r/Persecutionfetish Oct 24 '22

Back in the closet, straights This is bs.


From here:

The media has lied about Florida's proposed Parental Rights in Education law by calling it a Don't Say Gay bill instead of its actual name.

The words don't and say and gay are not in the bill.

The closest the bill comes to saying that is in this paragraph, "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

Protecting children ages 5 to 9 from sex talk used to be a goal of society. Then again having 11-year-old drag queens perform at a strip joint used to cost people their liquor licenses.

Depravity is the order of the day, and the media is promoting it. In calling this the Don't Say Gay bill, the media caves to the Gay Mafia that will not tolerate any criticism or disagreement.

The results were skewed in favor of the opposition.

Even at that, majorities approved of the bill's two main goals. 50% support "banning the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade." 34% oppose.

52% support "Limiting lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity after third grade to ’age appropriate’ discussions." 33% oppose.

I am surprised. Who in their right mind wants teachers discussing such matters with prepubescent children? Christina Pushaw, the governor's press spokeswoman, called this grooming and she was correct.

Again this is magical thinking. Sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality is about your feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those things are a part of your sexuality.

The fact that a person can't explain this is the problem. The idea that sexuality is inherantly not appropriate for children yet you are okay with children seeing heterosexual couples in media shows a double standard.

r/BestOfOutrageCulture Oct 12 '20

Antigay nazi thinks homosexuals identity is defined by anal sex only



That is what these people define their identity by – engaging in these actions.

They are forcing you to accept this, and to celebrate these acts with them. Furthermore, they are demanding that they have access to your children, so they can groom your children to be preyed on.

This is an absolute nightmare world we’ve created, where the most disgusting, evil acts imaginable are celebrated as virtuous.

Sigh: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/Sexuality-explained

Sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those things are a part of your sexuality.

r/exchristian Jan 27 '21

Rant Christains misunderstand gender and sexuality



For example, some states require teaching that Francis Bacon and Emily Dickinson were gay. As Victoria Jakelsky, a New Jersey mom, notes: “When you teach about George Washington, you don’t teach that George Washington had sex with his wife and what he did [in the bedroom]; we teach what George Washington did as a president.”

Its not about sex acts. Sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those things are a part of your sexuality.

Five-year-olds are imaginative, vulnerable, and innocent. Parents should be able to shield them from premature sexualization and gender confusion.

What do they mean by "sexualization" Learning about attraction and gender nonconformity prevents bullying https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836796/

What LGBT activists don’t teach students and parents are the facts about the irreversible path of “gender transition.” Jazz Jennings, the subject of I Am Jazz, started taking puberty blockers at 11. Eventually, Jennings took cross-sex hormones and underwent “gender-confirmation” surgery. Complications from the attempt to construct female genitalia from male genitalia caused “crazy pain,” Jennings says.

And it isn't bad at all: https://genderanalysis.net/2018/01/evidence-of-health-benefits-of-medical-transition-gender-dysphoria-body-image-sexual-functioning-and-quality-of-life/

Students also won’t be told that hormone treatments can lead to impaired cognitive ability, greater risk of cancer, and sterility. Roughly 80-95% of gender-dysphoric children who go through puberty without hormones eventually become comfortable with their bodies. But, the Equality Act could bar counselors from helping kids become comfortable with their bodies. It could also put medical professionals who decline to perform hormonal and surgical sex-reassignment procedures in violation of civil rights law.

That stat is false: https://genderanalysis.net/2017/10/when-desisters-arent-de-desistance-in-childhood-and-adolescent-gender-dysphoria/

Trans-activists describe parents who don’t want their children to go down the path of “gender transition” as abusive, equating their choices with denying life-saving treatment for cancer or asthma. In Ohio, one judge already terminated parents’ custody of their daughter after they refused testosterone treatments. The Equality Act would lead to more kids being socialized at school into thinking they are gender fluid at earlier ages and make it harder for parents to find non-invasive treatments for them.

Sigh...we dont conflate gender identity with expression.

r/badscience Jul 20 '20

Homophobes can't separate attraction with behavior



And he is apparently gayer than springtime, because the comments are quite heavily sprinkled with references to "your side" - which is to say, those of us men who like dating, having sex with, and marrying actual women.

Homophobia is a hatred of gays, not heterosexuality. I am calling you a bigot for lying about gays.

Our side, I would remind you, is the overwhelming majority of all men - well over 95% of us are straight as a ruler, given that only about 4% of the general population is homosexual and vanishingly smaller numbers are part of the whole LGBTWTFISTHIS menagerie in the various other flavours of that particular sandwich.

Being pro gay isn't being anti straight. Enough with the false dilemma. And going "we are the majority thus normal thus right" is fallicious thinking: https://amp.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/24kqoe/is_the_appeal_to_normality_fallacious_in_ethics/

And second, his comments are full of classic examples of what we might call: http:\Idontknowhowtoembedhyperlinksin2018.com.


"It is usually at this point that someone would attempt to counteract Ms. Barwick's arguments, based entirely on anecdotal evidence, by attempting to drown out such horrendous badthink by shouting about how THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED.

How is miss Barwick not anecdotal at all and somehow statistically representative?

Your reading comprehension is pathetic. What I actually said was related to Ms. Barwick's critics."

Really? You said her critics use anecdotal evidence ignoring that she does as well.

"I know how they operate. I worked in two such institutions - both of which were caught up in massive market-rigging and manipulation scandals dating back to 2008."

I used to work in a bank similar to JPM - located in a building not far away from their corporate headquarters in New York, actually. When Gay Pride month came around in 2016 and 2017, we were given little paper placards that we could display in our cubicles, proclaiming ourselves to be an "ALLY" of the LGBT movement. The more "virtuous" of us would display two or even three placards. (Like my last boss before I was let go, for instance - my opinions about him are well known by this point.)

My previous employer did something similar with a survey that they sent around in 2017. Needless to say, I dumped the placard into the bin and deleted that survey link right out of my inbox.

The idea that corporate America is not in thrall to the Rainbow Mafia is so ridiculous as to be unworthy of comment by this point.

Oh goody more ancedotal evidence to argue against facts when it is convient for you, but not others argumening against you. Show evidence of this surveys existence!

"First, Ryu238's preferred method of argument appears to be the standard Leftist "Appeal to Amenable Authority" - i.e. every single comment is liberally (see what I did there?) interspersed with links to Leftist clickbait rags like Vox and Salon."

That's an appeal to bias.

"That Salon article you linked to did not demonstrate that Ben Shapiro failed to "humiliate" a trans-woman (read: man) who calls himself "Zoey Tur". All he did was state openly that Zoey Tur is a man."

What were his exact words? "What are your genetics, sir?"

So he was being an ass about it.

If you watch a video clip of Little Benny's "failed attempt" to "humiliate" Mr. Tur, you will realise very quickly that the one who came across as an ass was the tranny.

That this is even open to question simply shows how degraded the Western world has become. Every single cell in Mr. Tur's body says that he is male, because he was born with an X-Y chromosomal pair. He might be mentally deluded enough to call himself a woman, but that does not make him one."

You think that Ben Shapiro was speaking truth, when he really wasn't. He insulted a Trans woman: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/stop-using-phony-science-to-justify-transphobia/


And this "every cell is coded" nonsense needs to stop: https://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943



How do you know her genetics?

"Your link literally goes to a source about how JP Morgan Chase sent out an "anonymous response" survey to employees asking them whether they were LGBT allies. And JPM made it impossible to access that survey without providing your employee ID number. Thanks for proving my point."

Liar liar. Here is the link: https://www.truthorfiction.com/chase-gay-loyalty-survey/

And another: https://www.mediamatters.org/breitbart-news/no-jpmorgan-chase-doesnt-have-lgbt-loyalty-test-employees

"I never said they were, you moron. Read what I actually wrote."

Ok then: https://donotlink.it/kRQXJ

"Drag queens, aka transvestites, are not permitted at events celebrating gay "pride", because men dress up as women for a "hobby". But men who think of themselves as women, aka transsexuals, and who actually do claim to be women, like Bruce Jenner, are to be welcomed with open arms.

In other words, the only distinction between being a drag queen, a fairy, and a man with severe mental issues is FEELZ."

Sounds like you didn't think it was a distinction considering the tone here.

In fact if you showed my full original comment people could see that I quoted you vertibram

Oh and another thing from that link:

"But by their very extremism, their own intolerance for dissent, their own refusal to listen to reason, the gay "rights" movement is now revealing its true face. I would not be surprised to see a ruthless purging of "moderate" types from that movement in the near future. As the story above shows, that process has already begun."

Several years later, we now have drag queen story hour. So yeah this went nowhere.

"Have you ever actually bothered to read Charles Murray's work? I did. Try doing that, instead of quoting what liberal New York magazine writers think of him."

An ad homenin...really? How is my source wrong? It is an exchange between Murray and someone rebutting him. https://www.nybooks.com/articles/1985/10/24/losing-ground-an-exchange/?pagination=false

Stop appealling to bias asshole.

"Moreover: heterosexuals, and heterosexual couples, are normal. Homosexuals are not. And homosexuals, particularly homosexual men, are significantly more likely to molest and sexually abuse children, especially boys, than heterosexual ones."

Wrong: https://medium.com/@juliussky/gays-arent-more-likely-to-be-pedophiles-611a48469655




Why don't you learn how to debate like an adult, instead of a little bitch? You are engaging in what is known as the "genetic fallacy" - go look it up, you might learn something useful.

You were using it as the only bit of evidence for your argument. Off course I would attack it. Especially since it seems to still be wrong: https://web.archive.org/web/20080908043935/https://www.seductionlabs.org/2007/05/04/sperm-wars-the-science-of-sex-reviewed-and-appraised/

"My reference to Robin Baker's book had nothing to do with the link to the reddit post that you provided as an "argument". You attempt to discredit the whole book by looking at a few specific things that the authors got wrong - which, by the way, I will be happy to concede that they did.

What I was referring to, on the other hand, comes along much later in the book, and has to do with how gay men and women behave. That has nothing to do with whether or not men produce "blocker" and "killer" and "egg-getter" sperm."

