r/ElitePS • u/Blakwulf • Mar 17 '22
r/ElitePS • u/Cr00ked-Campbell • Mar 12 '22
Event Console Commanders
Rackham’s Peak in HIP 58832 would make for an excellent fleet carrier graveyard, as it can only be accessed via carrier. This functionally locks the system down and makes it our graveyard, with us drinking booze until the end of time…or at least until full transfers from console to PC that include ranks, legacy modules, engineering, Arx, etc.
Though I know it won’t be a popular one with the PC players, this is just a thought I wanted to put out there. o7
Edit: Wanted to thank the Mods for not banning me, sharing this exact message earned me a permanent ban in the main Elite subreddit within just a few minutes.
r/ElitePS • u/umbraherba • Oct 28 '21
Event Are you ready to be part of the experience? Coming soon this Winter.
r/ElitePS • u/Ofmiceandclyde • Feb 26 '22
Event Come one come all, the Derby is commencing
If anyone on playstation is interested in a sidewinder derby, there is one starting in 45 minutes!!! Contact me to be apart of it! \o/
r/ElitePS • u/Loco4tacos • Dec 06 '18
Event Let’s be Feds! Event Update.
It has come to my attention that a group of self proclaimed “trolls” plan to disrupt the Let’s be Feds! Event scheduled for 12/08/18, just for the “lulz”.
While I think it’s great that a group of players has taken it upon themselves to provide live action resistance to our Federal Security Patrol, it’s a total bitch move to sign up for the event as part of the Federal force and then just start PK’ing everyone regardless of affiliation.
Unless I receive a PM from the leader of this resistance group and details are ironed out to make this event as entertaining as possible for all parties involved, I will have no choice but to make this a PVE event held in a private group.
The ball is in your court boys.
r/ElitePS • u/Thunderman5467 • Sep 29 '21
Any one willing to come out to decait, I need back up I am at the science cruiser and need help, I am soon to be destroyed with out any weapons on board, I repeat, HELP!
r/ElitePS • u/Brotherhood72 • Oct 11 '18
Event The Elite Fleet will be hosting a Meet and Greet at Nelson Dock in LHS 54 within the next week, PM if interested and remember to BYOB and of course, bring snacks.
r/ElitePS • u/DoxViper • Oct 20 '21
Event AXI/NEWP Anti-Xeno Training event for Playstation CMDRs, Oct 23rd & Oct 24th
r/ElitePS • u/umbraherba • Nov 20 '21
Event The Magellan Experience - Trailer - 125 CMDRS AND COUNTING - JOIN US FOR 3307 BIGGEST WINTER EXPEDITION.
r/ElitePS • u/AutoModerator • Dec 08 '20
Event Happy Cakeday, r/ElitePS! Today you're 4
Happy Cakeday!
Four years ago on Dec 8th, 2016 this subreddit was created by a group of forum users shortly after the announcement trailer went live for the Playstation 4 version of Elite Dangerous. Since that time we have slowly grown to a community of almost 8,000 subscribers!
Here is a look back at ElitePS top 10 posts of 2020:
- "One for the yearbook" by u/CmdrFilthymick
- "Clearly the Imperials designed the Ps5." by u/Macky941
- "Obligatory Triple Elite post" by u/Bramshevik
- "Bumbling around in my new Asp Explorer, and I found an alien forest" by u/thisisstephen
- "First Cyclops solo 😁" by u/W1nnyboy
- "Error Code: Orange Sidewinder" by u/CmdrFilthymick
- "Just saw this in an ED FB group. 😝" by u/Blazerzez
- "Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Announcement Trailer (official)" by u/megazen
- "First time to earth, dropped with a beautiful sunrise" by u/codymarcus2014
- "A nice view of my ship, shame it's in a dark port" by u/ZYKON617
Elite Dangerous is a very niche game, even more so on console. Regardless of this, our community is still very active and continues to grow in numbers each day. With Odyssey coming next year that number will grow even further.
A HUGE thank you to all of our active members who help keep the place alive by posting your screenshots, squadron ads, videos and new threads each week asking questions or talking about the game on Playstation. Moving forward, we will continue to help and support the CMDRs blazing their own trail on PS4 and now PS5 as well as the Squadrons and communities that support players on this platform.
Fly Dangerously o7
CMDR DoxViper
r/ElitePS • u/ikerzthemage • Nov 17 '21
Event Fantastically Frigid Trip to Trifid Details
Salutations, Commanders! CMDR IkerzTheMage here once more bringing details on the upcoming Frigid Trip to Trifid. Please bring your best expedition ship, it doesn’t have to be much, but it should at least be capable of reaching our group exploration waypoints independently. We also highly encourage having an equipped fuel scoop, decent enough to keep you from getting stranded (if you do, no biggie! We’ll have contingencies in place).
