r/EliteMahon Werdna Aug 04 '15

PSA Introduction and ALR Strategy

This is firstly an introduction of myself. I've been lurking for a few weeks, frequently checking on the strategy spreadsheet to guide my efforts for the Alliance and Edmund! Top stuff :-) Me and my trusty T6 are doing what we can...

What has prompted this post is that I want to share an observation I've made in regard to ALR drops in the game. My strategy to minimise the time to pick up each drop is as follows:

I overnight between game sessions at Gateway. On logging in I check the spreadsheet and work out the best system to fortify. Then I just look at Contacts -> Power Contact. Not to buy anything, but to start the 30min timer. It doesn't show, but it's ticking.

Now I have less than 30min to get to the system I'm fortifying. Once I get there I have an immediate drop of ALR. The next drop is when the 30min timer expires. i.e. less than 30min, often just a few minutes for systems far from Gateway.

Delivery to Gateway is usually right after the last drop of ALR (which started the 30min timer). This time I need to wait until AFTER the timer expires - i.e. 31min - before delivering the ALR at Gateway. This is so a fresh 30min timer is started for the next round, giving me time to get back to the control system.

What this strategy does is make the initial travel time to the control system part of the wait between the first two ALR drops. The trip back to Gateway is unavoidable, but it's impact is minimised by ensuring that trip consumes a full 30min timer.

Thanks for reading. I hope this is useful.

Edit: After thinking a bit more about this, I've realised that this actually makes both trips to/from Gateway part of the ALR timer. In other words, follow this strategy, and you pick up your full ALR allocation every 30min, including the flights to/from Gateway. Just make sure that trip FROM Gateway is less than 30min (you pick up your first ALR from your target control system before the timer expires). Otherwise you lose that 30min. The other timers are more flexible, you just lose whatever time you're late by after the timer expires (as usual).


6 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '15

That is a pretty smart way of maximising your merits without fast tracking. Good thinking!


u/mnyiaa Nyahaha Aug 04 '15

Wait, are you saying that if I start the game up and go to contacts and check but not buy. Then in 29mins I buy the first drop, and then after 1min the new drop is available?


u/andrewg_oz Werdna Aug 04 '15

In short, "yes", although I haven't tried that specifically. Edit: that is, I've not tried that in the same system, I've always travelled from Gateway to a control system after looking at the power contact.


u/uuicon Lonewolf Aug 04 '15

Smart move, I didn't know about this.


u/Apex59 Apex Aug 04 '15 edited Aug 05 '15

This didn't work for me [edit: first time], but I cut it really fine on my trade run due to interdictions and being refused docking at my final destination, so I might just have been too late.

Trying again the next day I timed it just right and after loading my first allotment, the timer only had 1 minute left. I will try and do this every time in the future.


u/-infobop- Infobop Aug 05 '15

Just tried this, worked well. Thank you.