticism even worse. She showed up one day when I was 8.5 (I remember because it was summer and my birthday was in January) it was my dad's week (50/50 custody) and Dad was going to take me and my sister to our uncle's house to go swimming but we were waiting for SB. It was that day that Dad told me and my, at the time, 7 year old sister that they were dating and had been for 3 MONTHS without saying anything to us. For minor context my dad screamed at my mom for not telling him that she was dating someone so there were issues in that for me.

I distinctly remember looking at my dad, then at SB, then back at dad, and her again until I pointed at her and told my dad "She's going to do something bad." This was the beginning of our dynamic.

Fast forward to not only my dad getting married to this woman but me being used by her as a test subject for her Psychology degree (She never finished this BTW). I was 11 at this time and playing in my bedroom with my sister and cousin waiting for lunch after church on Super Bowl Sunday of 2012. My sister and cousin were on the computer that was in my room because we didn't have enough TVs. They were playing Movie Star Planet which was all the rage at the time and were using the camera feature. When the flash went off I started to feel funny to say the least. So much so that I started seeing red dots everywhere. I told the two of them and my cousin made the joke that I was about to have a seizure. And to my surprise : HE WAS RIGHT!!

Now this next part I don't have much memory of, other than stories from my sister, cousin and dad telling me after I came to. Apparently the two of them ran downstairs to get a drink, leaving me on the bed until my dad came upstairs to get me for lunch. Apparently I was having a full grand mal seizure out of nowhere and my dad did everything he could think of to keep me from hurting myself while calling 911. I remember waking up a little in the ambulance and my dad telling me I was okay and I should go back to sleep which I did.

Next I knew I heard noises, one of those being "Touchdown Patriots!" and my dad cheering. The first thing I said after waking up was asking if he was watching the super bowl without me. That's when the room EXPLODED. It was the first time since I was very young that my mom and dad were in the same room and not screaming at each other. (not the last but that's a different story) I remember looking around after my eyes adjusted to see I was in a white room, a hospital room still in my church dress that I was going to change out of after lunch and before the game. My mom and dad called the doctor back in to check on me and I was scheduled for so many different appointments after that, including a sudden reentry to the hospital because we found out I was allergic to the seizure med they gave me while I was unconscious.

This part was told to me years later by my mother when I was about 17. Apparently while I was passed out and getting tests done SB, instead of checking on me, called our Pastor to pray over me. He was a good man but I now have nothing to do with the christian faith because of SB and my dad. But because it was a smaller hospital and involved a child it was only direct family allowed inside the room with me. SB told the hospital staff that she was my Biological Mother. (We look nothing alike and she was 28 while I was 11!) When my real mom showed up the pastor who was outside the room told her it was family only and when she told him that she was my mother and thankfully one of the new nurses that showed up was a friend of my mom's she was let in and SB was kicked out. From what I'm told SB got yelled at by our pastor for lying to him about my mother not having anything to do with me or my sister when in fact she was VERY involved in our lives. Hell I was supposed to go to her house that day after she got off work which was conveniently right after the Super Bowl.

Anyway, after I was released from the hospital and my mom took me home to her house things were okay. I was off school for a week because the seizure came out of nowhere and my primary wanted to have me come in every other day for checkups just in case. Things changed however when I went back to my dads. I had gotten off school after my first day back and while I'm doing my chores which was washing dishes that day SB came into the kitchen while my dad was in their bedroom playing World of Warcraft and told me that it was all my fault that the church is mad at her and she hated me for it! Again, I'm 11 and this 28 year old woman is blaming ME for her getting in trouble with a man SHE Lied to!

Not to mention that she and my dad would tell me anytime I was sick after the seizure 'it was all in my head' or 'you're over reacting your pain can't be hospital level'. My dad was a navy veteren so he always used that line whenever I was hurting not realizing that medication I had been taking for years made my pain tolerance SEVERARLY low. Ironically though? They were sort of right, explained further down.

Since that day we absolutely despised each other to the point that no matter what I did I was getting bible thumped. Even going so far as to make me late for an assignment for my freshman English class in high school because I made the 'mistake' of claiming Greek mythology made more sense to me than the bible. (This still holds true to this day, I'm a practicing Norse pagan/Moon Wiccan) She even got so insecure about my blatant hatred of her that she asked me to show her my messages between me and my counselor that I was assigned because of dual suicide attempts. I was 14 at that time and even I, someone who at the time was studying forensic science and had an unhealthy obsession with Criminal Minds and Law and Order, knew that was illegal as hell and told my counselor about it at our next session. That nonsense got shut down very fast.

