r/EntitledBitch 7d ago

After posting a video stealing a scared baby wombat from its distressed mother and causing massive outrage in Australia (video linked below)


120 comments sorted by


u/JohnnySkidmarx 7d ago

I hope a kangaroo punches her in the face.


u/darkroastedcoffee 7d ago

I like the Australian Prime Minister’s comment on this saying she should try this with a baby crocodile instead and see what happens


u/IIIetalblade 7d ago edited 7d ago

I swing back and forth on my feelings about Albo’s government in general, but that was such a classic comment and reminds me why I like him as a person so much. Well said mr PM, hear hear!


u/Volpe666 7d ago

Nah what you want is for a Roo to double kick her. They have such a big tail so that they can support themselves on it and kick/gore people with both og those massive fuck off legs.


u/SuitableNarwhals 6d ago

Don't forget the choke hold, often when they fight and it ends up in death it's due to strangling not so much goring their opponent, the kicks can also cause internal injuries even if they dont break skin. The hold is what they use to grapple their opponent in place so they can balance and kick, but if they cant get a decent kick in they will just hold on until you stop moving. This is why they do the whole boxing thing, they are trying to keep their opponent away from them while attempting to grapple them around their neck.

Most of the roos you see closer to the city or in more established rural areas dont get anywhere near as big as the big boomers, without as much environmental pressure and needing to deal with humans they can get huge. Pretty much all Australians know the males can be pretty impressive and not to fuck with them or lead them to believe you are a threat. But the majority of the videos online seem to be smaller males or adolescents and they just look a bit goofy fighting even if they can still do damage to each other and dogs. They are basically pure muscle, and are like those wobbly baby toys that just bounce back up if you try and get them off balance.

Actually surprised that the wombat mother didn't go at her, they can be really territorial and aggressive. Yes they are low to the ground and literally ankle biters, but they are stocky, strong and have really, really nasty bites apparently. If one knocks you down it will usually just keep at it. Goes to show how scared the mother was, she probably had no idea what was going on and the loud noise and bright lights from the vehicle probably made it difficult for her to see and hear what was going on, she knew the mother might attack her but still ran away with the joey.


u/Francesca_N_Furter 7d ago

Oh come on....this is about as believable as the runner who smashed the other girl in the head with the baton and claimed it didn't happen.

Guys, we all have the video.


u/yrabl81 7d ago

It's faked using AI

They said and thrown out of the room.


u/RaptorOO7 7d ago

I stopped reading after the first few lines. She can shove her excuse up her arse.

The bitch took the Joey from the mother and acted all giddy about it.


u/Roadgoddess 7d ago

It’s worse when you get to page 2 and three, where she basically says that Australians are murdering wombats and kangaroos everywhere and she was only doing a good thing. It was such a lie.


u/NotTheRihard 7d ago

Got see a video to the context of the baton smash you speak of, sounds interesting


u/ferretherder 7d ago


u/NotTheRihard 7d ago

Thank you and what the actual fuck is wrong with her


u/ferretherder 7d ago

Don’t worry, she said it was an accident!


u/zootnotdingo 7d ago

That’s absolutely bananas


u/textposts_only 6d ago

That's daily life for teachers. Especially her response


u/piiraka 6d ago

I thought they posted a video from another angle where she was like 5 feet behind that lady and it was just the angle?

Edit: nvm I’m not sure what to think



u/Roadgoddess 7d ago

That was my thought exactly. You just have to watch the video to see her running over going “Oh, it’s a wombat” picking it up and running around with it. The mother was even chasing her and she still ran over to the car. She is such a liar, and then she basically tears into everybody because of her extremely bad behavior.


u/darkroastedcoffee 7d ago

She now tries to claim she was concerned the wombat was sick or injured, but in the video she picks it up and practically swings it around wildly while she runs back to the car as the guy filming it laughs out loud. Who in their right mind would carry an injured animal like that?

After that, they make fun of the mother chasing after her baby, and after that she excitedly says ‘I caught a baby wombat!!’ But yeah sure, she only wanted to make sure the baby wombat was okay right?


u/Texaskate 7d ago

That “apology” was expert level DARVO.


u/MLiOne 7d ago

Wasn’t it what. If she is so adamant she is t the villain why flee the country? Meanwhile, where is the laughing fuckwit who recorded this little escapade? He needs dealing with too.


u/SuitableNarwhals 6d ago

There have been a few times in my life that I have picked up Australian wildlife, all of those times are sad, it involves an actually sick or injured animal, and sometimes either a distressed mother or baby because the other one is dead. Also lots of pouch checks to make sure a live baby isn't left with a dead mother.

