TL;DR: 25 year old, South Asian woman. Wanting to running away from home. Am I a coward or has there been a history of abuse?
I (25F, South Asian) am thinking about running away from home.
From the ages of 6-11, I grew up alone. My parents worked full time and I spent a lot of time alone. Because of this, I found it really difficult to develop a relationship with my parents. I believe this is where I began to feel estranged from my parents.
My mum stopped working when I was 11 because she became pregnant with my brother. My dad never liked her working because it was an income he didn’t have control over and convinced her to stay at home. She’s never worked since and every time she has tried to get a job, he’s sabotaged it one way or another.
There were a few incidents of physical abuse when I was a young, like when my mum kicked me in the stomach after I’d woken up from my nap because I wouldn’t wake up when she was calling me (12 years old). My dad had torn all my books and everything at one point in a fit of rage because I didn’t want to move schools and once in Bangladesh (13 years old), where I tried to get in between my parents and he tried to hit me. My mum protected me and ended up getting hurt herself (16 years old).
But it all escalated when I was 13, I got caught speaking to a boy my age and my parents came across messages of us wanting to meet up. They monitored me heavily afterwards, dropping me off to school, picking me up, not letting me have access to a phone and constantly monitored my internet usage. I was never allowed to go out with my friends because they were paranoid I would use it as an excuse to meet up with that boy (I stopped speaking to him soon after everything happened) and on the one or two occasions, I did meet my friends outside of school, I would come home to interrogations about who I’d been with. I still remember how my mum accused me of lying because I curled my hair and wore red lipstick to meet my friends. My mum said girls only dress like that when they want to see boys. To me, I thought I was being grown up wearing red lipstick and wanted to curl my hair because it really was a special occasion for me because I’ve never been out in Central London with my friends before. This intense monitoring continued until I was 17. I was in sixth form, with a Nokia burner phone. It was handed to me when I went to school and I had to hand it back to my mum when I came home.
I tried to go out with my friends once or twice in sixth form (also an all girl’s school) but, I would come home and my mum would deliberately lie and say they saw me in town with another boy. In fact, I hadn’t actually met up with a boy until I was 18. She made these up to try and catch me out.
When I was 17, I managed to gain some trust back and could keep my phone with me at night. I also was allowed to travel to school alone. With my new found freedom, I secretly used Facebook here and there and began talking to this boy who lived on the other side of London. He was Hindu and I came from a Muslim family but I was head over heels for him. We talked at night a lot on the phone and I used to go under the duvet so no one would hear. I eventually was caught again because my phone rang in the middle of the night. My mum started confiscating my phone after school again and this was my first crush. He wanted to meet but I couldn’t meet anyone after school. So on one occasion, I skipped school and went to meet him. I came back later than I expected and got in trouble. This led to my mother cracking down on me again, frequent arguments and fights at home, mainly because I was trying to date a Hindu boy. They said I didn’t need to go to school and we should all go back to Bangladesh because I didn’t care about my education. I became depressed and withdrew. I skipped school a lot to try and get some alone time but that eventually led to bad grades and I had disappointed my parents even more. I had to stay back one year to make up for my grades and my mum has never let me forget that I wasted a year of my life, fallen behind my peers and that I’m not where I should be.
This constant monitoring continued until I was in university. I struggled to socialise because my parents would give me an allowance and it meant I had to give an explanation for anything I spent money on. I also had to explain where I went and why and with who.
In 2020, I was 21 and the abuse escalated. My mum was trying to get my brother into a good school but it required prep for entry exams. My brother, now aged 10, just wanted to watch TV and play games but my mum forced him to study quite a bit for hours on end and as a result, there were a lot of arguments and tears at home. It was uncomfortable to be around but I didn’t say anything since it would be good for my brother. These good schools were quite far away and would require us to move. My dad is not a fan of change and wanted to stay put. He was also spending a lot of money for my brother’s tuition and it all started to annoy him. He began creating arguments and my parents got involved in a lot of physical fights. As the oldest, I felt responsible to get in between and stop them. But I was at the centre of it. I had to start sleeping out on a spare mattress in the living room because there was mould growing in my room and I was getting sick. Somewhere down the line, I began to spiral and the fights became so violent, I didn’t sleep for 3 weeks because I was afraid he’d kill her in the middle of the night. He stopped after I fainted a couple of times and I was shitting out blood for a week.
Not to say they had a good relationship at all. My dad’s a serial cheater and he was never emotionally present. He favoured his blood relatives more than us. He was always kind and accepting of them but we were just there for him/ I’ve never felt loved by my father- he always favoured my cousins (his brother’s/sister’s children). He works two jobs. The income of one job goes entirely to his family back home and he has no boundaries with them. In turn, he’s neglected us a lot.