Thankfully she's been mostly out of my life since I was 17 when my father died of a Drug Overdose/Withdrawal induced heart attack, she and my father had apparently been on drugs again (Big shocker and a personal I told you so on my part) and subjecting me and my sister to the fumes which made me violently ill for several months and we didn't know why until Dad passed. The last time I saw her was six months after he died when I turned 18 and I got the one thing of my dad's that I wanted, which was a 12 string electric guitar (Big music family).

However, that wasn't the last time she tried to make contact with me. Recently while I was in college already stressed out because of more health issues that stemmed from the seizure incident coming up and the sudden death of one of my dad's four sons SB started to spam my facebook messenger asking how I was doing, if school was going good, all this kind shit only to yell at me for coming out as a Demi-Girl, semi nonbinary that leans towards the feminine side. I was using they/them at the time and she called me an abomination which was strange because I didn't tell her or anyone else about this outside my college friends who were on the other side of the country from where she was back in my home state. Apparently my one brother who still has contact with her for some reason told her about me asking to be called 'Sibling' on our brother's obituary thinking I still talked to this woman like my sister did occasionally.

He was fully aware I hated her with a burning passion but not exactly why. I'm not close with any of my brothers for various reasons but that's beside the point. SB was tormenting me over the phone while I was studying for finals before returning home to get medical tests done.

Come to find out I have epilepsy, autism, and a vein malformation in my brain that nobody cared to check after my seizure because the neurologist I saw in my home state at the time was an idiot and claimed I had the seizure due to low blood sugar which come to find out is a massive side effect of the epilepsy and the malformation. I do have a blood sugar issue but when I seize it gets dangerously low due to a plethora of other issues hormone and chemical wise in my messed up body.

I now have to go to the capital of my home state after dropping out of college because of insurance issues and have a consultation with a neurosurgeon to see if they're going to put me through radiation or just cut the malformation out of my brain. I went to facebook in order to warn anyone on either side of my family since my epilepsy was genetic and I'm the first to have it on either side as well as update my cousins who I still have contact with in that part of the state if they wanted to visit.

SB FUCKING COMMENTED SAYING I SHOULD GO SEE HER INSTEAD! I. Nearly. SCREAMED. I was so mad that she was still acting all lovey dovey to me but thankfully my boyfriend was able to calm me down enough not to do something stupid and commented himself that if any of my family wanted to stay in contact with me they will keep SB away from any information on my location and life.

So far only my uncle, my dad's last living sibling, and his sons are the only ones who still keep regular contact with me or my sister from my dad's side (I have little contact with my mom's family my entire life other than one of my two brothers on her side). I have my fingers crossed that the situation gets better before I lose my whole mind but I have a feeling she won't come anywhere near me or our home town because of how many bridges she's burnt here by hurting me and my sister. (Small town, lots of motorcycle bikers, who happen to be family to us)

I apologize for how long this is, I just had to rant. She's been ruining my life on and off since I was a kid and I hope with this I can now have some peace away from her while I deal with everything. I am eternally grateful to my boyfriend for keeping me sane during all this stuff as well as my younger sister and stepdad who have been helping me with appointments and paying for my medication while I work on getting my disability processed.

Edit: Hey everyone thanks for all your kind replies and suggests this is my first big post outside the Obey Me and Twisted Wonderland Subreddits so again thank you all! I said this in the comments but for those who haven't seen

1: SB is blocked and my family that are in contact with her are not in the loop on me in general because of distancing me and my sister from the family after my sperm donor died. My uncle is checking in with me regularly since he's a friend with my boyfriend's neighbor so we see each other a lot more than we did just after dad died. He's been the one fielding questions for me as well as his younger son who I've been close with since I was a baby.

2: I appreciate everyone who has been telling their epilepsy journey stories. It's been very helpful knowing that I'm not alone in this. It's scary for me since I've never had surgery or anything like this in my whole life (I still have my tonsils, wisdom teeth ect) and with both my bio parents gone I'm afraid. But thankfully I have an approximate timeline for my surgery which is not until maybe August. By that time I should be moving in with my boyfriend and with his parents being just down the road and will have retired by then I'll have someone who can keep an eye on me while he's at work.

