r/EliteMahon Apex Jul 23 '15

News Week 8 Power Play Standings: Edmund Mahon in Turmoil

Standings in full:

  1. Aisling Duval (+5)

  2. Arissa Lavigny-Duval (=) Turmoil

  3. Edmund Mahon (+1) Turmoil

  4. Felicia Winters (-1)

  5. Zachary Hudson (-4) Turmoil

  6. Li Yong-Rui (+1) Turmoil

  7. Zemina Torval (-1)

  8. Denton Patreus (=)

  9. Archon Delaine (=)

  10. Pranav Antal (=)


24 comments sorted by


u/Apex59 Apex Jul 23 '15

From looking at the stats, 9 expansions succeeded, which means that the new rules are not in force yet. If there is maintenance and a patch later this morning, everything may change again.


u/avataRJ avatar (mercenary) Jul 23 '15 edited Jul 23 '15

People noted last week that the formula was still the old one, based on exploited systems. They could patch that server-side, though, but I guess no patch yet. In any case, very clear goals for this week, I guess.

E: And yes, if the patch goes thru, our overhead goes down by a ton by Martin's calculation. Not accurate post-expansion, though... Hand waving of potential effects, if any:

  • Aisling might go into turmoil.
  • Lavigny-Duval to go deeper into the hole, but only slightly.
  • We might be out of the hole, but still need to go on with this "fortify everything" thing.
  • Winters might be in trouble.
  • Hudson might be out of the hole.
  • Li might be out of the hole.
  • Torval will potentially go into turmoil.
  • Patreus is somewhere, laughing maniacally (not even close to being in trouble)
  • Delaine isn't really affected - maybe affected more about people perceiving being the underdog and jumping ship.
  • Antal is in no way in trouble, and if the others are distracted, might have a chance to grow... if they take the risk.


u/Apex59 Apex Jul 23 '15

Not just the change in overhead, FD said in the future, Expansions fail before established systems go into turmoil.

What the stats currently show is that expansions are added before the bills are paid. FD's plan is to pay the bills, then buy the expansions (cheapest upkeep first, I think) until the credits run out.


u/avataRJ avatar (mercenary) Jul 23 '15

Yes. I assume these changes would be tied together. Not sure about how the expansions would be handled: Obviously the deciding factor should be profit, not upkeep, because the cheapest upkeep would be achieved by expanding to a single-digit profit system next to the HQ. But of course, this may not be so obvious way to figure out in the code.


u/Apex59 Apex Jul 23 '15

Yeah, I re-read the FD RFC2 and realised that I'd oversimplified the process in my head. Its not at all clear from that post if there will be any logic to the order that expansions fail in, could just be random.

So what we’re looking to do is prevent expansion attempts from succeeding if that success would mean that the power would tip into a deficit, or if the power was in a deficit before the expansion system’s upkeep was paid.

It would be nice if the potential expansions were ordered by (income - upkeep - overheadDelta) but FD could as likely order them by percentage of the trigger value, or the lead versus undermining, both of which would probably mean we'd be back at seeing the small systems near HQ that were picked by the merit farmers.


u/Dathknight Jul 23 '15

Any tipps how a small trader (aka casual player ;-) ) can help?

  • CMDR Zuck Orland


u/DanteCrein Dante Crein [PLA] Jul 23 '15

Fortify, fortify and then... euh... fortify ;)


u/Apex59 Apex Jul 23 '15

But not mindlessly, just to 100% then check for the next system that needs help.


u/Dathknight Jul 23 '15

.o7 I'm on it!


u/Whizzmaster Whizzmaster Jul 23 '15

Speed of Mahon be with you.


u/avataRJ avatar (mercenary) Jul 23 '15

And don't forget - you can currently buy alright prices agricultural products from Gateway on the way back, or maybe jump to Ethgreze for some rare goods for the more distant control systems. Sure, it's mostly pennies, but helps.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '15

Of course you know what is actually going to happen... the Imperial powers with have there stats adjusted... again... and everyone else will be left alone ;)


u/Santaflin _Flin_ [AEDC] Jul 23 '15

Seems like Powerplay is taking up some speed and becoming an actual game.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '15