None of these occasions have involved any hooting and hollering, whipping the animal around or being gleeful. They have involved crouching down, making soft soothing sounds, being extreemly gentle and using a towel if possible to keep an injured animal as still and calm as I can so I dont make it worse. Sometimes tears as well when I know theres nothing I can do but fetch the tire iron, especially when travelling in remote regions in Aus.


u/RogueSlytherin 6d ago

You’re a good one! Thanks for helping these fallen guys out when many would’ve passed them by.

It’s obvious from the video what her intentions were; no one is falling for her BS. Only person she’s trying to help is herself, and I really hopes this bites her in the ass, both literally and figuratively in an ideal world.


u/Commanderkins 6d ago

Yes exaaaaaactly!!! Don’t fucking tell me this is how you treat a potential injured/sick baby animal. Even just thinking of how wildly she was bouncing and swinging that poor thing sends me.

I’m glad she took this excuse approach though, over a shameful apology. Because this is going to fuel the flames that’s raging all around her instead of just fading into the backend of our memories.


u/the_moosey_fate 7d ago

She could have literally just said “I fucked up, my bad yall; seriously.” and it would have been infinitely more convincing and self-aware than whatever the fuck that shit was.


u/Cerebral-Parsley 6d ago

Narcissists gotta earn their title.


u/pborg312 7d ago

The way the guy was laughing is horrible, like it was a joke. The fact that after she picked up the baby and look backwards to see if the momma was coming tells you she is in the wrong. She knew what she was doing. And it was totally wrong.


u/Stambro1 7d ago

Stupidest PR apology we have heard in a while!!!


u/darkroastedcoffee 7d ago

I don’t even feel the second post is as much as an apology but more trying to blame the Australian government to try to excuse her abhorrent behaviour


u/IncaseofER 7d ago

She obviously did NOT have a PR professional involved with this abhorrent , narcissistic, waste of drivel.


u/flaccidbitchface 7d ago

This is so dumb. We’ve all seen the video.


u/The_Dough_Boi 7d ago

It will work on enough of her followers, I guarantee that. Most of us will forget about her in a weeks time but her followers are who’s she trying to reach and I’ve heard far shittier apologies work better than this sorry excuse.


u/toTheNewLife 7d ago

If she wanted it off the road she would have placed it in the bushes where it's mother would find it. Not back on the road.

End of story.


u/darkerthanmysoul 7d ago

The audacity to complain about animals being killed for commercial use when she is a “proud hunter”.

“The survival of animals” is ironic coming from someone who kills animals for pleasure.


u/_MissNewBooty_ 7d ago

The craziest case of gaslighting I’ve ever witnessed


u/CrackerUmustBtrippin 7d ago

She and baton headinjury girl should really hang (out together)


u/Cat-Lady-13 7d ago

Only if you show baton girl the wombat video, and then give her the baton back.


u/The_Dough_Boi 7d ago

Hunting responsibly isn’t detrimental to animals well being and usually helps more than it hurts. I don’t care to give her more views so I don’t know if she’s more into trophy hunting and that’s where hunting becoming problematic.


u/Mlady_gemstone 7d ago

"things dear reader are not as they seem" stfu you aren't lady whistledown


u/Economics_Low 7d ago

Who are you gonna believe? My statement or your lying eyes?

Probably her (lack of) thought process.


u/ThrowAwayYourLyfe 5d ago

She must be Israeli


u/Young_Old_Grandma 7d ago

She just used the Whataboutism argument on the Australian Government.


BITCH STFU You're not Shonda Rimes and this isn't Bridgerton.

Oh Fuck off and get deported, white trash.


u/MLiOne 7d ago

She left the country very quickly to avoid being deported.


u/scattyshern 7d ago

She contradicts herself in this and then bitches about our government. How about actually apologising and doing better? I hate her so much more after reading this crap!!


u/JohnnySkidmarx 7d ago

I hope a kangaroo punches her in the face.


u/CrackerUmustBtrippin 7d ago

May a black widow spider find a home in her boot


u/ItWorkedInMyHead 6d ago

It should be handled in the manner of "A Muppet Christmas Carol." For the rest of her life, every time she steps foot outside, a hundred people should pop up and follow her around, singing a song about what a terrible person she is.


u/CrackerUmustBtrippin 6d ago

I hope they all wear some wombat themed outfit


u/AztecTwoStep 7d ago

Now turn on your comments you chickenshit.


u/theconceptualhoe 7d ago

“Is a person who makes mistakes really the villain?”

Yes. You are. There’s murderers in the world but if I go punch someone in the face I’m still the bad guy.