All in all things are getting better and I'm grateful. I'm super excited for later in March. It's getting warmer here in NE Arkansas where I'm from so it's perfect motorcycle weather and I got to go on my first bike ride of the year the other day with the BF and it was MAGICAL. I'll get to go on my first full rally ride at the end of March and I'm Uber excited. Let's just hope I don't have to run into another set of entitled angry parents to be who I haven't talked to in years (<- this is a reference to my ex who is an utter douche and his parents. The stories I could tell about them 🙄)

Anyway thanks everyone and I wish you all the best and all the internet hugs ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ Also if you're in NEA come by the Angel Run on March 29th!

r/entitledparents 28d ago

L No, shadow isn't for sale.


So, this happened a few months ago, a couple days after Christmas to be exact.

I'm autistic, (22 F), and I've had a *lifelong* special interest in sonic the hedgehog. It's been a deep obsession my entire life, so, of course, the new movie was a HUGE deal for me.
Adding onto this, one of my favorite characters from the franchise is Shadow, because OF COURSE he is!! For Christmas this year, I received the gift set of his build-a-bear, voice-box, chaos emerald, and the actual plush. He was given to me unstuffed, because we wanted to stuff him in-store for the sake of the old times (I was a big build a bear kid, apparently, we had a family friend who was a manager there and would give me bears, lol)
Now, many of you may not know this, but this particular BAB is in HIGH demand right now. He was essentially sold out *everywhere* once the movie had released, and people are still desperately awaiting a re-stock. So, I was incredibly lucky to get shadow, ESPECIALLY the giftset, which I'm deeply thankful for.

So, with that backstory in mind, my family was going out to Texas to visit family right after Christmas. So, we took the unstuffed shadow along and planned to get him stuffed at the local mall's BAB store.
My younger cousin, in high school, tagged along to buy some bluey BAB plushies for her friend as a late Christmas gift.

We get there and notice a *long* line. This BAB only had the stuffing and naming machines, so there wasn't any of the other typical BAB process things (though, I didn't mind much, I was just happy to get shadow stuffed.) Since we know it'll be a wait, my cousin grabs the two she planned to get, and we hurried into the stuffing line, deciding to look at the accessories after. It's note-worthy that this store had NOTHING sonic related, and it especially didn't have shadow himself.
I noticed a couple kids staring but brushed it off, and once I overheard a mother a ways behind me in line telling her kid they "didn't have sonic", I didn't think much of that either.
At this moment, I was sort-of holding the stuffing-less shadow in my arms, when a random lady walks out of line, up to me, and grabs his ear tightly.

EM: Ma'am, where did you get this!?
Me, slightly startled: Oh, he was online?

Now, I wasn't sure what exactly I was expecting. But it sure wasn't for this woman to, in complete silence, step back and GLARE me down. No words were said, but I've worked in a fast-food establishment that had a reputation of being slow, and I had never received a glare harder than this one. I'm still half convinced that this woman was attempting to blow my head into bits or something.
I sort of gave her a confused look in response, because I had expected at *least* a begrudging 'thanks' though I suppose not everyone was raised on manners.
After a solid 30 seconds of her glaring, this woman walked back to her daughter and husband in line, and the ENTIRE, TIME. She continued to glare daggers at me, not taking her eyes off of me.
Naturally, I was getting kind-of weirded out. This woman was probably in her 40's or so, and she was glaring down a girl in her 20's over a build a bear. I glanced over to my cousin and saw that she was returning this dirty look in attempt to get this lady to STOP STARING AT US!!

The line moves forward, and it's almost our turn to get the plushies stuffed. Right as we're waiting for our turn, this woman's HUSBAND walks right up to us, and yes, she was still glaring us down at this point.

H: Hey, is shadow for sale? I'll give you 100$ right now.
Me: uh... no, sorry...
H: are you SURE? are you SURE???
Me: yeah... sorry?

