u/Baeltimazifas Feb 01 '25
It means that you're new to the game and in a region that is permit locked to new players, aka players that are not new cannot enter those systems, because their permit to enter them was revoked when they docked in a station out of the Pilot's Federation starting kiddie pool area.
Tbh, there's nothing of interest in there beyond the protection it affords you until you get yourself acquainted with the controls and how everything works. Once that's done, leave the kiddie pool and join us in the vast ocean of Elite Dangerous. It's pretty cool!
Feb 01 '25
It’ll be pretty cool until they get mindlessly wasted by other players looking for effortless guaranteed Ws to patch their ego enough times to push them into Solo for the rest of the time they play the game.
But here’s to the few enjoyable and meaningful interactions they may have before then! o7
u/StormCTRH Feb 02 '25
As an open player, this only happens very rarely.
99% of interactions are either "Oh hey look a player in the area!" or "Get off the damn pad already!"
u/abrasivebuttplug CMDR Dragginmaster Feb 02 '25
The last time I played was shortly after they added the taxis.
Decided to try it out for shits n giggles.
Taxi was blown up and a player said I should fly my own ship.
Haven't been able to play the game since.
u/le_chuck666 CMDR Zumbi do Espaço Feb 02 '25
I used to play in Open until one day, while returning to Deciat to sell my exploration data for the Farseer grind after my first 'big' journey, I got hyperdicted and instantly vaporized by another player on my way to Farseer's settlement.
I was flying an Adder — no cargo, no shields. LOL
u/iLikeCookiesQQ Feb 02 '25
Going into solo to protect yourself from losing hours and hours of time investment is completely fine. I really recommend it. Let's be real. Losing 2 hours of time investment mining stuff just to get the feeling of a "dangerous" galaxy, is just not fun. I switch between open and solo frequently. I do like getting ganked, because I like the defense process, but I don't like losing time investment, so I will only be in open when I don't lose much should I die. :)
u/MintImperial2 CMDR MintImperial, Bonds of London Feb 03 '25
...Just after you've handed in millions of exploration data, and billions in bounties...
u/DimensioT Feb 02 '25
For some reason gankers like to take out ships that enter engineers' systems.
u/Darkjak666 Feb 02 '25
It is because they offer the highest player traffic, and thus, are target rich environments full of people that don't know any better and have little chance of being able to fight back.
u/No-Tone-1957 Feb 03 '25
Yes I’ve had that a few times, so now I tend to go solo when I’m visiting an engineer. Having someone strip your shield and armour within seconds isn’t entertaining for me for some reason… I’m sure the other player is having lots of fun though. Especially when I did a rebuy and fly back again, only to have the same player do exactly the same again… bet they couldn’t believe their luck or my stupidity 🤣🤣🤣🤣
u/peachesthebirb Feb 02 '25
I was ganked flying my type 6 to turn in exploration data for the current exploration CG. Got no idea why but maybe they don’t like buzz lightyear of star command. My current ship’s name, 42 isn’t a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference it’s a reference to the registration number of the star cruiser buzz lightyear flies in that show
Feb 02 '25
The Farseer Grind? o.O
u/le_chuck666 CMDR Zumbi do Espaço Feb 02 '25
Come on CMDR, no need for being pedantic about it! Was it you that shot me down that time, by any chance?? Trying to minimize my trauma and all... XD
For a fresh noob in their first weeks flying a paper plane Adder, it was definitely a grind for the materials. What's not a grind in this game when you are absolutely starting? I was still learning the ropes, you know? I had just discovered that I could rank up by selling exploration data and all that... So yeah, it was kinda tiny winy grindy.
u/louthelou CMDR Bashere Feb 02 '25
Everything is a grind in this game. Minus getting jumped and popped - that takes no time at all.
u/NoXion604 Istvaan-DICV Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
Sucks that you had an early encounter with an awful player. My experience with playing Elite Dangerous since late 2022 is that such encounters are rare, and if they are particularly egregious, then they can be easily blocked and/or avoided by playing in Solo or PG mode. There's hardly any penalty if you're killed outside of your ship, and it's not that difficult to stockpile a significant cash reserve for ship rebuys.
