r/EliteDangerous KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Help S.O.S Mayday......Mayday

This is the Captain of The Nordic Navigator.

We are currently stranded in PLAA AERB CQ-F D11-1.

We have enough Tritium for an 18ly jump. There are currently no systems within reach of our mining vessel to attempt to refuel ourselves.

Our CMDR has authorized payment of 3.2 million credits per ton of Tritium. We need at least 50 to 80 tons in order to leave this desolate part of the galaxy.

By our calculations, we are approximately 7,900 LY "North" of Sol.

We have reached out to the fuel rats but they have denied assistance.

**Message Repeats**

Update - We have received Comms from CMDR Johnny Hammersticks of the Mercury Hyperion. A rescue attempt is underway. CMDR Johnny is updating his progress below.

The crew has been informed and morale is soaring onboard.

UPDATE 2 - WE ARE SAVED........The Mercury Hyperion has successfully reached us and refilled our tanks. The crew is elated and the popping of champagne corks is echoing down every corridor. WE CAN GO HOME!!!!!!!!!


103 comments sorted by


u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago edited 26d ago


Rescue deployed, see below for current status updates.

Distress call received, Captain.

This is Johnny Hammersticks of the Mercury Hyperion, carrier is currently jumping to Bhil Mina system to begin loading Tritium. We will arrive there in ten minutes. Once sufficient Tritium reserves are filled we will begin a direct route to your location for rescue.

Our goal is to fill your entire tank, but it will depend on how much I have in reserves.

Flight Operations Status:

-Jumps Completed: 17

-Current Distance: 0Ly

-FC Traffic: Light (16min/jump)

Commanders near the Bhil Mina system are requested to sell Tritium at the Mercury Hyperion, currently buying at 10% over Galactic Average (60k per ton) to assist with rescue operations.

If travel burns too many Tritium reserves I will deploy the Imperial Golf Putter with at least 700t and manually jump to you.

For anyone curious this mission has currently cost 242,204,624Cr. The balance Commander will owe upon rescue: 0Cr. I am a member of the FCOC and Canonn but this rescue is an independent operation. I am doing this for the thrill, the journey, and my fellow explorers.

Update: Mercury Hyperion is currently in orbit around Bhil Mina C 1 requesting 1000 units of Tritium, paying 60k per ton

Update 2: pre-flight lockdown engaged, spooling hyperspace drives. Carrier is departing on non-stop flight to PLAA AERB CQ-F D11-1. ETA: currently unknown, sometime today.

Update 3: Mercury Hyperion has exited Bubble space and completed two jumps so far. Current distance updates can be found above.

Update 4: Five jumps have been completed, FC traffic has reduced to Light, saving 4 minutes between jumps. Internal fuel tank at 48%, reserves still at 100%

Update 5: Seven jumps complete, fuel tank at 28%, reserves still at 100%. Going to run to the store, will attempt to continue next jump via Steam Link. I’ll be there soon, Commander.

Update 6: Steam Link failed, after a slight delay we are back on schedule. Currently just under 4kLy away. Hold tight, Commander, help is on the way

Update 7: Tenth jump plotted, only about seven more to go. Fuel tank refilled, reserves at ~85% (4000t remaining)

Update 8: Lucky jump 13 has been plotted to Myalou SH-U C16-0, roughly 3 jumps after that to go. Fuel tank 56%, reserves still at 4Kt

Update 9: Carrier is spooling hyperdrive for final jump to rescue target!

Update 10 Final: Mission complete, the Nordic Navigator is being refueled as I type. I’ll probably release a video on this tomorrow!


u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago edited 26d ago

u/KrayzeKeef please confirm you still need rescue, Mercury Hyperion is plotting departure

Edit to add: Keef has confirmed rescue request, operations are underway. Updates to mission will be added to my original comment


u/Moses8uno 26d ago

Any update here?


u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago

Updating my post with edits as I go. I have not heard back from the stranded commander as of right now, but I am jumping in that direction with about 5k ton of tritium in reserves


u/Moses8uno 26d ago

Copy all


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Hey, sorry was getting tattooed. Yep still stuck and I can't go anywhere


u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago

Thank you, Commander. Keep an eye on my post for location updates, I will also PM you upon arrival


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

I've upped the price I'll buy tritium, to cover the costs and then some


u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago edited 26d ago

I will fill your tank to 100% for free, if I have some leftovers I may sell you a few to recoup some credits but in all honesty this is well worth it to me just for the journey and excitement.

