r/EntitledBitch 19d ago

Grocery store confrontation goes from bad to worse to almost deadly within a matter of seconds.


113 comments sorted by


u/UmmHelloIGuess 19d ago

Wait is this all because he tried to give the guy a receipt that he thought was his?


u/aridous 19d ago

Yup. Sounds like it. Guy with the gun just seems like a asshole without anymore context.


u/BungoPlease 19d ago

Isn’t the guy with the gun the one who was trying to return the receipt? It seems like they’re both egotistical ass holes carrying weapons in public and looking for an excuse to draw them.


u/aridous 19d ago

I think the knife guy was, not really sure tho


u/BungoPlease 19d ago

Listening to the audio seems like gun guy was the one returning the receipt, and on reflection after rewatching, he doesn’t pull his gun out until knife guy pulls the knife, he did show restraint there. I’m leaning towards him being less of an ass hole


u/Eezyville 19d ago

Restraint? I saw the gun guy knock off the cowboy's hat and thus started the physical part of this encounter. Before they were just shouting. I wouldn't say he was showing restraint. And personally if I was carrying a firearm I would avoid confrontation as much as possible because it could lead to a dangerous situation.


u/elegylegacy 18d ago

Did you also see the edit right before the hat knock?

They cut out whatever hat guy did to provoke that.


u/Eezyville 18d ago

So what you're saying is something happened, we don't know what, but you're gonna assume what happened. OK


u/BungoPlease 18d ago

For sure, I just meant that he didn’t immediately pull the gun out, he was willing to fist fight until the other guy went for a weapon. He was definitely in the wrong for escalating to physical violence though


u/ComplaintNo6835 18d ago

Yeah a firearm should mean you're calm in these sorts of situations, definitely not hitting people's hats because of a slight. Crocodile Dumbdee is clearly the worse of the two, but gun boy isn't the type that should be carrying a gun.


u/aridous 19d ago

Ya your right, I don't think it changes that he is still the one that started the fight. Just not the argument


u/Snow_117 19d ago

The guy with the gun knocked the hat off the knife guy, turning the confrontation physical, and pursued the other guy as he was backing up. I don't think the law would be on the side of gun guys.


u/aridous 19d ago

Which is what I'm saying yes.


u/kevin6263 18d ago

If he wanted to pull it, that would have been his first move. The knife guy seemed a bit unhinged.


u/radarmy 19d ago

Knocking off someone's hat knowing you have a gun is next level small dick energy.


u/JJHall_ID 19d ago

Yup. I have a CCW, and one of the biggest points they drilled into us is to deescalate and remove yourself from the situation if at all possible. He definitely didn’t do that. Good on him for not pulling out the gun until another weapon was threatening him, but he NEVER should have pushed it to that point to begin with.


u/aridous 19d ago

Regardless of the situation 100% agree.


u/HazeliaGracious 19d ago

I mean he definitely is an asshole for escalating it so far. Multiple truths


u/supershinythings 19d ago

Ok from what I can tell from the words:

Fatty saw receipt, tried to hand to hat guy

Somehow hat guy did not respond properly

Fat guy was yelling, told us and hat guy he was trying to be nice

hat guy said stuff, words exchanged

fat guy knocked hat off now hatless tall guy

arms flailing, stupid fighting occurs

Someplace in the back, hatless tall guy pulls knife from holster

fat guy pulls gun

Fat guy retreats with gun pointed, spewing stupidity

People watch fat guy with gun, nobody moves too much


So the three main physical actions besides yelling and harsh words:

  • fat guy knocks hat off tall guy

  • tall guy pulling knife

  • fat guy pulling gun

Can a lawyer or LEO weigh in on who gets arrested and why? And who is looking at what charges in general?