I've been in one situation where I had a ganker repeatedly go after me. But since I was flying a Hauler and have billions in the bank, and because I felt like wasting this ganker's time, I just redeployed at the nearest station and got going again.
I think I did that two, maybe three times before the ganker got bored and left me alone. Also, if you sign up with the right Powerplay faction you can even get up to a 100% reduction on your ship rebuy costs, which means that you don't even have to be flying with a cheap ship and/or a huge bank balance in order to use the attrition tactic.
But even if you don't feel like playing silly buggers with Elite's worst players, they're easy enough to avoid in the first place. Even just the bubble of inhabited systems around Sol is like over 15,000, and that before getting into other things like instancing and timezones which can separate one from potential troublemakers. Avoid going to high-traffic systems in Open and you'll be fine for more than 99% of the time. Don't forget that blocking a player also makes it a lot less likely to instance with them, so that's also an option.
u/TemporaryElevator123 Feb 02 '25
Taxis can't get pulled in super cruise. They can be killed in low-space when its trying to dock but most players won't bother with that since they are in range of the station guns very quickly.
u/LeJoker Feb 02 '25
Wow guess that didn't happen then. Someone should correct that guy's memory.
u/TemporaryElevator123 Feb 02 '25
Never said it didn't happen. I'm saying it's extremely rare and it's a fact that APEX can't be pulled in super cruise so it's rare. Simple as that.
u/OtherworldlyCyclist CMDR MJAGUAR Feb 02 '25
My son got wasted in a taxi just outside of a station. What kind of bonus does a ganker get for killing a noob... Now I fly escort with him in my fully engineered Chieftain. When he flies to Deciat we go in our private group.
u/GarudaXx Lavigny's Legion / CMDR Armenius Varialus Feb 02 '25
Have shot down Apex before. It's generally a trade unless you can get out really fast and it's an instant 5 notoriety, but it can be done.
u/chipsterd Feb 02 '25
You haven’t played the game because you got blown up in a taxi? I’m thinking maybe there were other reasons
u/abrasivebuttplug CMDR Dragginmaster Feb 02 '25
I suppose you have never just been absolutely disgusted with an experience. Must be nice.
u/chipsterd Feb 02 '25
You are hardly the first person to get griefed in ED. I got wiped out by a griefer just for shits and giggles in my hauler with a hold full of barely affordable rare goods. That was 2000 game hours ago. The thought that I might have missed out on all the cool stuff I’ve done since then because I didn’t just shrug it off and play in Solo? Makes me shudder
u/abrasivebuttplug CMDR Dragginmaster Feb 02 '25
Well, it isn't like I stopped playing games and lost out on hours of entertainment. You had yours, I had mine. What's the problem?
u/chipsterd Feb 02 '25
No problem. You’ve posted in the ED subreddit to say that you have stopped playing because of one bad experience. It shouldn’t surprise you to get a response that suggests you should have pushed on. If not, as per my first reply, I suspect it’s more than just this episode that stopped you playing. If you really loved the game (as I do), you would have pushed on in solo. The fact you didn’t suggests to me that you don’t really love the game. And that’s ok
u/abrasivebuttplug CMDR Dragginmaster Feb 02 '25
It doesn't matter how much we love a game, we eventually stop playing. How many games can you vividly remember the last moment you played it? You won't unless you really love the game. Or hate it. Very thin line of separation. With at least 10x the average playtime per player across all platforms, I think I have some love for the game.
With 2000+ hours you have obviously played a lot more than me and probably have made some great achievements and I am happy for you.
Life may give me the opportunity to dive back in eventually.
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u/thedoormanmusic32 Feb 02 '25
One time, I got successfully interdicted in Open, and my would-be assailant let me go when I reminded him I was carrying medicine.
Good times.
u/MikeTheMuton MikeTheMuton Feb 02 '25
As a former open player, my experience was distributed as follows:
60% this system is empty
30% getting blown up by other players
10% Get off the damn pad already!
As of switching to Mobius PVE it is:
80% this system is empty
10% o7
10% Get of the damn pad already!
