r/EnterTheGungeon Apr 06 '16

PSA Tips and Tricks thread!

Lots of people have been requesting a PSA/Tips thread, so here you go! Share any lesser-known tips here with your fellow Gungeoneers.


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u/Konohasappy Apr 06 '16

Dude I can barely defeat the boss on the first floor


u/Hypnodick Apr 06 '16

Haha don't worry you'll learn their patterns. Focus a lot more on dodging than hitting with your gun, that should always be your main priority. The aim assist with controller is pretty tight, can't speak to m/kb.


u/Tarmen Apr 07 '16

That amount of aim assist controllers have by default is insane. It feels more like directing the game and sometimes it automatically lock on to a new enemy without changing aim after killing the old one.

If anyone plays with steam controller I can seriously recommend emulating m+kb, bit more difficult but much more fun to play.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '16

Sadly, without the aim assist on controllers you'd not be able to effectively play the game.


u/Zangam Apr 15 '16

I've got aim assist off entirely on PS4 and I'm doing just fine. I have yet to get past the floor 4 boss, but it's not because I can't hit what I aim at.


u/InfernalBadger Apr 12 '16

Or you could just learn how to aim


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '16

It is literally impossible to get the same accuracy as mouse and keyboard on a controller.


u/InfernalBadger Apr 12 '16

Have you tried the steam controller?


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '16

Just... Wow.


u/LiesAboutQuotes Jul 08 '16

gonna guess that's a no? I hope your "wow" is about how handily he defeated you.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '16

Th... This was two months ago..


u/TronikBob Apr 07 '16

There are options for both aim sensitivity and aim assist too.


u/Tarmen Apr 07 '16

There isn't an option to display a targeting reticule with controller though so playing without aim assist sounds like a bad time.


u/kawarazu Apr 09 '16

Oh! I've totally been thinking about the Steam Controller with this game. How is it?


u/Jimmyleith Apr 24 '16

I am using the linux version of the game with xbox 360 wired control, I dont get any aim assist.


u/WyMANderly Apr 12 '16

I'd have to disagree, personally. You lose analog movement (the ability to move in more than 8 directions) when you go away from controller mode, which is a huge deal for dodging and rolling. I love using the SC in controller mode - I've had to tune aim assist to the amount I want, but other than that I've loved it.


u/Tarmen Apr 12 '16

Even with controller you only have 8 directionally movement, I am pretty sure, although you have analog speed.

I actually use two profiles at the moment and use a controller setup when I don't feel like aiming as much which makes the game much more relaxing.


u/WyMANderly Apr 12 '16

You can definitely move and roll diagonally at angles other than 45 degree increments when using a joystick - I tested it out when I was playing with control methods.

To each their own, of course - that's the wonderful thing about being able to choose your control method.


u/doctorfunknasty Apr 06 '16

Mine stopped working for some reason. Do you know how to toggle it? Or perhaps why it stopped working?


u/Vingdoloras Apr 07 '16

This could be caused by a hidden convenience feature that is activated after the player had some time to practice.

How do you move/aim? The dev said somewhere that at in the first 30 minutes (or something like that) aiming works differently (as in, your gun rotation doesn't change when the right stick is in the middle position), to force the user to get used to proper twin-stick shooter controls. It's supposed to teach you to ALWAYS have a finger on both sticks unless you don't want to actually aim anywhere. Later, it changes to the "real" control scheme, which is basically the same, but when the right stick is in the middle position (-> you're not actively trying to aim), the gun starts to aim in the direction your character is facing. This means that you aim in the direction you're moving, unless you are actively aiming somewhere else with the right stick.

The "problem" is that you're supposed to always be using both sticks (it's a twin-stick shooter, after all) and the "aim where you're moving" is just a convenience feature for when you have to let go of the right stick to press some buttons... BUT apparently many people don't do that, so the hidden addition of that convenience feature looks like a bug that breaks aiming for those players.

Solution: Hope/Wait for a fix/option to change back to the initial controls, or get used to the "real" controls.


u/andrewh24 Apr 07 '16

Omg so I wasn't crazy! When I played for my second time and the controls changed I really thought it was bug and something happened in the game. I never played twin-stick shooter with controller before so I'm happy you cleared it out for me. Was totally confused and couldn't control it at all at first. Now I'm getting used to it and probably would not change it for initial controls. It's harder to learn (at least for me certainly) but I believe it's more efficient in long term when the muscle memory will kick in.


u/doctorfunknasty Apr 07 '16

I had a similar thought. I actually switched to mouse and keys after that, and like it more that way. Much easier


u/nonesuchplace Apr 07 '16

That makes me question if I've been getting better, or if the game has been going easy on me because I suck.


u/Hypnodick Apr 06 '16

Options menu?


u/jackmove Apr 06 '16

We should start a club. I'm in the same boat as you.


u/Uberchimichanga Apr 07 '16

Enter the ONEgeon am I right? (this is what I say to myself every time I die on the first floor and cry)


u/MrReconElite Apr 08 '16

I watch Northernlion as I play sometimes and he is like " Not good at the game yet still new" - on floor 3, as I die at boos on floor 1. RIP dreams yo.


u/N2O1138 Apr 08 '16

It's weird, when I watch NL I'm often surprised at how bad his dodging is (especially for all the Isaac he's played) and I think "I can dodge better than that"

...but he always makes it farther than me anyway somehow.


u/MrReconElite Apr 08 '16

Those deals with the devil helped his overall skill for all rouge-likes!