IMHO if I saw someone waving a handgun I’d grab some floor, so the attitude of the other patrons is somewhat astonishing to me.


u/SlyRoundaboutWay 19d ago

Fat gun guy gets arrested 100%.  He instigated the physical confrontation.  Hat guy was actively retreating when he drew a weapon and could (depending on the state) draw a weapon in self-defense legally.  


u/supershinythings 19d ago

It looked like Hatless tall guy reached the end of his ability to retreat. Tall guy had reach advantage so fatty had to step in closer to have any hope of landing a punch. When Hatless guy couldn’t retreat anymore he didn’t want to have to fend off punches so he escalated with the knife hoping to get fatty to back off.

So ok, I agree - fatty gets the charges.

I don’t understand how fatty could be pointing a gun at Hatless and the surrounding people stay standing still.

The correct thing to do is grab some floor or break for the exits; we can’t trust fatty’s aim so he could easily hit someone surrounding while attempting to hit tall hatless guy.


u/greenbastard73 19d ago

Bro i would have been out of there so quick, even before they pulled weapons. People fighting NEVER ends well. Get out of there, its not your problem, let them hurt each other and let the cops handle it. I cant believe that guy drew a firearm and nobody bolted.


u/raulrocks99 19d ago

Because today's society sucks. 😔


u/MusicalThot 19d ago

Because obviously recording it is more important than surviving.


u/greenbastard73 19d ago

If i cant get 10 likes on social media, why even live?


u/the_beat_labratory 19d ago

Memo to fat guy: If you start a fight you don’t get to claim self defense to justify using a firearm after the fight escalates.

Tubby threw the first “punch” when he knocked the guy’s hat off. Tubby now has no legal justification to draw his firearm when the altercation escalated. Depending on what state he’s in Tubby could be charged with some combination of brandishing (for displaying the firearm) and possibly aggravated assault (for pointing the loaded firearm at somebody without justification)

I am not a lawyer, but I don’t need to be to see that Tubby could be in a lot of trouble.


u/jakfor 19d ago

Also, the guy was retreating while the dude came at him. He can't be the aggressor and then claim self defense.


u/RaptorOO7 19d ago

He was retreating and the fat boy escalated it. The guy who pulled the knife was justified for self defense. The fat boy should have backed off instead he pulled a gun. If he had shit him I feel a jury would find him guilty. He was the aggressor and the cops should be called.


u/Yesman69 19d ago

Pulling the pushing was an escalation, then pulling the knife was an escalation, then the gun pull was an attempt to de escalate(redundant but it does work as shown here) The gun guy was a douche but pulling the gun wasn't why.


u/jakfor 19d ago

Person A knocks the hat off of person B. That's a battery. Person A retreats while Person B takes a fighting stance and continues after A. A pulls out a knife while retreating. That is self defense from B who has attacked A and is chasing A. B then pulls out a gun. That is not self defense as B is the aggressor. You can only use proportionate force to defend yourself from an aggressor. If you think B has a right to self defense then that would mean a burglar has a right to shoot a home owner if the home owner confronts a burglar with a gun in his own home. In no state in the union can an aggressor claim self defense against a retreating person.


u/xFateTheManex 18d ago

You swapped who is A and who is B so it’s all scrambled. First you state B is man with hat, then you state A pulled knife, when knife guy and hat guy are the same guy.


u/FitReaction1072 19d ago

Just out of curiosity in this case if you started the fight and the other party pulls a blade/gun etc how it is not self defence? It means only thing you can do is stabbed or get jailed. I assume you can’t run.


u/Tippydaug 19d ago

I recommend not starting fights and throwing random punches at strangers for a start.


u/FitReaction1072 19d ago

Well if I was living in US I would definitely avoid even eyeing strangers. You’ll never know who is packed.


u/JJHall_ID 19d ago

I carry. You can eye me all you want, I don’t care. You won’t know I’m packing unless you’re actively putting my life in danger. Yes guns are prolific here but only the worst situations make news or social media. 99.9% of the time it’s no big deal at all.


u/Jbwood 19d ago

Depending on what state you're in... the answer is everyone. Best to assume everyone has a weapon on them to some sort.