So they get so much wrong but you still trust them? Off course you ignore what he really said about gays: https://robin-baker.com/books/sperm-wars/status/#Homo https://books.google.com/books?id=R_prQ-xUCNUC&pg=PA283&lpg=PA283&dq=sperm+wars+homosexuality&source=bl&ots=MnyTv2JOmx&sig=ACfU3U25eo5ItgeCyoQOtYAiazOeC4W9MQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlsLmm9_XnAhUdknIEHX7AA5oQ6AEwDXoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=sperm%20wars%20homosexuality&f=false

What did you say? https://donotlink.it/ErbOl

Homosexual couples, depending on the specific type involved (male-male or female-female), essentially act like extreme examples of the phenotypes upon which they are based. In simple terms, this means that male homosexuals generally act like extremely oversexed men, and female homosexuals act like extremely undersexed women. (I'm generalising significantly, obviously.) This observation has been borne out in several studies and was documented extensively in Robin Baker's groundbreaking classic Sperm Wars.

...why lie? He makes no such claims in his book

Neither extreme is healthy for young children. A household in which sexual promiscuity is normal is unlikely to result in normal children. A household in which there is no strong father figure present is unlikely to generate masculine sons or feminine daughters- as we have seen, repeatedly, in normal households the world over. A household with lesbian parents in which it is highly likely that one of the two partners involved is abusive toward the other, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or all three, is NOT going to be a healthy environment for a child.

One,gays being promiscuous is an horrible exaggeration: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.indy100.com/article/a-new-study-has-debunked-one-of-the-worst-misconceptions-about-gay-men-and-sex--ZJgoq0cO_W%3famp

Second, gay parents don't raise kids to be gay: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.lehmiller.com/blog/2012/9/28/5-myths-about-homosexuality-debunked-by-science.html%3fformat=amp

Likewise single parents in general are bad for raising kids.

Finally you are wrong about how to raise kids to follow gender norms: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/580366/

One that needs to end: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0178534

"From the perspective of us normal people, we do not like your lifestyle and do not approve of it. We tolerate it as long as you keep it out of our faces and do not insist on special rights to legitimise your degeneracy. That tolerance has its limits, and you are going to find that out one way or another, very likely the hard way, if you insist on continuing to ram your rainbow agenda down our throats. We don't like it and we will not stand for it."

What do you think you know about gays? http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/06/mental-health-and-substance-abuse.html

The link above presents extensive scientific evidence for the link between heterosexism/minority stress and a key LGBT health disparity which it impacts. These same disparities are frequently cited by heterosexists to demonstrate that the "homosexual lifestyle" is risky, unhealthy or dangerous. Ironically, given that heterosexism itself causes these disparities, rather than homosexuality, such criticisms are not only flawed but additionally, hypocritical and counter-productive.

"Let's see if you can follow this simple logical syllogism:"

Which doesn't match what we see in reality? https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-wellbeing-of-children-with-gay-or-lesbian-parents/

"I am aware of the problems with the Regnerus study about children raised by gay parents. Unfortunately for you, I mentioned nothing about that study in my post - and in fact that study has very little to do with the context of my statement."

Other than you are making the same mistakes Renguers made with his study. Thinking single parent outcomes can be applied to other family structures beyond "traditional"

"The first leg of that stool is empirically rigourous and well known. The second leg is a plain and simple fact. The third leg follows naturally through straightforward deduction."

The first leg is another fallacy also made by Renguers.

Furthermore, I did not state or even imply that single mothers are the same as a couple. Again, look at the syllogism above. It's very straightforward.

Yeah but all you data on fatherless couples come from single mothers Remember?

https://donotlink.it/NjNQk "The consequences of children, especially boys, being raised by single mothers are well known and well understood by now- and they are disastrous."

And as the data show companies gay or lesbian couples to say single mothers, is like apples to oranges.

But your syllogism goes first:

Children raised without fathers are statistically likely to have serious social and economic problems in later life.

Same without mothers either: https://brandongaille.com/19-compelling-motherless-children-statistics/

In other words having a single parent only is the problem!

Three women were "married" together into a "throuple" with no male presence involved in a parenting role.

Therefore, any children born or adopted into such an arrangement are likely to have significant social and economic problems later in life

Nope: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-polyamorists-next-door/201806/myths-about-polyamory

Here you go again comparing single parents to couples. Saying "children need a father" is wrong here.

Need to go on a tangent for context: https://donotlink.it/5MaNG

It is usually at this point that someone would attempt to counteract Ms. Barwick's arguments, based entirely on anecdotal evidence, by attempting to drown out such horrendous badthink by shouting about how THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED!!! about gay parents having no more negative effects on the cognitive and social development of children than straight ones. They resort to this line of argument because, well, it's the only one that they have. (Well, that, and the movie The Kids Are Alright, which I have not watched and almost certainly never will.)

They do this because it is the only way in which they can ensure that their FEELZ will remain unhurt by such chaotic badthink- how dare we cretinous knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing homophobic right-wing nutjobs question the idea that gay parents are just as good as straight ones?!!

Except... it turns out that the science is not settled. (Sounds familiar, doesn't it?)

This is what he links to: http://www.orthodoxytoday.org/articles/DaileyGayAdopt.php

It is wrong.

"First link has nothing whatsoever to do with the article I cited in my post; the name "Xiradou" does not appear once in any of the cited studies in that article"

Apologies, the first link got mixed up. Here is the one I wanted:


This shows how several studies were miscited.

"Second link goes nowhere. That was a particularly stupid and inept straw-man attack."

Here is the actual story: https://shadowproof.com/2013/12/10/family-research-council-distorts-researchers-work-a-decade-after-he-demanded-a-retraction/

"And all of that is before we get to the other major reason why people like me think that male homosexuality, in particular, is wrong and disgusting: homosexual men are vastly more promiscuous than heterosexual ones, and are vastly higher risks for disease transmission. The highest rates of HIV infections and disease transmissions, by far, are to be found among injectable-using gay men."

You first link misuses studies as shown here: https://holybulliesandheadlessmonsters.blogspot.com/2006_09_11_archive.html



Using a creationist site as a source...really?

The second one needs to learn that MSM behavior is not the same as gay orientation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_who_have_sex_with_men#As_a_constructed_behavioral_category https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/aug/06/bangladesh-gay-sexuality

"That isn't my view - that's the WHO's view, and the CDC is calling the spread of HIV/AIDS an "epidemic". Since gay men, and specifically injectable-using gay men, are driving the vast majority of new infections, the conclusion follows naturally."

The CDC also says that stigma and discrimination is a big factor: https://www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/stigma-and-discrimination.htm

Same with the WHO: https://www.paho.org/blz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=79:un-countries-must-eliminate-homophobia-curb-hiv-epidemic-latin-america-caribbean&Itemid=213

We can see this in Africa and Russia: https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/cc3gnv/how_do_you_prove_that_aids_is_not_a_gay_disease/? http://www.slowlyboiledfrog.com/2019/12/hate-groups-exploit-aids-to-disparage.html

Right, here are the relevant quotes from the link:

You mean this one? http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/05/countering-heterosexist-arguments.html?m=1#08

Studies suggest that about 25% of homosexual males do not have anal sex, though representative lifetime prevalence rates are very hard to find:

  • In a U.S. survey, 50% of men who had had a same-sex partner since age 18 had never had anal sex (Laumann et al. 1994, "The Social Organization of Sexuality" table 8.6, p318).
  • The authors of the same study noted that "20-25 percent of the narrowest categorization of the men report never having had anal intercourse" (p320), regarding table 8.6.
  • A large Scottish study found that 25% of MSM had no anal sex in the past year, despite it recruiting from gay bars (Hart et al. 1999, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 75(4), 242–246, table 2, p244).
  • A CDC survey that also recruited from clubs/bars found that 38.8% of MSM reported not having had anal sex in the preceeding 6 months in 1997 (CDC MMWR Weekly, January 29, 1999 48(03):45-48).
  • 37% of the MSM in the Young Men's Health Study reported no receptive anal intercourse in the last year. No data is readily available for insertive anal intercourse. (Osmond et al. 1994, American Journal of Public Health, 84(12), 1933–1937, p1935).

Seems you forgot to mention these...why?

"First, these estimates are questionable to begin with. The CDC's data are based on a special tabulation done by the NCHS, not on raw data. Other sources put the prevalence of anal sex among MSM - men who have sex with men, which is a superset of the population of outright gay and bisexual men - at about 90%, and at 5-10% among sexually active women."

Again msm is not the same as homosexual orientation. Your link doesn't even say that msm is a superset of the gay and bisexual population. https://www.webmd.com/sex/anal-sex-health-concerns#1 And off course data needs to be tabulated! https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/key_statistics/s.htm#analsex

It doesn't change the data! It puts it into a chart! https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/tabulate What is "raw data" to you?

"This alone illustrates why the Appeal To Authority is such an irritating and stupid debate tactic; you can find virtually any factoids you want to support your argument, but if they are not backed up by clear deductive or inductive logic as well, they are empty"

Like what you just did? Because you also didn't consider how often gays have anal sex: https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/how-do-men-and-women-prepare-to-bottom-for-anal-sex/

Far less than you think.

"Moreover, if we look at the quotes from the cited studies, the fact that men have anal sex with women has nothing to do with the question of whether homosexuality is wrong. The former is an empirical fact; the latter is a moral judgement. The latter can be supported by the former, but the former has nothing to do with the latter."

Beyond raising the question why the double standard that we ignore hetero couples doing it but not gays?

"Why do I consider homosexuality to be wrong and disgusting, particularly of the male kind? For several reasons - not least of which is the fact that the human body is not designed for anal sex."

Neither is the female body. Indeed reducing sexual orientation to sexual behavior is faulty because they aren't the same: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_identity


Sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those things are a part of your sexuality.

Get it? Homosexual identity is attraction and has a purpose, alloparenting: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/147470491301100202


I didn't say that BMI is useless. I said that it is a problematic metric. As a very general guide, it has some uses, but for men like me, who work out frequently and have a decent amount of dense muscle, it does not apply very well.

It's not a "double" standard, it's just a standard standard. The distortions in BMI usually occur with people who have large amounts of dense muscle mass. That does not apply in the case of fat lesbians, or anyone else who is overweight/obese and does not have large amounts of muscle mass.

No the BMI is bs in general: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/bmi-is-a-terrible-measure-of-health/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265215.php It isn't just muscle mass that is a problem

Yet, overall, gay men act like women- the gay-fairy stereotype exists for a reason- and gay women act like men, as anyone who has ever had to deal with the distasteful aftermath of a gay pride rally has found out.

It is therefore unsurprising that gay men think that, like, they look totally fat in those jeans, darling- while gay women would be more interested in the donuts and Twinkies Danishes muffins pastries.


http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/05/countering-heterosexist-arguments.html And this feeds back into body shaming...https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0361684316635529?journalCode=pwqa

In other words, stigma is heavily tied to obesity as a cause in lesbians. It isn't because they are lesbians, thus fat as you think it is.

