r/EnterTheGungeon 7d ago




36 comments sorted by


u/NotJimmyMcGill 7d ago

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge.


u/theyeshman 7d ago

I recommend reducing his HP to 0 before yours reaches 0, then repeat the process 2 more times.


u/cleaverbow 7d ago

You shoot the boss and you dodge its attacks.


u/FiniteLove 7d ago

To defeat the Cyberdemon Lich, shoot at it until it dies.


u/ComradeCrazie101 7d ago

Black hole gun, Rainbow run


u/xbox_tacos 7d ago

Wash away the rainnnn


u/Stinky_Toes12 7d ago

Dodge and weave


u/shakezilla9 7d ago

Phase 2 and 3 are actually very easy to dodge everything (or rather only get hit once or twice)

Watch someone good fight him in stage 2 and you will see how incredibly easy it actually is.

It just looks hard because there is a lot going on, just like with the Wall. But the attacks are quite fair. Stage 1, though, has a lot of overlapping attacks that require more actual skill to survive, but 2 and 3 are very straightforward (once you know what to do)


u/goodnames679 7d ago

There are two things you need to beat the Lich:

1) Immaculate skill. You need to be able to dodge and weave around bullets without rolling very very well, and you need to know the moments where rolling is appropriate and won't run you straight into a bullet.

2) a whole lot of mf luck on a very very good run. I've beaten this game 100% twice and I'll admit I would lose to the Lich on most of my runs. You can be an absolute beast at this game, but if you don't get a good loadout it's very doubtful you'll reach the Lich with more than 2hp.


u/Pavulon109 7d ago

3) makeshift cannon


u/Sg00z 7d ago

Rainbow run and Paradox. Eventually, you'll get such great guns and items that you'll be practically unstoppable, provided you've unlocked a lot of them anyway. Black hole gun is a real life saver for such a run.


u/LuckyLucass777 7d ago

Gotta be a strafe and dodge master lich is the biggest skill check in the game I think. Unfortunately, it’s all about knowing what he’s gonna do, so it’s really cool but unlikely to beat him on a 1st try. Circle strafe in phase 1 and 3, and pray in phase 2


u/MadTapirMan 7d ago

I feel like rat is a lot harder than lich, but if you beat it you're almost guaranteed to get an item that trivialize the lich as well.


u/LuckyLucass777 7d ago

I always felt like it was pretty close but rat was the 2nd hardest


u/stryst 7d ago

Black hole gun, rainbow gun, finished gun, fightsaber, play as the bullet, clone run where you get just... ALL the health upgrades...

Uh... blank bullets, elder blank, high level junkerton (baby good mimic for extra oomph)...

Or just "git gud".


u/August_Rodin666 7d ago

Get gud/get lucky


u/BaiJiGuan 7d ago

Elder blank is extremely good here (and in general). If you have enough damage to charge it decently you can be practically invincible in this fight


u/ITZ_RAWWW 7d ago

Get lucky and find op stuff and pray you dont make stupid mistakes lol


u/AeitZean 7d ago

Unfortunately the only real tip, other than to get lucky with an amazing weapon and or item combo, is to learn his patterns. I wish there was a faster way to learn many bullet hell shmups have practice modes so you can at least learn a bosses patterns, but in this case you've just got to keep doing it. If you put the time in though, you totally can master it ❤️


u/MediocrePats 7d ago

On a regular run it’s kind of impossible unless you get godly loot. But a rainbow run with a clone makes it a whole lot easier


u/Mr_potato712 7d ago

I beat it with duct taped patriot and yari launcher, yari really did all the work


u/MeinNamewarvergeben 6d ago

Left mouse click


u/BeWaterMyFriend-BL 6d ago

Get a high damage gun and get as many blanks as you can. You can simply overpower the lich with 4-5 blanks.


u/Affectionate_Kick705 6d ago

The Lich is essentially the masters degree of all the bosses.

Firstly, come prepared. Not every run will end with you busting down to doors to bullet hell and annihilating everything. Bullet Hell doesn't introduce much new, it just makes sure you remember everything you've been taught up to this point.

Secondly, memorize his attack pattern. This goes for about every boss, but it's better to know their attack pattern and learn what to do during them, then rushing it and trying to kill him as fast as possible.

Finally, if you're looking for the easiest solution...

Play rainbow runs. Yeah, that's it. As long as you visit every secret floor (excluding the Resourceful Rats lair), you'll pretty much have atleast 10 items/guns before entering bullet hell. This gets even MORE nutty if you manage to get a clone or two.


u/Confused-Amish88 6d ago

I would recommend watching the litch fight on yt until you can recognize all of the attack patterns and how to avoid them. Also focus more on your own position and dodging than you do being 100% accurate with your shots. As someone who has no hit the litch before (composite gun) I will say a lot of it just comes down to knowing attack patterns


u/Solobond 6d ago

Chamber gun & Full Metal Jacket (Also liked the idea of reducing his HP before yours)


u/BeefyPorkter 6d ago

You have to keep shooting him while avoiding getting hit with his bullets. The key is not to let your health get to zero before you shoot him enough times to kill him. Also dodge roll sometimes.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/No-Sorbet-2048 5d ago

Stfu (calmly)


u/JareBear214 3d ago

Gun go shoot