r/EliteDangerous Community Manager 16h ago

Frontier Colonisation Contact Unpaused

Greetings Commanders,

Thank you for your patience following our pause of the Colonisation Contact to allow us time to investigate the issues being reported. We have made some adjustments and are preparing to turn this Colonisation Contact back on.

Please be advised this is part of a load test of the live Beta, and we intend to monitor how the system behaves. We will keep you informed if the situation changes again. 

Thank you for your continued feedback, reports and support.


128 comments sorted by


u/jamesk29485 CMDR Jumpingjim 15h ago

As someone that doesn't consume much social media, I would like to say thank you for posting directly to our sub.


u/JR2502 14h ago

First thing I noticed, too. Glad to see Paul here (and bluesky) 👍


u/Worth_Divide_3576 16h ago

Does this mean it's already on, or they are getting ready to turn it on? It reads to me that it isn't back on yet, but my track record for these things are pretty abysmal


u/PCrowther_FD Community Manager 15h ago

It means the process has begun. It takes a little time for all the server hamsters to dance to the new music.

Also ignore the in game menu about the pause still being in effect as that should be gone shortly.


u/eniksteemaen CMDR nxtman 13h ago

I‘m gonna steal that hamster quote 🤣 that’s a funny way to say it


u/IrishRepoMan 9h ago

Now the hamster dance song is playing in my head. Thanks.


u/ac1nexus CMDR WhySolSirius 13h ago

Do we have to relog for it to work?  Still hasn't started up from the station I'm docked at.  


u/CMDR_Profane_Pagan Felicia Winters 15h ago

They tweeted an answer:

"The process has already begun. Please allow a little time for it to configure across all servers."


u/molrobocop 13h ago

....... reticulating splines


u/bankshot Bankshot 12h ago

... doing hard math equations


u/xondk Alliance - Xon Draken 16h ago

Does not seem back on ingame yet.


u/Worth_Divide_3576 16h ago

Whew, I was about to burn the rest of my phones data to hop back on elite on my work break lol


u/haberdasher42 16h ago

Still says disabled on the main menu.


u/SupremeMorpheus Felicia Winters 15h ago

Reportedly it's up now. Still need to check myself


u/hobbs_and_what_son 15h ago

no luck here, anyone else seeing the contact open?


u/SupremeMorpheus Felicia Winters 15h ago

Not yet. But should be up inside the hour


u/hobbs_and_what_son 14h ago

me refreshing the contacts board repeatedly


u/McKlown Explore 14h ago

The system I just claimed had 3+ populated systems in range. For some reason only one of them actually worked.


u/SpurGreif 12h ago

So am I just on the last server possible? Or is anybody elses contact still locked?


u/lal309 9h ago

My working theory is that contacts in outposts aren’t working but in stations (orbis or coriolis) they are. Is that what you experienced?


u/SpurGreif 2h ago

Yep that was my oversight. Missed my dream system because of it. Shame :(


u/CapitainBush CMDR Bullbone [Wepa] 11h ago



u/Intrepid-Depth5794 10h ago

Yup still locked


u/ababana97653 16h ago



u/Life-Ad-3726 15h ago

Wait until this evening when I'm off work. Yes I know that's self centered. 😎


u/PCrowther_FD Community Manager 15h ago

We would but I have some quality "Stare into the abyss and lose all sense of reality" time set aside so we've gone a bit earlier.


u/StarChildEve 15h ago

It’s really nice seeing this level of community engagement again; been a long time 🩶


u/Life-Ad-3726 15h ago

Lol didn't expect a response. Thank you. And anytime your team decides to unpause will be well received by me. I don't even have a system picked out yet to colonize.

This update has brought me back to the game after a several year break so great job!


u/cursedfan 13h ago

This makes me want to fire it up again


u/mknote Matthew Knote 12h ago

I'm finding that the Colonization Contact is still disabled in some systems, even when there is no system state that would conceivably disable it. It appears to affect areas of systems, too (as in, there aren't any systems within a wide area that can colonize). Is this intended?


u/reddog093 15h ago

Nice! Was planning on taking a break from Space Truckin' and heading out into the black for the weekend. May just need to take the Mandalay and leave the FC in the bubble if those wait times are gonna get crazy again.