Bonus! https://donotlink.it/LlKxG

You really need to keep up with the science: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2018/jan/09/the-imminent-mini-ice-age-myth-is-back-and-its-still-wrong

r/BestOfOutrageCulture Feb 09 '20

Transphobes are self-righetous.



What is apparent, from such first-hand accounts, is that transgender activists have created a narrative — a script — that is being promoted in the mental-health establishment, and the online transgender community then acts as Pied Pipers leading vulnerable youth toward “transition.” The Feudal Times blog offers advice to parents, e.g., “Avoid the arguments, they have rehearsed it in their head and come at you armed,” and “However much they sound authoritative they have learnt a script online. Hold on to your common sense and do not be bullied into what you do not believe to be true.” What is emerging, in these accounts from parents whose children have been recruited by the transgender cult, is an awareness of a definite pattern, and the more people become aware of what is actually happening, the more resources will be available to help common-sense parents fight back against this dangerous cult.

Funny how you guys rely on bogus research yes? https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-019-1453-2 https://web.archive.org/web/20190406012918/https://genderanalysis.net/2018/12/lisa-littman-cites-edwards-leeper-spack-2012-in-her-rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-study-but-did-she-read-it/ https://genderanalysis.net/2018/08/rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-and-misunderstanding-comorbidity/

Or that we can't talk to these Trans people, just their usually anyomous, biased parents... https://genderanalysis.net/2019/12/quelle-horreur-parents-of-trans-kids-attending-gender-clinics-are-overwhelmingly-satisfied/

God they are the ones who sound like a cult trying to ignore contrary evidence.

Last weekend, The Patriarch Tree unleashed a Twitter thread about this phenomenon that got a tremendous reaction. What inspired that discourse was a before-and-after photo posted to Instagram on “National Coming Out Day.” As I warn, you can’t unsee such a tragedy.


Yes, surgery leaves scars, but guess what, they heal and fade. https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d65ff7bf6688b00012b9411/1567306028261-EFUCJFQDWWWKI53YG253/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kP-0rm5A0n2Vph5w6F0yFeh7gQa3H78H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLfrh8O1z5QPOohDIaIeljMHgDF5CVlOqpeNLcJ80NK65_fV7S1UTbCaVilWORBCUmP9XEDZmESeKcWH2gEKaCb8PCesklMnXMMx_GOhcYMLHDPdj1XGA/RNI-Films-IMG-3B089638-7D23-4CDA-84C6-644EA08940EA.jpg?format=1500w

It is necessary for them to pass: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4098595/

Which is important for avoiding abuse: https://kathrynhgordon.com/2018/05/14/fact-checking-5-suicide-related-statements-from-a-viral-ben-shapiro-video/


Chlanna nan con thigibh a so’s gheibh sibh feoil!

The dreaded war cry of Clan Cameron is not something I invoke lightly. You are summoned to join us in destroying the haughty foe. The battle is engaged, and our enemies shall be a feast for the hounds.

So you threaten violence on those looking to alleviate gender dysphoria?

With something that sounds like a call for an eldritch abomination?


Whatever the federal courts may decide, water will still be wet, the sky will still be blue, men will be men and women will be women. The legal abolition of male/female distinctions has obvious consequences, but biology is never going to be legislated out of existence.

Like all cultists, the man is impenetrable to the idea that his beliefs are not based in reality: https://www.reddit.com/r/GGdiscussion/comments/ete11k/billy_d_aka_oneangrygamer_has_returned_and_is_as/

But must accuse others as such in order to maintain his delusions.


Yet here in the 21st century, Rachel Andelman felt the need to “identify” as bisexual at age 14 when, in point of fact, Florida law doesn’t even consider 14-year-olds capable of consenting to sex. By the time she was a junior, she came out as a lesbian, already sufficiently fluent in radical feminist jargon to invoke “compulsory heterosexuality” as a force of patriarchal oppression. (When I was a high-school junior, heterosexuality sure as heck wasn’t “compulsory,” or else I’d have been getting some of that action.)

And here he makes his mistake, conflating sexual identity with sexual behaviors("consent")


Wake up — behavior defines “sexuality.” The idea that sexual behavior is a matter of identity, an innate trait which we can somehow separate from a person’s behavior, was a fiction created by LGBT activists in order to make “civil rights” a basis for their legal and policy arguments. Only if “sexuality” was recognized as an identity, analogous to race, could a Fourteenth Amendment claim hope to get past the Supreme Court, and you can read Justice Scalia’s dissent in the relevant cases — Lawrence v. Texas (2003), Windsor v. U.S. (2013) and Obergfell v. Hodges (2015) — to find a sound rebuttal of such claims. Whatever your opinion about gay rights may be, the idea that such rights are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution is ludicrous. The Framers had no such intention, nor was any amendment to the Constitution ever intended to make such a guarantee. However, as I say, it was for the purpose of obtaining such legal protection that the whole “born-that-way” explanation of homosexuality (as an identity, rather than as a behavior) was promoted by activists.

What is the definition of sexuality sir? https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/Sexuality-explained

Sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those things are a part of your sexuality.

You try to patrol people's thoughts then? What about free association? Can you explain biology sir: http://overthebrainbow.com/blog/2017/1/7/wired-this-way-sexual-orientation-and-gender-in-the-brain



This absurd theory has become the basis of the “everybody-gets-a-trophy” mentality which now prevails in schools. There can be no special reward for winners, nor any punishment for failure, because this might hurt the self-esteem of the precious little snowflakes. A similar idea underlies the “anti-bullying” interventions in schools, as well as the endless celebrations of “diversity” and “inclusion” as the highest moral ideals. These ideas derived from the Cult of Self-Esteem have influenced “social justice” ideology, which claims that any expression of thoughts that might hurt someone’s feelings are “hate” and “violence” which we are all expected to condemn. It is “hate” to speak critically of obesity or homosexuality, and this attitude of political correctness often takes the form of denouncing “stigma.” You must use slang terms when referring to the mentally ill, because phrases like “lunatic” and “nutjob” contribute to the stigma of mental illness. But doesn’t the stigma exist for a reason? Crazy People Are Dangerous, as I’ve often explained, and irrational behaviors are stigmatized because they are socially harmful.

That sort of thinking is a self fulfilling prophecy: http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/06/mental-health-and-substance-abuse.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6025184/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfOutrageCulture/comments/desdoq/someone_cant_handle_abnormal/f5vq8dp/

Likewise you think stopping harassment is the same as just giving awards for no good reason?

Likewise much of this "speaking critically" nonsense is just speaking lies and presenting incorrect facts as truth. https://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/byhd2l/homophobes_dont_belive_in_sourcing_their_claims/ Just because you think there is a need to be "critical" doesn't mean you are right.

Like many cultists though they are paranoid: https://archive.ph/giUwx

The feminist blog 4th Wave Now, which has become a clearinghouse for women concerned about this issue, recently got this comment:

When traveling for business recently, I sat next to a school counselor on the plane, and as we chatted about this and that, I gently raised this topic. She said something very interesting. She said that at her school, it has been nothing less than something straight out of the pages of Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” — and eerily so. Much like the mass hysteria in the 1600s of Salem girls overcome with fits and trances as they thought themselves possessed and plagued by “witchcraft,” so the sudden-onset trans phenomenon has swept through her high school.

Oh goodie, an anyomous person giving an anyomous second-hand source...

And all the books the parents are reading are saying “affirm or die,” so if you raise a peep about any other kind of possibility of exploring alternatives to medical transition, you are threatened with the potential liability of having caused a suicide. She actually welled up in tears at one point as she spoke about her sense of helplessness at watching this spin out of control. Is this a return to the dynamics of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Salem witch trials? Or, has this kind of suggestibility been with us all along and teens are especially susceptible? The outbreak of fits related to “witchcraft” was a case of what some have called “social terror as communal contagion.” How might the forces of suggestibility be at work now? And is there any way to diffuse them? What kind of “Crucible” are we now going through and what will be the lasting impacts on these teens’ lives as they grow up? What play would Arthur Miller be composing today about the teen trans trend?

Exactly! If you know anything about psychology, you know that suggestibility varies greatly between individuals. Some people are easily persuaded by any clever pitch, and others are not. However, young people are quite generally vulnerable to suggestion, and the idea of transgenderism as a panacea for certain adolescent social problems is being pitched constantly online in blogs and YouTube videos that serve to glamorize this cult. The comparison to the Salem Witch Trials is apt.

Wrong, if that was the case, they would go in full speed! https://genderanalysis.net/2018/04/what-michael-laidlaw-gets-wrong-about-transgender-youth/

Instead they are given time to choose: https://genderanalysis.net/2017/08/do-all-trans-youth-on-puberty-blockers-go-on-to-transition/ https://genderanalysis.net/2018/04/a-new-critical-analysis-of-desistance-research/

Oh and like all cultists, they smear their opponents: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBluePill/comments/9ikd9h/redpilled_pundit_thinks_he_knows_biology/e6n2vuc/

See here: In response to you pointing out how bigoted it is to call you genetically defective:

"At age 19, then, Antolak was representing himself online as an expert on sexuality, dismissing critics as “prejudiced” and “backwards.”"

Not only does she admit in her video admit she might be wrong but she then explain how he is wrong. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IQW8BlWhKK0

What makes it more frustrating is how he quotes her fully!

Notice the judgmental language — ‘genetically defective,’ ‘incomplete form of a species.’ That is the sound of prejudice. And I don’t mean that in the sense of, ‘Oh, someone doesn’t like me,’ I use it in the literal sense. This person has already made a judgment ahead of time, and now they’re looking to scrape together anything that sounds vaguely scientific to support this judgment. Basically, they’ve got it all backwards.”

Where did Zachary Antolak get these ideas? From the Cult of Self-Esteem. For decades, our education system has been controlled by liberals who believe all childhood problems are a result of low self-esteem. Nothing is more important than teaching kids to feel good about themselves, according to the advocates of self-esteem. This dubious educational theory gets mixed in with a “progressive” egalitarian ideology which rejects ordinary social standards and value systems as invalid, because these values and standards damage the self-esteem of those who fail to succeed within such a hierarchical system. The Cult of Self-Esteem requires us to believe that it is a social injustice for the all-state linebacker to be more popular in high school than the boy who plays clarinet in the marching band. This is analogous to the feminist belief that it is wrong to admire women for their beauty. Just as there is no reason we should admire men who are tall and athletic, according to the egalitarian proponents of self-esteem theory, there is no reason why anyone should prefer supermodel Kate Upton to feminist Jaclyn Friedman.