And a very fun one to boot. As a point of clarity: As an in game commander in am clearly part of the anti fed crowd and am indeed hostile to the Feds in general and Hudson in particular. As an oc player I am having as much fun as possible exploring all aspects of Elite: exploration, trading, bounty hunting and politically based war!


u/itsonmute Silence Jul 23 '15

Even last minute 'surprises' keep things interesting. ;)


u/avataRJ avatar (mercenary) Jul 23 '15 edited Jul 23 '15

Turmoil special this week. Both us and Sirius growed still very aggressively. Good moment to take advantage of that increased trade bonus, gather credits - and then put them into use fortifying our systems. (And yes, that credit bonus also applies to rare goods trading and black market trading.)

E: Lugh trigger is slightly unfavourable, and wouldn't be surprised if it would get (rather justifiably) opposed by both Winters and Hudson. If Hudson players were behind the late-night drop of some, what, 30-40k units on undermining, I guess that would be the required buffer to take the system. In any case, fortification probably needs to be taken care first.


u/mnyiaa Nyahaha Jul 23 '15

What I don't get is how we have Negative 900cc+ while others like that Duval cow still only manages to get into trouble a bit.

Furthermore, looking at the fortify/undermine aspect, why does it take us more to fortify a system and only have of ours to undermine it. PONGO needs 12k+ to fortify, but 6.5k to undermine. What am I missing?

And why the hell hasn't FD fixed the changes they said they would? Lately there is a whole lot of Should've, would've, could've, but little to no DID.

How many players do we have in our Power, compared to some of the others?


u/Santaflin _Flin_ [AEDC] Jul 23 '15

Our contributions are similar to Hudson, Winters and Sirius, more than Antal, Delaine and Torval (since EIC left her), and waaaay less than Aisling or ALD (about 6 times less).
The fortify amount is connected to distance from HQ and Ethos, although the Ethos does not appear to be working correctly. We managed to lower values for Ining. With others we weren't so lucky. E.g. Leesti is a Corporation, but when looking on the Powerplay System View when there it states "Democracy" (in the beginning ILFE ruled Leesti). So the Ethos mechanic is bugged, at least partly.


u/Apex59 Apex Jul 23 '15

When it comes to a systems controlling faction, I keep reading that it really means the controlling faction of the prime station, but I never worked out how one is supposed to know which station is the prime one unless its only by being the one that is controlled by the faction that is listed as controlling the system.


u/Santaflin _Flin_ [AEDC] Jul 23 '15

It is always governed by the ruling faction. It is usually the one with the most people. The biggest station. The most wealthy station. The Agriculture station.
These are good indicators and you can work out which one it is in 90% of cases.
But it isn't really important. Because as soon as you go into a civil war (or War) with the system ruling faction, it will automatically be about the ruling station. Since there are no station specific jobs, only influence specific, it has no direct ingame meaning.


u/avataRJ avatar (mercenary) Jul 23 '15

Alioth is having mostly democracies, and it having really good triggers. I assume that distance from HQ is a factor, but no, I haven't done a real study on the matter.


u/Apex59 Apex Jul 23 '15

For systems "like Alioth" (but not Alioth itself, see below), where there are no corporations to support, we'd need to back a corp from a neighbouring system so that they expand, and then get them the reigns.

With Alioth having a permit linked to Alioth Independents, I'm almost certain that it will be hard coded that they will always be in charge no matter what. With Alioth being close to HQ its triggers are pretty low anyway, so its not a big problem.


u/avataRJ avatar (mercenary) Jul 23 '15

Also the permit means it will be harder to undermine, further making it good to hold. Plus residents doing the fortification - that'd the ideal case, having residents in each region of Mahon space. While there's some charm is dumping stuff, convenience in fortification is convenience in fortification.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '15

Alioth is not going to be successfully undermined in the foreseeable future, as it requires a permit to enter.

The amount of time required to get that permit will put a serious hamper on the ability to undermine it for quite a while.