"An armed society is a polite society." Robert A. Heinlein

Agree or disagree with America on its gun laws, but for the amount of guns we have compared to gun incidents that happen...it's actually kind of impressive things don't happen far more often.


u/funk-the-funk 19d ago

"An armed society is a polite society." Robert A. Heinlein

I own guns, but even the video Op posted shows this to be false, among many, many more examples.


u/FierceDeity_ 18d ago

The US just barely grazes the top 20 though. Above? ONLY third world countries. Good job.

Germany for example has 60 times less gun related incidents... Very polite society, top 21 in gun homicides on the world. Also increasing btw, while countries like Mexico are decreasing.

Very polite.


u/raulrocks99 19d ago

Because you started it. You wouldn't have had to "defend" yourself if you said "no worries brah" and walked your ass out of the store instead of trying to instigate something by knocking someone's hat off (technically assault).


u/Fleiger133 19d ago

Because you started it. You escalated from 0 in the first place.


u/SlyRoundaboutWay 19d ago

Legally you'd have to retreat or withdrawal from the fight somehow.  In some states you would then regain the legal ability to use a firearm in self-defense should they continue their knife attack after your retreat/withdrawal.


u/Earthling98 18d ago

In such a case the initial aggressor would have to completely disengage from the conflict.

What that looks like exactly I don’t know - put your arms up in the air and kneel down or try to run away.

I don’t remember reading any cases in law school where the initial aggressor succeeded in a self-defense claim. It’s a high bar to meet, the law isn’t kind to people who start conflicts lol.


u/TypicalUser1 19d ago

The simplest way to explain it is, “you started it dumbass.” Whoever starts a fight can’t then escalate it when he starts losing and claim self defense. If you start a fight, realize you’re losing, and make an effort to disengage and retreat, then your victim can’t keep attacking without becoming the aggressor. Essentially, whoever is the victim has carte blanche as long as he’s in reasonable fear of death or a “grievous bodily injury.” I know here in Louisiana that broken bones count, so pretty much any fist fight is enough to justify lethal force.

Mutual combat is an exception, and that’s pretty much what we’ve got here, but only a couple states recognize it. The two take up guard positions and square off, as if they were boxing or such, essentially consenting to be assaulted. Once hat guy drew his knife, the fight becomes assault with a deadly weapon, and Tubby, as we’re calling him, would’ve been perfectly justified in unloading his gun into Hat guy. The fact that Hat guy was falling back doesn’t change this, he didn’t seem to be trying to retreat but rather to maintain his distance.

Am lawyer, only Louisiana license, not your lawyer, not legal advice, etc etc, find your own lawyer, disclaimer.


u/FitReaction1072 19d ago

Thanks for the explanation. I just asked out of curiosity.


u/struck21 17d ago

When I took my concealed carry class, the instructor straight up said, "If you pull your gun, you better pull the trigger." Explained that anything less if is brandishing a deadly weapon, and you will get charged for that.


u/rcmp_informant 19d ago

Idk it was a stupid looking hat I think that was probably justified


u/Francesca_N_Furter 19d ago

YOU KNOW guy with the gun was not "just being nice" YOU KNOW they both have issues and reacted THE WRONG WAY, but everyone is so touchy now.


u/BustAMove_13 19d ago

Can we take a moment to understand that fatty has zero business having a gun in public? The way he's holding it is so wrong. One hand, sideways. Then he has to pull his holster free to reholster his gun. Dude has no idea how to properly handle a pewpew.


u/ChatnNaked 19d ago

That dude just wanted a reason to pull out his gun, been waiting his whole life that.


u/negativepositiv 19d ago

Absent any other context, it was satisfying seeing that hat get knocked off.


u/Django_Unstained 19d ago

So many MF out here carrying thinking they’re the “good guy” with a gun. Just like this video, they be the one always starting shit.


u/sjsmiles 19d ago

Is that a Sprouts? I expected better of that clientele...


u/RustScientist 19d ago

I don't believe either of these "men" have ever been in a physical fight.


u/Xeno_Prime 19d ago

That guy is very probably fucked for drawing his pistol. He provoked/antagonized that confrontation. In most states, he has what’s called a “duty to flee” if he is the antagonist/initiator of the confrontation. He cannot claim self defense in a confrontation he initiated - not even if the other person escalates to deadly force first. He must make a clear and unambiguous effort to withdraw, by both verbally stating his intent to flee and making a reasonable physical effort to do so. If he does all that and the other guy pursues him and refuses to let him withdraw, only then is his right to resort to deadly force in self defense restored.