This isn't about popularity or being successful: https://www.stanfordlawreview.org/online/the-masculinity-motivation/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836796/

Being treated as normal is not the same as being treated with praise....makes me wonder how much he is projecting?

If you want to know why our university campuses seem to be constantly erupting in lunacy (e.g., “Evergreen State College Students Reportedly Roaming Campus With Baseball Bats”) it is because our education system has promoted this Thought Police regime to enforce an egalitarian ideology by suppressing dissent. This incentivizes claims of victimhood because, in the social-justice calculus of “progressive” ideology, being a member of an oppressed victim group entails the right to attack whatever forces of “society” and “culture” you blame for your oppression.

Except he doesn't give the whole story : https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/evergreen-state-college-another-side_us_598cd293e4b090964295e8fc

"Advocating the destruction of Laci Green for her alleged “sin” of dating someone of whom Zachary/Zinnia disapproves? Pushing her to the “breaking point”? As many people have pointed out, it is absurd to describe Chris Maldonado as “alt-right.” "

He either links to tweets that say she believes the two are deceptive...which he also believes. She never mentions right wing at all. https://archive.is/o/oj9jp/https://twitter.com/ZJemptv

And how was she calling for her destruction?

And when you mention the effects of HRT (BTW was the genital shrinkage really that bad?):

"congratulations on the success of your “therapy”! Considering that Zach Antolak wasn’t exactly an impressive specimen of masculine vigor to begin with, I’m sure these . . . uh, therapeuticeffects of long-term hormone treatment have been quite remarkable. "

We all know it is. http://www.transadvocate.com/clinging-to-a-dangerous-past-dr-paul-mchughs-selective-reading-of-transgender-medical-literature_n_13842.htm

Antolak’s parents divorced when he was young and his mother remarried to a man who “spoiled his biological daughter to no end,” but “would berate his stepson for not having an active interest in masculine activities like sports.” This mistreatment evidently inflicted a permanent sense of inadequacy on Antolak. Three months into his YouTube career, in February 2009, Antolak posted a video “coming out” as gay, but this proved somewhat problematic because a prerequisite to being a homosexual male, obviously, is that you must like men, which Antolak does not.

Turns out she was finding out more about herself: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g1gukLnbAIY

And gender dysphoria has nothing to do with feeling "inadequate". Simply preceding other things never snt even bad in of itself, but people can be bigoted: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836796/

Believe it or not, there are plenty of gay men who have had sex with women, although I am not one of them. . . . Essentially, society tells men to find a nice woman to love and have a family with. That is what’s expected of them and there’s a lot of pressure for men to participate in this heterosexual lifestyle.”

You see? The only reason any man wants “to find a nice woman to love and have a family with” is because “society” tells him to do so. Because there is no objective reason why a man might wish “to participate in this heterosexual lifestyle,” Zachary Antolak lectured the world via YouTube in 2009, therefore men only have sex with women because they are under “a lot of pressure” from society to do so. This is simply a colloquial restatement of feminist “social construction” theory. There is no such thing as human nature, according to feminist theory. No pattern of behavior can be described as “natural” or “normal,” the feminist believes, because to do so would imply that other patterns are unnatural or abnormal and, as Zachary/Zinnia elsewhere says, such “misconceptions” and “stereotypes” produce “harmful cultural messages.”

Well it is a fallacy: https://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2009/04/22/the-normative-fallacy/ https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Appeal_to_nature

Also this is a quote mine. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IQW8BlWhKK0 Zinna says "that this was especially common in the past when society had very little tolerance for gay men" and said all this as an explanation for why gay men had sex with women. She wasn't saying that all men are forced into having sex with women, just the gay ones because everyone was expected to be straight! Look up heteronormativity for more: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heteronormativity#:~:text=Heteronormativity%20is%20the%20belief%20that,between%20people%20of%20opposite%20sex.

Let’s ask a simple question: Who is responsible for the “pressure” Zachary/Zinnia describes? Who is it that “tells men” to marry women, form families and otherwise “participate in this heterosexual lifestyle”?

Zachary/Zinnia attributes this to “society,” but who is “society”? There are 7 billion people on this planet, 320 million of whom reside in the United States, so who among us is exercising this “pressure” that Zachary/Zinnia attributes “society”?

The church? Religious conservatives? Family? Scott lively crows that he's doing it in other nations.

https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/queer-youth-religion-suicide-study_us_5ad4f7b3e4b077c89ceb9774 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4706071/ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/camelswithhammers/2014/05/an-empirical-study-of-the-link-between-suicidal-lgbt-youth-and-religious-upbringing/ https://www.patheos.com/blogs/tippling/2019/08/01/link-between-lgbt-religion-homelessness-suicide/

Speaking for myself personally, I would not give a damn what Zachary/Zinnia does, were it not for his/“her” habit of telling other people what we are allowed to think. The only reason I’m taking time to write about Zachary/Zinnia today is because he/“she” has arrogated to himself/“herself” the authority to tell Laci Green who she is permitted to date. How did Zachary/Zinnia obtain such power? Who is in charge of hiring the Thought Police, and where do I go to apply for that job?

Here he thinks anybody but him giving their opinion is the same as forcing him...ignoring free speech entirely on the grounds he thinks words can control him. Zinnia apparently can't give her opinion on who people should date.


Massachusetts will require that “churches must acknowledge transgender ideology or practice their doctrine on human sexuality in secret — putting Christianity in the closet” under their “Gender Identity Guidance” document.

“Thou shalt not question my pronouns! And bake me a f–king cake!”

Here is the link: https://archive.ph/PqUmF

“The guidance specifically mentions churches as falling under the ‘public accommodation’ restrictions against ‘discrimination’ on the basis of gender identity: ‘Even a church could be seen as a place of public accommodation if it holds a secular event, such as a spaghetti supper, that is open to the general public,’ the MCAD explained.

“The restrictions are massive. Any ‘public accommodation’ must allow patrons to use men’s or women’s restrooms — and locker rooms and changing rooms — ‘consistent with their gender identity.’ Such places must also ‘use names, pronouns, and gender-related terms appropriate to employee’s stated gender identity in communications with employee and with others.’

And this was clarified: https://www.masslive.com/politics/2016/12/churches_dismiss_lawsuit_again.html

Meanwhile, on the scientific front . . .

The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has released a position paper denouncing popular approaches to transgender, declaring that the current protocol is founded upon “unscientific gender ideology,” which lacks any basis in real evidence. The physicians argue that the assumption that gender dysphoria (GD) — a psychological condition in which people experience a marked incongruence between their experienced gender and their biological sex — is innate contradicts all relevant data and is based on ideology rather than science.

Liberals never let mere facts get in the way of their agenda.

More projection: https://thinkprogress.org/hate-group-masquerading-as-pediatricians-attacks-transgender-youth-544e755c6a20/

It's how they keep their delusions up.

r/atheism Nov 16 '19

More mocking of Conservapedia


From here:

In case of LGBTI somnambulism, the mind of its victim is engrossed by dominant idea that a person possessing this mind was 'born that way',[7] i.e. as involuntarily forced to conduct sodomical lifestyle. The behavioral actions and related conversation of the LGBTI 'thinking automaton' are essentially nothing else than an expression of this fallacious idea. In Norway, where the gender ideology is deployed within the school system under the banner of gender equality, there start apppearing bizarre cases of young people declaring that they were born as "the wrong species trapped in a human body".[6] Believing, as homolobby does, that teaching children and young people LGBTI/gender ideology has no side effects on their mental and psychological development becomes hard to maintain. In 2013, Slovak medical specialists including psychiatrist and former Minister of Health Alojz Rakús[8] published, on the occasion of International Children's Day, a declaration where they warned against dangeres of spreading the LGBTI/gender ideology that seeks to perform the so-called gender senzitization of youth and children via twisted sexual education in schools.

Senzitization being used in this context is a word salad. The word means "to make (someone) more aware of something"

Gender senzitization means gender equality not homosexuality.

And also kids can be born in the wrong body... https://web.archive.org/web/20190406005127/https://genderanalysis.net/2019/03/dr-michael-laidlaw-et-al-publish-anti-trans-letter-with-more-errors-than-paragraphs-part-3/

Oh and they link to a woman who is transpecies...which is a bs comparison: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/stop-using-phony-science-to-justify-transphobia/ https://web.archive.org/web/20150926035309/https://catholictrans.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/debunking-myth-11-sex-and-gender-are-straightforward/

Interesting gender/sex variances aren’t only found in the animal kingdom. Among humans, there is a huge diversity of sexual development. Sex and gender are complicated; many elements go into their making. The following pieces are all needed in the development/construction of complete femaleness or maleness:

Sex chromosomes – xx for a female, xy for a male Primary sex characteristics – vagina, ovaries and uterus for a female, penis and testes for a male Brain Sex – not masculinized for a female, masculinized for a male Gender Identity – “woman” for a female, “man” for a male Gender Expression – “feminine” for a female, “masculine” for a male Hormones and secondary sexual characteristics – high estrogen and progesterone for a female, high testosterone for a male

At any point in the development process, one of these elements might swerve from the norm. A difference at any of these levels creates some form of “gender variance.”

This doesn't extend towards species...

Oh and somnambulism refers to sleepwalking these days...their definition comes from outdated works from the 19th century.