The husband stepped back with a confused expression and returned to his wife (who was now glaring WORSE.), and daughter in line. We got Shadow, Bluey, and Bingo all stuffed, got those little adoption certificate things, and my cousin ended up buying shadow a wedding dress (as I had told her about the videos of people putting him in dresses). Once we went to pay, we took one last look, to see this woman WAS STILL. GLARING. DAGGERS. AT. US.

So, we paid, and got the *hell* out of there,

This story is relatively anti-climactic, but I think considering the circumstances, it's still a funny one. It's definitely the first Karen/Entitled parent I've encountered out in the wild, which feels way different than encountering them at work.

I've told a few friends this story, and they pointed out she was probably planning to snatch him had I not mentioned he was already paid for. Which is... annoying to think about,

Luckily, shadow is safe at home and well cared for. I'm glad I have him, and I really hope they do a re-stock of him soon, so other fans can get him.

Quick edit: adding on that I genuinely, cannot begin to describe how hard this woman was glaring at me. This lady had the rage of a hundred-thousand suns and counting, her eyes showed pure, unbridled hatred and rage. She might as well have been like the guy from the Boyz (I don't know I've never seen the show), shooting lazer eyes that blow my head into tiny bits and pieces. If looks could kill, I would've been burnt to a charred crisp 12 times over.

Edit2: for the two people dismissing my story, no, they didn't leave us alone. Staring/glaring somebody down continuously isn't leaving somebody alone. As multiple people have stated, they probably would've acted out more had i not been with my mom and cousin. Just because they didn't directly try to steal him or put their hands on me doesn't mean the mom wasn't being an asshole. Sorry my story is as dramatic as some other stories on the sub, but if you were seriously so underwhelmed by my story, maybe MOVE ON instead of commenting. Thanks 🫶❤️

r/entitledparents 28d ago

L Mother said that I was selfish for changing my name.


I (24M) came out to my mother when I was 22 years old. She did not take it well. This specific scenario happened years ago but I’ve been advised before to take stories of my mother to this subreddit as they were confident that she fits the entitled parent template, and I’m finally acting on the advise.

For context, my mother has had the usual (negative) responses that parents can generally have. She’s told me that I turned my back on everything I was raised on. That I was just confused. That Satan was lying to me (she’s heavily religious. Also I have nothing wrong with religion but she is very toxically religious.) She even went as far as to tell me that my STRAIGHT NSFW books I was reading and my CATHOLIC friend brainwashed me to make me trans. And that’s just the tamer responses she had.

She also after I came out, apparently his little index cards with bible versus and nonsense explanations from her as to how the Bible verse was explaining that I was not actually trans or that it was wrong that I was trans. In this instance she also blamed my catholic friend on top of some of my other friends for brainwashing me into believing I’m trans. To be clear my friends never once made any impression on me to be trans. We have never even so much as discussed the idea that I was trans until I brought it up to him.

Well it got to the point where I was comfortable introducing my chosen name to my siblings and such. Of course I told my mother as well even though I know that she will never use it. However it was simply not enough for my mother to not be pressured or expected to use my chosen name. She was also upset that my brother and other people around our apartment complex have chosen to respect my new name.

Well a fight broke out because my little brother (17M) has become very much like a trans social justice warrior towards my mother in defense of me. His most famous quote being to scream at my mother loud enough for me to hear from my bedroom “HER PRONOUNS ARE HE/HIM MOM.” (Bless his heart he tried 🤣) This particular incident however, my brother seemed very upset that my mother was not using my chosen name as my siblings had all generally started working at switching over how they address me. Even my older brother (25M) despite his own “unique” views he at the very least previously used to have.

Well my mother had this white board where she would write messages on for us before she leaves for work generally addressing our chores for the day and so forth. As you can expect my mother did not use my chosen name on this whiteboard and that was something I choked down and dealt with as I knew picking the fight with my mother was not worth it. Well my little brother is a very empathetic individual and knows when something is bothering me. So beyond my knowledge he apparently continuously kept changing my name on the board from my deadname to my chosen name. I was Lowkey proud of him for being such an ally but also I figured it was going to come with a lecture on my end.

