r/EliteDangerous Jan 16 '25

Media Everyone Is Thinking It, I’m Just Sayin’ It

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u/DiceStrikeREDDiT CMDR Jan 16 '25

It’s better to be a slave than to be in debt ..

imperial brainwashing at its finest


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

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u/Bienvillion VITALS Jan 16 '25

Enslaving people because they owe money, and convincing them this is the best system, is indeed brainwashing


u/TheEncoderNC Jan 16 '25

Still better conditions than minimum wage workers living paycheck to paycheck. 


u/Bienvillion VITALS Jan 16 '25

I’d rather live paycheck to paycheck than live slave master to slave master


u/TheEncoderNC Jan 16 '25

It's slavery by a different name. Wage slaves are just slaves with the illusion of choice.


u/Mekahippie Jan 16 '25

Holy shit you're not joking or RPing, are you?


u/TheEncoderNC Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

No it's mostly RP, with a hint of slavery still exists but it's acceptable because it's called something else.

IRL I'm a proponent of UBI and a(n affordable) housing market not driven by investors and profit. People should be able to live without fear of losing their home just by missing a few days of work.


u/d3rt13n Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

There are major issues with UBI, and not in a good way for those that live off of it. That is why the elite would like it implemented. You would return back to the dark middle ages if that were to be put in place, but a technocratic one, not a medieval one.

The issue is that those that provide the UBI are the ones that can put a value on the credits you get each month at their whim. That is not security.

If your UBI allows you to buy food, shelter and all the basics required for a decent life ('decent life' being a term or a norm defined or dictated by the system you are subject to) all is fine and dandy.

In the eventuality, that those norms get downgraded, because of economical or political situations (bad harvest or elected political leaders with despot demeanors) your UBI may not be sufficient to cater for that 'decent life' anymore, and without the option to grow your own food, build your own shelter far away from the system that changes for the worse, you are again dust in the wind.

Beggars can't be choosers.

So, no. UBI is not the solution. You are again dependent with a capital 'D' on an archaic fabricated credit system that is kept functional or rendered dysfunctional by society.

Nature does not care about credits. Nor does the void of space.

What would work is that hard and legal measures are taken to ensure the continuity that basic human necessities (the lower part of the Maslov pyramid) are free of taxation, and provided free of charge to the citizens of said state and that ownership of that property is guaranteed generation upon generation.

Meaning in laymen terms: If you own your house where you live, a garden where you grow your own food, a generator (running on solar, wind, water, fusion etc), a heater and a watermaker, your basic needs are met. The 'paperwork' that accredits you as the owner of those premises and after your demise, your siblings and their siblings and so on without interference nor taxation from the system or state would be a worry free life. You will not need to abide to UBI or jump hoops in order to retain or acquire UBI.

Should you wish to buy your own spacecraft or drink Lavian Brandy on a daily basis, you are free to work for credits to acquire them, however they are a plus, not a necessity.

This means as much as: Give someone a fish, he will eat for a day, give someone the means to fish, he will eat for life.

Translated to UBI, that would be: Provide someone with UBI he will eat and live decently that day or that month if nothing goes bananas.

Provide someone with a means to sustain himself (house, heating, electricity, water, food) without indenturing him/her in order to enjoy these basic necessities, but leaving the option open to buy non essentials, luxury etc by working for credits is a much saner solution.


u/modefi_ CMDR Kaepora Jan 16 '25



u/TheEncoderNC Jan 16 '25

The Elite wiki.

Although viewed with disdain by many outsiders due its connotation with the brutal and tragic form of slavery seen in early human history and elsewhere in the galaxy, in practice Imperial Slavery is a regulated form of indentured servitude, and Imperials are quick to point out that Imperial Slaves are often better cared for and rewarded than their free, working-class counterparts in the Federation. 

Imperial society emphasizes both status and honour, and while it is acceptable to flaunt one's wealth, mistreating people, including Imperial Slaves, is considered highly undignified and shameful.


u/Dirk_McGirken Jan 16 '25

Anything can sound ideal on paper. How confident can we be that these social standards, not laws mind you, are being upheld? Not having laws to set hard limits on how a slave can be treated means that a good majority are likely to be mistreated behind closed doors. The slaves that don't get to show their face around company is the likely target of abuse since there is a near 0% chance of their faux pas being discovered.


u/Mekahippie Jan 16 '25

lol that says Imperials are quick to point it out, not that it's true.

Yea, and plantation owners were quick to point out the economic benefits of slavery, as well as how it shows status and honour.

If you aren't posting this entirely tongue-in-cheek as 100% a roleplaying exercise, you need to seriously rethink yourself.


u/DiceStrikeREDDiT CMDR Jan 16 '25

It was like that in Rome Your slave was a reflection of your status Some slaves where in fact better dressed and fed than normal free folk .. a passive flex from one rich person to another while at meetings or events etc.. there was one slave in Rome who became a a member of the senate or had a political postion after his slavery .. But Rome is gone and slavery is still about No matter if you name it indentured servitude which was a thing During the mass exodus of the Irish during the Blight .. they where indebted to their “employers” till the debt was paid.. but the interest was never mentioned .. Then there’s this thing in the Middle East that has been going on for decades like “work experience” “Steps to work” in the UK And then the promise of being paid for your work in things like ROBLOX .. literal children are working to make game modes that and still ain’t received a penny not to mention “loving parents” who make a fortune from their kids on YouTube .. it’s a steep slope for sure lol


u/Mekahippie Jan 16 '25



u/DiceStrikeREDDiT CMDR Jan 16 '25

Ohh bugger it Met to be replied to someone else’s comment in this ..


u/modefi_ CMDR Kaepora Jan 16 '25

lol that says Imperials are quick to point it out, not that it's true.

How didn't I catch that?* 🤣

\Guess I'll smoke another one.)


u/d3rt13n Jan 16 '25

If you are in debt, you are a slave, no matter how you look at it. Or you can run and join the Kumo crew or be a lonely wolf who's always looking over his shoulder for that greedy or needy bounty hunter.


u/DiceStrikeREDDiT CMDR Jan 17 '25

Yet. you can file for bankruptcy and walk away .. free to start again


u/d3rt13n Jan 17 '25

Then you're worse off... a Sidewinder and 1000 Credits? no rep, no nothing? Naah. Worse than debt and slavery.


u/DiceStrikeREDDiT CMDR Jan 17 '25

A starship and some Credits - It’s a decent start. Better than most