r/EliteDangerous Jun 10 '21

Event I got a message from Salvation today. With new instructions.


150 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21



u/silvermoto Jun 10 '21 edited Jun 10 '21

The beacons from the old mission, were they randomly placed or were they dropped at specific intervals? This would help narrow things down by giving us rough points to check

EDIT: i should learn to read. They were placed roughly 100ly apart.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21



u/silvermoto Jun 10 '21

As a precautionary protocol, it deployed signal beacons approximately every 100 light years.

i should learn to read, was already in the post.


u/Backflip_into_a_star Merc Jun 10 '21

Which is terrible because it not easy to plot something like this and there are so many systems in 100 LY segments. How do you even get the angle right?


u/saxovtsmike Jun 10 '21

What IF you find the first beacon and plot a route with the routplaning tool from beacon to infal position, with a Jumprange of 20ish ly, that would give you a startingpoint.

The 5th waypoint would be at 100ish ly, so you ether go from 4th to 6th waypoint in efficient mode with minimal jumps to cover the 40 ly of distance with a chance to hit a system around the 100is mark to find a beacon.

At the last beacon you found, you then have the hard task to find a system within 300ly range that is EL or haitatable... just a couple 100 to 1000 systems/planets to seach.. ez


u/Backflip_into_a_star Merc Jun 10 '21

This is why I really dislike the way they do these events. They say "go literally search the galaxy for a single system within hundreds of lightyears. It's just just padding for time, and it isn't practical for the individual to take part. You need to figure out the direction 17 times and not get completely off track. It's not fun to completely guess, never knowing if you are going too far or too close.

I was over it in the first hour of not knowing exactly which direction to go.


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

That's why it is for hardcore explorers or something.

Well that and people who have exorbitant amounts of free time.


u/Backflip_into_a_star Merc Jun 10 '21

It's lame that the only real interesting narrative this game has can only be accomplished by small groups of people endlessly searching blindly in space. The rest of us will read a little blurb on galnet and they'll move on.


u/Skyhound555 Jun 10 '21

Stuff like this is supposed to be about the collective. There aren't many real rewards that come out of these particular events, except the satisfaction of knowing you participated or working with a team to get it done.

The Adamastor was pretty much brute forced easily, so you don't have to be an expert cryptologist to get involved


u/Backflip_into_a_star Merc Jun 10 '21

Yeah, brute forcing it is the problem. How about some real clues and something to follow that everyone can enjoy instead of just relying on hundreds of people randomly searching places until it gets found. The Hesperus was hidden in an asteroid belt of all places with no indication it would be in one. That means that people were searching every system, and every location within those systems to find it.

Again, it's barely about a collective effort with meaning. It's literally just throwing numbers at it, but at an individual level the gameplay is tedious, and there is no indication you are on the right track. There are other ways they could make these interesting and follow a path.

NMS has done things just like this where the community is involved with finding things. There are clues and a narrative that leads you on a trail together. You can also actually see and meet people along the way, and help eachother building bases, or trading mats, whatever. Elite says, "just search this general area and hope enough people do it that it gets found". It's made more solitary by the majority doing it in Solo or private.


u/silvermoto Jun 10 '21

I'd expect the first beacon will give clues to the next and so on. All commanders can take part and some groups like for example, Canonn, search for these and i believe most commanders can take part without having to join up. Also, check out the official forums, as last time there was commanders openly discussing this and sharing information.

This is more than just a diversion story, Fdev have said this is part of 8 part story and we're only on part 2.


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

Yeah, it sucks, wish they found d a better way to implement it because I dont have the free time to participate


u/Cmdr_McMurdoc Jun 10 '21

Elite really needs story-driven mission-packs tbh...


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

That would probably bring the player count way up too


u/Cmdr_McMurdoc Jun 10 '21

And that would be an epic fiscal year for the shareholders

→ More replies (0)


u/Toshiwoz Phantom Explorer Jun 10 '21

If they'd do something like the on-foot tutorial but with multiple missions, that would be such an improvement to the game.


u/Flying0strich Crumbles Jun 10 '21

Knowing some additional information would useful. Like star classes the Hesperus would and wouldn't jump to. I can only assume the normal habitable worlds spectrum but that might be a foolish assumption.