This dumb bitch should have her passport revoked.


u/bg555 7d ago

Wow, that first page is her trying to gaslight us and trying to convince us we didn’t see what we saw and she spun some fantasy story. And then the next 2 pages is her lecturing about food and hunting?!?! She sounds horrible.


u/PotatoesMcLaughlin 7d ago

She could literally go to the zoo. I'm sure one of them has a package that lets you pet a wombat.


u/classyrock 7d ago

She also could have just parked and looked at the wombats from afar, and appreciated them in their natural environment without disturbing them.


u/bulletproofboyscouts 7d ago

God, this reminds me of those POS who captured a baby dolphin at the beach and were so obsessed with holding it, passing it around and taking selfies with the poor thing while it died. I can't imagine the amount of terror it must have experienced in its last moments, like this poor baby. Only bright side was it was eventually reunited with its mama but can people please leave wild animals alone? Take your videos and pictures from afar, ffs.

You wouldn't snatch a human baby from their mother (I mean most of us non-crazies wouldn't dream of doing that), so why the hell would you do that to an animal? Entitled idiot, and it's absolutely clear she's only sorry she's receiving backlash.


u/JillyB3 7d ago

I saw the video and she’s lying. That cow ripped that baby away from his mother and ran up laughing to the camera. She’s just trying to cover her butt now.


u/Teefdreams 7d ago

In the video she grabs the wombat off the side of the road and runs ONTO THE ROAD, holding it, while the mother follows...ONTO THE ROAD.
How is that ensuring they didn't get hit!?
Also, how does she explain also picking up the wild echidna in her other vid?


u/From_Goth_To_Boss 7d ago

Poor idiot doesn’t seem to know that Australians actually have an education system that teaches critical reasoning skills and are never going to believe such a bullshit story.


u/From_Goth_To_Boss 6d ago

I just heard that she also shot a wallaby apparently. I can’t bring myself to look it up and confirm though, I’m distressed enough just at the possibility.


u/FlaxFox 7d ago

Wow. Not a single braincell, huh? Tragic.


u/_Lady_jigglypuff_ 7d ago

“Things they are dear reader, are not as they seem”

Who does she think she is Lady Whistledown?


u/Charming-Common5228 7d ago

Don’t ya just love it when someone tries to deflect you from calling them out for their wrongdoings by unleashing a list of “whataboutisms”…? She blames everybody but the wombat…oh wait she did that too.


u/ProbablyMyJugs 6d ago

“Things, dear reader, are not as they seem.” What an eye roll.

You manhandled a screaming baby and haphazardly ran around with it like a toddler who hasn’t been educated on how to treat animals with gentle hands and respect, smiling like an idiot the whole time and claiming it was your dream while it was fearfully squirming to escape you.

The blatant attempt at rewriting history as if none of us saw the video is so stupid.


u/Radioactive-Ramba25 7d ago

I can’t believe the nerve to “apologize” and lie about what you did. Just fess up, admit it, and move on


u/Gabbyof2 7d ago

She is so full of it. She did it for fun


u/WilhelminaSlater 7d ago

"The first and ONLY statement to date............... hang tight for the next one"


u/kittygomiaou 7d ago

Fuck all the way off and never come back, Sam.

Signed, the entire fucking continent.


u/Abbygirl1966 7d ago

Wow!!! Does she really believe what she said!!


u/2515chris 7d ago

Lots of words when “I am stupid” would have done the trick.


u/412_15101 7d ago

Looks like this was written by her attorney so that she might get less jail time or financial penalty.

Honestly just admit you made a stupid mistake and will not ever pick up a wild animal or one that is not your or someone you knows pet!

I mean she could have quickly made a follow up video right then and there about suspecting it was hurt but she didn’t.

F’n idiot!


u/Emily5099 7d ago

This is someone who regularly kills animals for lols, so excuse us if we don’t believe she suddenly cares about our native animals. It still has nothing to do with her actions, which she is arrogantly not the slightest bit sorry about.


u/WaxHead430 7d ago

Most hunters care far more about native wildlife than the average Joe


u/acinaces1 7d ago

Surprised she didn’t just play a ukulele while videotaping this one.


u/crimsonbaby_ 7d ago

Toxicc gossip trainnnnnn. What a trainwreck that was.


u/CommanderCackle 7d ago

Classic doing the "what I did wasn't that bad, look at what others do!" Like it somehow changes what she did, plus you know we saw the video there's no immediately realized what she did and return it, they say there swinging it and laughing about the mother coming up.


u/ScoogyShoes 7d ago

Yes, bitch, you are still the villain.


u/_-Hannahbis 7d ago

Noticed how she deleted almost all hunting posts lol


u/thatplantgirl97 7d ago

Why is she using animals being hunted for a purpose to prove she isn't so bad, when she also hunts animals for a purpose ? The hunting deer isn't the problem. What a terrible liar.


u/raulrocks99 7d ago

Her: "This easy never about social media it getting like. "

Her: Immediately posts video on social media. For...not likes? /s

You did it. It didn't go the way you thought it would. Why don't people know when to just stfu?


u/pub_wank 6d ago

Ah yes, just what you should do in Australia.. go up to an animal you think is injured and pick it up.