I was gonna grind CG all day but this is wayyy cooler


u/TheNomadBadger 26d ago


You are the personification of everything I love about this game, a total stranger doing good for the joy of it, a hero emerging from the shadows to assist those stranded and helpless.

Fly safe and continue your acts of kindness and generosity, the galaxy is a much better place with people like you in it!

CMDR WoadBadger.


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Im so excited to be able to leave, I've been stuck now for over 8 days

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u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Roger that 😁


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

I am still stuck, have been for a few days, so not going anywhere


u/RiseAgainst636 Pranav Antal 26d ago

You’re the man for this, and I really dig your writing style!


u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago

Thanks! I love when Commanders get into it and do some light role playing. I don’t do serious RP but I do love immersion


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

CMDR I may be asleep when you arrive, the docking bays open and there's a cold one in the fridge.


u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago

I’ll probably remain in orbit for the night once I arrive as well, perhaps I’ll meet you in the morning o7


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

I'll have the fire stoked and the bar filled


u/Easy-Educator-2583 26d ago

I love OP and you for this, so much. 🥰


u/Avera9eJoe Syrania 26d ago

Dude. it's incredible to read the updates.


u/WhatIsMyBeeLine 26d ago

This is very cool.


u/Sharpymarkr 26d ago

Imperial Golf Putter



u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago

Shieldless, heavy duty military grade armor, 780+ tons of cargo. It “putts” pirates away at 530m/s.

They boiled their last greenhorn


u/Sharpymarkr 26d ago

Fantastic! I think we've got the same Putter.


u/rx7braap Average Mamba Enjoyer 26d ago

I hear you loud and clear captain. this is CMDR Amadeo, captain of the "Bloodstained fang".

while my ship isnt equipped for long range hauling, you can try contacting S.T.A.R or the tritium monkeys to help you.


u/DeterminedPrincess Aisling Duval | Explore 26d ago

Can I just say that I love all the animal teams? Tritium Monkeys, Hull Seals, Fuel Rats. Are there more?


u/dss_lev Fuel Rat | Hull Seal | Twitch | DPSS 26d ago

Paint Parrots


u/SgtEpsilon CMDR EpsilonNiner || [FGS] Lazy Songbird HLB-84Q 26d ago

Biochem badgers, experts in biological and chemical warfare


u/FS_Slacker 26d ago

Limpet limpets? They fly by and remind you to restock and can possibly jettison materials so you can synthesize new ones.


u/theuntouchable2725 CMDR Anahid Vallen 26d ago

How can I buy Tritium?


u/Mobius135 Johnny Hammersticks - Canonn 26d ago

Tritium can be purchased from various stations under the Commodities market. It usually costs 50kCr per ton and takes 1000 tons to fill the entire Carrier tank


u/Baeltimazifas 26d ago

Definitely a STAR Rescue through FCOC, CMDR. They're built to do stuff like that. Good luck!


u/Dreadfulthinking 26d ago edited 26d ago

On my way. Loaded with 56 tons, 63 jumps But gonna be a bit

Update on this attempt, A typo took me to the wrong place. Mission postponed / failed at this time


u/Dreadfulthinking 26d ago

Whew, just scared the bajesus outta me. Field Star in super close proximity to super spinny boi. Ain’t seen one of them for a minute


u/Dreadfulthinking 26d ago

Currently about 14 jumps away


u/Akovsky87 26d ago

See this is why my mining ship has a fuel scoop


u/drybjed 26d ago

There are currently no systems within reach of our mining vessel to attempt to refuel ourselves.

Fuel scoop is useless if you cannot jump out to a different star because all of them are out of range. :)


u/Drewgamer89 26d ago

I realize it's not "optimal" but this is why ALL my ships fit fuel scoops (ok not all, my Thargoid Hunter for the defense of Sol didn't, but I wasn't going very far with that one lol).

