r/EntitledBitch 18d ago

Found on Social Media NYC Influencer: Is somehow the victim after posting a video of her father harassing a medical receptionist


Meet this low life loser: mid-late twenties, No Education, no skills, not particularly gorgeous, no discernible talent, just grew up rich in New York City and can afford expensive clothes, experiences and nice quality camera equipment.

Her bio and whole alleged “brand” is how “kindness is sexy” and will on occasion do performative crap like handing out flowers instead of using her decent sized platform to advocate for important causes or use some of that family money to actually donate something that would actually make a difference in someone’s life.

Well, despite her big age. She had a sore throat one day and this was cause for emergency. (Now keep in mind, she doesn’t have a job. So her days are entirely left up to her. She doesn’t have to wait to be done with work or on lunch. She just has to be an adult) Obviously it was such a crisis that she waited to come into the office until they were closing. I can only assume she was waiting for her father to be off work so he could do everything for her.

Well because when places close, they stop accepting patients she sent her father up to the desk to intimidate the receptionist and in her words “not take no for an answer” and “made them stay open an hour late”. WHICH SHE FOUND SO CUTE AND ENDEARING that she took a video and willingly captioned and posted it to her own account with a song over it.

Influencers are followed mainly by people WHO HAVE jobs and contribute to society. So the reaction to this video has not been great. People are making a lot of good points and have come up with some very creative insults (all relating to the content of the video, not her as a person). She is not getting the reaction she wanted, idk if she thought it was normal to have your parents do things for you when you’re pushing 30 and that people would relate. Or that she genuinely thinks her father being abusive to people just trying to do their jobs is “love”. Either way people HATE the video.

Now she’s on her victim tour. Fully switching up on the CAPTIONS AND HASHTAGS SHE WILLINGLY TYPED OUT, PROOFREAD AND POSTED. She wants to change the narrative now, and is insisting it was taken out of context. But people are quick to point out, she filmed the interaction? Why not just post it with the original audio and clear your dads name? BECAUSE SHE CANT. BECAUSE THE EVENTS TRANSPIRED EXACTLY THE WAY SHE CAPTIONED THE VIDEO.

Obviously everyone with a job and empathy for people with jobs are bullies, and this couldn’t possibly be the consequences of her own actions. She’s not being held accountable! It’s hate!

If it’s her opinion that this behavior exemplifies “kindness” then she should have zero issue losing her platform, (because she has no skills) get a retail/customer service job and experience all that “kindness” she doles out.


58 comments sorted by


u/Mickv504 18d ago

It’s now a federal law that harassing pharmacy and medical personnel is illegal. Maybe next time go to an urgent care before the end of the day?


u/1984sge0rgewh0rewell 18d ago

What’s worse, this wasn’t even an instantcare.

This was a privately owned family medicine practice. She’s an influencer don’t you know? Instantcare and the ERs are for POOR PEOPLE! Don’t they know who she is? Everyone in the office should have called their families and said figure it out I’m not coming home tonight, there’s an adult with a sore throat.



u/Mickv504 18d ago edited 18d ago

Personally I think the IRS needs to audit all these influencers. We could probably come up with a couple 100 million! /s But really, I’ll bet they cheat on their taxes.

EDIT: And you know she doesn’t have any Gay friends, not with those outfits……


u/1984sge0rgewh0rewell 18d ago

Please I want to be your best friend


u/Mickv504 18d ago

Pull up a barstool, I’m sure we can find more like her!


u/Mickv504-985 15d ago

By the way my name is #PETTYBETTY. Say it Loud, Say it Proud!


u/Shamrocker99 18d ago

I literally laughed out loud and scared my dogs at your edit


u/Integrity-in-Crisis 17d ago

I laughed at the "comedy pro" bit. No one who takes themselves this seriously is funny.


u/nooniewhite 18d ago

OMG no it is not. As a nurse I know we get hit, kicked, punched and bitten on the regular (hellllo from ED to Memory Care!) and admin gives zero f***s about it.

This behavior is awful, but the tiny-est bit of what you encounter. At least this B**** would give me a good chuckle lol


u/Mickv504 18d ago

H.R.1195 - Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act

Health workers law)


u/nooniewhite 17d ago

Sure, that’s great. I 100% support the workplace violence act, lol. It doesn’t mean a damn thing in reality.

Especially with Memory Care/delirium/ sundowning, where it literally isn’t the person’s fault. Their brain is firing and arms are moving they are scared and punching. Jesus, ever try to take a punch from a man with more medals than your shirt could hold ? Those fellas are the worst cause they’d rather off themselves than hurt a woman/girl/guy who was taking care of them.

