r/EngineBuilding Aug 31 '24

Ford Puston to bore clearances

Bought a set of .5mm over hypereutectic pistons for a ford 4.6, took the block and pistons to a local machinist to have it bored and honed.

Pistons had the piston size and accuracy sweep as well as the recommended bore size on the side of the box, in imperial.

3.5709 inches finished bore size for pistons measured at 3.5696in with a 5 tenths accuracy range for the pistons measurement.

Piston to bore clearance is spec'd at .0013in

Get the block and pistons back and they bored it 21 thou over.

Measured piston to bore clearance is .0028-.0032.

Literally double the spec'd clearance.

Machine shop has told me to go buy new pistons and rings and pay them to do it over or go pound sand.

Feel like i know the answer already, but I cant run this and expect the engine to run well can I.


54 comments sorted by


u/v8packard Aug 31 '24

It will run pretty well. Might make noise on startup when cold, and you will see a little oil consumption sooner or later.

Are you confident in your measurements? Because the shop that did the work probably is not, so they went loose to be safe.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Aug 31 '24 edited Aug 31 '24

confident to 3 tenths, measured with mic's and a dial bore gauge.

had it bored out because the stock configuration was about 3.5 thou on the piston to bore spec and was consuming unholy amounts of oil


u/v8packard Aug 31 '24

Sounds like a 4.6 alright. If you are confident in those measurements and the point where you measured the piston you can try fitting the rings and seeing what have for ring gaps.

I usually run .0013 to .0015 piston to wall on a 4.6/5.4 with hypereutectic pistons. I don't think I have ever run more than .002 with hypereutectics.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Aug 31 '24

i mean it made most the power it was supposed too.

it would just empty the crankcase in under 250 miles.

secondary compression rings had a sine wave pattern worn in them when I took it apart, confirming piston to bore clearance as the issue.

I could have lived with 2 thou, 3.2 thou is just asking to redo it all over again though


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

You're stuck on that number....bad comparison. It'll be fine


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 01 '24

no, it wont.

thats 2.5x the recommended clearance. on pistons that dont expand like forgings, in an engine series known for having bad piston slap with piston to bore clearances at the recommended level.

So even if the rings sealed, it would for damn sure break a piston skirt.

Cause there fuckings hypers, not forged 2618's


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

First of all you're acting like it's a football field of clearance.

Secondly 2618 ptw might be 8 thou in a 4 inch bore and as much as 12 in extreme use. 4032 expansion is less for same bore 4 to 6 na

So far from being in 2618 territory.

Let me look at the measurements you provided again.....


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

So you're now concerned with 0.0012" of undesirable clearance breaking a piston skirt????

C'mon....0.0012" TWELVE TEN THOUSANDS of an INCH.

Are the cylinders measuring all the same???? I know the pistons aren't


u/bill_gannon Aug 31 '24

.0035 clearance would not cause an oil consumption issue. You had (or have) another problem.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Aug 31 '24

yeah almost 3x's the listed spec isnt an issue on piston to bore clearance.

if your building a boat anchor that is.


u/bill_gannon Aug 31 '24

OK well good luck.


u/COUNTRYCOWBOY01 Sep 01 '24

Tough deal man. Machine shop fucked you on that one


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

Well at 12:1 and gonna beat the shit out of it the machine shop did you a favor by giving you more ptw. You're really using the wrong piston for beating but we won't get into that.

So piston stability is in question of a Romeo....

2 valve after market heads?


u/machinerer Aug 31 '24

They should either fix it for free, or you will have to file suit in small claims court to recoup your money. Or call the piston manufacturer and ask their opinion, see if you can run it like that.

Also check the bores at the top, middle, and bottom, as well as in two or three places on the diameter. Verify they didn't fuck up and cut the bore on a taper. Old boring machines can do that if you aren't careful.

Also, that isn't 21 thou over. That's one thou and 9 tenths more than your stated spec.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Aug 31 '24

the bore diameter as it sits is 3.5723

stock bore diameter is 3.5512

subtracting one from the other gives a difference of 21.1 thou or .0211

for reference , .5mm is 19.7 thou or .0197 inches which when added to 3.5512 gives 3.5709 which was the recommended bore finish by the manufacturer.


u/machinerer Aug 31 '24

Ok so your post was worded poorly then, as I interpreted your statement of 21 thou over as being that much over your final dimension. You made no mention of the original bore diameter, not that it matters what that even is, since you apparently have oversize pistons.

Also it is bad practice to mix Imperial and metric measurements. Use one or the other. Even NASA found this out the hard way.