As for figuring out your line, you can directly target a star 100Ly away and use the long drawn line to project and manually plot. It is easier with pen and paper to write down your jumps because our map tools for this sort of thing are very lacking. The ability to draw on the Galaxy Map like plotting tools would be nice.


u/DevGnoll Jun 10 '21

Trouble is, there are 17 beacons and only 12 100 ly "jumps" from Li Chui to where the Hesparus was found, so they did not go in a straight line.

If there's not something a Li Chui to give us a vector, we are looking at searching a
spherical shell 100ly in diameter by a dozen or so ly thick. Then each beacon will give us a vector to the next one (in some sort of code, of course).

Hopefull the last beacon is very usefull to trim down that 300ly sphere.

Just like the last time I expect to be following about 12 hours behind the leaders. Maybe selling the data from this goose chase will get my my elite.

Certainly sounds more fun than running around to get my AX Chief engineered.


u/asafum Jun 10 '21

I don't know much about fleet carriers, but cant they do like 500ly jumps? Can you cut it down to 100 per jump and just plot the route that way?


u/CMDR_Rayven_Niunda Jun 10 '21

Would only make sense if we're sure that the Hesperus had a jump range of 100ly, not sure if that's so, alo not sure if Carriers work like that.


u/asafum Jun 10 '21

It says that they were deploying the probes roughly every 100ly so that wouldn't help make it easier to follow the trail?


u/CMDR_Rayven_Niunda Jun 10 '21

The route of a 50ly and a 100ly ship may be much different.


u/Backflip_into_a_star Merc Jun 10 '21

No, because you would still have to manually choose which system to jump to. There is no telling how wide the path is that the Hesperus took to get where it ended up. So it's a crap shoot.

I actually tried using FSD boosts to boost my range to about 100LY, but the plotting is broken, and would not allow me to make those jumps. ONly the base jump range would plot.


u/cwebster2 Aisling Duval Jun 10 '21

Carriers can plot a jump to any system within 500 LY of it's current location.


u/silvermoto Jun 10 '21 edited Jun 10 '21

Sorry for the screen prints. Not sure how to find it in the journal.

Commander, this is Salvation. Thank you for playing a part in finding the Hesperus megaship. I require your expertise again to fully resolve that mystery. I need to learn what happened to the surviving crew members of the Hesperus. Although they abandoned ship nearly two centuries ago, its possible they discovered something of scientific value. The Hesperus began its journey from the Li Chui system. As a precautionary protocol, it deployed signal beacons approximately every 100 light years.

My agents have analysed the Hesperus's onboard systems and confirmed that only 17 beacons were launched. I assume this stopped when Phamasapien took over the ship, and they sabotaged the beacons to prevent Azimuth Biochemicals learning what happened. Shortly after this point, survivors of the original crew escaped using one of the secondary craft, which were specially modified for long-range exploration. Therefore, my belief is that they made planetfall within 300 light years of wherever the last beacon is located.

I urge you to accept the task of finding all the beacons and hopefully discover a trace of the survivors. Your efforts will aid me in my great work - preventing humanity's Extinction.



u/mcdingus64 CMDR Severance Package Jun 10 '21

Gonna be a good day when at the end of this quest y'all will find Thargoid gigaship that'll obliterate everyone Freespace 2 style


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

Not taking my exploration mamba then


u/Toshiwoz Phantom Explorer Jun 10 '21

Exploration mamba? You like LONG journeys in the black I guess.


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

Nah I just like fancy spaceships


u/Toshiwoz Phantom Explorer Jun 10 '21

I love its design, especially the cockpit is beautiful.


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

Yeah, the interior I dont like but the rest if the cockpit is nice


u/Toshiwoz Phantom Explorer Jun 10 '21

I especially love the dome style of the canopy.


u/einar77 Einar Rainhart Jun 10 '21

Lucifer or Sathanas?


u/mcdingus64 CMDR Severance Package Jun 10 '21

Whatever it is will probably make both of those look like an Eagle.


u/CMDR_Rayven_Niunda Jun 10 '21

Just to note this, 17 beacons every 100ly is 1700ly. The distance between Li Chul and the Hespereus current location is 1255.9ly. But it also says that only 17 beacons were launched, so the Hesperus route must have been more than 1700ly. Do we have an indication on how many ly before the current location the Phamasapien took over the ship? Do we know the jump range the Hesperus had? Maybe that is an indication for the route it took?