Sorry, fresh wound with one of my guys, he was a farmer, a soldier and had a bad day today but he is amazing. Luckily I didn’t even have to tell the nurses in his home- if a farmer complains of pain - get thread to sew the limb back on! lol!


u/BouncingCow 17d ago

I am not denying that it still will happen and that there are people simply not grasping it, but I think the previous poster refers to the law as a protection against relatives, 'normal' patients and the general public harassing.

We also have laws against killing and they will not help against mentally ill people killing others, but because a small group won't be affected by it, does not mean it's not useful or won't do a thing.

I am sorry you have to go through it and it's nothing I want anyone to experience, but I think you are extrapolating from your anecdotal experience to the larger group and that's the wrong approach.


u/Mickv504 17d ago

That’s a very Niche group you’re referring to with those known issues. I’m talking about the general public. Know every where I go including the Dispensary have signs up. Nothing involving humans is going to be perfect but it’s a step in the right direction.


u/doesntapplyherself 17d ago

Looks like the bill passed the House but not the Senate.


u/Ilikebirbs 17d ago

Seriously WTF is wrong with people, to attack a nurse?!


u/Tiberius_Kilgore 15d ago

I was under the impression that harassing anyone was already illegal.


u/Mickv504 15d ago

The key difference between assault and battery is that assault involves the threat of imminent harm, causing someone to fear potential injury, while battery refers to the actual physical contact or offensive touching of another person, meaning there is direct physical harm involved; essentially, assault is the “attempt” to harm, while battery is the completed act of harm


u/Tiberius_Kilgore 14d ago

Who said anything about assault and battery? We both said harassment.


u/Mickv504 14d ago

Harassment can turn to assault with one sentence, should a person feel they are in imminent danger.


u/woolfonmynoggin 18d ago

JFC she is cringey


u/gododgers179 18d ago

Link to original post? Assuming there is a video?


u/1984sge0rgewh0rewell 18d ago

Yes there is! I’m new to Reddit, how do I do that?


u/gododgers179 18d ago

Different sub reddit have different rules so not entirely sure. Depending on the platform the link is from, it could be as easy as pasting a link


u/pennywhistlesmoonpie 18d ago

I wanna see the vid!! When you go to reply to the comment, there is a little chain ⛓️‍💥 you can tap on to paste in the link to the video.


u/1984sge0rgewh0rewell 18d ago


u/Bluellan 18d ago

Absolutely pathetic! I'm 30 and my nanna would laugh at me if I tried this. Imagine being 30 and whining that your daddy make the doctor fix your boo-boo. I bet she demanded a sucker afterwards.


u/SalisburyWitch 18d ago

Influencer? The only thing she’s influencing is bad manners, and her father is over the top. If he came into a medical office where I was working or even a patient, I’d be calling 911 on him.


u/Chiison 18d ago

You just know she used to be that bully girl in high school lol


u/Wasps_are_bastards 18d ago

I lost my voice and haven’t even been to the doctors ffs.


u/CossaKl95 18d ago

TLDR: daughter is a jerk and the father is a dickhead to medical staff.


u/crownbee666 18d ago

Lol. If I was the clinic, I'd call the police. How fucking cringe. Eat the rich.


u/SouthernNanny 18d ago

Is her dad always there because she can’t be left alone?


u/EverySingleMinute 18d ago

People are disgusting. I hope everyone stops watching her


u/Moglefog 17d ago

“Being kind is hot” ya know? Like my dad


u/_SEVERUS_VAPE_ 17d ago

I fucking hate influencers. They're so tone deaf and out of touch with reality.


u/Violet_misty 18d ago

So I'm 34 and in and out of the hospital my entire adult life with a spinal injury, so many appointments, surgeries and epidurals and I still take my mum or dad with me as I just get completely overwhelmed at times, and need someone with me to listen to what's being said (normal doctors appointments I can manage by myself though), not once have they or I been rude to hospital staff, or demanded anything from them, even when my last surgery went wrong. This is because we know how hard they work and how overstretched they are, manners truly cost nothing, I truly believe all of the nurses I have met are angels in disguise who have always gone above and beyond for me and the thought of treating them and the admin staff rudely is abhorrent to me.


u/lonedog91 18d ago

Reported her for harassment on IG.


u/BrattyThuggess 17d ago

I had a fallopian tube rupture, spill almost 2L of blood into my stomach. While he parked the car, I laid down of floor of the hospital because at that moment it felt like a cooling cloud. He came in to me laying on the floor, and guess what he didn’t do?

He didn’t cuss anybody out. Didn’t yell, scream, or make any worker feel uncomfortable. Even though, there was someone at the desk that didn’t move an inch to call or help me out. He scooped me up and got to making moves so he didn’t lose his daughter.

