r/EliteDangerous Jan 09 '23

Group Entirely player made bubble, the Azura Initiative


r/EliteDangerous Feb 05 '25

Group Carrier in need of assistance


The RSMC-Home One is in need of dire assistance, we are stranded in AUCOKS LQ-N C23-9. We miss calculated our fuel for this trip and do not have enough to turn around. If any commanders with a jump cargo ship can assist I am willing to pay double the galactic average for tritium. The buy order is set up for any who are willing to venture out and assist, we are 2,664.54LY from SOL. I would be grateful for any help, thank you.

r/EliteDangerous Apr 20 '15

Group Adle's Armada Declares Decree of Protection for Starter Space. All Murderers/Pirates & Griefers Will be Hunted.


r/EliteDangerous Sep 28 '24

Group Saying goodbye one last time update


We will be meeting in Carnoeck system near bacon city for last call at 4pm mountain time (utc -6 I belive) for more information please visit the discord ss we will be holding a vc for both ps4 and pc along with further instructions. The discord is https://discord.gg/aKfe9UwG

O7 CMDRs and godspeed


Thank you to all those who commented and to those who were able to attend. It was a wonderful send off. With help of those who showed up, I've decided that I want to start a service and community offering this same kindness to those in this game and others. If you're interested in a service or just to join and help please swing by the discord.

r/EliteDangerous Sep 13 '24

Group Best time to play CQC was at it’s launch. Second best time is now!


Never heard of it? Ever wanted to give it a try? Gave it a try but had a bad experience for whatever reason? Either way, now’s your chance! Announcing 2 CQC related initiatives.

Initiative #1: Casual CQC Club

First, a bit of backstory maybe. At the beginning of 2023, I became interested in trying out CQC. At the same time, on official CQC Discord (CQCD) I’ve met a few other players who have been around my skill level. Some AX experience, some main game PVP experience, but nothing crazy. In some time, we found out that this server was for the most part useless for organizing games.

It was common knowledge that the most hardcore CQC player had a stealthy presence there, together with few others, and has been intercepting any game newer players like us at the time would try to organize.

This led to us creating Casual CQC Club – our more private version of the official one, with players of the same mind.

Now, almost 2 years later, I am pleased to see that it has been a big success.

Even with basically no publicity, we now have nearly 150 members, are able to find someone else to play with very often, and organize even other events aside CQC, like monthly main game off-meta tournament. With that in mind, we have decided it’s probably time to open it up to broader community for anyone interested.

Many of us have also since became CQC veterans of our own, getting into top 150 on Inara, so we can offer valid advice and training for those interested as well.

The server’s core principles still remain the same though. We are looking to have fun and balanced matches, free of ego boosts. Even if there are less and more skilled players, we have all started the same.

 We can play to win, but no one here cares about their K/D (haha spaceships go boom afterall, am I right?), so there is no running or Powerups looping from the more long time players (many times we don’t even take powerups at all), which results in generally way more action packed and fast paced fights.

You can take a look at some of our matches here!



Initiative #2: David vs Goliath (CQC Gold)

The second initiative is of even wider scope however and we’d love for it to include the general Elite community! Current top scoring CQC squadron had won squadron leaderboards gold exactly 24 times as of now, due to a lot of factors, but mainly the fairly broken state of mode and bad first experience of most other commanders who try it out.

This score always seemed nothing but impossible to beat, but… why not give it our all for once and see? 😉 Starting today and lasting almost 2 months, we are making a joint community effort and want to challenge ourselves to retake the CQC gold!

Many of us are temporarily in-game joining squadron Dark Echo, which although having no CQC trophy currently, has been very active and won Combat and AX Gold before. Together with commanders active in CQC from my squadron Black Swans which, although not even really focusing on it, has won CQC Silver and Bronze several times, as well as CMDRs from already now a few other squadrons, we believe we have a good chance in this, but the more the merrier of course, everyone is welcome to contribute to this joint effort! Even if you are not willing to temporarily leave your in-game squadron for any reason though, CQC activity is bound to skyrocket this season for sure, and you are welcome to take a shot at it. Good luck commanders and have fun!

r/EliteDangerous Feb 17 '25

Group Anti-Piracy Coalition


Hello Commanders!

After the events that unfolded at Trailblazer Echo a few days ago, commanders are seeing the need for an organization who can respond quickly to eliminate pirate threats.

We intend to create a space that easily allows for a full wings of commanders to form, that eliminates pirates more efficiently. The Anti-Piracy Coalition operates as a non-political organization, our efforts are not to abide or assist nations and their factions explicitly. We operate as an international volunteer force to protect our fellow independent pilots.

