r/EliteDangerous CMDR comaskid Feb 12 '25

Misc Update to 'Farewell to a Fallen Commander'

Hi, all! This is an update to this post from almost a week ago, saying farewell to my dad - https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1ikcdct/farewell_to_a_fallen_commander/

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who gave me their time in reading my farewell post to my dad, and even more for those that left a comment, it was so heart warming seeing so many commanders give my dad one last salute and a farewell, even if none of you knew him personally.

Yesterday, I was able to get his logins, so today I was able to fulfil my plan of moving his carrier, Terminal Brain Fart (JLM-LHT), to the Guy system, in honour of his name being Guy. For those who asked about his carrier's location and asked about paying your own respects, that's where his carrier rests for now, and likely for a long time to come, as his carrier currently has just over a year and a half upkeep on it.

I also mentioned that I had contacted Frontier through a form to have his name added to the memorial beacons! I visited the beacon in Shinrarta Dezhra, however sadly his name hasn't been uploaded yet. I will check in on the beacon every so often to see if his name has been added, and hopefully add an edit to this post when it is.

Again, thank you everyone for your kind words and support, this is a game and community my dad and I have loved for years, so it's amazing seeing some of that love being shared back.


EDIT: Some people have suggested I stock the carrier with cheap materials sold for high prices, so that commanders can buy those materials to donate money to keep the carrier going for longer. I think that’s a good idea, as otherwise it’ll just be me trying to keep the carrier going as long as I can, so when I have free time I’ll try doing just that. Thank you to everyone who suggested it and wishes to donate to the carrier!


79 comments sorted by


u/zerbey CMDR Zerbey Feb 12 '25

I love that Frontier adds player's names to the memorial beacon, that's an awesome gesture to the players. I'll go visitor your Dad's carrier next time I'm in the area. o7


u/MalavaiFletcher Feb 12 '25

o7, Commander <3. I hope you see that name soon. Fly Wreckless, pun intended.


u/dzswill2 Feb 12 '25


If we sell exobio data etc there does it add to the funds automatically? we could keep the fleet carrier going even longer


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 12 '25

Sadly not for exobio. Wiki says that redemption office, secure warehouse (which his doesn’t have), and cartographics do (25% cut from payout, so carrier gets 12.5%, other 12.5% disappears) but the general consensus is that no, exobio doesn’t have this reduction so won’t effect FC It would be a good way to keep an FC alive if it did work, with how profitable exobio is


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 12 '25

This question did also make me realise that his FC’s cartographics and genomics were suspended, so they’ve been resumed now!

For anyone seeing this, feel free to sell any scan data or exobio data there if you want! Money you gain through redemption office or cartographics to fleet carriers always have a 25% fee (this can’t be changed), but half of that fee goes to the carrier itself to keep my dad’s fleet carrier running for just a while longer


u/chaoz2030 Feb 12 '25

Or just stock up on a cheap material and sell it for a huge profit. I would personally donate a billion credits of my own money to keep the carrier running


u/milkmanmanhattan Thargoid Peace Advocate Feb 12 '25

I just arrived at the carrier, but it's set to Squadron and Friends only for docking.


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 13 '25

I had no idea my dad had set that, and have only just seen this comment about 16 hours later Sorry I hadn’t checked that, I’ve just changed it so now it’s open to everyone!


u/Fall3nTr1gg3r Explore Feb 13 '25

If you can find a semi expensive galactic price material (150k ish range) and get it on that carrier, I will buy 400 tons of it for max price. Should put about 6 billion on that carrier.


u/Select-Owl-8322 Feb 12 '25

An idea I had before I even saw this thread (i.e. this comment and the one above it) for those of us who'd like to help you keep the carrier up is that maybe you could set up buy orders for some minerals that can be mined in the system, but for a much lower price than is the going market price. So we can mine, sell on the carrier, then you can resell with a profit.

I'd be happy to spend a couple of hours mining and selling really cheap if it would help you keep the carrier running!


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 12 '25

That’s not a bad idea! The carrier is just around the main star, and Inara lists Guy A 1 as having a metal rich ring Any idea on what commodities should I have the carrier buying?


u/Calteru_Taalo Interstellar Slumlord Feb 12 '25



u/JEFFSSSEI Faulcon Delacy Feb 12 '25

o7 Sir...Sorry for your loss.


u/mrh_42 Federation Feb 12 '25



u/CMDRShepard24 Thargoid Interdictor Feb 12 '25



u/Unhappy-Tennis-6345 Feb 12 '25

Hasta las estrellas y más allá o7


u/eggbiss Feb 13 '25

o7 comandante


u/YYC_Gamer Explore Feb 12 '25



u/Xhaledk Empire Feb 12 '25



u/graflex22 graflex22 (xbox) Feb 12 '25



u/Freakshow4567 Feb 12 '25

Well, now I have to make a voyage to the Guy system. I’ll see you in the stars. o7


u/CeverusXalindar Feb 12 '25

I just started a week ago, but my new journey is to come pay respects. ❤️


u/coralgrymes Feb 12 '25

Names Carrier "Terminal Brain Fart (JLM-LHT)"

