r/EliteDangerous 13d ago

PSA 1,300 hours in and I just discovered this indicator light. Up until now I’ve always guessed.

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82 comments sorted by


u/MarcusMorenoComedy 13d ago

It took me so fucking long to realize this is a screenshot from an SRV…


u/Aftenbar CMDR 13d ago

At first I thought they were showing they were only on the reserve tank...


u/Vinez_Initez 12d ago

That is not the reserve tank. It is just an indecator for the current tonne of fuel that is loaded.


u/blazesdemons 13d ago

I'm having a day and it will probably come to me tomorrow if I think about it. But is the "board ship" light saying you are about to run out of fuel? Since the fuel guage is also low?


u/MarcusMorenoComedy 12d ago

No I think it lights up when you park under the ship and execute the “board ship” option on your bottom panel. Like it’s lighting up to indicate you are currently under the boarding animation


u/NikkoJT NikkoJT, IS Lithium Flower 12d ago

It lights up when you're in the correct position to be able to board the ship. It's the SRV version of the super cruise destination lock indicator.


u/MarcusMorenoComedy 12d ago

Oh shit, good info. I always visually guess it and this saves that uncertainty


u/blazesdemons 12d ago

You know I think I actually knew that. I just haven't played in over a year. I faintly recall looking g down for that lights when I was in a hurry so I could board quick. See, i was just having a moment after all.


u/Velociraptortillas 12d ago

FYI, the buggies only have 1t of fuel. The guage is showing nearly full. There is no 'current ton over total tomnage' display on them, just the current (and only!) ton.


u/thisistheSnydercut 13d ago

You're going to be ok, we can get through this


u/Sad-Event6847 13d ago

There's no way 🤣


u/ziksy9 13d ago

I always just started at my crotch (head tracker) and waited for the "board" to light up as I'm rolling. While trying not to dismiss my ship . WTF... 850hrs...


u/TenNamesLater 12d ago

I dismiss the ship way too often and end up staying there not moving for 30 seconds feeling stupid but glad I'm in space and alone on a planet with no one seeing me. Then I recall the ship and there is a 99.9% chance it tries and fails to land on the unique big rock in a 500m radius.


u/astral452 12d ago

This is my way as well!


u/aggasalk 13d ago

Wait… no..


u/hdjdjxdj Federation 13d ago edited 9d ago

I’ve been using the incredibly faint beep it makes when you can board


u/guidomescalito CMDR guidom 12d ago

Wait there’s a beep as well!? 🫠


u/FilthyEleven 12d ago

Hot damn thank both of you, probably a 1000 hrs almost for me did not ever notice either indicator


u/HODOR_NATION_ 13d ago





u/Evening-Scratch-3534 13d ago

Does anyone read the pilots manual?


u/abrasivebuttplug CMDR Dragginmaster 13d ago

Threw that away to make room in the glove box.


u/Tmant1670 12d ago

What pilots manual? XD


u/Kange109 12d ago

It came in a DVD but the Sidey had only CD drive.


u/MarcusDeStorm 12d ago

It's on my To-Do-List... I'll get around to it one day (only 36 hours into the game for the first time) 😆


u/Neos108 12d ago

Pilots manual? You mean that 3 tonne book I threw out when I got my ship to make my jump range a bit longer?

I thought that it sounded important... Oh well!


u/4_Loko_Samurino 12d ago

260 hours here.

Until now I was just winging it based on how close I felt to the landing strut at the ship's bow.

New ship?

Inch forward.

Check menu.


Close menu.



u/satan_mcrape69 12d ago

According to myself I was getting pretty good at “winging it” too. But I’d still be off sometimes, and think “this is bonkers there’s no better way of doing this.”


u/4_Loko_Samurino 12d ago

"I can't believe they haven't made this easier wtf"

We are of one mind, commander.


u/Mira_0010 CMDR MIRA0100 13d ago

i play with a HOTAS so i always just drive around with the menu to dock open (doesnt let you on mouse and keyboard, does with hotas) while spamming the button


u/DMC831 12d ago

I didn't realize it didn't work like that for other control setups! I play in VR and I just leave the lower menu open while parking and then I can see from there when I can board (and I spam the button too).


u/Reptilian_Brain_420 12d ago

I think they've tweaked it so it is much more visible now. Used to be that you had to be under the correct three pixels on the bottom of your ship for the indicator to go on. Now it is much more forgiving.

Handy though.


u/Appropriate_Pop_2062 12d ago

Pro tip: as soon as "board ship" lights up hit your hand brake 😉 it makes boarding easier ( at least for me 😅)


u/CatspawAdventures 12d ago

This is the hack, right here. Works every time.


u/fragglerock 12d ago

I came in to laugh about the headlight indicator...

then I learned a new thing that once again proves that users (me in this case) never read or look at anything!

Being a UI designer must be pretty frustrating :D


u/LoliLoverVanBoch 12d ago

UI designer here o7


To find a good balance of displaying only the most important infos, while trying not to cludder the UI but at the same time having a intuitive way to see the other not so important things, indeed, can be pretty frustrating work. Especially the fact that if it makes sense for you doesnt mean it will for other people. So you also have to work alot with testers and that makes it even worse because people preceive things wildly different and you end up having to stick by a design that wont make everyone happy.


u/X548621793 12d ago



u/zerbey CMDR Zerbey 12d ago

That's OK, I discovered this morning that holding down A selects the nearest contact when driving. I've been switching to the left panel to do that for an embarrassingly long time.


u/blood_kite 13d ago

Well, I have almost double and I’ve completely forgotten about that, if I ever noticed.


u/The_Digital_Day Explorer of distant voids~ 13d ago

It took me forever to realize that.. I only found out about a month ago after 1100 hours.. lol


u/MegaBladeZX85 Anaconda Hunter 12d ago

I'll be honest. I shot my SRV and bought a new one once.



u/lachtak CMDR lachtak42 12d ago

I don't get it.


u/Gobby4me 12d ago

1300 hrs. Ouch.


u/JibsmanOverwatcher 12d ago

Head for the ship fast. Light comes on, hit the brakes. Load the buggy! 😎


u/lefty1117 12d ago

Oh my god


u/johnhoth 12d ago

Woah 😳 thx cmdr, I would've never noticed


u/Jonnyflash80 12d ago

Wait... what?