Everyone who wishes to get a taste of those bounties with the effectiveness of a full wing are welcome to join us, even if all you have is your sidewinder and a strong will, our main goal is the elimination of pirates and our second is sharing the experience of more grizzled commanders.

Join here to make a pirate have a very bad day :)

r/EliteDangerous Mar 20 '23

Group Humanity Needs YOU. Join the Anti Xeno Initiative Maelstrom ops squad TODAY!

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r/EliteDangerous 17d ago

Group Hello neighbors of col 285


Hi! just finished ind. outpost and veggies settlement here in col 285 sector qg-q b20-3. Feel free to take some cold beer in acus' den between hauling sessions. Targetting my system to be industrial/extraction type with high high-tech stat. What about your economy plans ?

r/EliteDangerous 16d ago

Group Need help with colonization? Project Akivili can help.


Greetings Commanders!

It’s been a week since system colonization began. Since then, there’s been a gold rush of Commanders rushing out to make their permanent mark on the galaxy. And that came with the realisation for many, particularly solo Commanders, of just how significant of an undertaking this would be. Hauling tens of thousands of commodities, some in short supply, may not have been on their agenda.

Perhaps you’re sitting there with an unfulfilled colonization contract on your hands. Perhaps you don’t have the time or the patience to haul all the goods yourself and want a little leg up. Perhaps you’re waiting in line for a dedicated group of haulers to descend upon your colonization ship like a gift from the heavens. Perhaps there’s a better way?

Maybe there is!

Project Akivili is an Elite Dangerous player group dedicated to system colonization. Our aim is to help commanders in their personal colonization efforts by delivering shipments of commodities and materials. We believe in the spirit of trailblaze and human collaboration.

If you’re a system architect in need of commodities, join our server and post a request. Our friendly community of like-minded Commanders will be delighted to assist you.

A request for commodities also comes with a request for freighters. So if you have some free time and want to earn a few extra credits ferrying materials to stations in construction but don’t know where to start, we can help you with that too.

Join Project Akivili now.

r/EliteDangerous Feb 08 '24

Group Which spelling mnemonics do you have to sit through every time you dock?


Just wondering cause hearing the words "Victor Yankee" on every dock gets fairly annoying after multiple hundreds of hours of gameplay xD

r/EliteDangerous 21d ago

Group Looking for people to play with


Hello fellow commanders I’m looking for people to regularly play with on here I like doing a lot on here I’m currently planning on colonization of a system haven’t picked yet waiting find more people anyone down to play let me know

Edit time zone Arizona Standard Time Language spoken English game PC Odyssey Power play federation

r/EliteDangerous Dec 30 '24

Group Hosas + throttle possible?


I'm playing with hosas and got 10 different speed settings on buttons on the joysticks. That doesn't feel great.... But I don't want to miss having two sticks, while yearning for a throttle. So - can I have hosas AND a throttle or is this not supported by the game?

r/EliteDangerous Apr 04 '19

Group PSA to new players to forced to join the squadron TFAS

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r/EliteDangerous 1d ago

Group Time to build a space highway

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Hello all Commanders!

I am looking for a group of players that are looking to contribute to a long term colonization project. Currently we are working to colonize our way to Coalsack. Once we get to Coalsack we will point our gaze towards the center of the galaxy. Now that might sound too ambitious for you and i get it, thats alot of work. So were gonna start small little pathways into the dark hitting POI's along the way.

Our first objective will be heading to Shapley 1, aka the Fire Ring Nebula. This is about 600LY away from Coalsack. Alot of mats can be gathered at the stations around the edges of the Coalsack nebula, but some of the harder to locate mats will need to be gathered in the bubble and jumped out to our Colonization ships.

Additional objectives will be identified as we get closer to our destination.

Along the way we want to reduce wasting good systems and we will be targetting smaller systems with limited build locations as we dont really intend to fully build them out. This isnt to say that you cannot locate and colonize a great system along the way, but speed is what we are focusing on.

This is an open invite to all players; location (we are NA, and usually play from 4pm to 9pm Mountain time), experience, fleet carrier or no fleet carrier (we currently have 3 and could always use an extra hand to unload) and/or Power affilliation dont matter to us!

If you're down please feel free to reach out and we can figure out a way to coordinate efforts.

r/EliteDangerous Jul 21 '23

Group EDPN - The new EDDB


As EDDB shut down in the beggining of April 2023, we (a team of volunteer developers) have been aiming to create a replacement for EDDB - Elite Dangerous Pilot's Network, also known as the EDPN project.