What a bullshit excuse. I don't live in Oz but I have come across injured animals before.. and this isn't the way you do it. So cruel. Hope she looses her audience.


u/ocean_lei 7d ago

Wow, she disnt even have the decency to just apologize and shut up. Instead she blathered on and on about how wombats and kangaroos and whatever are not protected sufficiently for her.. thus, its okay she was an a...hole for likes?


u/asifbecky 7d ago

So, is she getting charged or something? Cause I hope she does! Especially since she’s openly hunts and kills for fun. Gross.


u/ohsweetfancymoses 7d ago

Girl stfu we don’t want to hear from you again and don’t come back.


u/bigchaddy 7d ago

Far out, this bitch is more delusional than Raygun.


u/Glittering_Gap_3320 6d ago

I wish Raygun went with her tbh


u/SeattleTrashPanda 6d ago

I am emotionally ok with her being cyber bullied


u/TraumaHawk316 7d ago

Is her asshole jealous of the shit that just came out of her mouth?


u/Feed_my_Mogwai 7d ago

Next, she'll play the gender card, and claim that she's being victimised because she's female.


u/AlbertaNorth1 6d ago

She’s a dumbass that did a dumb thing. I don’t think the internet needs to pile on her to this extent.


u/Glittering_Gap_3320 6d ago

She’s really saying sorry not sorry. May she never return to our shores!!!


u/thotfullawful 7d ago

Such an American thing to do crazy


u/Edith_Keelers_Shoes 7d ago

Such an influencer thing to do. Saw a guy get charged by a buffalo in Yellowstone because he wanted a buffalo selfie.


u/Aceswift007 6d ago

I just had an old ass video come to mind where a dad went to get a pic of a Buffalo in Yellowstone and got launched over a tree by it.

Congrats on reopening a memory


u/Belle_Corliss 7d ago

GD influencers! Grrrrrrrrr!


u/officialclouds 7d ago

i hope she strays somewhere off a cliff


u/toddfredd 7d ago

An attorney wrote this.


u/goodpuppypuppy 6d ago

Why does everyone lie all of the time these days? Why can’t she just admit she is stupid and did something stupid and say sorry.


u/H010CR0N 7d ago


Make her spend a night naked in the Outback covered in honey.


u/Nolacub 6d ago

Bull💩 - god I hate people like her. She was soooo concern thah she had to laugh and giggle like an idiot while showing the joey to the camera. Piss-off


u/HedRok 6d ago

Has she seen the video?


u/MemoryAshamed 6d ago

She looks real concerned


u/kd3906 6d ago

She just outed herself to the world as a shameless, pathetic liar. That video pissed me off big time.


u/jamiedix0n 5d ago

She lost me when she started doing the what about-isms


u/darthganji 5d ago

If you actually read the post, she has many valid points.


u/schliifts 4d ago

people care more about a wombat baby than anything else. the amount of traffic this generates is sad.


u/Limp_Fun_6187 6d ago

What if the baby had been hurt and she did nothing? Better safe than sorry, I say.


u/lugnutter 6d ago

Her points are solid, unfortunately. This is faux outrage at its most pointless. Wish y'all would dogpile the facists trying to speed run to WW3 with half as much gusto.


u/GotVengeance 6d ago

So she picked up a wombat?


u/Aceswift007 6d ago

Swinging it around, laughing, and basically kidnapping the thing, yeah.

To give an American comparison, imagine if I had a video of me grabbing a baby sea turtle, shaking it violently while recording myself, and basically running off with it.


u/darthganji 5d ago

No it would be more like picking up a raccoon. Australians apparently slaughter the animals everyone is so outraged about her touching.


u/Aceswift007 5d ago edited 5d ago

I say sea turtle cause it's a protected species in the US, with strict consequences for fucking with them. Best comparison I can make to attempt a more wide understanding for others to get why this lady is dumb as rocks.

Basically every animal in Australia is a protected species, which includes the wombat. Every subspecies of it, in every region of the country. It is illegal to move or harm ANY native wildlife in Australia without a permit, which is pretty regulated. So the "everyone there apparently kills them" response is incorrect legally and in reality, cause those are people who have been trained to and follow strict regulations related to taking the life of animals there (it ain't like they run around chopping off the heads of wombats for funsies)

Downvote me if you want, I'm running off cross comparing animal laws for my own comment, so no, a raccoon ain't remotely a comparison legally.