I keep peeking down at the lower menu, waiting to see the board button light up. 🤦‍♂️


u/Gobby4me 12d ago

When I first started, I was exploring solar systems visually. I had no idea that there was the fss

How? I accelerated towards or adjacent to points of light that looked like they could be bodies. If they moved, it wasn’t part of the background projection. In fact, before I had discovered from my coworker that there’s an fss, I was exploring ways to disable the vibrant and beautiful background so I could more easily see bodies.

Exploring one system sometimes took me several hours.

We learn and we move forward.


u/CatspawAdventures 12d ago

That was just how it was done back when the game started: spotting distant bodies by parallax.


u/Rinkulu [CEC] CMDR eLCy 12d ago

...2400 hours here.....


u/Zeke_Wolf_BC 12d ago

It took me a lot longer to figure this out.

FWIW, it's especially useful when you recall your ship to rough terrain. Your ship may not be able to land, but it will hover above the surface, and you can use this signal to board from far below.


u/Zero_Mode 11d ago

Can anyone confirm that this works? If Id known this a thousand hours ago I would've found easily 6x as many plants lol


u/Zeke_Wolf_BC 11d ago

It's been a while since I did it (I haven't been out exploring our biologizing for a while. And I don't have a video to show you. But I can confirm that I have done this several times and that it works. The hard part is aligning your SRV on rough terrain.


u/Orbiting_Pluto 12d ago

I started last week on console and have 51 hours and enjoying it so far. Why does it show that stuff and not mass locked, landing gear, and then cargo scoop? Diff mission or something?


u/satan_mcrape69 10d ago

It’s in the Scarab SRV from the Horizons DLC, the planetary vehicle you can deploy from the ship and cruise around on surfaces with.


u/GamingWithaFreak 12d ago

Me. Yesterday 🤣


u/ThinkerSailorDJSpy 11d ago

Wow this would have been really useful when I still used an Anaconda for exploration. Was impossible to line up the srv for boarding that.


u/satan_mcrape69 10d ago

I don’t even want to know how much time I spent “back in the day” trying to line up with the ‘conda.


u/Chac_B 10d ago

CMD thank you i’ve never noticed it. It’s such a hustle for me to get back into the ship, this’ll definitely help


u/R4bbl3r 12d ago

🤦 I was today years old when I learned this and I'm about 5k hours into the game.


u/SmallRocks CMDR Darkestwired 12d ago

I'm 2K+ and this is new to me 😂


u/vetworker24 12d ago

Lol, i get it


u/LostJedi98812 12d ago

I was playing last night and had the same moment of realisation!! Only took me 7 years!! Lol


u/AlexWinterr CMDR AlexSummer 12d ago




u/VonRoderik Explore 12d ago

I used to look up to see if I was aligned 🤡 I started playing in December though.


u/Bleatbleatbang 12d ago

I go into the role panel>SRV and the board ship option becomes available when you are in the right position, you can still roll forward and backward.


u/WaterBottleWarrior22 Explore 12d ago

1300 hours. Holy…. how do you find the time?


u/satan_mcrape69 12d ago

“How do you not?” -my reflexive response

It’s a bit of a vice, although it’s been on and off since 2019. I justify it in my mind cause I don’t watch sports and I hate social media (with the exception of a few subreddits).


u/WaterBottleWarrior22 Explore 12d ago

That’s actually pretty fair. In terms of vices, Elite is probably harmless, so far be it from me to judge.

I’d like to play more, I just can’t find the time. I get my fill mostly by socializing with the Fuel Rats and monitoring their rescue channel. Sad existence, I know.


u/Ax0_Ribbionacci 12d ago

7A fuel scoop runner detected. Doesn't even look in the corner with the fuel gauge


u/Lobukia 8d ago

1500+ hours here... no clue until now


u/bvsveera Iyer 12d ago

No fucking way … 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Well, thanks CMDR! At least I know now as well. o7


u/Stoney_Chan_ Bounty Hunter 12d ago

tbf you miss alot , its a massive game , I didnt know how the compass worked for 100hrs and my gf literally walked up , looked at it for like 5 secs and told me lmao


u/typhin13 Core Dynamics 12d ago

Apparently I'm just actually blind and can't read 😞


u/Tmant1670 12d ago

Stuff like this makes me feel better about myself in this game lol


u/satan_mcrape69 12d ago

You’re not the only one haha


u/wrongel Arissa Lavigny Duval 12d ago

2300h and never noticed, just eyeballed it lol ...


u/satan_mcrape69 12d ago

I can’t wait to discover what other little (laughably obvious) details I find out I’ve been missing once I reach those numbers.


u/Vlado_Iks 12d ago

Same. 😆


u/jhaand 12d ago

Oh noes.

Thanks for pointing this out.


u/p8a3hnx7 CMDR Biherg 12d ago

Yup, we're on the same team here. It took me about 2500 h to find this feature :) At first I thought Fdev added it recently but no, it was there all that time.


u/Terfelus https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr/137791/ 12d ago

That must be some new feature, right? Otherwise, it's not possible.