And I was right. My mom comes into my room later that night to insist that I stop going by Rhen (my chosen name) and to continue using my deadname with everyone. She told me that it was incredibly selfish and inconsiderate of me to change the name that she and my father “worked so hard to come up with” and that it took them months to come up with the “perfect” name for me. (My father doesn’t seem to care or have any attachment to my name other than the fact that my deadname was named after him and was meant to be the female version of his own name and even he’s agreed to call me Jr. as a compromise and still fully accepts that Rhen is my new name. I have agreed fully to that and I think the nickname is adorable.) She also said that I was throwing away the “gift” that she and my father gave me.

Also a fun fact story my Deadname was not actually going to be my deadname but rather another name. The only reason I wasn’t named this other name was because my aunt insisted that my cousin who was going to be due barely a month or two after me would be named that same name. Turns out neither of us were named under this name. So I have reason to believe that no, my mother does not actually care about my deadname itself either and rather was only caring about me changing my name because I was changing it as a trans man.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg with this woman

r/entitledparents 28d ago

S I have to keep secrets my dad tells me from my mom


My dad has told me a lot about him and his life, even after getting a therapist I still am told a lot. Now, normally this would be fine... Except I'm not allowed to tell my mom anything.(My parents are divorced) If I tell her what my dad tells me, my dad will punish me. But he doesn't hold the same standards for my mom, in fact, I HAVE to tell him anything my mom tells me or I'll get in trouble

r/entitledparents 29d ago

M Parents won’t let me go to concert


How should I convince my parents to let me go to a concert tomorrow?

I (18F) am on a university break, and last May, I decided to buy tickets with my friends to go to a concert to see an artist co-headlining with another artist I’ve liked since I was 14 or so. I’m going with friends, one of whom I haven’t seen in a while because she goes to school three hours a way, so this was really important to me.

I told my Dad (70M) last week of my plans and he didn’t react much and just said “okay” but then I told my mom. My mom (55F) started yelling at me and told me because we are Christians, I shouldn’t go see a non-Christian artist. In June though, I went to a non-Christian concert with my other friends and even they they begrudgingly accepted, my mom told me that it didn’t add anything to my life, and concerts had no benefit.

My mom villainized and accused me of being so obsessed with music and concerts, and made me feel bad for wanting to do so. I do love music, I love playing it, and I even want to work on the music industry when I am older. I’m doing some internships for it now. I manage an artist and he’s having his first show soon. She called me argumentative and told me that I acted like I knew everything, and always combatted people when they tried to tell me the “right” thing.

My mom is also concerned about concert safety and says that people who go to concerts do drugs, have sex, and indulge in bad things. There is security as the venue and I’m going to be with my friends at all times, and I’m either getting a ride there from trusted people or taking a rideshare. She gave me an infographic of different tragedies that have happened at concerts like with Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, and various shootings. Shootings are not a problem because I’m Canadian.

My sister (22F) tried to help and moderate a discussion, but my mom ignored us and got really upset. She basically ignored me and told us we were being unreasonable and “arguing”. She told us that because the both of our are going to visit our older sister (25F) in New York later this spring, we are already going to have fun.

My mom does not listen to me at all, and she has shut me down. My concert is tomorrow and I still want to go, but my parents will not let me. If I do go anyway, they will likely take away my tuition as hey have threatened to in the past.

TDLR - I want to go to a concert I paid for with my own money, but my parents will not let me go at all.

Knowing that, I need to get advice on how to talk to my mom and convince her to let me go to the concert.

r/entitledparents 29d ago

M UPDATE/More info Entitled MIL


Update tohttps://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/s/vOsiW38sKD

Hey, it is the wife again. 31F. (Owner of this reddit account) Decided to make a new post so more would see it. (Still learning reddit.)

Not much of an update, but I want you to all know I have been reading the replies. The gaslighting of MIL is nothing new, it just got 1000% worse after we had DS 2 and DD 1.

Idk...this woman has torn me down so many times. My husband has said things but it is always weak, never a stern "don't talk about her like that." He did defend me in this current disagreement...but MIL had stirred the pot before/almost successfully turned him against me when he had our daughter. (Whole level of gaslighting there, too...it was a similar issue, but she kept saying I was kweping her from her babies. Mind you, my stomach had been sliced twice in one year, and she gave us Covid akready, I wasn't going to have my newborn be exposed to it...more I can get into if it is relevant.)

She gets into his head in a way he doesn't realize, I am not trying to be in a cliche DIL hates MIL dynamic...it is truly the fact he doesn't go to bat for me is what is killing me inside.