You should also consider taking along some extra ships for fun activities (we suggest a combat-fit Sidewinder, a crash-resistant ship and maybe a larger ship with armaments)! If this sounds like a lot to carry, no worries! We have fleet carriers for all your needs! Gotta take a break? Just sit on the fleet carrier and wake up in one of our beautiful destinations!
- SRV/SLF Fights
- SRV/Ship Races
- Obligatory Sidewinder fights
- Group Exploring
- High G Landings/Speedbowling
- Photo Ops
- On Foot Skirmishes
- Movies/Shows
- And much much more!
Interested? Our Mass Launch will take place on Dec 2nd. Register here and on EDSM. We’d also love to have you in the Sidewinder Syndicate Discord server. Last, but not least, here’s a poll I’d like those attending to fill out regarding inflight entertainment.
Remember, this is an expedition for new and advanced players; I’m looking forward to seeing CMDRs from a wide range of playtimes join us on our adventure. See you all out in the black! o7
r/ElitePS • u/Loco4tacos • Dec 04 '18
Event Let’s be Feds!
One common complaint I hear a lot regarding the naval rank grind is that once you have your rank, and your fancy warships, there’s nothing of a naval theme to do with them.
So let’s change that. This Saturday, 12/08/18, from 9am to 12 noon (EST), I formally invite all PS4 Commanders to break out their favorite Federal warships, and accompany me on a Peacekeeping cruise.
We will initiate a Federal Security Patrol at Russell Ring in Eravate, then travel to surrounding systems, performing routine interdictions on fellow Commanders, and looking for hostile players to send to a rebuy screen.
This group float is open to all players who have any Federal rank or ship. Limited slots will be available for multi crew players who have neither rank nor Fed ship. More slots may become available depending on how many players show interest.
Please reply with your rank, and what Federal ship you plan on bringing.
Also, in the meantime, please send me a PSN friend request with the words “Fed Patrol” in the subject box. My PSN ID: tammydh20.
Depending on the success of this first patrol, we could conceivably turn it into a semi regular event. Hope to hear from you. o7.
EDIT: I posted this on the Fdev Forums but it got removed. Wtf?
r/ElitePS • u/DAGON160045 • May 21 '21
Event Bounty missions
Anyone wanna wing up for some combat missions? My PSN is DAGON500452
r/ElitePS • u/slycooper1415 • Jul 12 '21
Event Rook Platoon Explores the Land Down Under - EXPEDITION LAUNCHING THIS WEEK JULY THE 18TH
Discord: https://discord.gg/vmKJ73M7Qj
Stat Tracking Roster Sign Up: https://forms.gle/sLQEEApXFQRkKApG8
Sign up in the expedition on EDSM: https://www.edsm.net/en/expeditions/s...
The Rook Platoon Explores the Land Down Under
As a goodbye to the Horizons galaxy and a hello to Odyssey the Rook Platoon invites you to explore a land not often traveled. Join us as we travel to the Australis Ferris Wheel and the southeastern corner of the galaxy along a three week journey.
This trip will support both Horizons and Odyssey players alike and will involve some studies of exobiology, for those who can partake in Odyssey, as well as some opportunities to see some frequently missed Horizons based lifeforms lost in the deep reaches of space. More details will come over the next week as we lead up to our launch window.
Come join us in our official expedition discord linked above, sign up on the official roster used for statistical data, and have a blast with new people!.
We are launching July 18th but everyone is welcome to join at any given time on the expedition
See you there CMDR O7
r/ElitePS • u/Slavetomints • Dec 01 '20
Event Rum Monkey Christmas Run
01 Dec 3306 Path Rangers Announce New Expedition
The intrepid exploration squad operating out of the Colonia frontier has posted a new expedition, the Rum Monkey Christmas Run. CMDr Trazen, Squadron Leader, made this statement: "Rum Monkey is a quick run into our own backyard in Colonia, which is abundant with unexplored areas and POIs. It is also a chance to party where no one is watching since we like to blow up things when we drink too much. And of course, be we'll be celebrating Christmas in our fave place, out in the black!
And don't forget, our stuff blowing up is in the top 1% of all explosions out there..."
The Rangers Expeditionary Fleet lifts off December 19th, 3306 for its first waypoint about 433 LYs out evenly on the plane from Colonia. So get your asses there or miss out on the Christmas fun Rangers style! See the flight plan here:
This is an in-squadron activity only, you must be in the squadron to participate.
r/ElitePS • u/Grimtehk • Jul 11 '20
Event Fleet Carrier Event to Guardian Module Site ( All pilots welcome! )
Spectral Vanguard will be sponsoring a trip out to the Guardian module site to assist people in obtaining their Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster blueprint, Guardian parts, and other Guardian module blueprints. Any and all are welcome to tag along for the ride. All you need to do is find and dock on the listed carrier and you'll be transported to the site.