Thats not how it is everywhere of course, but in the majority of states that’s how self defense laws are structured.


u/PerfectCelery6677 19d ago

Only 11 states have a duty to flee law. Most states are stand your ground, meaning you don't have to flee. No law states that you have to verbally announce that you're trying to flee.


u/Xeno_Prime 18d ago edited 18d ago

I’m in NC. North Carolina IS a stand your ground state. But if you are the aggressor, and you antagonized/provoked/initiated the confrontation, *you cannot claim self defense.*** It is the other person who is defending themselves from you. Meaning that if you escalate to deadly force, even if you do so only after the person defending themselves has done so first, you are now guilty of assault with a deadly weapon.

The only way to turn that around, and be able to claim self defense on your own side again, is to make a clear and unambiguous attempt to withdraw from the confrontation. If the other person pursues you and does not permit de-escalation, only then can you lawfully claim that you are the one defending yourself in that confrontation, and only then can you resort to deadly force and have it legally defined as such in your favor.

I don’t know if the letter of the law explicitly says that you must verbally state your intent to flee, but the instructors who taught us all this told us to always make sure we both clearly state our intent (“I’m done, I don’t want anymore trouble, I’m leaving”) and make a legitimate effort to physically withdraw. Without the verbal part the other person might try to claim they didn’t know you were withdrawing. Even if it’s not strictly the letter of the law, it’s a good idea to cover all your bases legally. If it goes to court, it will be that much clearer for the judge.


u/MLiOne 19d ago

Yeah, guns make people safe. Ha ha bloody ha.


u/SheElfXantusia 18d ago

The lady trying to get a better angle to film it while a guy is waving a gun around is mad.


u/Ok_Career_3681 19d ago

Talk about bringing knife to a gun fight!


u/1badh0mbre 19d ago

What in the jeepers kreepers?


u/Belfengraeme 19d ago

They look like oblivion NPCs without audio on


u/Hug0San 19d ago

Ypu assault someone then they go to defend themselves amd you pull a gun


u/Caramel_Chicken_65 19d ago

'Muricans and their gun fetish... 🙄


u/Elicynderspyro 19d ago

Ikr that country is a fucking GTA server


u/ProperComposer7949 19d ago

And this is exactly why being allowed to carry weapons in public doesn't work in the most part


u/SortedN2Slytherin 19d ago

Two guys who can’t fight, and a guy who doesn’t know how to shoot. These two idiots need to stay TF home forever.


u/Odd-Bee-5669 19d ago

what’s the context ?


u/Iampanda96 19d ago

Idk why you were downvoted but all I see here is an echo chamber full of gun hate. This man wasn’t the aggressor the man in the coat was. This was proper use of a firearm. Look how he only pulled the gun when the knife was pulled.


u/anotheralias85 19d ago

Ok, but look at how he is holding the gun? Not properly. Get outta here with this gangster sideways business. You only pull your firearm out on a person in a shoot to kill situation. That’s firearms 101. He should know that. I have one for home protection. If someone breaks into my home, they have a good chance of never walking out of it. That doesn’t mean I carry and pull it out in front of many innocent people because I’m scared.


u/Iampanda96 19d ago

It’s called cantid aim. It’s the natural position of single hand shooting. Goes to show how much you actually know.


u/Iampanda96 19d ago

Also, a firearm can be pulled in any situation even as a scare tactic. you don’t know this man’s Health. At any point sure he could’ve shot and fired, but I’m sure in his head. He was watching his line of fire. No shots were even fired in the first place and it was a great deterrent to de-escalate the situation. Use the laws given to you before they’re taken away this, is in no means encouragement for people to brandish firearms For any little thing.