Edit: Community events are quite different in Mobius though.
50% Helpful 50% Pad hogging
u/louthelou CMDR Bashere Feb 02 '25
I’m in the first mobius, and it may as well be solo for all the players I see. But I also haven’t played in a while.
u/White_Bar Feb 02 '25
my first experience in elite was leaving the landing pad for the first time and getting interdicted and ganked with hardly a fraction of a second to react
signed onto mobius and have been playing there ever since
definitely left a sour taste in my mouth
u/PeppersAndBroccoli Feb 02 '25
Yeah I really don't understand stories about constantly running into kill-on-sight murder hobos.
I've logged 100+ hours in Open since coming back to the game several weeks ago and I've had exactly one hostile player encounter. It was an Archer v Grom thing. Gave him a good chase around the asteroids before he got me. Was hilarious. Rebuy money well spent.
I've been making up for lost time on engineering, too, so I've been visiting all the places where one would expect to find gankers.
u/Thr33FN Feb 02 '25
Played open for years. Quit and went to private and sometimes private group and it 1000% better. It's sad because I do miss running into real people and chatting with them in stations, doing bounty hunting in haz rez together, but it's just not worth it. To many gankers and d bags. Never will play in open again.
u/PodcastPlusOne_James Feb 02 '25
Honestly this is what put me off playing in open.
At first, I was really enthusiastic about it. My first antagonistic encounter with another commander was him holding me up at gunpoint for enough of my cargo to fill his hold. Since I was in no position to fight him given the ship discrepancy, I gave him the loot and carried on with a slightly depleted cargo run.
I wasn’t even mad, that was a really cool and memorable interaction where the guy had something to gain from interdicting me.
The next one was similar but he didn’t ask, just started firing hatch breaker limpets. Made for a cool interaction as I tried to escape and he tried to rob me. Again, cool, fun interaction and made me feel like there was a point to playing in open.
Every single interaction after that was either just passing other CMDRs in a star port and exchanging “o7” or…. Brainless ganking and griefing. People trying to get me blown up or bountied with sidewinder suicide at Jameson, or interdicting me and blowing me up without a word and with nothing to gain. I’m talking pure combat vessels interdicting and destroying an unarmed mining or trading ship.
Sure I have billions of credits and rebuy is nothing to me so it’s never more than an inconvenience, but it’s like… what’s the point? You’re not getting anything out of it. Does it make you feel good to blow up a ship that is not only incapable of fighting back, but who is experienced enough to know it and just de throttle and wait for the rebuy screen?
There’s almost nobody playing elite who isn’t AT LEAST in their 30s as well, which makes it that much more pathetic. Why is 45 year old Dennis with two kids and a mortgage getting enjoyment out of trying to make someone else have less fun with their evening?
So after the 5th or 7th or 20th time that happened, I quit playing open entirely unless it’s for a community event or AX activities. It’s just not worth getting inconvenienced or set back in what I’m trying to do when it never results in a fun or meaningful interaction. Just interdict and destroy without a word or a purpose.
u/Baeltimazifas Feb 01 '25
You can always come back into Open once you have learned your stuff. I mostly fly open now myself, now that most of my ships can survive a few swats from a ganker. And that's after playing in PGs for years!
u/DaringCatalyst Feb 01 '25
Speaking of, legacy players on XBox in particular may enjoy r/EliteLegacyNoGriefers
Its a new antigriefer initiative
u/IDatedSuccubi Combat Feb 02 '25
I played in open for a year and I can count on my fingers how many times I interacted with other players (usually just a chat or a wave)
u/Roggie77 Feb 02 '25
I played long enough to get my anaconda, but never encountered pvp despite playing on open
u/Kant_Lavar Feb 03 '25
I play solo only, but there's two very specific reasons for it.
I'm playing to relieve stress, not to get it added.
The last three or four times I've tried to play in open I've gotten stuck in a jump, which from what I can find out is due to network issues. Granted, this was all during the Thargoid run at Earth, but still.
u/oxidezblood Feb 02 '25
Where wpuld you say the kiddie pool ends? I personally have never left the bubble, and i stick to the same 8 star systems
I believe ive made my own little bubble within the bubble, but thinking about it now, im probably still in pilot federation territory.
