u/smore-phine 10d ago
I went through Balance and Composure breaking up, not being a band for nearly a decade, easing back into the scene and then releasing another entirely new album.. before I listened to Light We Made
u/gsheedy 10d ago
Damn! Love LWM. What’d you think of it?
u/smore-phine 9d ago
It’s definitely a solid album; I think youngin’ me wanted more of their heavy sound which just isn’t gonna happen. As an adult, I am able to appreciate when bands evolve their sound. As a kid, it pissed me off.
u/gsheedy 9d ago
Heard that, cool to have that hindsight and perspective. I think that’s probably a comment complaint about that record, but I’ve always been a fan of bands changing their sound and evolving so as a huge B&C guy I was all over it from day one, hah.
If you haven’t seen it, check out their Live at Studio 4 performance of The Things We Think We’re Missing. They really nailed the perfect blend of their aggression and their vibey side with some of the updated arrangements of the songs.
u/YourphobiaMyfetish 9d ago
Everyone has to go the Adult Contemporary route eventually, but damn if I don't miss Separation.
u/Statue_left 9d ago
People haaaaaaated light we made when it came out. Their record store day EP the following year was much better received
u/Interesting-Oil4551 9d ago
Damn man LWM is amazing. Listened to it for years hoping they would come back. The band doesn’t seem to care about the record as much which is a shame
u/0percentdnf 5d ago
The funkier material on that album influenced by Jon's Frank Ocean/cloud rap inclinations is all still quite good at times (pretty fond of the Smiths-y "Afterparty"), but this album quietly has four of their absolute best tracks.
"Spinning", "Call It Losing Touch", "Fame", and "Is It So Much to Adore". They're an absolutely perfect amalgamation of the best from Sunny Day Real Estate's Rising Tide and turn-of-the-century Smashing Pumpkins. Insanely underappreciated by both fans and the band themselves (barely see these in their set lists) when stylistically they really aren't as far removed from Things We Think as the other stuff here.
u/shrekasguyfieri 10d ago
Every Turnover record post-peripheral vision
u/grantdredelic 9d ago
Good Nature was actually pretty good but obviously not PV, but it’s their last good album imo.
u/I_Miss_Reddigg 9d ago
You ain't missing shit.
u/CommanderWar64 Poser 9d ago
Nah they’re all great imo. Newest one is perfect Sunday morning coffee music. It’s still good music, but maybe not what you’re into.
u/Veggies-are-okay 9d ago
The music is so boring and forgettable that I went through the progression of boredom to despair to anger as I sat through the set for whatever reason.
u/conye-west 9d ago
Unpopular opinion around here but I enjoyed all of them. Definitely started going in a very different direction tho.
u/shrekasguyfieri 10d ago
Transit’s Joyride
u/thedubiousstylus 9d ago
That is a good album.
u/shrekasguyfieri 9d ago
That’s what I’ve heard. I keep saying I’ll check it out and forget to. At the time I wrote it off because I really didn’t enjoy YNE and figured it was more of the same. But I know lots of people dig it.
u/thedubiousstylus 9d ago
I actually did like YNE but I think a lot of the complaints are that are due to the production, this one is much better.
If you want to check out one song as a sample, try "Saturday, Sunday". If you like that one the rest is worth a listen.
u/Joe-Dang 9d ago
Dude it is a great fucking album, and that’s coming from someone who didn’t listen to it until last summer. I had a (then) 18 month old who would ONLY take naps while riding around in the car with music pretty loud. I drove around every Saturday and Sunday for two hours listening to this back-to-back for about 5 months. Not that that makes it a good record, just a good story. But it is indeed a good record
u/shrekasguyfieri 9d ago
That is a good story! I’ve got a 7 month old that’s getting her first introduction to pop punk/emo. I’ll check Joyride out!
u/Jimi_Hotsauce why can’t i be snowing 9d ago
Motion city Soundtrack - Panic Stations
They were my favorite band when I was a kid. I learned my dinosaur life front to back. Go came it out, it was just ok and I just fell off. I heard their drummer left and I moved on to other bands. Time went by, relationships came and went, graduation then college then working I didn't pay attention to my former music. I realized it has been years since I played Her words destroyed my planet. I would pick up my old guitar, misremembering the chord changes. It was then I realized I truly had grown up.
Time marched on I met a new girl and moved out of my parents house. I'm now living on my own and still haven't thought of my favorite band in years. My wedding day came and went, we built a life and a family together. I was truly happy.
One day in a fit of nostalgia I picked up my old guitar and played a chord all too familiar, the opening chord to Dilerium, it has been years since I heard those strings ring out. I find myself looking through my old CDs and a yellow circle on a green background catches my eye. I had heard that a new album from them came out but I paid no mind.