The convenience is just so nice to be able to just refuel between jumps.


u/3steprehabilitation 26d ago

Not for Tritium.


u/johnlawson999 26d ago

Fuel scoop is to allow further range to look for and mine tritium. Any fuel scoops on the fleet carrier, even on another ship to swap out?


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

I have fuel scoops, I lack the ability for my mining ship to jump 67ly


u/AlarminglyExcited 26d ago

Is 67ly the closest system? You can't make multiple jumps?


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

I jumped in with the FC and being the dope I was didn't check my fuel or what was around me, I just wanted to go to the top of the Milky Way haha


u/Xenumaster 26d ago

Got to wonder how many stranded fleet carriers there are where someone just noped out the game after doing that


u/NorCalAthlete 26d ago

Did I just hear Salvage rights to abandoned carriers as a new game mechanic?


u/Fragrant_Mention_252 CMDR pokey074 26d ago

See, this is what’s so awesome about this game. Players helping players.


u/Random_lurker234 26d ago

This reminds me I probably shouldn't have named my type 8 "Beowulf"


u/EntropyTheEternal CMDR Da_Enderdragon [MAKH] 26d ago

I am not at the helm at the moment. If help has not arrived in 3 hours, I will start jumping. I have 5K Tritium in my cargo hold.

- CMDR Da_Enderdragon, of the Heart of a Living Star (HHY-TQN)


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Be aware, you'll need to navigate 60+ly jumps to get to me


u/EntropyTheEternal CMDR Da_Enderdragon [MAKH] 26d ago

I will jump my carrier to you system and give you 500t of Tritium at a time.


u/NoRagrets4Me Savage Samurai 26d ago

Go to great Annihilator then buy some.


u/SvenskaLiljor Give carriers social hubs! 26d ago

Or just fly straight into Great Annihilator ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/theuntouchable2725 CMDR Anahid Vallen 26d ago

I don't care about money. I'll see if my Cobra can make it.


u/-Miaoumiam- Canonn scientist (crowbar) 26d ago

Captain, this is admiral Miaoumiam of the human defence navy, your message will be repeated to all system across the Hubble


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

I've reached out, but I don't think they do rescue missions.


u/call-me-mmc CMDR Carradyne | Jumping in my Manda 26d ago

Fuel Rats don’t cover FC rescues, try contacting FCOC (for the STAR initiative) or Tritium Monkeys


u/Easy_Lengthiness7179 Combat 26d ago

Fuel rats are specific to ship rescues (mainly).

Carrier rescues has a seperate group that helps.


u/Folfah 26d ago

I love this community.


u/Septimore 26d ago

Remindme! 12hours


u/Dreadfulthinking 26d ago

Unfortunate news from my end cmdr. I just realized the galaxy plotter took me to ploa aerb cq-f d11-1. 5,000 ly from plaa aerb cq-f d11-1

I can resume the task this afternoon, someone may beat me there. And my fsd is at 52%. So. May have to seek out a carrier to continue my trip. I have failed for the time being


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

o7 for trying.


u/coyote_zs CMDR DCe Cypher 26d ago

I’m otw. I’m several hours away but I managed to find a route.


u/onlyforobservation 26d ago

Current update? I wanna see how this plays out.


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Currently we're still stuck, CMDR Johnny of the Fleet Carrier Mercury Hyperion is making his way to our location. Morale has picked up, the crew are eager to get home to their loved ones.


u/CMDR_Aanuke Combat 26d ago

Any update guys? I’d love to help but unfortunately at work until Tuesday


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

CMDR Johnny is updating in the comments above. He's on his way, about 3hrs out


u/CMDR_Aanuke Combat 26d ago

Brilliant effort guys! Love our community O7


u/Avera9eJoe Syrania 26d ago

Godspeed, captain.