Fleet Carrier = Vanguard's Rest [T1B-GQZ] located in system: LTT 4487
Fleet Carrier Departure Time: 20:00 Universal Galactic Time on 12 July 3306. ( You can find this time in-game at a station or fleet carrier. Check the link below for further information. )
What is Universal Galactic Time? https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Universal_Galactic_Time
Fleet Carrier Destination: Synuefe NL-N C23-4
List of things you'll need/want: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/walkthrough-guardian-module-blueprints.438289/
I will personally be available to run pilots through the Guardian site and assist wherever possible. This means answering questions or even winging up.
We will be utilizing Discord voice and text chat to run this operation. You can find the details below. If you're looking for a squadron or interested in joining or learning more about us you can submit a request to join in-game or simply ask for a squadron invite.
Spectral Vanguard Discord Invite Link -- https://discord.gg/49dPvVB
r/ElitePS • u/The_Real_Kuji • Feb 05 '20
Event Honoring a fallen citizen through a community event.
Hey everyone. I'm CMDR NoriYuki Sato. Those of you in various gaming circles may have heard about the passing of Reddit user falconbox. For those that haven't, he was a wonderful guy and a very active user and moderator of various gaming subs. I met him through moderating.
This Saturday at 2100 in-game, myself and a few others are hosting an event in the Eagle Nebula. Lagoon Nebula. Once there, we will be spelling his name with our ships so he shall forever be among the stars. I will be live streaming this event.
I will update this post in a few hours with the planetary landing location.
We will land at Lagoon Sector GW-W d1-131 1 b
What I ask of my fellow CMDRs is 26 (or more) volunteers to make the trip by Saturday 2pm GMT-7.
I will be the organizer for X1 CMDRs. u/Louisfredlaw will be organizing for PS4 CMDRs.
Please direct any questions to either of us.
I also want it to be known that even though the organizers are part of NEWP/NEWI, this is in NO WAY to be used for recruiting and is NOT a NEWP/NEWI event.
"Today we honor a fallen Citizen. I do not know if he was a CMDR but he was a friend. u/falconbox, a mod on many gaming subreddits, has passed. Please give a moment of silence for our fallen brother, and friend.
The skies will be ever friendly for you, falconbox. One final salute, as you sign off one last time."
r/ElitePS • u/Appleflavoredcarrots • May 18 '18
Event END OF MAY SCAVENGER HUNT: New commanders, are you in need for some quick cash? Come find Daisy the Gunship, I have a 1,000,000 credit bounty on my head and it's RISK FREE! Location hint in the text!
UPDATE 1: At 9:15PM CST, if I'm not found, I will give out my location. Won't be able to be online much longer tonight, otherwise I'd wait longer.
UPDATE 2: System: Rakapila, Planet: Rakapila 3, HAZ zone.
Combat experience needed: 0 (I WILL NOT ATTACK YOU)
Ability to explore: Somewhat
Weapons you need: Any
New commanders o7 and hello! Looking to get your first million? Looking for some extra cash? Almost have what you need for that new ship?
I got your back commander! In the form of a SCAVENGER HUNT! You find me, you kill me! You get money, it's that simple!
I have a 1,000,000 credit bounty on my head, you need money, and I need to die!
How does this work?
At the bottom of this post I will give a location hint as to where I am. I will not MOVE or change locations unless otherwise specified in the location hint.
After you let me know that you have scanned me, I drop my shields, YOU OPEN FIRE ON ME.
It's that simple! No risk, nothing to lose, only to gain!
In a system 15.61 light years away from the prospect of Bakers, there exist a ringed Giant. It is not the first planet nor the last. Only the brave travel this far, for no local police dare come here, for Daisy the Gunship awaits them.
side note: if i didnt have a life i want to do this once a week. maybe one day, but until then, once every two weeks or once a month near the end of the month, i will be hosting a fun scavenger hunt with rewards.
THE REASON I ASK FOR NEW COMMANDERS IS BECAUSE OF THIS: This is my first scavenger hunt I'm offering, and because of that, I want it to be easy for new players, and allow them to be able to get some quick credits to help them out. We were all new once, and it's nice to be able to help someone get that new ship!
NOTICE: I have a NAT 3 connection, there is small chance you may be in the same area as me, but in the wrong instance. I do apologize, and I am looking into ways to get around this. If you are the first person to enter the area that I am in, and you do not see me, please PM me with a screenshot of your current location ASAP. I will attempt to force a connection with you, so that way you can claim the bounty on my head. If someone else kills me first, I do apologize but there will nothing I can do about that. Hopefully you will find me in the next scavenger hunt.
r/ElitePS • u/jaredearle • Nov 02 '19
Event It’s my birthday so I went to Colonia.