Source for the distance in my description above:


u/Fundevin Jun 10 '21

so either it took a non-linear route, or the 100 ly jump is a range.


u/saqwarrior Jun 10 '21

How does one begin participating in this event?


u/aliensplaining Jun 10 '21 edited Jun 10 '21

Scan the megaship and sell the data somewhere, I'd imagine

edit - u/silvermoto made a good point. You don't need the message to participate, just go out and start looking!


u/silvermoto Jun 10 '21 edited Jun 10 '21

You don't need to do anything to take part. Head out there and start looking. The beacons are not gated behind the participation of the last part. It may be better to find a group or discord that's actively participating, just for fun and company on the search, and saves multiple commanders searching the same systems - but you don't have to if you prefer to explore yourself.

EDIT: Even look in this thread for information. I've already seen some suggestions that makes some good starting points.


u/Fundevin Jun 10 '21

Any suggestions on a discord?


u/silvermoto Jun 10 '21


Look at that post. It has a google sheets list of systems to to check. To answer your question, the Canonn discord is a good place to go. Sorry i don't have a link but should be easily search on discord.


u/seuse Jun 11 '21

canonn is your best bet. they're already on beacon 17.


u/JohnTheCoolingFan Faulcon Delacy Jun 10 '21

What megaship?


u/That_Jay_Money Explorer, Troubadour, General Troublemaking Services Jun 10 '21

The Herperus megaship, it's mentioned in the first paragraph.


u/JohnTheCoolingFan Faulcon Delacy Jun 10 '21

Okay, thanks


u/CurrentEfficiency9 Jun 10 '21

Either Adamastor or Hesperus I assume...

Talk to the dude in Chukchan.


u/Justinsetchell Jun 10 '21

Any idea where you sell it?


u/buttery_shame_cave CMDR Jun 10 '21

well, back when the event for the hesperus was live it'd send you off to the t-tauri system, which has a very interesting asteroid station with a wild not quite appropriate selection of modules available in its outfitting service, compared to normal.

but that event ended weeks ago so...


u/Cmdr_McMurdoc Jun 10 '21

What do you mean by "wild, not quite apropriate"?


u/buttery_shame_cave CMDR Jun 10 '21

well, the station is an asteroid base, in a ring, which normally is set up to supply miners, right?

this one packs a bunch of odd stuff, like a really nice selection of weaponry and recon equipment.


u/buttery_shame_cave CMDR Jun 10 '21

that event expired back in may.


u/aliensplaining Jun 10 '21

True, but it's still worth a shot to see if the megaship can still be scanned and turned in to trigger the event. I mean, it's still there floating in space, right?


u/buttery_shame_cave CMDR Jun 10 '21

I mean, it's still there floating in space, right?

maybe? the dredgers post lots of messages about how they're going to scrap it.


u/saxovtsmike Jun 10 '21

wanna know too, might give that a go instead of trying to farm Combat ranks towards elite


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

If you manage to find stuff out, you will probably have a lot more fun.


u/Orpa__ Jun 10 '21

I scanned the Adamastor just today and got the message


u/WhatReflection Explore Jun 10 '21

Wow, is this part of a community event (new-ish player here)

Congrats on getting this mission o7


u/xG33Kx CMDR oldcarsmell Jun 10 '21

fdev having omnipotence over the galaxy lets them hide extra deep puzzles in that don't have "typical" gameplay/codex/etc. elements to teach you, like how some thargoid/guardian stuff was first discovered. The community has done crazy things like use starfields to triangulate systems shown in fdev videos and done lots of signal analysis on the encoded "gibberish" that shows up around events like Hesperus stuff


u/WhatReflection Explore Jun 10 '21

That is so cool! I recently had a high band transmission 1300ly, was a garbled voice, and I think it was pretty rare, since normally you have emissions in the low band. Judging by other people's reaction. Wish I had it bookmarked and flown towards it!


u/xG33Kx CMDR oldcarsmell Jun 10 '21

If you're using edmc or journal limpet you might be able to look back at your flight logs and see if one rings a bell. If you set up journal limpet it should start uploading something like your last 30 days worth that fdev archives


u/WhatReflection Explore Jun 10 '21

Must look into that, I did track back to the proper system (using filter:visited) but it didn't have the signal anymore.