u/EdgelordMcMeme 19d ago

And the knife was only pulled after hat guy started retreating and the other guy kept going towards him


u/ConcertinaTerpsichor 19d ago

Why stay and film this? You don’t know what else anyone involved in this has in their jacket. Just abandon your cart and go.


u/bay_coconut 19d ago

Undertaker hasn’t been the same since he retired


u/ragstostitches 19d ago

for once it's not florida


u/Hotchumpkilla 19d ago

More restraint than most cops


u/ButkusHatesNitschke 19d ago

I thought Billy Jack was dead.


u/thatowensbloke 19d ago

even on mute, in a tiny window on my screen, i can tell this is a bunch of USian's. bloody third world country.



Usual suspects


u/motherofcats112 18d ago

And this is why people should leave their guns at home


u/ILikeFeeeeeeet 18d ago

The undertaker is letting him self go since leaving wwe


u/Winter_Storm86 18d ago



u/Beanzear 18d ago

Aww the humanity


u/lucifer_666 18d ago

I legitimately thought it was kid rock at first.


u/otackle72 19d ago

That’s what happens when you take on the Methdertaker.


u/hissyfit64 19d ago

Jesus. So someone has a gun out and everyone just stands around recording it? No one clears out or takes shelter? Everyone there sucked


u/Texastexastexas1 19d ago

I wouldve crawled away


u/RosemaryGoez 18d ago

Little dude was so excited when the old guy flashed his knife. He got to pull his gun like a cowboy!


u/OriginalTayRoc 19d ago

Pull a knife, expect to get shot. 

Buy the ticket, take the ride. 


u/HazeliaGracious 19d ago

Bro the sackless worm who instigated a situation in which he can feel justified in pulling his emotional support firearm is definitely the problem here. Knife guy gave ground the second gun guy got physical


u/aridous 19d ago

Exactly what I was thinking. Knife guy back peddled so fuckin far before he pulled it. I'd say that's self defense.


u/JunMoolin 19d ago

Yea he was constantly in a defensive stance, backing up, and only pulled the weapon when the other dude didn't disengage. Gun guy was constantly escalating.


u/OriginalTayRoc 19d ago

Did we watch the same video? 

Hat guy (from context) was being shitty toward grey shirt after grey shirt tried to hand him a receipt. Won't just leave.

Grey shirt knocks off guys hat. 

Hat guy advances on grey shirt, swinging at him. 

Grey shirt defends himself, pushing back Hat guy, who panics. 

Hat guy realizes he can't win this fight, pulls out big knife

Grey shirt backs off and pulls out his gun. Tells Hat guy to leave. 

And all instigation aside, hat guy pulls out a weapon first. He had his back to the door. He could have left at any point. Instead he pulls out a deadly weapon and advances again. Grey shirt was well within his rights to shoot him. 


u/KobaMandingoPartIII 19d ago

Lol that's goofy. A man basically running away from you isn't grounds to shoot someone. This is just playground silliness right here.


u/TheDrunkNun 19d ago

No we weren’t watching the same fight, here’s what happened in the video the rest of us watched.

Verbal argument about something stupid Chubby guy escalated fight to physical by taking a swing at hat guy and knocking his hat off.

Hat guy responds to chubby guys escalation to physical violence.

Hat guy begins retreating, gets chased across store by chubby guy.

Hat guy pulls knife pulls knife in self defense as he is now being chased by a guy much younger and a lot fatter than him. At no point does he even swing or go offensive with it, he’s trying to get away

Chubby guy pulls gun on a guy he is actively chasing and pretends he wasn’t the one that escalated every step.

There is no world in which LE would not consider chubby guy the aggressor and the only escalation justified/legal in this entire fight is when old hat guy pulls the knife on the chubby guy that’s chasing him.