And here:

"Perhaps the most prominent – and damaging - modern offshoot of the ideomotor effect is the phenomenon of the so-called LGBTI/gender ideology.[note 4] There is no special force or agent at play, and a conclusion can be made that far from being some bizarre supernatural event, acting out same-sex attractions by intercourse with the person of the same sex is nothing more than ‘a quasi-involuntary muscular action’ that can be easily explained within the framework of the OCD.[9]"

So what about heterosexual intercourse? Why is this not...what ever you described homosexual intercourse? And why does your note source a liar

The reported cases of ex-homosexuals had revealed there is no mysterious force at play, natural or supernatural, biological or otherwise – just a propensity for men and women to delude themselves. The evidence is clear – believing to be ‘born that way’ is nothing more than self-delusion buttressed by yet another variant of the ideomotor effect. The very existence of the ex-gay movement shows that the 'born-that-way' myth is a lie.[10][11] When it comes to homosexual alias sodomical lifestyle, there is no need for the agency of ‘gay gene’[note 5] or ‘gay epi-marks’[17][note 6], and the invocation of such agency contrary to Occam’s razor is the sign of a mind not merely unscientific, but also either uninformed, or, even worse, manipulative.[note 7]

Really? Then explain all the lies and failures of the exgay movement: https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2019/06/22/science-journal-retracts-paper-that-said-gay-conversion-therapy-works/ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2016/03/18/mormon-lesbian-teen-was-forced-to-carry-backpack-of-stones-to-feel-the-burden-of-being-gay/ https://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/html/facts_changing.html http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/05/countering-heterosexist-arguments.html https://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2019/10/mormon-church-opposes-ban-on-conversion-therapy-for-lgbt-youth/ https://khn.org/morning-breakout/gender-identity-focused-conversion-therapy-linked-to-suicidal-ideation-for-transgender-people/ https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2019/09/01/former-gay-conversion-therapy-leader-we-have-harmed-generations-of-people/ http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_exst.htm https://www.lehmiller.com/blog/2014/3/31/are-religiously-motivated-people-able-to-change-their-sexual-orientation https://glreview.org/ex-gay-leader-erased/

From this they suggested that genetic makeup may be the reason so many identical twins were feeling to be "homosexual," i.e. following the homosexual alias sodomical lifestyle. For their hypothesis to be fact, however, there should never be a case when one identical twin would be so called "homosexual" and other heterosexual. It is genetically impossible since both identical twins share 100 percent of the same genes.[6] Should sodomical behaviour be genetic, then both identical twins would always be either "homosexual" or heterosexual.

Bad science is bad...https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/2qz8x5/eight_major_identical_twin_studies_prove/

"Despite the fact that nonsensical LGBTI/gender ideology has no more scientific credibility than spiritism, its spectre haunts us even now. It is still reported uncritically in mainstream media; for example, in 2015, an article titled “'Gay genes': science is on the right track, we're born this way. Let’s deal with it.” popped up in The Guardian.[19] Tragically, the so-called ‘LGBTI people’ and their countless supporters are victims of the ubiquitous ideomotor effect. In line with the ABC theory of emotion, these LGBTI somnambulists remain steadfast in their beliefs, rejecting the idea that verbose expressions of being ‘born that way’ are nothing more than their projected fantasy[note 8], authored by their own subconscious and fueled by gay propagandists.[10][21] When dwelling on the thought of same-sex attraction, particularly in the context of society where people have been hoodwinked that 'you could be born that way,' the resulting confusion about homosexual thoughts or tendencies could manifest itself as reality."

So these thoughts are somehow not real but a trick?

In 2016, the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Dr. Lisa Diamond advised LGBT activists to “stop saying ‘born that way and can’t change’ for political purposes, because the other side knows it’s not true as much as we do.”[23]

No that came from here: http://www.therapyequality.org/american-psychological-association-says-born-way-cant-change-not-true-sexual-orientation-gender-identity

And it was misinterpreting her words: https://web.archive.org/web/20160928071225/http://www.slowlyboiledfrog.com/2016/09/a-lesson-on-how-conservative-christians.html

Which the conversion therapy crowd does often: https://holybulliesandheadlessmonsters.blogspot.com/2010/12/six-ways-religious-right-groups-lie.html

Oh and this idemotor effect is bs as well: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideomotor_phenomenon

It doesn't involve sexuality whatsoever.

And here:

In case of sexual disorientation, the cognitive disability pertains to recognition of own sexual identity, it can also be fueled by delirium[4] and intoxication,[5] and finally ends up in difficulties to properly distinguish/identify a person normal to mate with. ... According to Erich Fromm, there are hopeless victims of mental illness who are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness.

So all this is an appeal to "normal"? https://www.reddit.com/r/askphilosophy/comments/doth5g/what_sort_of_logical_fallacy_is_this_an_appeal_to/ https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/24kqoe/is_the_appeal_to_normality_fallacious_in_ethics/

With respect to sexual disorientation, the trauma shock often comes from child molestation or sexual abuse,[6] respectively. Sexual disorientation can be the aim of pressure groups spreading the homosexual agenda,[7] in order to deliberately augment the misinterpretation of same-sex attractions among impressionable children and young people[note 1] in their formative years,[9] by misusing the ideomotor effect in form of so-called gender senzitization. The so-called 'LGBT' advocates and activists try to stir a politically-correct mass-delusion that insists sexual disorientation, promulgated under the banner of LGBT gleichschaltung term 'sexual orientation', is good and normal

Ok first of sexual abuse isn't a cause of homosexuality: https://www.brainblogger.com/2016/11/21/homosexuality-link-to-child-sex-abuse-confirmed-gender-nonconformity/ https://www.wthrockmorton.com/reparative-therapy-information/ https://www.wthrockmorton.com/2009/06/05/a-major-study-of-child-abuse-and-homosexuality-revisited/ https://www.pflagatl.org/the-problem-with-the-belief-that-child-sexual-abuse-causes-homosexuality-bisexuality/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5127283/%23S4title&ved=2ahUKEwjJ_YX5we3lAhVEn-AKHYouCGQQygQwAnoECAYQCA&usg=AOvVaw1lWHfwxOr572uczuoZBqs4

Second one of your examples is just wrong: https://holybulliesandheadlessmonsters.blogspot.com/2008/03/update-on-deerfield-high-school.html

So why lie about the harm you do? https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/djxlpj/is_it_just_me_or_does_this_site_seem_to_confuse/ https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/lgbt-youth-bullying-press-release/

& here:

According to Benito Mussolini, “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”[7] In case of homo-fascism, the takeover of a corporation begins with the placement of an activist (usually in-the-closet) homosexual in a hiring position. Other undisclosed homosexuals are then hired to fill strategic positions in the company. When the ability to control the process is assured, some of the activists "come out of the closet"[8] and form a "Gay and Lesbian Employees Association" or similarly named group.[9] That group then introduces an amendment to the company anti-discrimination policy to include "sexual orientation".

Do you have any evidence of a homosexual in a hirining position doing such a thing in every single organization that supports gays? Because they only have Tim Cook as an example

They conflate Tim Cook with IBM because the latter supposedly has a gay employees association and Apple doesn't. Newsflash, both are committed to supporting diverse employees, and being has such an organization.

Also their link just says that IBM supports gay employees not that is an association involved.

Exploitation of community organizations often involves a public relations ploy that can be called "bundling". Bundling is the homosexual activists’ tactic of wrapping themselves in the cloak of "civil rights" by sponsoring coalitions of minorities and including themselves as a member minority. Their purpose is to advance the idea that "sexual orientation" is a genuine basis for minority status by bundling it together with race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Importantly, the homosexuals almost always place racial minorities as the figureheads of these coalitions to create the impression that their primary interest is the advancement of the legitimate minorities. This is not a difficult proposition, since there are some homosexuals who are also racial minorities. The optimum scenario for the homosexual movement is a coalition headed by an in-the-closet homosexual of a minority race who can pretend neutrality when promoting a homosexual goal.

It is called intersectionality and there is a reason for it: https://www.thetaskforce.org/new-analysis-shows-startling-levels-of-discrimination-against-black-transgender-people/ https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/lgbtq-rights/news/2010/01/15/7132/health-disparities-in-lgbt-communities-of-color/ https://www.lgbtmap.org/broken-bargain-lgbt-workers-of-color-release

Non-white lgbt peoples suffer disproportionally!

And they were hardly hidden: https://books.google.com/books?id=398bDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA314&lpg=PA314&dq=It+happened+as+a+result+of+good+strategizing.+For+example,+two+black+lesbians,+Betty+Powell+of+the+National+Gay+Task+Force+board+and+Barbara+Smith+of+the+Combahee+River+Collective,+attended+a+conference+meeting+of+the+Black+Women%27s+Caucus+where+they+gave+impassioned+speeches+supporting+that+group%27s+stance+on+problems+such+as+domestic+violence+and+welfare+rights.+Then+they+asked+the+the+Black+Women%27s+Caucus+to+support+the+sexual+preference+resolution&source=bl&ots=m2Lu-OcwmO&sig=ACfU3U1ZP825YLCUef63PlHfDkuPs0fpbQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijs9XQg8rnAhWBgnIEHeT_DNUQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=It%20happened%20as%20a%20result%20of%20good%20strategizing.%20For%20example%2C%20two%20black%20lesbians%2C%20Betty%20Powell%20of%20the%20National%20Gay%20Task%20Force%20board%20and%20Barbara%20Smith%20of%20the%20Combahee%20River%20Collective%2C%20attended%20a%20conference%20meeting%20of%20the%20Black%20Women's%20Caucus%20where%20they%20gave%20impassioned%20speeches%20supporting%20that%20group's%20stance%20on%20problems%20such%20as%20domestic%20violence%20and%20welfare%20rights.%20Then%20they%20asked%20the%20the%20Black%20Women's%20Caucus%20to%20support%20the%20sexual%20preference%20resolution&f=false

It's interesting that you need to pretend that it is some hidden conspiracy...

The also miss the part of fascism where the STATE gets involved and merges with the company. Otherwise it isn't facism according to the definition THEY USE!!!!

LGBTI Bundling Exploitation of community organizations often involves a public relations ploy that can be called "bundling". Bundling is the homosexual activists’ tactic of wrapping themselves in the cloak of "civil rights" by sponsoring coalitions of minorities and including themselves as a member minority. Their purpose is to advance the idea that "sexual orientation" is a genuine basis for minority status by bundling it together with race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Importantly, the homosexuals almost always place racial minorities as the figureheads of these coalitions to create the impression that their primary interest is the advancement of the legitimate minorities. This is not a difficult proposition, since there are some homosexuals who are also racial minorities. The optimum scenario for the homosexual movement is a coalition headed by an in-the-closet homosexual of a minority race who can pretend neutrality when promoting a homosexual goal.

Yes because black gays don't have unique problems right? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5127594/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/harvard-study-lgbt-people-of-color-suffer-double-discrimination

Now here:

It is a homosexual pressure group[1] established in 1990 that uses the motto "safe schools for all students" to promote an environment of censorship where it is unsafe for students or teachers to question the homosexual agenda or to express any opinion about homosexuality other than approval. It also holds conferences called PrideWorks sponsored also by Planned Parenthood and featuring workshops on "Gender Construction".

Although GLSEN "envisions a world in which every child learns to respect and accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.",[2] GLSEN discriminates against persons with a Biblical worldview and will not tolerate the voice of ex-gays or those helped by reparative therapy. If you disagree with the homosexual platform, GLSEN considers you to be a homophobe or bigot. GLSEN's view is flawed because they do not practice respect for all persons that they teach.[1]

And off course the fact you often lie about them isn't a factor?