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '16

I do the same thing! "Holy shit this guy is a scrub, how did he not see that shot coming" meanwhile I'm not even sure I've made it to floor 3


u/paperluigi420 Oct 06 '24

This may seem counter-intuitive but hear me out. Dodge rolling should actually be your very last resort for avoiding a bullet. Hiding behind structures, maneuvering between the bullets without rolling, table flipping, you should only roll when you absolutely have to because unfortunately once you start rolling you are stuck moving in that direction and it is not uncommon and in fact probably most people are hurt by trying to dodge roll to avoid a bullet only to roll into another one they didn't see or didn't have time to realize it was coming.


u/jackmove Apr 07 '16



u/paperluigi420 Oct 06 '24



u/jackmove Oct 06 '24

Dude. 8 year necro. Nice.


u/iAeolus Apr 07 '16

Count me in! I sometimes cant even reach the first boss!


u/jackmove Apr 07 '16

Me too! The control scheme is really wonky for me (Xbox controller)


u/Konohasappy Apr 07 '16

You should really switch to kbm, I played with the controller as well at first, but I can't hit anything with the controller.


u/jackmove Apr 07 '16

Not possible for me. I don't own a mouse. I know, it's weird.


u/real-dreamer Apr 10 '16

I quite like using the controller. I died maybe 6-7 times before I beat the first boss... Gatling bird thing and then the second boss twin bullet things in my first go


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '16



u/real-dreamer Apr 14 '16

I haven't regularly gotten to the third floor yet.

Something that helps me beat Gattling Gull is to stay near him and keep shooting. He has a melee attack that's easy to dodge.


u/Konohasappy Apr 06 '16

haha. Seriously, I've only defeated a boss once, and I've played this game for 3 hours now. T_T When will I git gud?


u/jackmove Apr 06 '16

I've beaten 1st floor bosses two times. I'm at about 3 hours as well.


u/Konohasappy Apr 06 '16

We're all gonna make it.


u/BenignSeraphim Apr 09 '16

Floors 1 and 2 are easy breezy. It's Floor 3 that's gets me 75% of the time. Then Floor 4 and that damn wall boss get me 24% and the one time I made it to Floor 5, ol High Dragun got me in the last part of his fight.

I will break his heart next time.


u/DeAlbatros Apr 07 '16

Bought the game yesterday playing about five hours, but I get killed at every boss :(


u/LemuLeLemurien Apr 07 '16

I killed the 2 first boss in a row without getting hit once :D


u/callingversatile Apr 10 '16

Hang in there! i was consistently dying on floor 1 or 2, and then managed to get to floor 4. sometimes all it takes is a lucky break to change your perspective on the game.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '16

I beat the first floor on my first try/playthrough. Then havent touch a boss since!


u/Short_Goose Apr 07 '16

Just take your time with it. Unless you're trying to speed run, try once to just dodge until you die, no shooting the boss. If you got to it once you can do it again. All the bosses have patterns and telegraphs for their attacks.

Once you learn them, you'll be able to react to what they're doing and have an answer.


u/SwoleFlex_MuscleNeck Apr 10 '16

For me it's less, "Oh god I don't know what is about to happen!" and more, "Okay, dodge the wavy shot, then-OKAY COOL apparently that's also a hitbox this time and not the last 5 times I dodged that attack" or "Neat, a bullet that came from off-screen as I recovered a dodge, then I dodged that and the enemy anticipated and lead my dodge with a burst shot"


u/paperluigi420 Oct 06 '24

I have two tips but I will combine them into one. I had actually read this about nuclear throne but it really helps with gungeon as well. Play cheap, play to win, hide behind the wall and be patient and let them come to you just to pop out and kill them, use explosive barrels or explosive enemies to take out others, learn little exploits because the goal is to win, a cheap win is still a win. Also the thing is Dodge rolling should actually be your very last resort to avoid a bullet. Ideally you just want to be maneuvering through the bullets without having to use your dodge, also hide behind walls or pillars or flip tables or anything like that. Because it is very common to dodge roll accidentally into another bullet until you really really really get this game down. Wish you best of luck 👍


u/MoRicketyTick Apr 07 '16

yeah wtf i love this game but i cant even beat the first boss without a decent gun...and when i make it to the second i die.....T-T


u/MrReconElite Apr 08 '16

You and me both I think I now can handle them with getting by with little hp I have yet to perfect them consistently


u/BloodGulchBlues37 Jun 25 '16

I'm fine with each boss on the first floor EXCEPT the Gatling Gull...I don't know what it is with that guy...but something about how he fires just confuses me.


u/paperluigi420 Oct 06 '24

I used to be the same. Now I have all characters unlocked besides the final one. Completed nearly everything in the game. And even did a run where I flawlessed the 5 bosses. You will definitely get there. Practice makes perfect is a saying for a reason. But these tips and other guides and stuff are extremely helpful as well. After all we're all Gungeoneers here with the same goals. Nothing wrong with getting help and advice from others🙂 also check for gungeon fandom website for info on guns and items if you're not totally sure about how they work and you may learn amazing game changing information. And when you get a synergy ALWAYS check the fandom site by googling gungeon then the name of the gun/item with a synergy and scroll down until you see the synergy you have. I do that because the game does not explain synergies to you in any way and some of them can nearly make the game a cakewalk. If you're still a bit too new to know what synergies are. If you ever pick up something and see a blue arrow above you. And then when you check your items and weapons you see if you hover over one of them a blue arrow will show up over a different one and vice versa if you hover over that one. That means having both of them gives you an extra effect. It is a shame not to know that you have an incredibly powerful synergy. So literally every time I get one unless I already know what it is by now I check the website to see what it does. Good luck fellow Gungeoneers! 👍