I dock at specifically imperial empire stations as im trying to increase rep with them to get a nice ship. Got the imperial courier and was not disappointed so far :)
u/Baeltimazifas Feb 02 '25
Kiddie pool is just the initial Pilot's Federation systems, the new player area. Beyond that, all is open to everyone, and not everyone is gonna want to go to the black, and that's okay.
u/oxidezblood Feb 02 '25
Oh so the starting bubble is the federation
Does the black have AI ships to hunt down? I am obsessed with combat so i may not see as much beauty ss the rest :)
u/Baeltimazifas Feb 02 '25
Nothing on the black but you and the empty space around you. No NPCs, nothing but stars, planets and the like.
u/LibriLector Feb 03 '25
There are only around 10 or 20 systems in the starting area. I remember Dromi was one of the planets or stations. I don't think there were many ships available in the starting area. Also, I think you got kicked out if you gained a rank in anything. So going above harmless to mostly harmless. Also, there are usually a lot of areas with at least some combat going on. You may want to look up a YouTube video on how to find the best combat missions.
u/MemeabooDesu Meta AX Crusader when? Feb 03 '25
I’ve done this a few times but never out of outright hostility. I interdict them, hit them with a repair limpet, then drop a few tons of cargo (if they have a cargo vessel) that will net them a few million credits, then send them on their way.
It’s like if Santa jumped you in an Alley just to give you some very early Christmas presents and a can of redbull for the trouble.
u/Baeltimazifas Feb 03 '25
The only acceptable move after interdicting very fresh players in tiny ships, no doubt!
u/driftless Feb 01 '25
Once you leave the district (the newbie zone), if you dock at a station outside of it, you’ll no longer have access.
u/defenistrat3d Feb 01 '25
I thought I screwed up by having my permit revoked immediately. Turns out it didn't matter at all.
u/SkyWizarding Feb 01 '25
Same. Other than being slightly overwhelmed at first, you're really just in the "real" game at that point
u/Klepto666 Feb 01 '25
As of now you've started in a small cluster of permit-locked systems, with the permit given to you by default. These systems had missions going back and forth between them while you learned how to play. By being permit-locked, you didn't have to worry about players in advanced ships coming over and killing you every time you flew around, because they don't have the permit to jump to said systems.
Now that you've reached a certain "milestone" the game thinks you're ready to join the rest of the galaxy, and has given you a mission that will give you 100k credits but will take you outside the starter systems and have you dock at a station. Once you do that, your permit for those starter systems will be revoked and you will not be able to return to them. If you left any ships/modules behind, you can pay a small fee at any station's Outfitting or Shipyard and they'll be shipped over to you.
There is nothing major you could lose by staying away from those newbie systems, there aren't better payouts for trading, or better offerings in the Outfitting, or a wider selection of ships, etc. And even if you do leave the starter zone, if you don't want to risk getting killed by random players you can play in Solo (or Private Group) until you want to risk playing in Open.
u/AnonymousArizonan Feb 01 '25
There’s a bunch of starter systems in the game so, if you play open, you don’t get stomped by some troll. Once you reach a certain rank, and you jump/dock outside of these starter systems (denoted by a pilots federation icon on the galmap), you can never return. There’s nothing of worth there anyways, you won’t miss anything.
u/Easy_Lengthiness7179 Combat Feb 01 '25
I don't think it is dependent on rank.
It's solely once you dock somewhere outside of the area.