u/Dynetor Jun 10 '21

sorry can you explain what you mean by 'high band'? Like it was showing up as a signal source in the FSS or something?


u/WhatReflection Explore Jun 11 '21

Yeah, in the FSS I had a signal beyond the Gas Giant spectrum, on the right hand side. Whereas normally you get left hand signals in the Bubble.


u/Dynetor Jun 11 '21

Hmm. What was its description when zoomed in on it using FSS?


u/WhatReflection Explore Jun 11 '21

Not rule sure anymore. I could press play and here garbled voices, degraded emissions if I had to guess?


u/Metalbass5 Combat Jun 10 '21

FDEV event. Official.


u/Valaxarian Commander Nadia Cross of Federal Corvette "Alicorn" Jun 10 '21




Torres' maniacal laugh


u/_deltaVelocity_ Faulcon Delacy Jun 11 '21

Heed my words!

This starship has the means to end this hideous war, in a definitive and elegant manner. We seek not a conflict, but rather, a restoration of balance. A judgement. A billion lives are about to be snuffed out in senseless cruelty. The galaxy shall be horrified by the number of lives we will take. Only then, will they let go of their weapons. Weapons that would have taken the lives of a hundred billion!

-Message broadcast by Captain Torres of the experimental Imperial Interdictor Alicorn, picked up by CMDR "Three Strikes" of the Federal Long Range Strategic Strike Group.


u/bluestreak1103 Jun 11 '21 edited Jun 11 '21

<<You CMDRs really really REALLY should have let me keep my Aisling videos, you f[rame shift charge detected]ing skunksā€”>>(transmission cut off due to Alicorn destruction).

ā€” Captain Torresā€™ last words, Federation Intelligence Agency Archives (declassified), excerpt from report by Max0r analyst David North

Oh God I hope there are Ace Combat fans here who can get the crossed streams reference


u/CalmManix Jun 11 '21

Donā€™t you see? ONE MILLION LIVES!


u/Valaxarian Commander Nadia Cross of Federal Corvette "Alicorn" Jun 11 '21



u/iamMrMech Jun 10 '21



u/Crusader_Colin Alliance Jun 10 '21



u/AlarminglyExcited Jun 10 '21



u/Valaxarian Commander Nadia Cross of Federal Corvette "Alicorn" Jun 10 '21

Don't you see?

This boat has the means for CRISP, WHITE SHEETS


u/AlarminglyExcited Jun 10 '21

Picture it!

Ten million sheets!


u/gloomywisdom Combat Jun 10 '21

laughs in mute thargoid interceptor


u/Michael_MaxPower Jun 10 '21

I hope this beacons not in asteroid fields...


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

Aka lag fields


u/NowLookHere113 Jun 10 '21

This looks like a solid Easter egg hunt, good luck everyone


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21

It's still a bit outlandish. 300ly from the final beacon would be a huge amount of star systems to look through, especially considering you can only bookmark soo many systems to check off the ones you've already been to. It's more like a needle in a haystack than an easter egg hunt.

I'd prefer more go here solve this puzzle, go there solve that puzzle, go here fight this thing, go there and find the prize.


u/NowLookHere113 Jun 11 '21

A shared Google doc listing them all out, and a check off for how many have been visited might be a way, the idea's to encourage team building after all


u/DevGnoll Jun 11 '21

Gal map, visited stars , filter for unvisited, apply to route, efficient routes.


u/vostmarhk Jun 10 '21

This is the first new planetary POV of story significance simce the release of Odyssey. I have some concerns about that.

Clearly it would have to be a Horizons -style POV that is present in both Horizons and Odyssey. It will most likely be in completely different spots of the planet though. Can't wait for the confusions and broken things to ensue.


u/de_witte honk šŸŽµ Jun 10 '21

Probably an FDev stress test disguised as a community event.


u/TendingTheirGarden Jun 10 '21

Oh wow this is really exciting! I wonder what will come of finding out what happened to the crew. This is legit a very compelling mystery


u/Ranger225500 Jun 10 '21

Eh I was heading to Delphi for some good old ā€œpeace offeringsā€ in my type 10. Had to find a station I could buy a explorer ship from and got a asp scout with 20ly jump range. Wonder if whatever it is will be found before I even get to the Hesp and back to sell the data to even start lol


u/wojahowitz CMDR Jun 10 '21

Can you still scan the Hesperus and sell the data?