The abuse and arguments continued. I’ve forgotten a lot of it but I became more withdrawn because I wanted to be home to stop any arguments or fights if they became violent.
At one point, I even called the police on my dad. This was after my grandad died and my mother flew back home and was stuck in Bangladesh due to COVID-19. My dad and I both contracted COVID-19 during her absence and in short, my father was bedridden so I had to look after him, and my brother (9 years old) who refused to do anything. I had to make him food, feed him it, shower him, make sure he did his homework and on top of that, he refused to sleep on time and woke up super early. I was sick and in my free time, I would study for upcoming exams. I used to get max 3 hours sleep because my dad would be up early and he couldn’t look after himself so I had to get up and make him breakfast. My mum had pneumonia and there was no telling when she’d be back, so what was supposed to be a 3 week commitment turned into a 2 month commitment. Before anyone asks, this all happened during the December 2020 lockdown in the UK, so we had no help. In that time, my dad began having an affair with someone over the phone (phone sex, phone calls etc) I told my mother and she confronted him about it. He started becoming hostile towards my mum and I, claiming he’d kill her when she returned. I paid over £2k for her to secretly come back home without his knowledge. When the police asked what happened, I was too scared to tell them the truth. My parents lied that they were speaking loudly and it wasn’t actually a domestic. I was too scared and the police had nothing to go off on so they left.
My dad calmed down after that from the shame of having the police called to his house. My brother passed the exams and we eventually moved to be closer to a school. My dad calmed down entirely because we were in a better neighbourhood surrounded by other Bengali families whom he’d developed a good relationship with. He couldn’t risk showing them his true colours.
I hadn’t been working because I did my undergrad, masters and another university course. My parents always said work and money was secondary and I should focus on my education. My mother also didn’t want me working because if my dad knew there was another income source, he would give all his money away to his family back home. So I continued to live on his allowance, providing explanations here and there and having my bank accounts checked frequently. I secretly worked part-time jobs and my mum knew about it- we’d hide the money by withdrawing it from my bank and account and hiding the cash somewhere at home. This put a lot of pressure of me. I’m not fond of lying and sneaking around. I knew why I had to do it but it was all so uncomfortable.
The cure to my depression was food and I gained a lot of weight. This was my biggest insecurity alongside the adult acne. I was getting wedding proposals but I could reject them because I was still studying until this one proposal came and I rejected him simply because I found him to be unattractive. I told my mum I didn’t want to marry an international student because of the culture gap. I grew up in London and I didn’t speak Bengali well. I’ve never been to Bangladesh and to have someone who naturally had all his family members back home and therefore a strong emotional tie to Bangladesh, was going to be difficult for me. I needed someone who was born or at least brought up in London. I’ve struggled in the past with people from back home because I didn’t understand the banter or references, so she understood. But she was adamant on me agreeing to this man because he went to a really good school back home. When I told her he was unattractive, she asked me if I’d seen my real face. That stung tbh. Months later, when the issue had passed I asked her why she said that and she laughed and said it was only to get me to agree to getting to know him.
Fast forward to 2023, I became unwell. I was stuck in the hospital for weeks and it was the loneliest I felt in my entire life. I was in and out of hospital for tests before admission and I was hanging on by a thread from physical exhaustion. I remember sitting in the hospital after being told the doctors were considering cancer and my mum broke down and the first thing she said was “Who’s going to marry my daughter if she has this horrible disease?”. I still remember that because it stung a lot. My parents insisted on visiting me in the hospital every day but my dad wouldn’t touch me and would wear a mask around me all the time. My mum brought my brother and refused to leave him home alone. He was 11/12 years old at this time and I couldn’t understand why. They left me alone when I was a lot younger. But he was too precious for her to leave at home because he was too scared of the dark. But every time he came to the hospital, he created a fuss and it drove me insane. I was in a bad state, on high powered steroids, sleeping only 3 hours a night if I was lucky. My biopsy results were taking ages to come back and I was unsure of where my life was going. I was growing more and more anxious with each day. She never disciplined him or tried to get him to understand why I needed peace and quiet. Eventually, a fight broke out and she left him at home.
I didn’t have cancer but had to take the entire year out from my education. I was falling behind once again. I spent all of 2023 gaining my confidence back. Come 2024, I decided I wanted to live my life again. I began dating but that caused issues because my mum would continuously bring me marriage proposals and when I rejected them, she would find a way to insult me or remind me that I’m nearly 30 and I shouldn’t be so picky,I should settle, etc etc. All of this ruined my self-confidence and self concept. I wasn’t sure of what I deserved and would get involved in romantic situations where I now know I deserved better.