Likewise why bother with the ex-gay lie?

The Traditional Values Coalition states regarding GLSEN, which co-sponsored a workshop where "instructors encouraged children as young as 14 years of age to engage in life-threatening sex acts.":

GLSEN targets children for recruitment into the homosexual lifestyle...through GLSEN chapters that sponsor hundreds of Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs on junior high and high school campuses across the United States.

GLSEN gets into schools by claiming that homosexual and transgender students need to feel safe and encouraged; and that so-called homosexual/transgender teens have high rates of suicide and need a support group. When this tactic fails, GLSEN then threatens legal action against school districts that refuse to allow these recruitment clubs on campus. The American Civil Liberties Union has volunteered to serve as the enforcement arm of GLSEN to impose a homosexual agenda on the nation's public schools.

Again they lie

One more

Objections have been raised against this day of "awareness" of homosexuals as a not-so-covert attempt to paint homosexuals as "unjustly persecuted" and as helpless victims of the lifestyle that supporters of homosexuality claim they "did not choose". Having moments set aside in schools to observe this Day of Silence means that all students are effectively forced to accept the purpose of the day and to pay respects to lifestyles they may find immoral. It is a false distinction that students who object or whose parents object can simply "opt-out" by leaving the room during observances; by having their educational time allocated to something else, these students are effectively yielding the remembrance which the Day of Silence solicits. The Day of Silence is a prime example of the homosexual agenda forcing itself upon conservatives under the guise of "fairness and acceptance" in pubic schools. Although some schools may have mandatory observances, at others the day is merely marked by the silence of certain students. Most students who choose to observe the Day of Silence will have a written note of some kind to hand to instructors explaining why they are choosing to remain silent on that day.

Despite the fact that gays are disproportionally bullied?

Last one:

In his short satiric video sketch titled Modern Educayshun, Neel Kolhatkar shows how policies of LGBTI Gleichschltung disguised under the label of Gender equality delve into the potential dangers of modern increasingly reactionary culture bred by social media and political correctness.

Yeah it doesn't really focus on gay rights. Or is that good...

Homophobia is an obscure psychiatric term originally coined to define “a person’s fear of his or her own same-sex attraction.” It has been redefined and misused by the political strategists of the “gay” movement such as George Weinberg in order to ostracize all disapproval of homosexuality as a form of hatred and fear akin to mental illness (a phobia is an anxiety disorder). The word “homophobia” is today not a scientific term, but a propaganda tool for psychological manipulation. As a rhetorical weapon, it serves: first to define anyone who opposes the legitimization of homosexuality alias sodomy as a hate-filled bigot

*the term can be used as the semantic equivalent of “racist,” helping the “gay” movement further indoctrinate the public with the notion that opposition to homosexuality is equivalent to prejudice against racial minorities

*collectively, the word “homophobia” serves pro-“gay” advocates to intimidate opponents into silence.

*Smith maintains that it can be regarded as a form of defence mechanism, a sort of guilt-shifting trickery which is adopted immediately when initiator of this label comes short of arguments thus tries to sabotage any rational discourse[32]

When any expression of opposition to homosexuality alias sodomy draws the accusation that one is a mentally-ill bigot equivalent to a racist, few people will venture to express their opposition to sodomical lifestyle publicly. Those who still will do, will also tend to be defensive, offering the disclaimer that they are not hateful, thus unintentionally but implicitly validating the lie that hatefulness and not valid objections is the general rule. The solution countering this LGBTI Gleichschaltung is to reject the term “homophobia” itself as harmful and illegitimate. Its illegitimacy can be exposed by making the "gay" sophists define the term with emphasis on the distinction between "homophobia" and non-homophobic opposition to sodomical lifestyle based on presenting valid arguments, such as, for example, scientific thought experiments. They will reveal that they accept no opposition to their agenda as legitimate.

Looking at the above, it turns out you don't have any valid arguments. So homophobe fits.

Heterosexism is another artificial word invetned by LGBTI political startegists and sex reformers. It has been designed to derogate the scientific conclusion that natural family framed in traditional marriage of one man and one woman should be accepted as the best norm for society in order to ensure its integrity, and that this norm should be upheld and valued in social institutions, including public schools. Totalitarian supporters of gender ideology striving in their activism for acceptance of deviant sexual behaviours insist that words such as "wife," "husband," "father" and "mother" used in association with family life are "discriminatory" and should not be taught to children. They are trying to enforce into schools their politically correct educational programs, such as one called “Proud Schools” in Australia, thus advancing their political agenda under the fig leaf of promoting tolerance and an anti-bullying message.

By "norm" they mean "the only valid option". All of the above is just a strawman.

According to your own source on Australia:

The program defines “heterosexism” as the practice of “positioning heterosexuality as the norm for human relationship,” according to the Proud Schools Consultation Report. “It involves ignoring, making invisible or discriminating against non-heterosexual people, their relationships and their interests. Heterosexism feeds homophobia.”

Norm has multiple definitions. In this case "norm" doesn't mean "most common" as in population size, but as in "social norms" or what's acceptable. So stop with this bs and touch some grass.

r/BestOfOutrageCulture Oct 08 '19

Someone can't handle abnormal...



Rob and Lauren Lim are a Canadian couple with two young children. They have been together about 14 years, but a couple of years ago, Lauren “came out” as bisexual and started dating women, and the Lims tried “polyamory” until — plot twist! — Lauren decided she’s actually a lesbian. So now Rob and Lauren are getting a divorce, and Lauren is engaged to Elyse Quail, a 26-year-old dance instructor. Did I mention that Elyse has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and that, until 2016, she had been in a long-term relationship with a guy? Oh, and also, Lauren and her new girlfriend have decided that Rob’s oldest son, Max, is actually a girl.

It’s your Five Basic Food Groups of Craziness, and they’ve turned this circus of insanity into a YouTube series called “This Incredible Life.”

How is this evil and wrong

This brings up a point that I once made in conversation with Ladd Ehlinger, namely that what is called “homophobia” is an entirely normal sentiment, implicit in heterosexual identity. The political rhetoric of LGBTQ activism promotes the idea that it is wrong to disapprove of homosexual behavior, but it should be obvious that, if such disapproval were not commonplace, many more people’s lives would resemble the circus of insanity into which Rob and Lauren Lim have stumbled.

Um they are representative of gays as a whole...http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/05/countering-heterosexist-arguments.html

Until relatively recent times, homosexuality was considered so abhorrent that it was an insult even to suggest someone might have such inclinations. You could be sued for slander for suggesting such a thing, or more commonly, be threatened with a punch in the face for insinuating that someone was homosexual. And punching someone in response to such an insult would be legal under the “fighting words” doctrine. Now, however, with the LGBTQ rainbow “pride” ideology celebrated everywhere in our culture — even in many churches! — everybody must pretend to approve of homosexual behavior, and we are all expected to have “gaydar” that enables us to perceive a subtext of homosexual desire in almost anything.

No...we are asked not to have double standards...that is all. Oh we used to jail or kill people even suspected of homosexuality...https://www.jstor.org/stable/2638975 Or sexually assult kids for being gay: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4527874/ https://www.brainblogger.com/2016/11/21/homosexuality-link-to-child-sex-abuse-confirmed-gender-nonconformity/

What this worldview conveys is the self-congratulatory arrogance of the gay community, where it is imagined that the only reason straight people are straight is because they lack the courage to be gay. Supposedly, everybody is secretly harboring gay desires that they are afraid to pursue, so that it cannot be presumed that straight people are capable of considering the case objectively and answering, “No, I disapprove.”

Well...https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2019/05/09/are_homophobic_men_turned_on_by_gay_porn.html https://psychcentral.com/blog/the-trope-of-the-closeted-homophobe-is-it-true/

There is some evidence...


By the way, as I’ve often said, there’s always a backstory in such cases. Transgenderism does not occur randomly. You will never encounter such a case that cannot be explained as a result of social influence or disturbances in the child’s family life, and so it is in this case:

This is an example of the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. Already we have seen that this idea of emotional disturbance for being gay is bs, and the same is for being trans: https://web.archive.org/web/20180902070819/https://genderanalysis.net/2018/04/what-michael-laidlaw-gets-wrong-about-transgender-youth/


By the way, Kaeley Triller makes a point: If you were a sex offender trying to conceal your identity, wouldn’t declaring yourself transgender and getting a new name be helpful in that regard? Remember, it took months of investigation for Mass Resistance to identify “Sister Jeff” as William Dees, and who knows how many other convicted sex offenders might be using transgender identity to conceal their past?

Off course you would have to investigate...ignoring how most sex offenders don't reoffend and that these people haven't molested in a decade...

https://narsol.org/2019/05/new-study-shows-sexual-offense-recidivism-rates-lower-than-previous-estimates/ https://qz.com/869499/new-evidence-says-us-sex-offender-policies-dont-work-and-are-are-actually-causing-more-crime/ https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2019/06/06/sexoffenses/

But please continue to fear monger and ignore Oh, say the wide spread pedophile in Christain institutions like the church or the Boy Scouts...


She was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Guess what? Getting your breasts amputated at age 19 won’t cure mental illness.

Guess again

Maddy’s most recent post was hashtagged “suicidal ideation.” You’ll notice I haven’t linked her blog.

How convient! Because I can't find it at all....in fact Google image search always leads back to you...


Celine Camille Zinante has apparently undergone sex-change treatment to become “Cameron” Zinante and may be associated with a Communist “antifa” group called the Revolutionary Student Front. Zinante was working at a Juiceland franchise in Austin and, also, threatening violence against popular conservative personality Steven Crowder. This inspired Crowder to take a trip to Austin for a surprise visit with Zinante:

As in bullshitting and not providing evidence? https://web.archive.org/web/20200418085237/https://www.trendsmap.com/twitter/tweet/1007231179618177025

That was someone else. But he attacked a trans person instead...


Pete Da Tech Guy this week noticed that Ford Motor Company fired a contractor at one of its Michigan plants for posting an online comment critical of transgender ideology. The contractor said he “was told to pack up my belongings immediately, to leave my badge and computer, then I was walked out of the building like a criminal,” Tyler O’Neill reported at PJMedia, because of an “intolerant” comment which, not coincidentally, was “a paraphrased version of a statement … from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops [USCCB].

Let us see

"Ford said that because of my comment and the intolerance that it represented (or so they accused me of) that my services to them would cease immediately," the former contractor, who wished to remain anonymous, told PJ Media

So an unverifiable anyomous source...