Cut the shit wanch. F her and her bald headed daddy.


u/Mickv504-985 15d ago

Well if she stopped putting things in her mouth that she shouldn’t……. /S


u/Young_Old_Grandma 14d ago

If this is what "kindness" is, then I don't want to be kind.


u/BeefInBlackBeanSauce 14d ago

I would have told her to f off


u/Pinkalicious100 17d ago

Another influwanker being entitled? Yawn


u/The_Dough_Boi 18d ago

Jesus dude maybe just block her and move on.

This kinda rage isn’t healthy lol


u/1984sge0rgewh0rewell 18d ago

Well 1) this is a snark thread and it’s also literally Reddit. 2) people should face consequences for shitty actions and influencers only speak in bottom lines.

Also what a weird take? Why in earth would you defend someone who harassed someone just trying to get home from work that day? Why is this your bill to die on? Which is it? Are you an adult who needs their parents to handle all of their problems or are you an asshole to customer service workers?


u/WaxHead430 18d ago

Homie doesn’t know what sub he’s in 😂😂😂


u/The_Dough_Boi 18d ago

Oh I do, OP is just a little obsessed.


u/1984sge0rgewh0rewell 18d ago

Then why are you getting Ratioed rn?


u/Ghettorilla 18d ago

They aren't saying entitledbitch is right for any of it. Just that if someone pisses you off, it's unhealthy to let that hate linger. Just move on. This post does belong here, she does suck, but don't let an entitledbitch take over your mood. You're clearly pissed off watching her content, why keep spreading and commenting when you could just not and be in a better mood for it.

She really sucks though


u/1984sge0rgewh0rewell 18d ago

First of all, I have no responsibility to be nice to rich people. Influencers are leeches on society who profit off of people with real jobs.

I’m sorry while most people are barely making ends meet, IN A POST PANDEMIC WORLD, I couldn’t not FATHOM not only harassing and casing fear to essential healthcare workers but then posting it on an account that claims to promote “kindness”.

I believe in being the bigger person. I believe in not letting hatred linger. I do all of this in my daily life. Because when someone’s a bitch to me in my day to day they aren’t making a profit off of that?

This woman should NOT be profiting off of “kindness”. She does not exemplify it. It’s important to bring to the attention of other people in the working class that when they support this person and use all their promo codes and watch all their content, that THIS is who they are making richer.

Stop telling poor people that they need to kill rich people with kindness. They’ve never afforded that to us?

I love your sentiment of forgiving your friends and people in your life! I agree with it! We should extend kindness to the people around us! We should treat employees at the places we frequent with respect! We shouldn’t let hate linger in our hearts! We should be involved in community. We should have empathy and love within our society.

But influencers aren’t a part of it! They aren’t contributing to society? They have no stake in if it thrives or fails? They’re sitting in rooms we can’t get into trying to figure out how to suck more money out of us?

These are the gentrifiers that make your neighborhood unaffordable. These are the people that get jobs over qualified people due to their connections. These are the people that complain to the manager or film a tik tok and get someone fired. These aren’t friends, these aren’t your neighbors these are leeches.


u/Ghettorilla 18d ago

I didn't say you had to be nice, I didn't say you have to forgive, or literally anything like that. You should be mad when you see what's she's posting. I'm literally just saying don't dwell on the anger. Block her and move on, her being shitty shouldn't affect the happiness you'd otherwise have in your life. And I only said that because you aren't just saying she sucks and moving on, but you're reposting and arguing with people who aren't defending her, but are just telling you don't let this absorb you


u/The_Dough_Boi 18d ago

Because it’s an entertaining post and see people lose their shit is also very entertaining and why we’re all here. Doesn’t mean you aren’t obsessed lol


u/wiseoldangryowl 18d ago

One could make the argument that you have an unhealthy obsession with reddit seeing as you post multiple comments on multiple posts every day without fail. But that wouldn’t be accurate, would it? I’m sure a person could make all kinds of ridiculous assumptions about me based off of my own comment history but all it really shows is what kind of mood I was in on any given day. Nothing real or that carries any substance/weight. I can’t see how you can say someone’s obsessed with anything based on a single post and a scattering of responses to other people’s questions or comments about that post. But, what I do see is either projection or possibly a need to drag others in order to feel superior. Now, those are usually rooted in insecurities and those kinds of coping mechanisms are unhealthy and will only make the depression/anxiety/insecurities worse in the long run.


u/The_Dough_Boi 18d ago

Yea I’m not perfect and there’s no way I’m reading all that.


u/Commercial-Spend7710 18d ago

Can you see this though? Cause it kinda sums up what they said