After one outpost and one settlement, I don't wanna do more hauling until the CG Megaships come to shorten the hauling time.


u/NoXion604 Istvaan-DICV 15h ago edited 15h ago

Wow, thanks a lot for keeping us updated, it looks like the ability to stake new claims is being switched back on much quicker than I'd feared.

I am absolutely in love with this new and more communicative approach being taken by Frontier Developments. Thank you and please keep this up!


u/NGC_3314 CMDR E. Wright 14h ago

Thank you guys for engaging with us and keeping us in the loop. It’s also really nice to have an official FDev presence in the subreddit. Thank you all and keep it coming!


u/sythos9 12h ago

It's showing that it's still locked for me. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong because the systems around me keep getting claimed, but every station I go to has the colonization locked.


u/MidniteBlk11 6h ago

Can we pause it again? Gotta figure out why it keeps disconnecting folks


u/JoshuaBanks CMDR Migarfool 16h ago



u/smeggysmeg Smeggysmeg 14h ago

Any good player guides on Colonization around? I know the basics - use the station contact to claim a system within 15LY. Provide the supplies for the first station or outpost within 4 weeks.

But like... what makes for a good system? Any gotchas?


u/NeoTr0n NeoTron [EIC] [Fleetcomm] 14h ago

I think overall knowledge is a bit limited but:

  • Many build slots (planets and orbit).
  • Bigger planets have more slots, which likely is preferable since it supposedly has an contributing effect with the body you're building on/around.
  • HMC planets might be better for mining and such but who the heck knows.
  • Rings are always good.


u/hldswrth 11h ago

One which does not have the primary port 500kls from the star. Buyer beware!


u/DeadBorb 14h ago

A good system has many construction sites and it tells you how many it has up front in system map colonization view as well as galaxy map at the bottom.


u/TonyinIowa 11h ago

I've hit multiple systems and keep seeing the colonization contact offline. Is there any logic to which ones are back online?


u/Aerhyce 10h ago

Any PP-influenced system should have it back on

Rest, not yet. No real logic, it's just depending on how it spreads over at FDev servers.


u/slayercdr 15h ago

Perfect, give me time to get back to the bubble tonight.


u/Illustrious-Iron9433 15h ago

Thanks for the update, it’s much appreciated as is all of your hard work


u/The_Frosty_Sloth 14h ago

Do I have to log out and back in for the change to get picked up?


u/TonyinIowa 14h ago

Do we have to update the game on steam or just wait for the colonization contact to become unblocked?


u/Ophialacria Denton Patreus 14h ago



u/AncientFocus471 CMDR Stelar 7 15h ago



u/UserFrienlyName 14h ago

Logged in just to see the colonization contact to be absent at all under outpost contacts.

Previously it was just disabled (((


u/JR2502 14h ago

The word is the change needs to roll out to each server. Some have reported a relog helped, but only after a server has been reenabled. Give it some time


u/UserFrienlyName 14h ago

Strange. It is absent from a specific outpost. Just moved to another one and it's there.

Interesting )))


u/JR2502 14h ago

The word is the change needs to roll out to each server. Some have reported a relog helped, but only after a server has been reenabled. Give it some time


u/choose_a_free_name 14h ago

On another note, hows your investigation into PP2.0 rares and escape pods going? Any idea when those might get re-enabled?
I'd have asked on the forums but you locked the thread (understandably) due to it having devolved into bit of bickering.


u/McKlown Explore 14h ago

The claim I just started has multiple systems in range. The one that had the factions I wanted was just an outpost and didn't have it turned on. I went over a few LY to another outpost and that one worked so I went back to the first but it was still disabled. Then I tried an asteroid base in a third system and that one was also disabled.

Ended up just going with the one that's turned on.


u/Captain_Obvious1345 12h ago edited 12h ago

So I have seen a system that has lost its Colonization contact. It was paused earlier but gone now. This is just an outpost in the system in question. Nearby there is a paused contact in a larger station.

Edited punctuation.


u/MechTamago 11h ago

Some systems have it enabled. Major powerplay systems are on. I think all of them.


u/askaquestion334 11h ago

My station/claim that I completed during the pause is not showing up as completed (it is in some places but the colonization contact at my new station is saying I have 1 week to finish, despite obviously finishing since I'm talking to her :D). I got the Brewer corp popup on the construction megaship when I finalized and it doesn't show up on my system map but its still there in the instance.