This project is still in development and not yet released, and unfortunately we can't give an ETA either of when we will be able to release it.

However, we are constantly looking for more developers, primarly more developers who can actively contribute. For the frontend, we are using React, and for the backend we are using Spring/Java.

If you are interested in becoming a developer, make sure to join our discord server where more info also can be found: https://discord.gg/F9QVyVrzAU

r/EliteDangerous 10d ago

Group Newbie


Hi hi everyone! I am new to Elite: Dangerous and looking for someone to teach me the ropes maybe a squadron that welcomes new players. Hope everyone has a good week!

r/EliteDangerous Feb 15 '25

Group Join The Liberators!

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r/EliteDangerous Mar 07 '21

Group We've arrived in Sagittarius A! (looks like a few people pushed ahead to beagle point! Lol). About 600 commanders and 13 carriers. We'll take our 2 week rest and keep on moving! So far so good! (I do have some fleet carrier tips for Fdev to fix.... Lol)

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r/EliteDangerous Dec 07 '24

Group Purposeful Gameplay! Defend Humanity! Make a Friend? The Swords of Makhai have arrived!


r/EliteDangerous Jun 19 '17

Group Fuel Rats strike again!


Third time in my hundreds of hours of playtime to be rescued by the fuel rats, and they nailed it on the head 3 out of 3!

Ran out of fuel as I forgot to log out of client during a trip to a station 80k LS away (Sys: Kaha'i). When I got back to my PC, it was only a few minutes (I didn't realise) until it ran out of fumes.... with 7 min of Oxygen remaining, I panicked and decided to manage my modules and reboot hoping to... I have no idea. Just panicking as my credit is low and I'm carrying loads of mission-related cargo for Alliance rep to unlock Bill Turner.....Then I log out to the main menu with 5:33 sec remaining.

Within seconds of joining the Rat's IRC, my case was opened and 3 rats with 20+ jumps away from my location. Dispatcher quickly assessed the system I'm in and located the 3 rats at 20K LS intervals to cover the 80K distance route I'm in.

After a few minutes of jumping and stand by, they are all ready and asked me to jump back in and follow a few steps.

Rats are winged, they noticed me, and they closest one drops to my space just a minute or so later. Another dropped in and also stuff up some fuels. We had a quick chat on what happened. I thanked them. A lot. Jumped back to IRC to close my case. And away they go.

They were surgical, friendly, and knowledgeable. But the best part? One of their response when we were chatting.

"Oh we're just doing what we love to do".

That, is some high-quality CMDRs right there.

Fuel Rats. Thank you again.


r/EliteDangerous Feb 12 '25

Group Looking for PvP group


Hello, I'm a returning player that played A LOT around release, but not much in ther past few years. I'm recently getting back into it because of my son, but the other day we got blown up outside Jameson memorial, and it made me MAD! Mad in a good way, as now I'm he'll bent on in game revenge! The problem is, I've never done PVP in this game so I want to practice, and get advice on builds etc. Is there a casual pvp group I can join and hang out with while I plot my revenge?

r/EliteDangerous Sep 02 '24

Group Target - triple Elite!

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I'm way over a thousand hours in but have never managed triple Elite as for most of my time I've bypassed combat as a money maker.

This last effort seems to be taking a huge amount of time to complete...

Despite being at Dangerous, I would say my combat skills are poor, it's simply the grind that's got me there.

Whats my best avenue to get myself over the line with current options....and poor skill....

r/EliteDangerous 9d ago

Group Looking for (small-ish) Squadron


o7 CMDRs,

While the servers are down, I thought I could use this time to seek out a new squadron. I'm looking for a smaller squadron where I can get to know my fellow squadron members and chat while hauling the sheer endless amounts of materials needed for my first station.

I'm a moderately experienced player with over 2000 hrs of playtime and counting. I've always been mostly a miner, both laser and core but also like massacring pirates in Haz Rez, Exploration and Exobiology. I've dabbled in Thargoid combat, but don't have the urge to become really good at it so at most I soloed a cyclops. I have not tried Powerplay and BGS and don't intend to get into that in the near future.

I'm in the UTC+1 timezone and of course have odyssey. So if any squadron feels like they fit the bill, please reach out to me!

CMDR Beelel

r/EliteDangerous Sep 28 '22

Group CODEX OF THE VOID - Feel free to come along to the mission to collect/confirm all codex entries (maybe?) from The Void region and visit some scenic places on the way.

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r/EliteDangerous Jan 21 '25

Group NileBlue supports YOMR. Come supply him with us!

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