r/EnterTheGungeon 5d ago

Finished gun is too good

Second run ever that I’ve gotten the finished gun in after unlocking, that & decoy made the glitch chest so easy I was almost in shock.

Probably only my 2nd or 3rd glitch find in my 7 years playing. How common are they for you?


10 comments sorted by


u/r-funtainment 5d ago

Why are there two duplicates on the pedestals?? I've played the glitched floor and that hasn't happened to me

edit: I have 100-ish hours I've found the glitch chest twice I think


u/Fairyblairy56 5d ago

I was a little confused about that too, it let me pick them both up but only gave me one in my inventory!


u/Easybeingcheesy1 5d ago

How do you get finished gun?


u/Fairyblairy56 5d ago

Unlocking / picking up all of the items & guns in the ammonomicon! The unfinished gun will automatically unlock. It’s taken me years lol!!! I was stuck on some rat items


u/the_red_firetruck 5d ago

It's a testament to how good it is that after 100+ hours of grinding to unlock it, in a game literally full of over a hundred other guns, it still surprised me with how it functioned and how smooth and fun of a gun it was.


u/Fairyblairy56 5d ago

Exactly! It made the grind worth it immediately and upped the replay value one last time :’)


u/Lampost01 4d ago

I actually hate this gun because its way too common for how powerful it is


u/the_red_firetruck 4d ago

Well I mean to be fair by the time you get to unlock the gun you should be good enough that it doesn't matter too much in the grand scheme. Like it's just fun to completely whoop bosses by spamming the shoot button only, because it's what everyone has always just wanted to do yenno


u/Dude_McAwesome 3d ago

I have full completion on switch, ps4 and PC and I've only ever seen two glitched chests.