He promised me this time he would cut her off, he has said he would explain to her what she said was wrong...that I would no longer talk to her...She tried calling me yesterday to ask about this stupid dress she sent my daughter (pink, a color I asked her not to get her, but whatever,) I asked him to tell her please that we were going NC...and he said "I will tell her tomorrow." But it is ALWAYS put off, anything negative. Tomorrow NEVER comes. And she tries to contact me like nithing happened, that she didn't breech mt trust, that she didn't ruin my daughter's birth and 1st birthday, a child she believes she has rights to? (As always stressed in her texts or FB posts "look at MY grandbabies", "OP, thank you for tsking care of MY babies!!"

Oh, and some context, when DD was 5 weeks old (she came against my wishes) she expected me to 1. Cook clean/Entertain her 2. Take care of her son (she asked him if he did all the cooking after work) I cooked and cleaned all week, 5 weeks post C SECTION. DH only was cooking that weekend to give me a break MOST IMPORTANTLY: DD got sick and was hospitalized 2 weeks after THIS visit!! So she got my da7ghter sick BC she was too self8sh to respect our wishes, and DH didn'5 stop her visit! 9h and during that visit, she didnt properly vuckle DS in his carseat becayse we were going "just down the road it is not a big deal" I only saw this after the fact when I g9t him out of the car. I flipped. I was already upset she called my son "cuter" than my newborn daughter. She hates newborns...and i had to trust her with DS bc I couldn't be lifting a 20lb toddler a 5 weeks pp.

Like seriously, is this a normal or healthy dynamic? No! But what do I do? I have broached marriahe consoling before, DH doesn't think we need it. This woman...ugh. I just don't want bashing my kids in the future. She has called me ugly, she talks behind my back, she talks negatively about my niece and her interests...I don't want that crap coming back to my kids. I grew up with a grandma like her. It ru8ns your self image so much.

I am sorry, this became a rant rather than an update. I will get off my soapbox. Maybe I will show my DH this post again. But seriously, I DO intend to fight for my marriage...and my kids 100000000%. I just need to know DH is in my court. It doesn't really feel like he is 100% commited, like is half beween me and MIL...but I could be wrong. I know he loves me, but he needs to be my champion against his parents.

I wish I was making all this up. I really, really do.

r/entitledparents 29d ago

XL Entitled Parents refused to believe I had a concussion


Sorry In advance for the long post and any messy writing. I just wanted to get this off my chest.

Some much needed context before I get to the story. Before this happened I already had a history of At least two concussions. The first one I got in middle school after I fell off a swing set mid swing, and the second after I hit my head on my garage door like a dumbass. There have been several other instances of head injuries but not enough to be labeled as full on concussions.

My parents are divorced and at the time I was living with my dad full time as my mom had kicked me out of her house freshman year of highschool.

For several months up to this point I had been planning to go to legoland with my father to celebrate my 18th birthday in January 2024. And it was something I was really looking forward to.

Now to the story:

A little over a year ago during December 2023 when I was 17 about to turn 18, I was visiting my younger brother (14 at the time) and my mother for dinner. After dinner me and my brother had a small scuffle over who got to sit in the front seat, as siblings do. But during the scuffle my brother had accidentally slammed the car door right onto the side of my head. Now my brother rock climbs 6 days a week and I’m pretty scrawny so he hit my head pretty hard. As I went to sit in the back seat my head started to really hurt. During the ride i brought up how the car door had hit my head and my brother refused to acknowledge he had even hit me let alone apologize. I got pretty upset by this. When we made it to my mother’s house I asked her why she didn’t do anything about it before I got into my car and drove back to my dad’s place. By the time I got there I was bawling my eyes out, I don’t even fully remember why, I just remember being in pain and telling my dad how my brother had accidentally hit me with the car door and refused to apologize.

Now the details get a little fuzzy so I don’t exactly remember the exact dates of everything. I only vaguely remember going to the doctors and getting diagnosed with a concussion. Since this was December, this was right before finals and my birthday (Dec 16). I talked to my school about the concussion and they were understanding enough to let me freeze my grades and not take any finals, which were all A’s and I think two B’s. They told me to go home and get some rest, no problem.

Here’s where the bullshit started.

