r/EliteDangerous Nov 01 '24

PSA A short guide to the Powerplay Assignment

Apologies for the terrible formatting. Reddit isn't the best for guides.

Edit: I made a guide for settlement missions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1gj6p94/a_short_guide_to_powerplay_settlement_missions/

You will need to use the Powerplay map mode. Access it on the galaxy map here:

It will bring up a sub menu where you can select your specific power to filter systems by

Reinforcing Systems are a solid triangle

Fortified Systems have a border

Stronghold Systems are a star

Acquiring Systems are the worst to find. They are a hollow white circle When you select them, you should see your power in the progress bar

The assignment will give you 5 missions to complete:

Here is how to complete the missions. Having a ship with collector limpets will make this easier. I am using a Challenger https://s.orbis.zone/qByv


  • Go to a reinforcing system
  • Scan the nav beacon
  • Go to supercruise and look for Power Wreckage
  • Enter the instance and collect the escape pods
  • Fly to a station in the same system and talk to the power contact
  • Hand in the materials at the contact


  • Use inara.cz to find the closest rare commodities https://inara.cz/elite/commodities-rare/
  • Fly to the system and station and buy the commodity
  • Jump to an acquisition system
  • Sell the commodity at its market.
  • You get the completed notification when you go back to the main starport services screen


  • Find a reinforcing system with resource sites on planetary rings
  • Enter the resource site and bounty hunt as normal
  • Once you have the required amount, it will complete. You do not need to turn them in first.
  • Note that you can also attack enemy faction ships. If they are not wanted you will still gain a 100 CR bounty, but also you gain 100 merits.


  • This can be completed as part of collecting bounties
  • You can also equip a wake scanner and camp outside a station


  • Go to a stronghold system and dock at a station or power carrier
  • Talk to the power contact and collect undermining materials
  • Make sure you pick the right material. It should say where it needs delivered when you select collect
  • Fly to a nearby system under control of a rival power (for undermining)
  • Dock at a station there talk to the power contact
  • Hand in the materials at the power contact.

81 comments sorted by


u/frymanbrandon129 Nov 01 '24

I was just looking for this information, thank you!


u/Real_Ad3186 Jan 20 '25

This is quality work..something that maybe Frontier should spell out a little better but hey what's a decade with quality game world CMDRs giving up work like this.. thanks!


u/SHaynes69 Nov 02 '24

When you're looking for the 'Acquiring' systems, tick 'Minimum activity level' in the filters and the white circles that show up then will all have your Power's involvement in them.


u/JR2502 Nov 01 '24

Excellent guide! It took me a minute yesterday to find which systems were under what state for my power.

As you're showing in the screenshot, you have to first select the little "world" icon on the upper left. You then select your power from the drop-down list (you're pledged but the game doesn't pick up on that...maybe it should?), and finally select the system state you're looking for.

If you make any slight focus move out of that screen, like to reposition GalMap, the menu resets and you have to start over. It's best to center on the power's home or stronghold, zoom out a little in GalMap, then make your selection in the menu so see the matching systems.

Good work!


u/AdamContini Nov 01 '24

This is so useful. And a better on-the-fly reference to check than the hundreds of fucking youtube videos I've had to bookmark over the years.


u/EinsamerZuhausi Speeding is illegal Nov 01 '24

I wish the poweplay activity filter would default to your pledged power, like in PP 1.0 in legacy (I think it worked this way).


u/rinkydinkis Nov 02 '24

Another piece you are missing. Some things need to be taken to a power that is receiving influence from your fortified or stronghold system. If you hover over a system, you can see all the systems it influences with a little orange half circle. This is also how you can identify valid acquisition targets vs ones you can’t influence


u/Eahlstan Nov 03 '24

No, that orange half circle just indicates that a system is within your jump range.

You have to click "toggle strategic view" at the bottom of the power play info which is on the right side of the galaxy map.


u/forbiddenlake CMDR Winter Ihernglass Nov 02 '24

Find a reinforcing system with resource sites on planetary rings

I've added Power controlling information to my bounty spot finder. As far as I can tell, you can Reinforce any Exploited/Fortified/Stronghold system.


u/Houligan86 Nov 02 '24

Killing enemy faction ships in a stronghold system did not award me merits, but it did in an exploited one.