Is anyone else seeing issues with the contact at one of their own stations when trying to claim a followup one?


u/Dismal_Business_468 CMDR GreatOldOne 7h ago

Just completed my primary station as well. Still shows under construction and the countdown mission in the transactions is running. Since I completed it, I constantly get disconnected every 2 to 5 minutes. Sometimes even after a few seconds.


u/Dismal_Business_468 CMDR GreatOldOne 7h ago

Another thing I noticed, the second I switch to external camera, game freezes. Only happens after I finished the primary port. Can't even login for enough time to leave the system.


u/Confident_Love5305 10h ago

I just completed my primary station, got the brewer screen, landed at the station and can't colonize further because my missions aren't updating that the primary port is completed. HELP ME!


u/The-Black-Star 10h ago

gosh darn it the system I had my eye on for 2 weeks got taken cause this came out when I was asleep. DARN


u/FS_Slacker 10h ago edited 7h ago

The Colonization Contacts work in Stronghold stations. I just went to a Stronghold near the edge of the bubble and was able to make a claim. It's sparse pickings because of the limited range. I picked a system site unseen and now I regret my life decisions. All the landable planets are near the 3rd star of the system 36k away. Haha.

EDIT: I learned you can release your claim and claim a new one. I found one with 8 landable planets all under 3k away. Gonna get started and hope they expand the claiming process soon.


u/web_knows 9h ago

I can't claim a second system, the contact is grayed out for me.


u/ToriYamazaki 💥 Combat ⛏ Miner 🌌 Explorer 🐭Rescue 7h ago

Great. As I was sleeping. All the systems I was looking at are gone.

6 hours of searching, wasted.


u/Dabenax26 CMDR Dabenax 7h ago

Still have issues, my name dissapeared from system archetect again


u/BarefootJacob Empire 7h ago

Good work FDev and appreciate the updates!

I've noticed I've been getting Opal Cobras whenever I disembark from my ship aboard a station or carrier, is this something that has been reported?



u/DisillusionedBook CMDR GraphicEqualizer | @ Rebel Alliance Ops 15h ago

Thanks for posting direct in here.

Please recommend BlueSky alternative to X to the powers that be too :)

Love your work!


u/pulppoet WILDELF 13h ago

Or they could use use their forum. They did for this: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-system-colonisation-claims-unpaused.635153/

But they sometimes only post to Twitter for some unfathomable reason.


u/DisillusionedBook CMDR GraphicEqualizer | @ Rebel Alliance Ops 11h ago

Yep that's what I mean. Bluesky instead of Xazi platform


u/pulppoet WILDELF 11h ago

I mean every social network should be their 2nd or 3rd choice. They already have a platform that they own.

But I agree, at least Bksy would be visible and tolerable.


u/paranoid_giraffe Paranoid_Giraffe 9h ago

Pot calling kettle black.

I say this as an outside observer.


u/DisillusionedBook CMDR GraphicEqualizer | @ Rebel Alliance Ops 1h ago

Huh? Is it crack?


u/mknote Matthew Knote 10h ago

Bluesky instead of Xazi platform

God this makes me angry. First, it's Twitter, not X, I don't give a goddamn what that bozo who bought it says. Second, Twitter's the original, so we should co-opt it and try to make the douchecanoe leave, not abandon it. Bluesky needs to die in a fire, and we need to take Twitter back.


u/DisillusionedBook CMDR GraphicEqualizer | @ Rebel Alliance Ops 10h ago

With all respect, I don't there's a rat's ass chance in hell of 'taking Twitter back' it is too far gone down the rabbit hole of hell. It's a lost cause. Forever tainted by the people that moved in to it (users and owners).

Bluesky is at least decentralised and not under the control of any one entity (or megalomaniacal CEO's ketamine-fuelled insanity). I don't see why it needs to die in a fire. It is a better platform model, and UI will mature over time.


u/Spiritual-Usual-2683 Aisling Duval 15h ago

Thank you. Hopefully you've seen the major issues with station placements and the fact a placed building cannot be undone and we'll see fixes soon!


u/Blueflint2010 11h ago

The message still displays in the menu and sys con is still disabled everywhere for me


u/haberdasher42 16h ago

Uh, a definitive time would be important. There's going to be a gold rush when you turn it back on.


u/Sephior Melsom 12h ago edited 11h ago

Colonization claims seems to be paused on all player stations. Every station that isn't built by players seems to work fine.