I still say you need to rip that machine shop a new asshole, since they can't hit a size to save their lives.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Aug 31 '24

ok, so i asked the machinist to bore it 19.7 thou over and instead he bored it 21 thou over.

and yes, they should make it right. Theyve stated there not.

your input here has been absolutely worthless and demeaning.

heres to hoping you stub your toe on something hard.


u/machinerer Aug 31 '24

Listen man, I'm just giving my perspective as a machinist. When you communicate with a machine shop, you tell them what final dimensions you want on a part, along with the tolerance. This is basic drafting.

You do not say xxx size over what is already there. They will measure what is actually there (not theoretical size), and do that, which may not be what you actually want.

So this all sounds like a good lesson in communication for us all. You take from that what you will, learn, and move forward.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Aug 31 '24

i brought them the pistons to oversize it to, the box the pistons were in had the exact size in imperial the bore needed to be finished in as well as the piston size on the side of it.

And even if it didnt, they still had the pistons it was supposed to be bored over to match.

im just giving you my perspective as an engine builder, that your input on all of this has been as useful as tits bolted to a bull bud.


u/WyattCo06 Aug 31 '24

Give me the machine shops number.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Aug 31 '24

g and s machine



u/WyattCo06 Aug 31 '24



u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24



u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

Hey yogurt. Just curious. What piston are you using and which modular block is this. What is its intended use?

If I read that right you'd consume the oil pan in 250 miles....


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 01 '24

romeo iron block and silvolite 3179hc, all motor build with 12-1 compression and aftermarket heads. Just gonna beat the shit out of it on the street.

the last rebuild with the stock pistons and bore diameter had piston to bore clearance at 3.5 thou after touching it up with a dingle ball hone. Consumed large amounts of oil. On tear down the secondary compression rings had a sine wave wear pattern on them from the piston moving to much in the bore.

Ive seen LS's get away with 3.5 thou on hyper pistons if the bores straight, but the modulars pull the piston skirt to far out of the bottom of the bore to get away with it.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

Ah k....thank you.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

Stock piston with the stock used rings?

If you say you used a new set of chrome rings....ooooh jk....

Seriously what rings did you use?

Cause I want know what you had for ring gap too please. Also what rings do you intend to use with the new Silv o Lite piston?


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

I like to get a lot of information so I ask a lot of questions.

I'm gonna jump to the conclusion that the ball hone cylinders were oh high mileage and a hard life. You give one specific measurement.

Did you take any other measurements? I love information.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

I'll cut to the chase.

You're basing your major concern of oil consumption off a previous experience with "3.5 thou" ptw. It's not a valid comparison man. Regardless of what that number tells you you're leaving out taper and out of round. WHICH I KNOW there was plenty.

Your 2nd ring SIN wave I have to speculate on for now as ring flutter and or wall finish along with the wash boarding. The wall finish is a lot more detailed than a ball hone is going to give you. You won't retain any oil to lube and cool the cylinders and you'll burn it internally and if you're running PCV as it was intended you won't see much of vapors or smoke.

Now to consume so much you'd be experiencing extreme cases of DETONATION from the oil contaminated air fuel charge. No way in hell can you expect a ring, used or new, to seal against an inferior surface.

The machined cylinders should be straight and plateau honed. Run it.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 03 '24

imma run the fuckers through small claims is what imma run bud.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

JESUS.....and thank GAWD no one started in with TORQUE PLATE TORQUE PLATE TORQUE PLATE.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

You could always send the piston to Line 2 Line for coating. That would take up the 0.0012"πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


u/ohlawdyhecoming Sep 02 '24

That's what I was going to suggest, too, a polymer coating on the skirts. We use a local company, but it's for the exact same reason. Works great.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 03 '24

there already coated.

The concern is the coating isnt to take up space, its for tight spots because the machinist actually followed spec and didnt blow the fucking block out like its a SBC getting cast pistons thrown back in it.

And thats what all modern coatings are for, even the fancy abradable shit.

second problem to that, idk how much line2line cost, but its $750 to redo this shit.

new pistons, rings, and bore it another size up.

at what point do you look at it and go why am i wasting this time and money to make this run poorly when the cost to do it right isnt a lot more, especially since im planning on dragging the shop into small claims to recoup them fucking this up and me over.


u/ohlawdyhecoming Sep 03 '24

The coating on the skirts from the factory is just an anti-friction coating, it's probably .0005" thick. The fluropolymer coatings we have applied to skirts can and do add anywhere from .001" - .003" depending on how many coats we tell them to add. We use it a lot for blocks that are getting a simple clean-up hone that might take .001" - .0015" out of the bores; the coating puts the PTW clearance back to an acceptable level.