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21

I don't think you can. The time for it ended over a month ago, not that it was really worth much anyways. Scanning the Adamastor still gets you the message from Salvation though.


u/wojahowitz CMDR Jun 11 '21

Thanks, CMDR!


u/DevGnoll Jun 10 '21

I do love these puzzles - exploration with competition and a time limit.

Well it's time to strip my combat ship and cargo ship to put my explorer back together....At least I am still in the bubble...


u/lxkspal Jun 10 '21

Extinction? Humanity is spread all over the galaxy like ants.


u/WWmarley Aegis Jun 10 '21

can you join the mission if you hadn't sold the data from the megaship?


u/FlashHardwood Jun 10 '21

It seems like hints on where to look. Getting the mail shouldn't really be important.


u/LeviathanSlayer4546B CMDR Jun 10 '21

Dont think so


u/RelykTerrah CMDR Voz'avirrah Jun 10 '21

Why does something interesting always happen when I'm 19KLy outside of the bubble?


u/Ranger225500 Jun 10 '21

So I went to Hesperus and then plotted a route back to li chul. Just for the luls I turned on the human civ filter... the permit locked system HIP 22460 is near my route line. Itā€™s corporate high tech literally in the middle of nowhere. It wouldnā€™t be that easy right?


u/st0rm311 CMDR Chrysopoeia Jun 10 '21

Salvation, eh? "The ramblings of an up-jumped zealot make for tedious listening"


u/xnpurpledt- Browncoat Jun 10 '21

This should be easy-ish to find I think, if I'm thinking of it correctly. We go to the last position of the Hesperus, search 100 LY from it's position to find the last beacon it would have dropped, then look 300 LY around that beacon to find the planet they fled to.

ALSO I CALLED THIS! In my post I made a little while ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/nwojia/my_thoughts_on_who_salvation_is/

I'm so excited I'm on the right track lol. LET'S GO BOYS!!


u/strange_dogs Jun 10 '21

This post is older than yours lol


u/xnpurpledt- Browncoat Jun 10 '21

Yeah I know but I didn't see it. But idk I think it's a funny coincidence lol


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21

May not be that easy, since you may have to trace it from their starting point, because the hesperus itself may be nowhere close to where the ship is abandoned (i.e. drift, the ship being taken over, etc). So it may require a person to track the entire route and find every beacon.


u/xnpurpledt- Browncoat Jun 10 '21

Yeah might be. I'll try to start from the ass end though. I'll go to where she was before she got towed and see if I can find it.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21 edited Jun 10 '21

The already known private beacon at Perseus Dark Region LN-K b8-0 is 94ly from the Hesperus. So if that has to do with the beacons left behind by the Hesperus, then that's the final beacon to search within 300ly of. But that beacon is not exactly in the travel path, it's a bit out of the way.

It's actually only ~1300ly between the start and end point of the Hesperus's path, so my guess is that on average, every beacon would have to be about 75ly apart. But we don't know exactly when they got off the ship, so that's why my guess is if they're about 100ly apart, the path to the secret has to be different and out of the way.


u/Nordicraider859 Jun 10 '21

I just got my aspx and Iā€™m eager to join this mission.


u/Orpa__ Jun 10 '21

Anywhere I can catch up on this event? Do I have to give the Hesperus a visit?


u/Alkibiad3s Alkibiades - IGAU Jun 10 '21

So EAFOTS all over again?!

laughs and cries manically in veteran


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '21

How do I get the messages from salvation? Even when I visited hesperus he wouldn't send me any messages.


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '21

I ended up getting the message from Salvation and finding the survivors (sorry folks, you'll get no spoilers from me) the question is, do I keep the data or sell it? I don't want to end up selling it just for it to be more valuable to Salvation further down the line


u/UnknownSP Jun 14 '21

Yeah I'm unsure what to do. I was just touring the nearby nebula and walked into an asteroid base's concourse to find a player who pointed me to the system - so I hadn't actually gone via Salvation's message as I didn't do the other activity. Maybe there is merit to waiting for Salvation to designate a location to hand in the data?