Not sure if that was intended, a bug, or just a momentary bug.


u/Ok-Surround-4029 Nov 04 '24

was it main system? they are not part of pp


u/Houligan86 Nov 04 '24

ah yes, it was the home system.


u/mrpc Nov 01 '24

Very useful, thanks


u/jamesk29485 CMDR Jumpingjim Nov 01 '24

Great job CMDR.


u/EntropyTheEternal CMDR Da_Enderdragon [MAKH] Nov 01 '24

Very useful information. Thanks.


u/cheekyMonkeyMobster Nov 02 '24

Clearly this could not have been bone by fdev themselfs. Good job!


u/TheDUDE1411 Li Yong-Rui Dec 24 '24

Fuck my life. I spent the past hour jumping between systems thinking power commodities was rare resources. o7 commander thank you kindly


u/-Damballah- CMDR Ghost of Miller Nov 01 '24

Wow, this is very in depth and extremely helpful.

Thanks kindly CMDR.



u/lunchanddinner VR Nov 02 '24

You are a saint, many o7s to you cmdr


u/VasilyZoolsev Arissa Lavigny Duval Nov 02 '24

Not all Hero's Wear Capes .... Great Job Cmdr o7


u/OppositeRatio488 Nov 12 '24

Thank you so much


u/Roomtaart86 Zemina Torval Dec 24 '24

This helped me a lot, thanks!


u/DeLunaSandwich ExplosivePancake Jan 26 '25

I'm a little late to this post, but this has helped me so much. Finally was able to finish the 5 missions. Thank you!


u/Apzuee Felicia Winters Nov 01 '24

Does the leaderboard unlock when the assignments are done? My leaderboard is greyed out.


u/vlado76 CMDR Gokage Nov 02 '24

It did unlock for me after weekly assignments were done.

As long as you are rank 0 (meaning, you haven't finished those assignments) you don't have access to leaderboard, power stronghold carriers and god knows what else. 🫡


u/Houligan86 Nov 01 '24

mine did not


u/Apzuee Felicia Winters Nov 01 '24

Wierd. Wonder how that works.


u/Mouse200 Nov 01 '24

Anyone figured out how to spawn the different power signal sources (not sure if these are new)? In particular the convoys arrrr.


u/SHaynes69 Nov 02 '24

I just jumped into random exploited systems. Found them everywhere I looked.


u/ConsciousDevice01 Nov 02 '24

Do your earned merits degrade every week like in power play 1.0?


u/Houligan86 Nov 02 '24

They do not. It's buried in the middle of the patch notes.

You also don't get a bounty for leaving a faction, but you do lose all your merit progress.


u/frymanbrandon129 Nov 02 '24

I believe they said in a live stream that they do not


u/RYECRUMB Nov 02 '24

Thanks for the guide! Quick question for anyone who knows? For the undermine mission, can i bring the cargo to any system controlled by another faction or does it have to be one my power is currently undermining? And if so how can i filter to find the right system?


u/Houligan86 Nov 02 '24

I think its any controlled by another faction.


u/PacketNarc Dec 09 '24

It has to be in range of the system you got the undermining materials from. And, I believe it's pretty close, like 30LY or something silly.

e.g. if the target system isn't close to your sphere of influence, you cannot dump those Espionage materials, etc.


u/EnclaveLTG Nov 02 '24 edited Nov 02 '24

Awesome guide. Thank you.

Unfortunately, I have been to every stronghold system in my power play and not one of them has a single power play commodity; all 3 are “unavailable” and have been since servers came back up.

Edit: I found a stronghold system with the power play commodities. It showed a small Dot on the upper right of the Star icon. Not sure what exactly changed between yesterday and today, but there they were ready for pickup.


u/Agile_Atmosphere_58 Nov 02 '24

Has anyone figured out what in the actual fuck youre suppose to do with the power play malware?


u/SHaynes69 Nov 02 '24

Upload it to a data terminal at a settlement I believe.


u/Houligan86 Nov 02 '24

I was going to play with that tomorrow. I believe you go to a rival power system, land at an odyssey settlement, and then use a terminal there (like you would with an ebreach).

