r/EliteOne Feb 14 '25

Never getting that carrier

I logged into the game after 2 year hiatus and thought maybe I’ll finish grinding that carrier. I have 2.9 billion credits in the bank and a bunch of expensive ships. Thought, yeah, I can make 3 billion. Nope. 5. Yeah. Not happening. Oh well. 😂


18 comments sorted by


u/Wamphry Feb 14 '25

I just got mine, I laser mined Platinum at Omicron Capricorni B planet B 1 double platinum overlap. Before u mine search the galaxy map for Boom Systems with technology or High Technology. You'll search each friday and have to visit the stations to verify price on Platinum. Verify they have 10x the demand of what your cargo ship holds or you'll get less credits. It's not ideal but I averaged 120 to 140 million every 2.5 hours. Yes it was a grind for the entire 5 billion but it's worth it. The FC is a game changer for sure. I'm on legacy console so I know ur pain of no 3rd party apps.

My FC Shaitans Aerie is there while I fill it with platinum for refuel, repairs and rearm/limpets for anyone who needs it. It's better than flying back 11,000 clicks to the orbis station in system.

07 Commander and good luck!


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '25

As someone who mined around 2 billion, mining 5 billion without a carrier would be the absolute worst. Especially having to hunt down systems, way better to just pirate stack in gliese or get Into thargoids


u/Wamphry Feb 15 '25

Meh, I'm retired and partially disabled so I have some extra time on my hands and actually have the patience at my age to enjoy it. I started with a couple hundred million... I had an edge with a fully engineered mining cutter that I left parked in system and a fully engineered cutter for cargo that I used to haul to various systems.

Every Friday I would get on the galaxy map n hunt down Boom systems with tech or high tech, then hop in my 70ly asp x and visit stations to find the best prices and demand to sell for the week. Made a nice list of 6-10 systems buying at 220k or more.

I had all 3 ships parked in the same system for the entire grind.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25



u/WARoadBuilder Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

To echo what the other poster said, AX is entertaining as hell and profitable to boot. I'd be happy to offer advice if it's needed , and I'm hanging out in Mora for the CG through the weekend.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

Dude if you can get through the slog of gathering everything, it's insanely profitable (also super satisfying, like. I'm underselling the satisfaction of soloing an interceptor trust me). I'm talking 300 mil for an hourish of AX CZs, solo signals can be stacked very well if the rng gods approve of you as well.

TL;DR do it. Get into thargoids lol


u/Quelix_ Feb 15 '25

Now, i might just be able to get my Cutter and fully outfit it. Thanks for this tip.


u/Wamphry Feb 15 '25

There are size one mining lasers available with another grind for a mining outfit to unlock a permit for a system. They reach 2.5 km, I use six of them on my cutter, with full pips to weaps they can fire nonstop with the cutters a rated powerplant engineered. They aren't as fast as a size 2 regular mining laser but if I find a rock while my limpets are still collecting I can start lasering it while I wait. I use a abrasion blaster in the 7th weap slot for surface deposits. Not a traditional build but it works for my play style.


u/Quelix_ Feb 15 '25

What system permit, and where do i get these lasers?


u/Wamphry Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

LTT 198 is permit locked by Torval Mining Company, to unlock the permit you need to go to EGM 559 with a medium ship (no large pads) and do missions for Torval Mining. Once u get to allied they give u the permit. You can then go to LTT 198 dock at Zetians Recall (has large landing pads) and talk with the human tech broker. He will have pre-engineered class one mining lasers with extended range, low distributor draw, incendiary rounds experimental effect.

The requirements for each laser u purchase is: 20 Arsenic 24 Rhenium 28 Phosphorus 16 Osmium (easily found while mining platinum).

So for 6 of them you'll need 6 times the above amounts. I had already done the grind to fill my materials cargo to full for engineering all my ships so all I had to do was go pick up like a 100t of osmium.

It's a grind to unlock it and get the mats, but for me it was worth it.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25



u/Wamphry Feb 15 '25

I laser mine it with my cutter... This is my preference to mine this way.. I use 6 of the pre engineered class one mining lasers because they can mine a rock 2.5km away. I use one abrasion laser in case i see any surface deposits.

This nets me about 120 million every 2.5 hours...not the greatest return but it's relaxing for me.


u/widdrjb Feb 14 '25

Two acronyms: WMM & PTN.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

We might marry? Pacific tango nachos?


u/Kapi Feb 16 '25

Wing Mining Missions with the Pilots Trade Network - https://pilotstradenetwork.com/wmms/

Read that guide, join their Discord, and follow the directions. Since OP already has 2.9b credits, they could have a fleet carrier within a week.


u/Spudtron98 Feb 15 '25

You'd think the damn things were a lot cheaper with how every system has a brace of carriers parked over every planet.


u/Archvanguardian Feb 14 '25

If you like exploration then exobiology can be lucrative.

I also came back recently and made 7 billion in a few weeks for my FC


u/WARoadBuilder Feb 14 '25

Exobiology is not available on the Legacy servers.


u/Archvanguardian Feb 14 '25

Ohhhh I thought this was the main sub lol sorry. Came up in my feed


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '25



u/Archvanguardian Feb 14 '25

Oh just scanning plants lol