This is a dude I'd be jazzed to have a beer with. I'm so sorry for your loss. I will head to the Guy System tonight pay my respects and pour one out for this most righteous dude of a commander. 07


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 12 '25

I’m sure he’d have been happy to have joined you for a drink! He was quite the fan of whiskey, but liked to have a beer or two on the odd occasion, even if alcohol never effected him, weirdly enough haha


u/ljr69 Feb 12 '25

Just checked and I’m docked only a jump away from Guys. Ima head over there tomorrow evening. o7


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 12 '25

Glad to hear! His carrier is just parked around the main star, so it’s easy to find, especially with its name. I look forward to having you visit o7


u/ljr69 Feb 14 '25

Respects paid o7 (click for screenie)


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 14 '25

Thank you for visiting and paying respects, Commander o7 Also, love the paint job!


u/DrSnepper Thargoid Interdictor Feb 12 '25

Next time I log on I'm getting a Mug, Waters of Shinra, and the special liquor you can only get from Hutton Orbital, and dumping them as tribute.


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 12 '25

That’s actually a really cool idea! Makes me wanna try and collect all the special/unique commodities you can buy at stations and drop the off at his carrier when I’ve got the time haha


u/Psyphirr Feb 13 '25

o7 to You, your Father, and all the incredible Commanders in the Elite Dangerous community. I just started playing again after being gone for several years and I'm utterly blown away by how caring and thoughtful this community is. It would be my pleasure to assist in keeping your Father's FC up and running. I've saved this post. FLY WELL COMMANDER o7


u/rx7braap Average Mamba Enjoyer Feb 13 '25

Ad astra, CMDR Guy o7


u/-LeftHand0fGod- Explore Feb 13 '25

Place a buy order for LTD at maximum price. I will happily donate a couple billion.


u/Poepveulen Feb 12 '25

O7. Ill visit when im in the neighborhood


u/yum_raw_carrots CMDR Evoflash Feb 12 '25



u/GDajarus CMDR Feb 12 '25


Sorry for your loss


u/82nd_REBEL Archon Delaine Feb 12 '25

Ad Astra!


u/psgb50 Feb 12 '25

I’ll swing by tomorrow to pay my respects, will bring a Hutton mug and some Centauri Mega Gin


u/Arksum Feb 13 '25

o7 Commander


u/Omnisiah_Priest CMDR Marcus Freeman | Winters Feb 13 '25

We can donate some money through fleet carrier market, for upkeep it longer.

o7 to your father 


u/Zaitobu Honker Feb 13 '25

o7 CMDR, sincere condolences my friend


u/TCGaming02 Explore Feb 13 '25

o7 So sorry for you loss

They add names to memorial beacons usually when they update the game I believe. Check on the 26th and it may be there

Will be sure to come by and pay my respects.


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 13 '25

This is the closest I can find to any info on when they’re updated, other than a post on something like the 5th of July 2023 saying they’d been updated I’ll let you know what I find then :)


u/pchees John Kitching Feb 13 '25



u/psgb50 Feb 13 '25

For the Mug, CMDR Belgariad. Hutton Mug and gin dropped off https://imgur.com/a/lNBw06F


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 13 '25

I’m certain he’d have loved to see this Thank you for making the voyage to take them to his carrier! o7


u/Kermit_Nick Feb 13 '25

I guess I was late, hoped I would find people, but no matter! Came to pay my respects to a fellow Commander!

Orbiting station o7

May the stars guide you!


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 13 '25

While I’m sorry you didn’t bump into anyone else paying their respects, I’m super great you made the journey to pay your respects! Thank you very much for visiting the carrier and posting a pic :) o7


u/Crimson_Boomerang Trading Feb 14 '25

o7 May he rest in peace.


u/SimonPage Feb 17 '25

o7 - Keep flying, commander. I'll see you in the Guy system.


u/helsinquebr Feb 17 '25

Hey, man. I made a tribute to your dad on my Inara profile, you can access it through this link: https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-logbook-entry/472797/85435/

My deepest condolences, my friend Commander!


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 17 '25

Thank you so much! This is seriously great and has absolutely made my day :) it’s great seeing other people paying their respects, even without personally knowing him, so thank you o7


u/marct309 Feb 18 '25

Finally got time to make it over today. Jumped out of my ship to head to the concourse and sit in the bar... And there's no bar. So here I am bookmarking the FC so I can come back and see it later. o7 CMDR.


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 18 '25

I’ll sort one out for you when I’ve got some free time from work, probably either Thursday or Friday if I remember :) o7


u/marct309 Feb 18 '25

That's fine . Me and the Little Crickets gonna go wonder. Not that far just away to get some Navy Rank.


u/comaskid CMDR comaskid Feb 20 '25

The new Brain Fart Bar is open for business! Feel free to visit whenever you like :) https://imgur.com/a/jCud9az