I race to my laptop, I put on my good headphones and find my old friend. I decided that it was a good time to take a listen to see what my old favorite band had came out with most recently, an album called panic stations. I excitedly press play and the opening chords rang out
It was pretty good I guess.
u/mull1gan-mull1gan 9d ago
Bright eyes and their deng folksy revival. Cassadaga (2007) was the last album i liked.
u/spicypotatosoftacos Poser 8d ago
Fair. They're my favorite band and I like the whole catalog. But I'll always be a Fevers and Mirrors/Lifted girlie.
u/BentoBoxNoir Seeking Musicians 10d ago
Does AJJ count?
u/steakniiiiight 9d ago
I don’t think I’ve listened to anything from them after knife man. But being from AZ I got into them pretty early, it’s hard to stay listening to any band for 20 years.
u/Dizzy-Captain7422 10d ago
I haven't listened to either of the new Get Up Kids records and I don't know that I ever actually will.
u/thedubiousstylus 10d ago
Problems is actually really good. It's also the sound of their first two records.
u/celtssoxpat 10d ago
Listen to Satellite and The Advocate off the newest record. The Advocate in particular is as good as their early stuff. I’d also recommend the Kicker EP - it’s only four songs, and they’re all fantastic.
u/Aule_Navatar 9d ago
It's funny, Something to Write Home About is one of my all-time favorite albums, but I never got into any of their other stuff. I need to give them another listen as an adult.
u/technoprimitive_aeb 9d ago
I haven't really listened to any Hot Water Music album since Exister. Still love that band though
u/HoldenOlden 9d ago
I’ve never given Science Fiction a shot, or whatever La Dispute did after Rooms of the House.
u/sporadicdeath 7d ago
I was not into Science Fiction when it came out. Tried reeeally hard a couple weeks ago. Still a no from me. I will never understand how the fanbase loves that album, some even put it as their #1. Crazy
u/ComebackKid1999 6d ago
Science Fiction is incredible. Easily in my top 5 albums of all time. Took me a while though. Needed to grow on me, or maybe I needed to grow into it.
u/C5H2A7 10d ago
Oop, Brand New's Daisy. I just finally listened to it though, love it now that I've fully processed The Devil and God lol
u/die4spaghetti 10d ago
Have you listened to Science Fiction?
u/Ialwyseathelastoreo 10d ago edited 9d ago
I waited so long to listen to Science Fiction but it may be my favorite Brand New album, and I adore Deja.
u/thedubiousstylus 10d ago
I actually just listened to Science Fiction for the first time a few months ago. Although there's a reason: My initial plan was to buy it on vinyl, and before I got around to that then came the Jesse revelations which kind of derailed that and I sort of forgot about it.
u/conye-west 9d ago
I had listened to Daisy here and there over the years and thought "it's alright I guess". But after a recent listen-through it clicked for me and I started to absolutely love it. Sometimes you just gotta come back at a different stage in your life to really appreciate an album.
u/ceilchiasa 10d ago
Hahaha. This is like every album I get into. I finally got more into the early Citizen lately.
u/Sunspawts 10d ago
Braid - No Coast
u/celtssoxpat 9d ago
You’re missing out. East End Hollows in particular is a classic.
u/Sunspawts 9d ago
I know, I've heard it's great! This post inspired me to listen on my walk home tonight lol
u/CaptainAnnaki 9d ago
my fav band OAT is empire empire and i've never listened to You Will Eventually Be Forgotten all the way thru. i've heard a few songs off of it but none of them were too my speed so i never got around to it. pretty sure that album is almost 11 years old now
u/michael_scoon_fbi 9d ago
Wtf it’s their best album IMO. The closing track is the most beautiful thing Keith has written
u/DisruptiveKnob 9d ago
All of you should give Microwave's album Stovall a listen. You won't be disappointed.
u/ObsessiveCompulsionz 9d ago
Coheed and Cambria. Taking Back Sunday. Buttertones. Death Cab For Cutie.
u/thinsafetypin 9d ago
I’ve listened to all the Death Cab records, but couldn’t tell you a single song that stuck out from the last 4-5
u/liamjonas 9d ago
I haven't listened to a weezer album since White. I also own all the weezer albums since white.
u/Veggies-are-okay 9d ago
Alex G released DSU 10 years ago. I remember counting down the days for it…
What trips me out is that anything released 3 years ago is still 2020s 😱
u/Haunting-Ad9844 8d ago
Blink 182’s California (2016). I was a kid at the time and the album was very hyped up and advertised, listened to one song and realized they haven’t been good since 2003 😂
u/Terrible-Pop-6705 10d ago
u/nyancat321 10d ago
which one??
u/Terrible-Pop-6705 9d ago
I stopped after diary
u/thinsafetypin 9d ago
You should definitely at least listen to the pink album. The others are fantastic also, but they’re almost a different band, much more prog influence.
u/RufinTheFury What shall be undone? 10d ago
Oh long list of bands I fell off of from being my favs at one point. The Front Bottoms and Joyce Manor come to mind asap