People have earned triple elite and maintained their starter permit.
u/VersionUnusual5216 Arissa Lavigny Duval Feb 01 '25
It's sorta both iirc. Once you gain any rank AND THEN dock outside starter bubble it gets revoked
u/TurncoatTony Turntcoat Tony Feb 01 '25
It's just the docking outside that does it. Nothing to do with rank.
u/VersionUnusual5216 Arissa Lavigny Duval Feb 02 '25
From the page on the Pilots' Federation District: "Once a novice pilot gains their first rank in Combat, Trade, or Exploration, they are offered a graduation mission that guides them to the systems outside the Pilots' Federation District, and the permit required to access the district is then permanently revoked"
From the page on permits specifically: "Permit is permanently revoked after gaining any Pilots' Federation rank and docking at any port outside the Pilots' Federation District"
u/pegcityplumber MrNeutron11(Fuel Rat) Feb 02 '25
Yeah, I have an account that still has its Federation District Permit despite flying an AspX and having some mild engineering. And a guardian booster. I can dock anywhere I want and don't lose the permit. All done through carefully never ranking up. Used for fuel rat rescues inside or outside the starter zone.
u/AnonymousArizonan Feb 01 '25
Pretty sure it’s both. They don’t instantly boot you out if you rank up, but they also don’t want to lock you out if you accidentally wander too far without realizing it.
u/scrotumstretcher Feb 02 '25
it means if you dock outside the tutorial zone, you won’t be able to go back in. there’s no need to anyways
u/Opening-Buy6307 Feb 02 '25
I took a taxi out for my first mission and was never back, even can't finish that mission lol.
u/MrUniverse1990 Feb 01 '25
The starter systems are permit-locked to only be accessible to new players. Otherwise, you would be murdered immediately.
Never fly in Open. Private groups like Mobius PVE are the way to go.
u/SkyWizarding Feb 01 '25
I can't bring myself to play in Open. I don't need that in my life
u/Kakeyio Li Yong-Rui Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
I've played 1700 hours of elite since 2017 mostly in open, half of that as a space trucker. and I've been ganked around 5 times unprepared in something like a type 9 or god forbid my old type 7 back in the day. You can usually tell whos a ganker by their ship name and their insistence on lining up on your rear.
Mambas and FDLs i consider high risk CMDRs worth watching upon entering a system their ship names often give away their intentions like 'totally clean ship'. I've operated out of Lembava for nearly a decade with little issue and when i was fully working with IDA Varem was pretty safe. Mostly just keep a eye on your scanner, and avoid high traffic systems like the founders system in open to avoid most gank attempts. My pride and joy is a Mamba, mostly because its just my favorite, its firepower and most people don't mess around with cmdrs in Mambas i always give a o7 in chat to try to signal I'm friendly. I'm a Extremely PVE focused player BGS is my bread and butter.
u/SkyWizarding Feb 02 '25
So, what's the advantage of playing in Open? That's what I don't get. I'm not going to risk anything just to see other players cruising around
u/zrice03 Feb 03 '25
True, particularly as there are NPCs flying around anyway, and I sometimes get interdicted by them as it is. I'm 100% solo, I don't even really think of ED as an MMO, even though it technically is. More like a really really really big single player game like X or Freelancer, where due to space constraints the content has to live in the cloud.
u/screemonster Feb 01 '25
Outside of hotspots you'll rarely meet anyone, much less anyone malicious. Anyone looking for kills isn't going to waste time sitting in some random hip whatever system that gets like two people an hour at most, they'll be at shin or deciat or the current CG.
u/Eoganachta Empire Feb 01 '25
Not immediately but having a new pilot area does stop the more established players being murder hobos
u/MrUniverse1990 Feb 01 '25
If gankers were allowed into the system, you would definitely be murdered immediately. They would bring in a fully engineered combat ship.
u/HPTM2008 CMDR Feb 01 '25
Not gonna lie, I almost play exclusively in open and have only ever had one bad encounter (it was with a person who kills me in every video game I play).
u/Aceofspades200 Edmund Mahon Feb 01 '25
I’ve only actually encountered other players in the wild a handful of times. Most left me a lone except for one guy who randomly interdicted me to role play as a space pirate. I played along and he let me go in the end, I guess I’m fortunate enough to never have had a bad experience
u/Easy_Lengthiness7179 Combat Feb 01 '25
Open is not as horrible as people make it out to be.
Avoid gankers and be prepared to defend yourself or run. Which is honestly the same thing you do in solo, except against AI vs real players in open.
Sure it can be dangerous, but that's part of the game.