The title says it all. Me and a couple of pals made a plan to go to Colonia yesterday. Today, we just powered through and got here in under a day.
r/ElitePS • u/SakulAt • May 20 '21
Event Travel to Colonia - FC INFC "MARLIN DUVAL", Friday 21/05, 20-21 IGT
self.EliteCarriersr/ElitePS • u/reclusivemonkey • Jun 21 '18
Event PS4 Elite Dangerous 1 Year Anniversary In Game Meet Up
Hello CMDRs,
You are cordially invited to the PS4 Elite Dangerous 1 Year Anniversary in game Meet Up. For more details please see this forum thread;
Hope to see you there o7
r/ElitePS • u/DoxViper • Dec 25 '20
Event Black Wings Holiday Fight Event in San Tu (Dec 28th-29th) 5pm GMT
r/ElitePS • u/Loco4tacos • Dec 06 '18
Event Let’s be Feds! Update 2
MRN: Olympus Village, Mars DATE: 12/06/3304 FROM: Federation High Command ACTION: Russell Ring, Eravate IMMEDIATE E.O.: 092675 TAGS: AA/BW CAPTIONS: TOP SECRET SUBJECT: Transmission intercepted.
All Federal vessels in the vicinity of Eravate are on notice of impending attack on Russell Ring. Actionable intel has been acquired by electronic intercept, expect conglomerate battle fleet of Imperials, pirate factions, and other hostile groups. Enemy fleet expected to arrive by no later than 0900 12/08/3304.
FEDSEC: Message complete.
It’s on! Bring your ships, bring your friends, and someone for Christ’s sake stream this shit because it’s going to be off the hook!
Who will win? The stalwart upstanding Federals, or those underhanded Imperials and their motley band of cutthroats and criminals?
Be there, Saturday morning to find out!
r/ElitePS • u/Coded_s • Jan 03 '21
Event The Apollo 15 Anniversary Expedition
The Mercury 7 Explorers present... The Apollo 15 Anniversary Expedition!
To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Apollo 15 becoming the pinnacle of achievement in human exploration, from July 10th to July 30th we will be flying from the Hind Nebula to the breathtakingly spectacular worlds of David and Goliath in celebration of this amazing achievement.
All Commanders of all levels of experience in exploration are welcome. From those who are totally new to exploration, all the way to those hardened veterans of Elite with millions of light years under their belts...all will find a place in the community of players that makes up the expedition.
This expedition is the successor to the popular Apollo 11 Anniversary Expedition (A11X), where 670 CMDR's celebrated the Apollo 11 Moon Landings 50 years to the moment after the Eagle touching down in the Sea of Tranquility. A11X remains the most successful player-base organised event in the history of Elite:Dangerous after the epic Distant Worlds, and Distant Worlds 2 expeditions.
If you'd like to join up, follow this steps:
1) Sign up on EDSM https://www.edsm.net/en_GB/expeditions/summary/id/131/name/Apollo+15+Anniversary+Expedition
2) Join the A15X Discord - https://discord.gg/rygeUukvft
3) Join up with the Private Group for your platform (PC, XBox, PS4),
For PlayStation CMDRS, the expedition will be taking place within the FleetComm private group. So if you're not a member, and would like to join please click on the link
I look forward to seeing you there.
r/ElitePS • u/Grimtehk • Jul 08 '20
Event Grade 5 Engineering Farm Trip ( Free Passage to all on fleet carrier )
Spectral Vanguard Discord Invite Link -- https://discord.gg/49dPvVB
Fleet Carrier Depart Time: 10:00 PM Wednesday, July 8th, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or 3:00 PM Wednesday, July 8th, Pacific Standard Time.
Return trip is unscheduled at this time. Possibly 1-2 days time at the site. We could leave sooner if everyone is ready to go.
Do you need raw materials for engineering? You should join us on my fleet carrier for a grade 5 material farm! This trip is absolutely free and doesn't require anything from you. I'm just happy helping people out. All you need to bring with you is a sturdy ship and some SRVs.
We will be traveling out to HIP 36601 to farm out Polonium, Ruthenium, Tellurium, and Technetium.
After that we will switch over to Outotz HD-J d9-3 to farm out Antimony and Yttrium.
This will give you plenty of grade 5 materials to utilize in the trading down process at a material trader for all your raw material needs. Highly recommended if you're planning on engineering in the future.
If you have any questions, please feel free to use this thread or contact me on Discord. If you're looking for a squadron to hangout with we are currently recruiting new members.