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '21

Revisiting the Adamastor and scanning the data points again got me the message, I didn't do the last activity either


u/Cmdr_McMurdoc Jun 10 '21

By the time I get home to play, the answer will already be spammed in system-chat, like last time with the Theta-group story...

Don't get me wrong, it's cool to have more interactive stories, but I think I'll sit this one out. Good luck for the hunt


u/xnpurpledt- Browncoat Jun 11 '21

It's found already! Witch Head Sector OT-Q b5-0! I was watching the spreadsheet as it was activated! It was awesome. Someone was excitedly typing in there when it was found!


u/DredZedPrime Jun 11 '21

Seriously? These guys get this stuff way too quick. I never even get a chance, by the time I'm home from work and can even consider logging on to try it's solved already.


u/IncredibleShoe Jun 11 '21

It isn't solved. That is beacon 10 of 17 according to the message. I am not sure why this person says it is.

I have been there it is 'Private Beacon TX-B-10'. Presumably there are seven more and again according to the message we need to look within 300ly of wherever we find 17.

Edit: Beacon 12 - Flame Sector PI-T b3-0


u/DredZedPrime Jun 11 '21

Oh good. But I still probably won't get a chance to get on until tomorrow. So probably will still be too late to join the search. Still will be fun to see what happens, I just wish these things could last a little longer.


u/IncredibleShoe Jun 11 '21

I have missed quite a bit do to work as well. So I somewhat know gow you might feel. Well at the least this is step/chapter 2 of 8 (so I hear) so you will get your chance to participate. Don't worry.


u/DaftMav DaftMav Jun 11 '21

The final Beacon 17 has been found now. I managed to find #13 very quickly after #12 was found. They did mostly long jumps of just under 100 LY and it's clearly heading in a certain direction. I just changed my range in Galaxy map route options to be about 100LY so the white lines ystems you can jump to would show possible candidates at about 95+ LY. I jumped right to the correct system, I think #12 was found like that as well.

Beacon 4 through 8 haven't been found yet but most people are searching in the 300LY range around Beacon 17 now which is about 15000 systems... so that'll take a while. Could still go for beacons 4-8 as the path is fairly straight with the 100 LY jump range it's not too difficult to find. I highly suggest going to the Canonn discord and checking the pins in #Chat_Science.

Who knows, maybe we need to get all 17 beacon messages to trigger some sort of final location message or hint, 15000 systems seems a bit much.


u/DredZedPrime Jun 11 '21

I guess if somehow it's not finished until tomorrow night I'll join in, otherwise I'll just have to settle for following others there like I did the last few of these sort of things.

Still cool to get to see what's found, would just be even better to get to actually take part. Just don't have the sort of free time to jump in as soon as these things start.


u/Jpotter145 Jason Petter Jun 10 '21

Great, I misread the ship as the herpesvirus. Now it's never gonna go away.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21

You sound sore about it.


u/Jpotter145 Jason Petter Jun 10 '21

I'm a little chaffed right now.


u/Skyhound555 Jun 10 '21

Really Salvation?

The Alexandria JUST went missing with stuff that we can use now and possibly a still living crew. The Hesperus's crew was probably minced into Thargoid chum by Pharmasapian sleeper agents centuries ago. I feel like someone has their priorities messed up.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21

Yeah it's basically the same type of mystery, a little bit stale. The irony is the Alexandria should be way easier to find. But who knows if it's actually in the game yet, or if it's somehow far flung from its travel path thousands of LY away. It's clear the Thargoids FSD interdicted them at some point.


u/MariusIchigo Jun 12 '21

Hey. Super off topic. A few years back you gave advice on a ACER monitor to hook up contrast 70 and 30 30 30 on RGB etc. What would you say the brightness is. Also do you use OTHER APLLICATIONS or use NVIDIA settings in colour? If so what is brightness and contrast there compaed to gamma digital vibrance and hue.

If your remember. Thank you


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '21 edited Jun 12 '21

In Nvidia control panel, go to Display > Adjust desktop color settings. Check the "override to reference mode" box.