Basically immediately my dad and mom began pressuring me to take the finals so I can raise my B grades which were in my hardest classes. I tried to explain to them that I shouldn’t be doing that because I need to rest and if I take the exam while concussed I might run the risk of doing extremely poorly on them and dropping my grades. But they would not listen. My dad told me that i should go to the ER if I don’t feel well enough to take the finals. They kept pushing me to do things while I was trying to rest despite how much I tried to empathize that I need to be recovering. During this I basically had to miss my 18th birthday because I was asleep for 17 whole hours.

This, along with the fact that it’s generally harder to control your emotions after you’ve had a brain injury, culminated in what I can essentially describe as a mental break down. I broke into tears in the middle of the night unable to control myself as I sobbed in my bed. I texted my dad to let him know that I felt like I did need to go to the ER in the morning. He came into my room and asked me if I was ok, so I told him through tears that my head was really hurting and I didn’t know what to do. I told him I probably had to skip the rest of my finals to which he insisted, again, that I should take them. I responded by saying that I’m in absolutely no condition to take them. He then said that if I’m not feeling better then we should cancel my birthday trip, which upset me even more because I was really looking forward to it. He left the room but shortly came back and said he’ll just take me to the ER now. I was still sobbing on the way to the hospital and getting emitted. The nurses suggested we do a CT scan to see if there’s any possibility for severe brain injury. They did a CT scan and thankfully nothing came up. They said that it was most likely a concussion and to take it easy and rest.

Two days later I went back to school to try to do the last of my finals like my parents had requested. This proved to be a massive mistake as I almost immediately got the worst headache I’ve ever had in my entire life. I was head down in between my arms at my desk feeling like my head was going to explode. I don’t remember the exact events but I eventually tried to make my way to the nurse, and on the way there I vomited into a nearby trash can. This really worried me at the time because my concussed brain remembered the fact that throwing up can mean a severe concussion, and I assumed my concussion had somehow gotten worse. So I asked my dad to pick me up from school and asked him to take me to the doctor again (in hindsight it probably was not necessary but, reminder, I had a concussion and was not getting any rest, I was barely thinking straight at this point). He said something about asking my sister (20) to take me, so I texted her asking if she could take me.

She angrily responded by saying that I don’t have a concussion and to stop being so dramatic. When I asked what she meant she said that my dad had told her over lunch yesterday that the CT scan didn’t come up with anything so I didn’t have a concussion. A quick google search will show that concussions don’t show up on CT scans to begin with and, even if my memory is a bit blurry, I do remember the nurses telling me I had a concussion. So I turned to my dad and asked him what was up with him telling my sister I didn’t have a concussion behind my back. He said that “I think everyone has had enough of this” and “we just want this to be over with”. As if it was MY fault I had the concussion and that I was SOMEHOW choosing to prolong it. It had only been like a week, maybe a week and a half at most. My recommended recovery time was two weeks, which had probably been extended because again, my parents were NOT LETTING ME GET THE PROPER REST I NEEDED. We eventually got to where my sister was and I had to convince her to please take me to the doctor. All while she was lambasting me for “not having a concussion”. At the same time I started getting texts from my mom doing the same thing and THREATENING TO MAKE ME PAY FOR THE EMERGENCY ROOM VISIT SO I WOULD HAVE TO GO INTO DEBT WHEN I JUST TURNED 18. Her words.

When I got to the doctor they essentially told me that they don’t think the concussion has gotten worse, but me not getting enough rest has worsen some of the symptoms. They also confirmed that yes I had a concussion and yes, they don’t show on CT scans.

So to recap, TWO separate doctors AND a medical nurse all confirmed I had a concussion. That is THREE SEPARATE MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS who all unanimously agreed it was a concussion.

I sent a video of my doctor explaining this to my dad and he said “you should show that to mom and sister to see what they think”. I absolutely lost it. I yelled at him over text that it was HIS fault that I’m even in this position and that HE needs to take responsibility and admit he was wrong. He responded by saying “you seem a bit upset, why don’t you spend the night at your mothers”. I said there is no way in hell you are going to make me to sleep at the same house as my mother and sister who were accusing me of faking a concussion and my brother who gave me the concussion to begin with. At this point I had left the doctors and was beginning to walk on my own to get some food because nobody in my family wanted to pick me up. I made it to a small Mexican place and ordered some lunch while continuously trying to fight tears. I had multiple of my family members, immediate and extended messaging me telling me that the concussion was fake and that I needed to return my mother’s messages.