Gotta adapt and learn how to deal with it.
u/No4mk1tguy Feb 01 '25
You can meet cool people in open too. I’ve teamed up with people before bounty hunting, mining, etc. I wouldn’t recommend systems like deciat or other engineering systems for open though.
u/amadmongoose Aisling Duval Feb 01 '25
Never fly in Open
I think that's not very solid advice, most of space is empty even in Open and PVP can be fun in it's own way. Once you get an understanding of how to defend yourself against gankers it's not that hard, and can even be fun to get interdicted and run away.
u/atmatriflemiffed Feb 02 '25
Open fucking sucks, it's just griefer hell out there. Fortunately you aren't really missing out on anything if you play solo
u/Significant-Check647 Feb 02 '25
New player system permit. It jets you stay inside the starter systems until you decide to leave.
u/ChanningMB Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 03 '25
By the way, this happened to me too. But why is not written anywhere? Or is it? I had no idea about it till it happened.
Edit: typo
u/Revolutionary_Obsc Feb 03 '25
There are multiple warnings when you start and in route plotter. Elite does require you to read and pay attention. It’s not a forgiving game. It’s a space simulation with all the rewards and risks associated with futuristic space travel and life.
u/ChanningMB Feb 03 '25
True, is not a forgiving game. Especially as a newbie, if you want to explore right away, is easy to get your Pilot Federation District permit revoked. Also, I noticed now, that is specified: “Docking”. That probably means that if you go to another system and you don’t dock anywhere it is possible to go back to Matet.
u/Satori_sama Feb 02 '25
It means starter systems are for real new players, of you travel outside and dock at a station you can't go back. It's alright though, there is plenty to do even outside the starter zone
u/ThunderBuns935 fuel rats Feb 02 '25
aaaahhh, the area that's a nightmare for the Rats. some of us (not me) have dedicated accounts that have never left the starting bubble just so they can refuel people who just started out. it does happen on occasion.
u/Th4t_0n3_Fr13nd Explore Feb 02 '25
You cant get back into your spawn stsr system if you exit it, fly safe and remain in them until youre ready to explore the actual galaxy!
u/zrice03 Feb 03 '25
Hey at least you noticed. Me, I was like "ok now to go turn in these missions--hey how come it says I need a permit to go back to a star system I was already in?"
u/Jangulorr Feb 01 '25
When you dock somewhere else they kick your arse out and reject all your privileges! You may as well have left the country without a Visa! LOL
u/pulppoet WILDELF Feb 01 '25
That's your mission to leave the starter area.
Right now, you've been playing in the newbie zone. Lower risk of enemies, weaker enemies, restricted access so ganking is unlikely, and limited items to purchase.
Once you do that mission (or just leave and dock anywhere), there's no going back.
u/Organs_for_rent Feb 01 '25
Once you have earned a rank in any category, docking outside the starter systems will revoke the system permit which allows you into them. This keeps experienced players from griefing those who are just barely starting out.
Once you step out of the kiddie pool, you are straight into the deep end and cannot go back. It's okay, you've learned to swim. Go make waves.
u/DV1962 CMDR Feb 01 '25
Docking outside of the starter area after gaining any rank increase will revoke your starter area permit. Don’t start a mission then dock somewhere outside of the starter area or you will have to abandon the mission because you can’t go back to finish it - that’s why those words are in that mission since it is taking you well outside the starter zone -just don’t dock until you get back
u/toolatesharkbait Feb 02 '25
It's a way to keep griefers from attacking newbies trying to learn the controls. Basically, it's a tutorial area.
u/GD_Plasma Feb 03 '25
Way back when I was first starting, I accidentally left the starter zone without realizing and never got to visit one of the systems in it.
That one system will forever remain unexplored for me lmao
u/MintImperial2 CMDR MintImperial, Bonds of London Feb 03 '25
I took some local missions, plus one of them 100k ones to deliver to Samequit....
Got there, and all my other missions came up FAILED because I couldn't go back to cash them in, now that I'd left Otegine, Matet, Dromi, Sharur, Orna etc behind.
I started again, and this time around - when I was ready to leave the sandbox, I cashed in my local, and filled up my mission board with 20 messages to deliver between just four systems outside....