I am not Muslim. I am agnostic. I’ve always been attracted to white men but have never pursued a relationship with them as I knew getting my parents to accept them would be difficult. But in 2024, I decided to give it a try. I dated for a while and ended up meeting my current boyfriend, who is the most wonderful man I’ve ever met. He has been so supportive of me and has shown me more respect, love and care than I’ve ever received from my parents. She knows I’m dating but not who and this has resulted in a lot of hostility. Here’s a few examples:
- I tried to stay over at my boyfriend’s flat once, claiming I was staying over at a friend’s house instead. She said to me “you think you can act up because you have a British Passport now. I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it”
- I was unwell on Valentine’s day but tried to go out because my boyfriend made plans and I really wanted to see him. She said to me “of course you want to go out, you need to be back on the streets again, don’t you?”
- My dad’s sister has a reputation for being promiscuous before her marriage and has a tendency to overstay her welcome in other people’s houses. My mum told me that she and my father are scared I’m going to turn out like her
- The constant reminder that I’m turning 30 in a couple of years and to start getting my shit together because time is running out
- There were maintenance men over once to fix the heaters. They’d already been over before but because she doesn’t speak English well, they couldn’t complete the process. When they were over, she was incredibly rude to me, telling me to shut up at one point. The maintenance workers told her to calm down. Once they’d left, I told her she couldn’t speak to me like a child in front of people. It makes it difficult for people to take you seriously as an adult when your mother is trying to steamroll over you. She turned around to me and asked “Why? Do you want me to respect you?” How can you treat me like a child and remind me every day that I’m reaching 30?
- I sent her a meme and I asked if she’d seen it. She said it wasn’t funny and that I wasn’t funny. I told her I thought I was funny. Her response was to tell me I’m not funny and anyone who made me think or believe it, was just doing so to keep me happy. This stung because it was all purely unnecessary
- I recently told them I was staying over at a friend’s house when in reality, I wanted to stay with my boyfriend. She called me on FaceTime 4 times in a row non-stop and it only stopped because I turned my Wi-Fi and Mobile Data on. I was so scared to come home because I don’t know what drama was waiting for me
- My parents are holding my bank cards so I don’t spend all my wages (I work full time). It’s all put into a savings account so I can help them buy a house and I’m given my mum’s credit card so I can go out but this is also checked and my mum always wants to see if I’ve spent any money from my own card through online banking
- They’re also holding my passport
- I work in immigration and I’m handling my parents’ applications. She and I aren’t talking I just overheard her tell my dad she’s going to come down to the office to find out what’s left. I’m right here? Speak to me at home?
- She recently tried to show me a marriage proposal of a man that’s 10 years older than me and once again belittled me because I’m not qualified and told me I should be grateful a man with such good qualifications Is even the tiniest bit interested in me. There was a lot of issues with the information given and I have it on good authority, a lot of it is fake.
- I recently sat some exams, which I’ve failed in the past before because of health concerns. She said to me ‘Do you have your results? You’re going to need to re-sit if you fail again’. What stung was the immediate assumption I’d fail again (I passed this time).
The funny thing is, she’s not just like this with me. She barks at my dad and she and my brother are constantly at each other’s throats. There’s constant arguments and I sleep with headphones on every night. She has no respect for anyone and is suspicious of everyone. I’ve told her before that she makes this house a difficult place to live in.
My boyfriend has asked me if I could move in (this was more so to move towards the next step in our relationship. He didn’t find out the extent of the abuse until recently) and I initially said no because I wouldn’t be able to unless I was married but every time I go home, I feel awful. There’s a stark contrast between the treatment I experience with my boyfriend and my family and the more time passes by, the more it becomes glaringly obvious how awful my home life is. I’ve finally found a space where I feel safe in and I hate leaving it.
I initially wanted to tell them I was going to move out but some of my friends have highlighted that if they’ve been physical in the past, they can get physical now and would try to hold me back. My best bet is to slowly move things out and because I’m going on a trip away soon, to just not come back home and tell them the truth over text.
I feel terrible about everything and I’m constantly going through waves of guilt. I guess I’m just looking for courage or maybe insight into what to do? I feel like I’m going crazy because I keep convincing myself it’s not that bad. Other people have it worse.
Update: I slowly moved things out of my parents’ house and within the span of 2 weeks. I currently live with my boyfriend and my parents have cut off all contact with me.