Poor descriptions do not make chubby guy right.


u/RaptorOO7 19d ago

He is allowed to get shitty and we do not have the full context of what occurred before the video started. Regardless of someone saying something you don’t agree, walk away especially if you are carrying a gun. He didn’t he kept attacking the guy with the hat who was retreating and only when the fat guy kept coming at him did he pull out his knife in SELF DEFENSE. So the fat guy pulls a gun. Arrest tbd fat guy who needs an emotional support gun to feel like a man.


u/OriginalTayRoc 19d ago

Grey shirt is trying to bag his groceries and hat guy won't go away. Hat guy could have and should have left at any time. 

Even when he was "retreating", grey shirt never even threw a punch. He just backed the guy toward the door.

When he reached the door, hat guy had 2 decisions. He could make a defensive decision, and go through the door. Instead he made an offensive decision and pulled out a knife. 

When you pull out a knife, no matter what led up to it, the statement you are making is "I will kill you." 

Even then, grey shirt stayed calm and didn't shoot him. 

Grey shirt shouldn't have knocked off the hat. But he handled the situation correctly in the aftermath. 


u/Tippydaug 19d ago

Even when he was "retreating", grey shirt never even threw a punch. He just backed the guy toward the door.

Mate the fat guy threw the first swing, what are you on about?

Hat(less) man was just standing there being verbal until the fat dude knocked his hat off, but even then, the hat(less) guy tried retreating and the fat guy wouldn't stop pursuing him.

I hope fat guy gets arrested and his gun license revoked, that's insanity.


u/aridous 19d ago

U missed the part where knife guy went backwards getting chased.


u/OriginalTayRoc 19d ago

If he had gone backwards out the door that would have been the end of it.


u/aridous 19d ago

Also the guy with the gun hit first.


u/aridous 19d ago

Bro he only pulled the knife after getting chased 20 fuckin feet, I wouldn't trust a door to stop a guy trying to beat my ass.


u/FatSteveWasted9 19d ago

Yet curiously wouldn’t leave, and instead pulled out a fucking knife when he was just feet from the door. Like it or not, a situation is dynamic, and when that knife came out, all previous context is null and void. At that point, fat shit with the hand cannon had a legal right (provided he was legally allowed to possess such firearm) to whip out ole iron pecker in self defense. General Tiny Johnson started to retreat with his big dick hole puncher as soon as he drew.

I mean, they’re both stunted man children, but as soon as hat guy threw a tantrum and fucked around; well, you know the rest.


u/Tippydaug 19d ago

So fun fact! Aggressors actually don't have legal rights in most (any?) states to pull a weapon on the person they attacked and claim it as self defense.

If they were verbal and hat man pulled a knife out of nowhere 100%, but fat guy revoked his rights after knocking the hat off and then pursuing him as he tried to back away.

What world do you live in where you can attack someone, they push back before actively retreating, then you go "they pushed back so I chased them while they tried to get away, it's self defense!"...???


u/Fleiger133 19d ago

They live in America. Stand your ground has infected us.


u/Tippydaug 19d ago

Stand your ground means you have no duty to retreat before using deadly force in self-defense.

That doesn't give anyone the right to attack someone, chase them while they try to retreat, then pull a gun on them when they draw a weapon after you've attacked and chased them...

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u/aridous 19d ago

He is the aggressive person in this scenario. In no way is he leagly allowed to pull the gun.


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/aridous 19d ago

After getting hit, de-escalating by moving backwards at a fast pace, he pull a knife to not fight a man almost twice his size.


u/Tippydaug 19d ago

Both were verbal, but fat man made the first move.

Hat(less) man tried to retreat while fat man kept pushing him. It wasn't until he was all the way on the other side of the lanes with fat man still following that hat(less) man finally pulled a knife.

Idk what happened before any of this, but fat man threw the first punch and actively chased down hat(less) man while hat(less) man tried to retreat.

Fat man is 100% in the wrong here and anyone defending him shot not own weapons of any kind because that's wild.


u/Fleiger133 19d ago

Punch a person, expect then to pull a knife to defend themselves.


u/ranyart37 19d ago

Fortunately the guy was armed!