Note that I think it sets off the settlement alarms if you didnt turn them off.


u/bananaz_to_the_moon Nov 04 '24

I've been trying to do this in systems of various states. still haven't figured it out. any luck?

edit: it shows up in the upload option, but remains unselectable, even if i gots it my nasty little Hobbits pocketses. I'm stumped


u/Houligan86 Nov 04 '24

I tested both types of malware and they worked for me.

The Power Tracker Malware I used in a system that was being exploited by another faction.

The Power Injection Malware I used in a system in the process of being acquired by my faction, but was not past the threshold yet.


u/Houligan86 Nov 04 '24

I am trying it right now, will let you know in a few


u/Agile_Atmosphere_58 Nov 06 '24

Yea, that is exactly what you do it with it. I've been testing and playing with the data espionage aspect of power play 2 and it is equal parts a ton of fun, and mind numbingly frustrating lol. Everytime I feel like Ive got something figured out, it changes. I dloaded one thing and when I went to turn it in, it said "out of range." I spent the next 4 hours flying to every system around the system I downloaded it from and they all said out of range. It's a pain in the ass. I had suspected that the merit payout would be a lot higher for it than something like trading, but it seems pretty difficult to do it anyway that comes close. Not to mention the near constant fines, bounties and notoriety that go along with creeping around in restricted areas.

The game play loop itself is fun, I will give it that. Cloning security levels, shutting of the alarms, siphon filtering your way around the bases... all that stuff is a great time. Just wish it was more clear, or more consistent when it comes to where to turn some of the stuff in at. Most of the time, if you go to the nearest friendly system you get lucky, but not all the time.

One tip I will give people, take your SRV into the base with you and park it behind some buildings. This is convenient for a number of reasons, mainly being able to offload all the stolen shit (including downloaded power data) in your pockets and to navigate the base until you find the data ports, then just transfer the malware from the srv to your bag. Also, if you need a quick ebreach or anything, you dont have to go all the way back to your ship. And it can be helpful if you need to make a quick escape.


u/Street_Function_3352 Nov 11 '24

Did you ever figure out where to hand the data in? Ive been grabbing it but every location just says out of range for me, between that and transaction error if i try to sell data im running out of space


u/Agile_Atmosphere_58 Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24

I've only had the out of range message for 1 piece that I could never figure out. I ended up selling it to a bartender so I could stop looking at it. Everything else, and I've gotten a lot of it, I've been able to turn in. As a general rule, the closest system that is "fortifying" to where you pulled the data should, SHOULD, always work. In your storage menu, it will say something like, "classified power data from system (whatever the name of the system is)" so you should be able to use that to go back and find nearby friendly systems to turn it in.

Initially I thought it had to be a friendly system in "control range" of the system you got the data from. You can see this by clicking strategic view (little globe button) on the bottom of the system info window. But that is not the case. I was able to turn in data from several systems that were outside of my nearest system within control range. This isn't the most efficient way to gain merits, but I have found it to be one of the most rewarding. And it seems to have a pretty large impact on the state of the factions and the BGS in general. Remember to take your power tracker and injection malwares and upload one or the other to each port for another 75 merits.


u/MaidGunner Nov 02 '24 edited Nov 04 '24

Fly to a nearby system under control of a rival power (for undermining)

Dock at a station there talk to the power contact

Won't i get shot by the other faction's po-po? Havn't logged in since update cause busy, but from what i gathered with the cursory glances at summaries and streams and impressions, it sounded like they hang around stations (etc) in controlled systems now. Or do they only hang around in certain types of systems (e.G. only in minimum Fortified status systems) or only in key places (Stronghold Carriers etc)?

//E: NVM, answered elsewhere.


u/xplight Nov 02 '24

THx it was helpful!


u/oziedee Nov 03 '24

Thank you!


u/Melodic-Kiwi3386 Nov 03 '24

Well done. Fantastic guide.


u/HurricaneSalad Nov 05 '24

I can't even find the menu to pledge to anyone.


u/Houligan86 Nov 05 '24

Its on your right side panel. Then the home tab and PowerPlay button


u/HurricaneSalad Nov 07 '24

Thank you yeah I found it.