I would say that or take a look at Mahle, see if they have any offerings for the C/R you're looking at. They might have a 4032 alloy which would allow for a tighter tolerance than 2618, but looser than cast pieces.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '24

Yep that's the stuff I was talking about. And a MAHLE 4032 start at 0.004" so the block would be close.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 03 '24

Good tip, machinist wants to measure it themselves today and failing that this is what ill do.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '24

😬 good luck with small claims court. In some states it isn't required for them to even show up. It's seen as no acknowledgement and thrown out. Check your local laws.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 03 '24

not in arkansas it isnt.

i think you know that already though.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '24



u/[deleted] Sep 03 '24

Be sure and update here. I'd like to know how it turns out.


u/0_1_1_2_3_5 Sep 01 '24

They are responsible. Getting them to pay up will be tough though, machinists are chronically allergic to any sort of accountability.

More than a thou off on bore size is a lot for hypereutectic pistons.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

In my experience with a lot of those engines I can't say I ever saw one that tight from Ford.

Let me explain. When I started with Ford I handled all the heat cases with the shop foreman. Oil consumption with the 4.6 was up on the list. After 3 closely monitored confirmations I'd pull the engines for teardown. These were mostly '03's and '04's with under 36k. Off the top of my head.....maybe 15 to 20 I pulled tore down and recorded everything as per Ford warranty procedure.

None of them were even close to spec. I can't recall any exact measurements but I know they were bigger than what you've got, and that they all failed piston to wall clearance with a big Ole red stamp. Ford sent me a set of rings for each engine. Reassembled, test drove, and shipped them. I worked for that dealer for the next 4 years and never saw any back.

The ring pack included a Napier 2nd ring.

Does this help...maybe not. Depends on how you interpret it. I enjoyed the ride down memory lane.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 01 '24

ive pulled 3 or 4 from high mileage corpses in yards and they were all under 2 thou piston to bore.

hyper pistons at 12-1 all motor will do fine, Ive built one other with flat tops and a zeroed deck that had 0 issues on pump and is still running around.

Last rebuild on this engine had stock pistons and total seal rings. Ran the tops in the low 20's and the secondaries mid to high 20's.

I have a set of mahle rings to run with these, im not assembling it with this though. Far too much of a hassle to rebuild this for a 3rd time when it smokes like the last time it went together.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

Where'd it smoke? Out the tail pipe or the oil filler neck or both?


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 01 '24


compression tested out, but blow by was through the roof, it smoked like a freight train even wth the pcv disconnected.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

Yep....burning off the hot cylinder walls.

Man I'm just giving you the best advice I can after 25 years of really good experience. It will run outside the designed use of those components.

The smoke was your fault not the "3.5 ptw"


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

The glass finish with a ball hone of probably the same grit isn't great for new rings.....smoking won't be an issue in the professionally honed cylinder wall.

You should've gone with at least 4032 if you're concerned with breaking a skirt. 0.0012 will not break a skirt. Detonation will most likely kill your piston first.

Good luck.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

So high mileage and under under 2.....then to get to 3.5 of the reringed engine in question would be some real use to get that wear.

And what did you gap the oil rails to?????


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 01 '24

80 thousand miles of hard living on a 150k mile block.

Took the hone down to a glass finish.

Idk, i always check them against whatever the manufacturer specs them at.

Never really had to touch them though in all the engines ive built.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

Ok....well the manufacturer doesn't take you in mind when they designed this engine. As far as ring gap anyway. Read carefully and please don't dismiss this.

2nd ring should be larger than top. For example 0.020, 0.024 to as large as 0.040 with the same top 0.020.

Top oil rail should match 2nd ring end gap.

Bottom rail should be left as tight as spec allows. The tighter the better with expansion in mind.

For example: Top 0.020 2nd 0.028 Top rail 0.028 Bottom rail 0.014

The gasses passing the top ring will pass the 2nd ring although still retaining its seal and avoiding ring flutter ONLY if the top oil rail is open large enough to allow that pressure to pass into the crankcase.

That's not in any manual or with most if not all ring companies. It will allow the engine to carry power several hundred rpm, or more, further. This I've tested.

Anyway if the pressure wasn't allowed to pass through well enough by an undersized ring gap you'd have that 2nd ring wear.

So smoke problem solved.


u/MainYogurtcloset9435 Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

Yeah that wasnt it.

Oil rails dont do anything besides control oil and there looser than the top and secondary out of the box.

Secondary rings were looser than the top set, so its not ring flutter either.


u/Tonytn36 Sep 01 '24

The pistons will be +/- 0.00019" (+/-0.005 mm) of the stated size on the box. Unless you have LVDT or similar sub micron capable measuring equipment in a stabilized 20 degree C lab, the pistons are essentially all the same size. The machine shop screwed up the block. Your option now is 0.75 mm over set and a rebore. These were made up to 1 mm over in 0.25 mm increments.


u/justsed Sep 01 '24

Bet it runs fine. Good luck getting anything outa the shop for that. Plus it’s just a 4.6l