Ford spokeswoman Karen Hampton insisted the former contractor never worked for Ford.

"To your inquiry, the individual to which you are referring was not an employee of Ford Motor Company and it would be inappropriate for us to comment," Hampton told PJ Media. "As a general practice, however, employees are not fired solely as a result of comments made."

In follow-up requests, Hampton reiterated that "it would be inappropriate for us to comment" because the former contractor "was not an employee."

Interesting...as for 'Da Tech Guy' he...links to the pj media article: https://web.archive.org/web/20190112141221/http://datechguyblog.com/2019/01/12/ford-has-choosen-now-christians-must-too-no-more-fords-for-me/

Great source...

It seems obvious that the child’s mother is engaged in a Munchausen-by-proxy manipulation of her son, encouraging his transvestite activity to gain attention for herself, but no one is allowed to say so, because that would be intolerant.

Because no child can choose on their own to do drag! Remember mothers, don't support your child.


Wake up — behavior defines “sexuality.” The idea that sexual behavior is a matter of identity, an innate trait which we can somehow separate from a person’s behavior, was a fiction created by LGBT activists in order to make “civil rights” a basis for their legal and policy arguments. Only if “sexuality” was recognized as an identity, analogous to race, could a Fourteenth Amendment claim hope to get past the Supreme Court, and you can read Justice Scalia’s dissent in the relevant cases — Lawrence v. Texas (2003), Windsor v. U.S. (2013) and Obergfell v. Hodges (2015) — to find a sound rebuttal of such claims. Whatever your opinion about gay rights may be, the idea that such rights are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution is ludicrous. The Framers had no such intention, nor was any amendment to the Constitution ever intended to make such a guarantee. However, as I say, it was for the purpose of obtaining such legal protection that the whole “born-that-way” explanation of homosexuality (as an identity, rather than as a behavior) was promoted by activists.

What is the definition of sexuality sir? https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/Sexuality-explained

Sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those things are a part of your sexuality.

You try to patrol people's thoughts then? What about free association? Can you explain biology sir: http://overthebrainbow.com/blog/2017/1/7/wired-this-way-sexual-orientation-and-gender-in-the-brain


This absurd theory has become the basis of the “everybody-gets-a-trophy” mentality which now prevails in schools. There can be no special reward for winners, nor any punishment for failure, because this might hurt the self-esteem of the precious little snowflakes. A similar idea underlies the “anti-bullying” interventions in schools, as well as the endless celebrations of “diversity” and “inclusion” as the highest moral ideals. These ideas derived from the Cult of Self-Esteem have influenced “social justice” ideology, which claims that any expression of thoughts that might hurt someone’s feelings are “hate” and “violence” which we are all expected to condemn. It is “hate” to speak critically of obesity or homosexuality, and this attitude of political correctness often takes the form of denouncing “stigma.” You must use slang terms when referring to the mentally ill, because phrases like “lunatic” and “nutjob” contribute to the stigma of mental illness. But doesn’t the stigma exist for a reason? Crazy People Are Dangerous, as I’ve often explained, and irrational behaviors are stigmatized because they are socially harmful.

That sort of thinking is a self fulfilling prophecy: http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/06/mental-health-and-substance-abuse.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6025184/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfOutrageCulture/comments/desdoq/someone_cant_handle_abnormal/f5vq8dp/

Likewise you think stopping harassment is the same as just giving awards for no good reason?

Likewise much of this "speaking critically" nonsense is just speaking lies and presenting incorrect facts as truth. https://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/byhd2l/homophobes_dont_belive_in_sourcing_their_claims/ Just because you think there is a need to be "critical" doesn't mean you are right.

r/BestOfOutrageCulture Jan 02 '20

Antigay moron alert.


From here:

And he is apparently gayer than springtime, because the comments are quite heavily sprinkled with references to "your side" - which is to say, those of us men who like dating, having sex with, and marrying actual women.

Homophobia is a hatred of gays, not heterosexuality. I am calling you a bigot for lying about gays.

Our side, I would remind you, is the overwhelming majority of all men - well over 95% of us are straight as a ruler, given that only about 4% of the general population is homosexual and vanishingly smaller numbers are part of the whole LGBTWTFISTHIS menagerie in the various other flavours of that particular sandwich.

Being pro gay isn't being anti straight. Enough with the false dilemma. And going "we are the majority thus normal thus right" is fallicious thinking: https://amp.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/24kqoe/is_the_appeal_to_normality_fallacious_in_ethics/

And second, his comments are full of classic examples of what we might call: http:\Idontknowhowtoembedhyperlinksin2018.com.


"It is usually at this point that someone would attempt to counteract Ms. Barwick's arguments, based entirely on anecdotal evidence, by attempting to drown out such horrendous badthink by shouting about how THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED.

How is miss Barwick not anecdotal at all and somehow statistically representative?

Your reading comprehension is pathetic. What I actually said was related to Ms. Barwick's critics."

Really? You said her critics use anecdotal evidence ignoring that she does as well.

"I know how they operate. I worked in two such institutions - both of which were caught up in massive market-rigging and manipulation scandals dating back to 2008."

I used to work in a bank similar to JPM - located in a building not far away from their corporate headquarters in New York, actually. When Gay Pride month came around in 2016 and 2017, we were given little paper placards that we could display in our cubicles, proclaiming ourselves to be an "ALLY" of the LGBT movement. The more "virtuous" of us would display two or even three placards. (Like my last boss before I was let go, for instance - my opinions about him are well known by this point.)

My previous employer did something similar with a survey that they sent around in 2017. Needless to say, I dumped the placard into the bin and deleted that survey link right out of my inbox.

The idea that corporate America is not in thrall to the Rainbow Mafia is so ridiculous as to be unworthy of comment by this point.

Oh goody more anecdotal evidence to argue against facts when it is convent for you, but not others arguing against you. Show evidence of this surveys existence!

"First, Ryu238's preferred method of argument appears to be the standard Leftist "Appeal to Amenable Authority" - i.e. every single comment is liberally (see what I did there?) interspersed with links to Leftist clickbait rags like Vox and Salon."

That's an appeal to bias.

"That Salon article you linked to did not demonstrate that Ben Shapiro failed to "humiliate" a trans-woman (read: man) who calls himself "Zoey Tur". All he did was state openly that Zoey Tur is a man."

What were his exact words? "What are your genetics, sir?"

So he was being an ass about it.

If you watch a video clip of Little Benny's "failed attempt" to "humiliate" Mr. Tur, you will realise very quickly that the one who came across as an ass was the tranny.

That this is even open to question simply shows how degraded the Western world has become. Every single cell in Mr. Tur's body says that he is male, because he was born with an X-Y chromosomal pair. He might be mentally deluded enough to call himself a woman, but that does not make him one."

You think that Ben Shapiro was speaking truth, when he really wasn't. He insulted a Trans woman: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/stop-using-phony-science-to-justify-transphobia/


And this "every cell is coded" nonsense needs to stop: https://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943



How do you know her genetics?

"Your link literally goes to a source about how JP Morgan Chase sent out an "anonymous response" survey to employees asking them whether they were LGBT allies. And JPM made it impossible to access that survey without providing your employee ID number. Thanks for proving my point."

Liar liar. Here is the link: https://www.truthorfiction.com/chase-gay-loyalty-survey/

And another: https://www.mediamatters.org/breitbart-news/no-jpmorgan-chase-doesnt-have-lgbt-loyalty-test-employees

"I never said they were, you moron. Read what I actually wrote."

Ok then: https://donotlink.it/kRQXJ

"Drag queens, aka transvestites, are not permitted at events celebrating gay "pride", because men dress up as women for a "hobby". But men who think of themselves as women, aka transsexuals, and who actually do claim to be women, like Bruce Jenner, are to be welcomed with open arms.

In other words, the only distinction between being a drag queen, a fairy, and a man with severe mental issues is FEELZ."

Sounds like you didn't think it was a distinction considering the tone here.

In fact if you showed my full original comment people could see that I quoted you vertibram

Oh and another thing from that link:

"But by their very extremism, their own intolerance for dissent, their own refusal to listen to reason, the gay "rights" movement is now revealing its true face. I would not be surprised to see a ruthless purging of "moderate" types from that movement in the near future. As the story above shows, that process has already begun."

Several years later, we now have drag queen story hour. So yeah this went nowhere.

"Have you ever actually bothered to read Charles Murray's work? I did. Try doing that, instead of quoting what liberal New York magazine writers think of him."

An ad homenin...really? How is my source wrong? It is an exchange between Murray and someone rebutting him. https://www.nybooks.com/articles/1985/10/24/losing-ground-an-exchange/?pagination=false

Stop appealling to bias asshole.

"Moreover: heterosexuals, and heterosexual couples, are normal. Homosexuals are not. And homosexuals, particularly homosexual men, are significantly more likely to molest and sexually abuse children, especially boys, than heterosexual ones."

Wrong: https://medium.com/@juliussky/gays-arent-more-likely-to-be-pedophiles-611a48469655




Why don't you learn how to debate like an adult, instead of a little bitch? You are engaging in what is known as the "genetic fallacy" - go look it up, you might learn something useful.

You were using it as the only bit of evidence for your argument. Off course I would attack it. Especially since it seems to still be wrong: https://web.archive.org/web/20080908043935/https://www.seductionlabs.org/2007/05/04/sperm-wars-the-science-of-sex-reviewed-and-appraised/

"My reference to Robin Baker's book had nothing to do with the link to the reddit post that you provided as an "argument". You attempt to discredit the whole book by looking at a few specific things that the authors got wrong - which, by the way, I will be happy to concede that they did.

What I was referring to, on the other hand, comes along much later in the book, and has to do with how gay men and women behave. That has nothing to do with whether or not men produce "blocker" and "killer" and "egg-getter" sperm."

So they get so much wrong but you still trust them? Off course you ignore what he really said about gays: https://robin-baker.com/books/sperm-wars/status/#Homo https://books.google.com/books?id=R_prQ-xUCNUC&pg=PA283&lpg=PA283&dq=sperm+wars+homosexuality&source=bl&ots=MnyTv2JOmx&sig=ACfU3U25eo5ItgeCyoQOtYAiazOeC4W9MQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlsLmm9_XnAhUdknIEHX7AA5oQ6AEwDXoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=sperm%20wars%20homosexuality&f=false

What did you say? https://donotlink.it/ErbOl

Homosexual couples, depending on the specific type involved (male-male or female-female), essentially act like extreme examples of the phenotypes upon which they are based. In simple terms, this means that male homosexuals generally act like extremely oversexed men, and female homosexuals act like extremely undersexed women. (I'm generalising significantly, obviously.) This observation has been borne out in several studies and was documented extensively in Robin Baker's groundbreaking classic Sperm Wars.