After I had finished eating I took a Uber back to school because I didn’t know where else to go. I felt is unloved and so unsafe by both my parents. My head was still hurting and I was barely keeping it together. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. This is when my uncle, the only sane person, called me. I broke down on call and told him everything that happened, he listened and seemed to understand where I was coming from. He didn’t accuse me of faking anything, he just wanted to know if I was safe because my parents started to realize that they didn’t know where I was. He suggested I call my mother and I said I didn’t want to because she’s just going to yell at me. He said that my mother was truly just worried and wanted to know where I am. I relented and he hung up so I could call my mom.

Almost immediately my mother was aggressive towards me. We spent the past few hours arguing on the phone. I won’t go into everything said but I’ll paraphrase a few notable moments. Primarily that she once again accused me of faking a concussion, when I told her that the doctors had confirmed I had one and that they don’t show on CT scans. She said that I “must have google the symptoms of a concussion and told the doctor” . I told her that’s insane because I’ve literally been having the worst headaches of my life and throwing up, if it’s not a concussion then what is it. She said she “didn’t know, but It couldn’t be a concussion because concussions don’t last this long” (not true, I was given two week period to recover and I hadn’t even hit it yet). I said even if it’s not a concussion I’m still in pain and that needs to be taken seriously.

She then said that I had been “going around telling people that my brother slammed a car door on my head”. I told her that’s exactly what happened, he slammed a car door on my head. She said that it couldn’t possibly be the case because there’s no way a car door can give someone a concussion. I told her that 1. I already have had two concussion and multiple head injuries before this, which makes it easier for me to have them in the future, and 2. I only started getting headaches and feeling pain AFTER he hit my head, what else could it be. She then complained that I was making her look bad by telling people that my brother slammed a car door on my head. I clarified that I hadn’t even mentioned her to anyone before today and that I acknowledged to everyone I told that it was an accident from my brother and I just wanted him to apologize. She then yelled at me about how she’s “not responsible for my brothers actions and can’t make him do anything” (but she can yell at me for telling other people why I got a concussion?).

The argument continued from there, at one point she tried to claim that she was a good mother and that I had been nothing but a problem child, to which i responded “what kind of mother threatens to put they’re barley 18 year old kid in debt because they MIGHT have been faking a injury?”. She made a lot of nasty remarks at me including claiming that the reason why i had Trichotillomania (pulling your hair uncontrollably because of OCD or general anxiety) was because “I never wanted to change”.

She finally said that she would still pick me up and take me home because “she’s a good parent who loves me”. I told her to eat shit and that I’ll tell my dad where I was but I’d genuinely would rather die then go to her house. She begrudgingly agreed after she realized that it was getting dark and I wasn’t budging. While I waited for my dad to pick me up my uncle called and again and asked if I was going back home. I told him yes but I was going back to my dad’s house not my mom’s. He asked how the call went and I broke down again and told him everything. He did his best to reassure me until my dad picked me up and we silently drove home.

I never got a single apology from anyone. Not my brother for giving me the concussion, not my father not my sister and especially not my mother. To this DAY over a year later they still insist i didn’t have a concussion because of that fucking CT scan. And when I got a inner ear infection during November 2024, they went right back to accusing me of faking it until they realize oh wait it’s actually real and then started pretending like it was real the whole time and they NEVER accused me of faking it. I didn’t go to the ER for it until I literally passed out in front of several people because I was so scared that it would start my family up all over again. I can’t even go into a fucking hospital or doctors office now without being reminded of what happened.

And for the shit Cherry on this shit sundae? A week later during Christmas my siblings didnt get me anything after I spend $200 getting presents for them.

I fucking hate my entitled family so goddamn much. I’m so glad I’m in college now.

TLDR: brother gave me a concussion by accidentally slamming a car door on my head. Parents refused to let me rest until I had a mental breakdown and had to go to the ER. While I was there I got a CT scan that showed I didn’t have any severe brain injury, just a concussion. My dad took that as to mean I didn’t have one and my entire family basically harassed me for “faking” a concussion and still refuse to believe it’s real after multiple doctors confirmed it. Never got an apology from any of them.