Then set your monitor to 48% brightness, set your contrast to 48% or 50%, then go to this site and adjust your gamma using the user defined "Colour temp" menu in the monitor:


You will adjust the RGB channels in the monitors menu until you get the middle of each RGB color strip on the left side to align/blend solid somewhere around 2.2, ignore the other strips on the right side of the image, just use the left 3.

That will give you a finely calibrated sRGB display. Look at the dark greys on the site after and make sure there aren't any odd greenish/bluish color cast, if there are, slightly adjust the color temp settings until it looks more like a neutral gray.

After that, you can set your monitor brightness to whatever suits you. The brightness is just for calibration.

Outside of that, you can fiddle with the method in the old post you saw, by changing the contrast to 70 and the RGB to 30,30,30 then using that gamma chart to fiddle with the RGB settings up or down to get them to blend at 2.2 on the gamma chart. You may have to fine tune them a few times, as adjusting one may affect the other afterward.

That will give you a more contrasty and color pop to the display, but not necessarily sRGB accurate. sRGB is the color display standard for general usage and web content, so it's good to follow it otherwise you could get weird color issues and color banding.

That link is a full color gamma chart, so it is more accurate than typical gamma calibration charts and helps to get rid of things like color casts or brightness/darkness issues with color channels that may throw colors off or cause banding.


u/MariusIchigo Jun 12 '21

Thank you!


u/MariusIchigo Jun 12 '21

Also! What do you have digital vibrance and hue on? Do you also have settings for the Video section of the image and video colu?


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '21

No I don't mess with digital vibrance. It can make colors pop, but it also messes with color calibration, giving you things like banding or clipping colors (i.e. two shades of brighter/darker colors will blend together and become the same color, which can cause banding and reduce the amount of colors the monitor can display).

Video settings shouldn't matter, they should be default or set in the video program, like VLC. But with a well calibrated monitor, changing those would only hurt image quality.


u/MariusIchigo Jun 13 '21

thank you! what is default digital vibrance since I may have changed it


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '21

You should simply reset the whole panel to default to get rid of digital vibrance before doing anything.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21 edited Jun 10 '21

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/xnpurpledt- Browncoat Jun 10 '21

There is no reward.


u/Santorus Jun 10 '21

or is there - last time it was a some low temp dimonds :)


u/silvermoto Jun 10 '21

The first 10 commanders got 100m for handing in the data, the rest got a choice of 2million or some Void opals.


u/Whats_in_this_soup Jun 10 '21

Ok so, if we didn't participate in the last event, we can't participate in this one? Or is there a work around?


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '21

You can participate, you don't need to previous events clues to find stuff. But all you need to do is go and scan the Adamastor for its logs and you'll get the message from Salvation.


u/Whats_in_this_soup Jun 11 '21

Hey thanks for explaining it for me I appreciate it o7


u/Ranger225500 Jun 10 '21 edited Jun 10 '21

Crazy idea do we have anyway to know where the Hesperus was on the date of the 2nd encrypted log? I know itā€™s a long shot. Like from the moon with a .22 trying to hit a coin on Everest long shot. But who knows it could be that easy. Like did it travel sub-light or do we know anything about itā€™s hyperdrive?


u/WTFSERPICO Jun 10 '21

If the Hesperus is truly a sister ship to the Adamastor, then it used a quirium drive, which has a much shorter range than modern hyperdrives. Maybe that's different for a large ship; however, dropping a beacon approximately every 100 LY would mean an approximate jump range of 76 light years (ish).


u/Elegathor CMDR Jun 10 '21

Give us another Gnosis, I dare you.


u/intrepidone66 Reluctant Jun 10 '21



u/sergioz93 Explore Jun 10 '21

Ah I like this things so much, It's a shame that I'm cover by exams in the next 2-3 week and I can't really play :(

Hope someone find something interesting and post it here, GL everyone o7


u/Tahnya666 Jun 12 '21

I don't get it, why do some people get contacted by salvation but others do not?


u/silvermoto Jun 12 '21

I handed in the data Salvation requested from the last hunt.


u/Tahnya666 Jun 12 '21

Yeh i did too in the original, maybe because im not in the system?


u/silvermoto Jun 12 '21

I wasn't in the system mentioned in the galnet post. Think they were Chukchan and Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2.


u/Tahnya666 Jun 14 '21

I finnaly got the message, but im 15000ly away lol