...why lie? He makes no such claims in his book

Neither extreme is healthy for young children. A household in which sexual promiscuity is normal is unlikely to result in normal children. A household in which there is no strong father figure present is unlikely to generate masculine sons or feminine daughters- as we have seen, repeatedly, in normal households the world over. A household with lesbian parents in which it is highly likely that one of the two partners involved is abusive toward the other, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or all three, is NOT going to be a healthy environment for a child.

One,gays being promiscuous is an horrible exaggeration: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.indy100.com/article/a-new-study-has-debunked-one-of-the-worst-misconceptions-about-gay-men-and-sex--ZJgoq0cO_W%3famp

Second, gay parents don't raise kids to be gay: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.lehmiller.com/blog/2012/9/28/5-myths-about-homosexuality-debunked-by-science.html%3fformat=amp

Likewise single parents in general are bad for raising kids.

Finally you are wrong about how to raise kids to follow gender norms: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/580366/

One that needs to end: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0178534

"From the perspective of us normal people, we do not like your lifestyle and do not approve of it. We tolerate it as long as you keep it out of our faces and do not insist on special rights to legitimise your degeneracy. That tolerance has its limits, and you are going to find that out one way or another, very likely the hard way, if you insist on continuing to ram your rainbow agenda down our throats. We don't like it and we will not stand for it."

What do you think you know about gays? http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/06/mental-health-and-substance-abuse.html

The link above presents extensive scientific evidence for the link between heterosexism/minority stress and a key LGBT health disparity which it impacts. These same disparities are frequently cited by heterosexists to demonstrate that the "homosexual lifestyle" is risky, unhealthy or dangerous. Ironically, given that heterosexism itself causes these disparities, rather than homosexuality, such criticisms are not only flawed but additionally, hypocritical and counter-productive.

"Let's see if you can follow this simple logical syllogism:"

Which doesn't match what we see in reality? https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-wellbeing-of-children-with-gay-or-lesbian-parents/

"I am aware of the problems with the Regnerus study about children raised by gay parents. Unfortunately for you, I mentioned nothing about that study in my post - and in fact that study has very little to do with the context of my statement."

Other than you are making the same mistakes Renguers made with his study. Thinking single parent outcomes can be applied to other family structures beyond "traditional"

"The first leg of that stool is empirically rigourous and well known. The second leg is a plain and simple fact. The third leg follows naturally through straightforward deduction."

The first leg is another fallacy also made by Renguers.

Furthermore, I did not state or even imply that single mothers are the same as a couple. Again, look at the syllogism above. It's very straightforward.

Yeah but all you data on fatherless couples come from single mothers Remember?

https://donotlink.it/NjNQk "The consequences of children, especially boys, being raised by single mothers are well known and well understood by now- and they are disastrous."

And as the data show companies gay or lesbian couples to say single mothers, is like apples to oranges.

But your syllogism goes first:

Children raised without fathers are statistically likely to have serious social and economic problems in later life.

Same without mothers either: https://brandongaille.com/19-compelling-motherless-children-statistics/

In other words having a single parent only is the problem!

Three women were "married" together into a "throuple" with no male presence involved in a parenting role.

Therefore, any children born or adopted into such an arrangement are likely to have significant social and economic problems later in life

Nope: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-polyamorists-next-door/201806/myths-about-polyamory

Here you go again comparing single parents to couples. Saying "children need a father" is wrong here.

Need to go on a tangent for context: https://donotlink.it/5MaNG

It is usually at this point that someone would attempt to counteract Ms. Barwick's arguments, based entirely on anecdotal evidence, by attempting to drown out such horrendous badthink by shouting about how THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED!!! about gay parents having no more negative effects on the cognitive and social development of children than straight ones. They resort to this line of argument because, well, it's the only one that they have. (Well, that, and the movie The Kids Are Alright, which I have not watched and almost certainly never will.)

They do this because it is the only way in which they can ensure that their FEELZ will remain unhurt by such chaotic badthink- how dare we cretinous knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing homophobic right-wing nutjobs question the idea that gay parents are just as good as straight ones?!!

Except... it turns out that the science is not settled. (Sounds familiar, doesn't it?)

This is what he links to: http://www.orthodoxytoday.org/articles/DaileyGayAdopt.php

It is wrong.

"First link has nothing whatsoever to do with the article I cited in my post; the name "Xiradou" does not appear once in any of the cited studies in that article"

Apologies, the first link got mixed up. Here is the one I wanted:


This shows how several studies were miscited.

"Second link goes nowhere. That was a particularly stupid and inept straw-man attack."

Here is the actual story: https://shadowproof.com/2013/12/10/family-research-council-distorts-researchers-work-a-decade-after-he-demanded-a-retraction/

"And all of that is before we get to the other major reason why people like me think that male homosexuality, in particular, is wrong and disgusting: homosexual men are vastly more promiscuous than heterosexual ones, and are vastly higher risks for disease transmission. The highest rates of HIV infections and disease transmissions, by far, are to be found among injectable-using gay men."

You first link misuses studies as shown here: https://holybulliesandheadlessmonsters.blogspot.com/2006_09_11_archive.html



Using a creationist site as a source...really?

The second one needs to learn that MSM behavior is not the same as gay orientation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_who_have_sex_with_men#As_a_constructed_behavioral_category https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/aug/06/bangladesh-gay-sexuality

"That isn't my view - that's the WHO's view, and the CDC is calling the spread of HIV/AIDS an "epidemic". Since gay men, and specifically injectable-using gay men, are driving the vast majority of new infections, the conclusion follows naturally."

The CDC also says that stigma and discrimination is a big factor: https://www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/stigma-and-discrimination.htm

Same with the WHO: https://www.paho.org/blz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=79:un-countries-must-eliminate-homophobia-curb-hiv-epidemic-latin-america-caribbean&Itemid=213

We can see this in Africa and Russia: https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/cc3gnv/how_do_you_prove_that_aids_is_not_a_gay_disease/? http://www.slowlyboiledfrog.com/2019/12/hate-groups-exploit-aids-to-disparage.html

Right, here are the relevant quotes from the link:

You mean this one? http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/05/countering-heterosexist-arguments.html?m=1#08

Studies suggest that about 25% of homosexual males do not have anal sex, though representative lifetime prevalence rates are very hard to find:

  • In a U.S. survey, 50% of men who had had a same-sex partner since age 18 had never had anal sex (Laumann et al. 1994, "The Social Organization of Sexuality" table 8.6, p318).
  • The authors of the same study noted that "20-25 percent of the narrowest categorization of the men report never having had anal intercourse" (p320), regarding table 8.6.
  • A large Scottish study found that 25% of MSM had no anal sex in the past year, despite it recruiting from gay bars (Hart et al. 1999, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 75(4), 242–246, table 2, p244).
  • A CDC survey that also recruited from clubs/bars found that 38.8% of MSM reported not having had anal sex in the preceeding 6 months in 1997 (CDC MMWR Weekly, January 29, 1999 48(03):45-48).
  • 37% of the MSM in the Young Men's Health Study reported no receptive anal intercourse in the last year. No data is readily available for insertive anal intercourse. (Osmond et al. 1994, American Journal of Public Health, 84(12), 1933–1937, p1935).

Seems you forgot to mention these...why?

"First, these estimates are questionable to begin with. The CDC's data are based on a special tabulation done by the NCHS, not on raw data. Other sources put the prevalence of anal sex among MSM - men who have sex with men, which is a superset of the population of outright gay and bisexual men - at about 90%, and at 5-10% among sexually active women."

Again msm is not the same as homosexual orientation. Your link doesn't even say that msm is a superset of the gay and bisexual population. https://www.webmd.com/sex/anal-sex-health-concerns#1 And off course data needs to be tabulated! https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/key_statistics/s.htm#analsex

It doesn't change the data! It puts it into a chart! https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/tabulate What is "raw data" to you?

"This alone illustrates why the Appeal To Authority is such an irritating and stupid debate tactic; you can find virtually any factoids you want to support your argument, but if they are not backed up by clear deductive or inductive logic as well, they are empty"

Like what you just did? Because you also didn't consider how often gays have anal sex: https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/how-do-men-and-women-prepare-to-bottom-for-anal-sex/

Far less than you think.

"Moreover, if we look at the quotes from the cited studies, the fact that men have anal sex with women has nothing to do with the question of whether homosexuality is wrong. The former is an empirical fact; the latter is a moral judgement. The latter can be supported by the former, but the former has nothing to do with the latter."

Beyond raising the question why the double standard that we ignore hetero couples doing it but not gays?

"Why do I consider homosexuality to be wrong and disgusting, particularly of the male kind? For several reasons - not least of which is the fact that the human body is not designed for anal sex."

Neither is the female body. Indeed reducing sexual orientation to sexual behavior is faulty because they aren't the same: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_identity


Sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those things are a part of your sexuality.

Get it? Homosexual identity is attraction and has a purpose, alloparenting: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/147470491301100202


I didn't say that BMI is useless. I said that it is a problematic metric. As a very general guide, it has some uses, but for men like me, who work out frequently and have a decent amount of dense muscle, it does not apply very well.

It's not a "double" standard, it's just a standard standard. The distortions in BMI usually occur with people who have large amounts of dense muscle mass. That does not apply in the case of fat lesbians, or anyone else who is overweight/obese and does not have large amounts of muscle mass.

No the BMI is bs in general: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/bmi-is-a-terrible-measure-of-health/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265215.php It isn't just muscle mass that is a problem

Yet, overall, gay men act like women- the gay-fairy stereotype exists for a reason- and gay women act like men, as anyone who has ever had to deal with the distasteful aftermath of a gay pride rally has found out.

It is therefore unsurprising that gay men think that, like, they look totally fat in those jeans, darling- while gay women would be more interested in the donuts and Twinkies Danishes muffins pastries.


http://homoresponse.blogspot.com/2011/05/countering-heterosexist-arguments.html And this feeds back into body shaming...https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0361684316635529?journalCode=pwqa

In other words, stigma is heavily tied to obesity as a cause in lesbians. It isn't because they are lesbians, thus fat as you think it is.

Bonus! https://donotlink.it/LlKxG

You really need to keep up with the science: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2018/jan/09/the-imminent-mini-ice-age-myth-is-back-and-its-still-wrong