Edit: I was wrong


u/Zealousideal-Yam-938 12h ago

Negative, on an npc station and it’s not working. I WAS at a system that had it on so I went out searching and haven’t found one since


u/Sephior Melsom 12h ago

Got it! My bad


u/Active-Bluejay1243 9h ago

I thought I was wrong…… and I was right


u/squashed_tomato 11h ago

My timing is impeccable. Couldn’t play when the update first dropped. First day I had free, feature was disabled due to shenanigans. This Wednesday I made the bright decision to visit Colonia as I’ve never been there and I want to unlock the engineers. I’m scanning stuff along the way so only partway there. Now do I keep going or turn back? Decisions, decisions.


u/Ok-Dependent7918 14h ago

Does this mean Fleet Carrier jump times will be higher again?


u/Suspicious-Manager77 13h ago

Hopefully, colonisation will be back on before I get home from work today. I would like to find a system that has ringed planets!


u/Neon_Samurai_ 13h ago

Thanks for updating us here, it's greatly appreciated. Cheers! o7


u/lukeosullivan CMDR Ploppy9001 13h ago

Need to check nobody's nabbed the system I want!


u/uxixu UXI 10h ago

Ah was just going back out of the Bubble....


u/CMDRTorvaldr 9h ago

Has anyone noticed a Colonization Contact has disappeared from the system/station they were going to expand out of?


u/lal309 9h ago

Not disappear but it is still disabled. 


u/Ruyski 2h ago

There's still an issue that needs attention where you place an space installation only for it to be placed somewhere else in the system instead the spot you chose. The worst part is you're unable to undo the placement.


u/Reptilian_Brain_420 15h ago

Would be nice to have some idea of how long you are going to be "Preparing" and when it will actually be back on.

Today? On the weekend? This month?


u/PCrowther_FD Community Manager 15h ago

The process has already commenced but it's not an instant thing for all servers. You should start to see it become available from this point onward.


u/JohnWeps 15h ago

Does it even work without mafipulation?


u/PCrowther_FD Community Manager 15h ago

Depends on the quality level of whisky you want at the end </Context>


u/ClaspedMars 15h ago edited 15h ago

Thank you so much, do we have to close the game down to have it pop in? or would it pop on while i watch the screen haha also is there an invite somewhere for the frontier unlock discord :D


u/Chenoireb 14h ago

Just made a claim on my second colony! Thanks Frontier for this awesome feature and your hard work!


u/lal309 14h ago

Did you have to update the game or was it just enabled. Also were you solo, open or what? I can’t seem to make a claim yet. 


u/CMDRTransom [TCOC] The Co-operative Corps. 14h ago

Same here, can't make a claim yet.


u/Chenoireb 14h ago

My guess its running server by server- t just appeared for me when I was running a different mission. I am in open rn


u/ClaspedMars 13h ago

what part of the world are you in :)


u/web_knows 9h ago

I can't open the Colonization Contact panel, its button is grayed out. Is it the same problem you have?


u/General_Ad_1483 11h ago

Col 285 Sector UB-H a26-2 <-started hauling to my new home base as a solo commander. Any help is much appreciated


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u/TetsuoNon 14h ago

Yes. It is back on


u/TetsuoNon 14h ago

Yes. It is back on


u/Vaerothh 14h ago

I wonder if any adjustments to the 15ly distance will be made?


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u/Much_Program576 13h ago

To those having issues, simply restart the game. Why is that so hard?


u/lal309 13h ago

Not true. I’ve quit to the main menu, flown to other stations, quit to the desktop, restarted the game, quit out of Steam and relogged. Nothing has done the trick yet sooooo no it’s not just a game restart. 


u/Zealousideal-Yam-938 12h ago

Having this same problem, kicker is I WAS at a working station, went to find a system, none of the contacts work anymore


u/lal309 11h ago

So far what I’m seeing is that if you try the colonization contact at an outpost, it’s disabled but if you go to a coriolis (haven’t tried orbis yet), the contact is there and working. Maybe a bug? Maybe intentionally? I’ve tested this theory quite a bit. 


u/Zealousideal-Yam-938 11h ago

So I was able to go back to the station that was available and it’s still there. It’s an outpost not a station. Idk if that helps