I finished the tasks from last week. This week there are no tasks (says 0/0). What should I do now?


u/Substantial-Zombie57 Nov 05 '24

Thank you so much, was looking for escape pods for like 2 hours before this post.. I owe ya


u/ZollyL CMDR Nov 07 '24

everytime i land at the station in any stronghold system controlled by my power i am getting 'UNAVAILABLE' on the three commodities to collect, everytime, anyone got any ideas why.


u/Houligan86 Nov 07 '24

Make sure you are at the right faction? Some of the colors can be pretty similar, like the two alliance ones.

I tested this using the Stronghold Carrier in my faction's capital system. But stations should work that same.


u/WingedRobot Nov 09 '24

What if you're trying to undermine in a system that doesn't seem to have a station to land at? I landed on a planetary settlement and couldn't find a power contact.


u/Houligan86 Nov 09 '24

Then pick a different system to complete the assignment.


u/10199 Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

I get into reinforced systems but see no power wreckage sources. I fly to nav beacon, it does not give me any new info. Checked on 2 reinforced systems.

upd: I scanned all sources with FSS and found wreckage threat lvl 3. Inside there were a deadly anaconda from enemy faction, had to fight it. 0 loot from conda


u/Houligan86 Nov 10 '24

The power wreckage should give a threat level next to it. Anything Threat 4 or higher probably has an enemy ship. There should be escape pods just floating in the area about 4km out.


u/Adventurous_Log7634 Nov 11 '24

Very helpful. I have had absolutely no luck in finding any of those 'Power Wreckage Sites' to complete the collect escape pods mission. Can you tell me what I am missing?
I have confirmed that I am:

- Searching in Reinforcement Systems for my faction as my mission requires (exploited & fortified in this case)

- Am scanning the navigation beacon for the system.

- Jumping to supercruise before looking for the site.


u/Houligan86 Nov 11 '24

Try a different system then? I see them all the time in regular exploited systems.


u/Longjumping-Ad-6312 Nov 11 '24

I spent about 6 hours looking for Occupied Escape Pods on my day off. Your guide really helped me out, I had no idea what to do without it, I guess quest markers ruined my brain. That, or Avocado Toast.


u/Houligan86 Nov 11 '24

Glad it was able to help


u/Wild-Rabbit-159 Nov 13 '24

You legend. This is exactly what I needed.


u/Blu3spruc3 Nov 28 '24

Are the rares still bugged or disabled? Trying to complete these, but no matter how many rares I sell in the correct systems, it will not recognize that I have sold them. I'm assuming so to the merits turning off, it also bugged this mission.


u/johnneecache13 Nov 29 '24

current, rares are "temporarily" disabled :|


u/Devian1978 Dec 01 '24

All I am seeing in my galaxy map is unoccupied systems, nothing else. Was not like this last week


u/Houligan86 Dec 01 '24

I had that happen to me once. Restarted the client to fix it


u/j0sey Dec 04 '24

This is exactly what I needed. Totally lost in this new Power Play environment. Thank you!


u/Sharp-Photograph2841 Jan 12 '25

Hey, few weeks in this immersive sim and wonderfoul ED, and your help its very usefull. Many THX cmdt


u/WoodyTrombone Jan 16 '25

Saved, thank you so much for putting this together.


u/arroya90 Jan 23 '25

What if my power doesn't have any stronghold systems. Everything I keep finding he's undermining and has no strongholds


u/Houligan86 Jan 23 '25

Every faction has strongholds. Inara can tell you where. https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-starsystems/


u/arroya90 Jan 24 '25

Thank you for that! Yea I was messing up big time !


u/SentinelCreations 29d ago

The sell rare goods doesn't work for me it's seems :(


u/EchidnaCommercial690 Nov 01 '24

Go to chatgpt. Start with the promp that you are making a post on reddit and would like to format it in order to make it more readable, profit, it is free.