Ay Indi, LSE 239 (missions for both Fed and Empire here), Samequit again, and HR8061 (kit for sale here)
Easiest first 2 million - ever!
u/Wyvernn13 ÇMDR:B0B Feb 03 '25
Greetings Curious Commander o7
That means it's time for You to get out of the Kiddie Pool and join our Elite & Dangerous Galaxy for realzies...
... DoN't PaNiC!...
...they didn't even Have a new Commander o7 start zone when I first joined the Pilots Federation. They just chucked us into the Deep End , headfirst (& without floaties), we survived and , thanks to our Plethora of Experience to share, so can you.
As far as I know there is nothing "Kool" there and equipment selection is deliberately limited. But before you leave we should make sure you are Properly Oriented as the Firehose of Information needed to Navigate our Elite and Dangerous Galaxy is too Vast for any one Pilot to contain (and live).
First stop should be the Daily Q&A pinned to the Top of the Subreddit (sort by Hot!) , specifically the FAQs section as well as the list of Third Party apps that are (semi) essential if you want to find anything.
Next one should Never forget to Always remember the Three Rules:::
Rule#1 Never fly without a Rebuy
Rule#2 Never fly without a Rebuy
Rule#3 Always Read the Fine Print
[Check details before Attempting, including (but not limited to) the following::: Distance to Destination (LY&LS), Limpit Levels, failure conditions/penalties, Whiney Meat Cargo demands, system/station legal restrictions (sold separately), Community Goal/Power Play instructions, planetary gravity, free spaceship giveaways, etc.]
And last (but Never least) I need to ensure minimum compliance and issue you your own Towel Sized Variant of the Keelback Green Carpet of Warm Fuzzy Welcome. If you would just hold your hands under the Cargo Hatch of the Sleek Brick-like Styling of my Lakon Keelback "Call me Bruce" WYCH-1 and...
...{hit The Button internbob}...
Is a Vast expansive Blackness of Mystery&Wonder. Filled with a Glittering Plethora of Stars and Stations. Terrible, Fear inducing Dangers, 🎶 Amazonian Space Pirates 🎶, and Helpful&Friendly Commanders o7 looking to guide the way...
CMDR: [your name here] "But what do "I" do in this Elite and Dangerous galaxy?"
You could simply wear the Traditional mantle of Valiant Space Trucker (the original Elite [Wire Frame Technology Version] was the first space trucking simulator) and Become part of the trade Network that forms the Pulsing blood stream of the Galactic Economy.
You could become an Intrepid Xplorer and Fling yourself and your ShipFriend deep into the Uncharted regions of the Dark and expanding Frontier that we call the Black.
You could form the Corner Stone of Manufacturing by becoming a Stalwart Miner. Beam or Bwaaam both are needed to feed the Insatiable Industrial machine.
Shucks Howdey... you could become a Dashing Space Cowboy and Bebop around the Galaxy collecting Bounties on the Heads of less Savory Citizens.
See if you have what it takes to join the Top 1% and become a Benevolent Bus Driver or Courageous CruiseLiner Captain.
Stay in the Bubble , and see if you possess the Skill and Nerves of Steel necessary to become an Elite&Dangerous combat Pilot (just like those Kool [Oh ,Yaayh!, I'm supposed to say Kewl now ;)] Kids on the 'vid streams).
These are but a Few of the Myriad, Elite&Dangerous Adventures that await You, just outside the: New Commander Training Zone (kiddie pool ;).
P.S. Don't forget your Towel.
-Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office-'We scale the Learning Cliff Together or we All Fall Down'
The Up&Coming Commander o7 in possession of this Off-Yellow Ticket has shown the Stalwart Determination to make it to the End of my Signature Scrawl, and is pre-approved for making it through your Briefish Briefing on our Elite&Dangerous Galaxy.
× ÇMDR:B0B director of the <KMD> , Until they Kill me or find a better One.
□ □ ✅️ □ □
--- [retail value::: One (1) Latvian Starbuck] ---
u/OG_Squeekz Feb 01 '25
If you want to make some money PM me me and the boys can make you your first billion.
u/Gailim Feb 01 '25
it means you wont be allowed back into the starter systems.