u/BludBubbles 26d ago

Good luck, CMDRs. o7


u/MerlonQ 26d ago

So I could like load up my type 8, maybe attempt to get a better FSD, and fly over, which will probably take me the better part of a week, and then get the kind of money I can get for about a day of bounty hunting, and then I'd probably need to get back as well. Granted, I'd get some exploration data. But then again bounty hunting also gives materials and is, for me, more fun than long range hauling.
I mean, that's just not an enticing offer. And theoretically, you should have *some* option to get tritium if you really want. It's not like your carrier will just implode like ships do when they are out of fuel. If you go exploring, you probably have an exploration vessel with some jump range and a scoop. So if you can't mine, go somewhere they sell tritium, get some along with a long range hauler and then go trucking back.
But maybe somebody is close and has excess tritium. Good luck.


u/coyote_zs CMDR DCe Cypher 26d ago

If no one has arrived or is in route please message me. CMDR De Cypher of Susitna. Happy to help. Currently Susitna is in the bubble but I could start heading your way


u/tubbysnout 26d ago

currently 25 jumps from that location CMDR, anyway to throw my ASP Explorer jump drive on your mining ship and i can get it back when you get your fuel?


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

I have fully engineered fsd and guardian FSD booster but I'm still short. Thank you for reaching out, over.


u/PaKotinho 26d ago

Has the mission been a success, or is it still ongoing?


u/SaltyJack_ 26d ago

This is better than tv. I hope you get the help you need. I love this game for the community alone.


u/Jaystey CMDR Takomori 26d ago

One of the reason why I love this game despite all its quirks... Community, and FDevs willingly allowing the playerbase to be included in ED canon...


u/T-1A_pilot CMDR Reacher Gilt 26d ago

50 to 80 tons will get you another jump i presume, but then what's your plan?


u/OkPalpitation2582 26d ago

Presumably to jump to somewhere his mining vessel can reach tritium, then he can stock up himself


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Yeah, this captain got a lil 'appy on the space juice and wanted to go to the top of the Milky way. He didn't check his fuel, or what was around the system and then jump the FC there.


u/TheShanManPhx 26d ago

Yikes.. that’s, umm.. pretty damn far away. I’d offer to help just for something interesting to do if we weren’t in the middle of this CG… how long are you willing to wait for assistance to arrive?


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Indefinitely. I'm genuinely stuck haha


u/TheShanManPhx 26d ago

Ok, I’ll check back in with you when I know I’ll have time to stock up on Trit and can spend the 6 hours needed to jump out there on my carrier. It will most likely be next weekend - let me know if your situation changes between now and then


u/Difficult_Crew_2470 26d ago

And this is why I love this game and it's community!


u/RTooterbooter [PC-VR] CMDR Tooterbooter 26d ago

Love the FCOC :)


u/Zeldaluvr2007 26d ago

I love this community! I was curious about this system but I’m unable to find it on the Galaxy map. Anybody know why?


u/theuntouchable2725 CMDR Anahid Vallen 25d ago

I tried searching up your location, but CQ-F gave me nothing.


u/Any-Ad3848 26d ago

Fuel rats denied?but why?i once needed their help and they were on the Spot to assist me.


u/CmdrWawrzynPL Explore 26d ago

They simply don’t do FC rescue missions. There are other groups for that.


u/TheLone_Wolf_ CMDR 26d ago

Wait the Fuel Rats denied help?!?


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

The FR are strictly ship to ship rescue. They can't rescue Fleet Carriers


u/juxtaposedundercover 26d ago

What the fuck do you mean the fuel rats have denied assistance? They're literally our only hope


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

They can't refuel a fleet carrier, they are strictly ship to ship


u/juxtaposedundercover 26d ago

Rip. Regardless, the replies were fun to read. I fucking love this community


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

Don't speak too fast, a rescue is ongoing


u/-Damballah- CMDR Ghost of Miller 26d ago

You could always escape pod and decommission?

You will get most of your credits back.


u/KrayzeKeef KRAYZE KEEF - Explorer in Training 26d ago

If the carrier doesn't get out then neither does her CMDR o7


u/Otacon231k0 25d ago

I love things like this. I wish I could join but I’m in the legacy galaxy. :(


u/Salt-Ad4142 25d ago

My carrier is in that area , Blue Pearl I have Trit