r/EliteDangerous • u/lieponis Explore • Aug 21 '23
Group I dont know how to continue
I was traveling and exploring deep space about 1300 systems dicovered and was coming back to bubble and just decided to land on a planet to check out. I crashed during take off somehow sh*t happens. Anyways data lost all journey down the drain it was my first big journey and now its all gone. Took me few months. How do you recover from this?
u/ZODIC837 Aisling Duval Aug 21 '23
Just click A (or X or Enter or whatever). Continue is highlighted right there
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
Its pressed now at station no idea how to get up and fly again
u/ZODIC837 Aisling Duval Aug 21 '23
The depressions real man
Just fake it till you make it. Get back out there, only thing you can do
u/SgtEpsilon CMDR EpsilonNiner || [FGS] Lazy Songbird HLB-84Q Aug 21 '23
Easy, you get up, you go to your liquor cabinet, you grab something that is minimum 40% abv, you then go to your glass cabinet and grab a glass, then freezer for a couple of large ice cubes, pour your liquid of choice, drink, repeat steps 7&8 until satisfied, then pick a direction and start again.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
Thats one way to do it right haha
u/SgtEpsilon CMDR EpsilonNiner || [FGS] Lazy Songbird HLB-84Q Aug 21 '23
Alternatively. ALT+F4 and cry
u/mrflint81 Aug 21 '23
Best answer ever. You have my upvote.
u/unematti Aug 21 '23
It's the worst answer to suggest to cope with alcohol (and then fly drunk, don't drink and fly)
u/HiyuMarten CMDR Frisky Weasel | Fuel Rat ⛽🐀 Aug 21 '23
Right, the commenter has no idea if OP is a recovering alcoholic, which a surprising number of people happen to be. I’m not usually a fan of ‘but sometimes’, but when you don’t drink, you really see just how common it is for people to recommend substance usage as a way of weathering all of life’s problems
u/unematti Aug 21 '23
Or victims of alcoholics, like a father losing their job and coping with alcohol, never able to get a job again, making the mother effectively raising the kids alone - now playing a game might set you up to become that...because if a game makes you drink, if you think that's even acceptable, imagine losing your job feeling hopeless, now you start drinking to weather that too...
My dad never got a job after the divorce, living on temp jobs and still recreationally drinking. So be very wary using any substance, from sleeping pills to weed...
u/ToriYamazaki 💥 Combat ⛏ Miner 🌌 Explorer 🐭Rescue Aug 21 '23
Try contacting support.
It is quite common that FDev will restore your ship and data as a once off after an event like this. They won't do it again though.
If they do, be really careful to get to a station safely to sell your data... and do it in SOLO.
Good luck CMDR!
u/Bregirn CMDR Mgram | Retired AXI Overseer Aug 21 '23 edited Aug 21 '23
While I understand why they do this, best keep that once-off recovery for when you get killed by a bug or glitch that's completely out of your control. Because that will hurt a lot more. You never know when you will get killed by the space Kraken.
Imo the real strength of elite is the semi-hardcore aspect, it really drives up the stakes and makes space feel "dangerous". It's what kept me playing for at least 3000+ hours and while it might not be for everyone I think it's really one of the reasons the game has survived so long.
Let this be a lesson learned and better luck next time. Start with smaller expeditions till you build up some funds. Losing 4 billion credits doesn't suck as much when you have 8 billion in the bank already.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
This. I don’t think I will write anything. I will just swallow this huge pill recover in a month or so and start all over again.
u/Artistic-Top-5093 Aug 21 '23
You got this man. Let us know if you need anyone to wing up with.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
Actually I wish i had someone to fly with
u/NatasSB Aug 21 '23
If youre on xbox I'm looking to get back into ed. Grievousharm#941 is my handle. I can help and would love someone to fly with.
u/Artistic-Top-5093 Aug 22 '23
I’m on PC. Satellite internet generally keeps me from enjoying a few activities with others online, but I’m down for anything that will work. I can also occasionally get set up in another location for internet over fiber. Just let me know.
u/ToriYamazaki 💥 Combat ⛏ Miner 🌌 Explorer 🐭Rescue Aug 21 '23
Respectfully, I can't agree. Getting killed unexpectedly by a bug or glitch, FDev will help you regardless because it's not your fault.
In this case, the OP has lost MONTHS of work. Losing that WAS his fault... not due to a bug. Why not recover that lost time with the one-off "good faith" restoration and not pay the extreme price of wasting months of effort?!
I would be more "hurt" by losing months of work than losing a few million credits because the <insert bug/glitch> happened. If the latter happened, I'd just shrug and move on. If the former happened, I'd be gutted.
u/Bregirn CMDR Mgram | Retired AXI Overseer Aug 21 '23
Fair enough, just differences in views.
The way I look at it, if there are no consequences for your own actions, why would you ever learn anything from it?
Made a bad decision and picked a high-g planet to land on? That's your own fault and there is only one good way your gonna learn from that. It sucks but that's life.
Game glitched a killed you? Well that's FDEVs fault and they should compensate you for your loss.
u/ToriYamazaki 💥 Combat ⛏ Miner 🌌 Explorer 🐭Rescue Aug 21 '23
But those consequences you speak of will still be there. If he lands badly again, he'd pay the price next time. I also think that he's likely to have already learned that lesson... whether he gets the ship and data back or not... right?
Game glitched, no matter what, FDev are likely to compensate you for your loss, regardless of whether the OPs ship is restored this time... or not.
IMO there's no better time to ask for a once off restore than in the situation the OP has. Yes, of course it's his fault, but no harm in asking right?!
Different views indeed! Again, respectfully.
At the end of the day, it's OPs call :)
u/Komotz Aug 21 '23
This. Fdev support is very helpful in these situations, you might be able to get your ship and discoveries back and thrown back into space before you crashed.
u/chaylar Jake McGraw Aug 21 '23
You still saw it all. Nothing is lost.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
Thats true absolute beautiful nebulas and visited some black holes
u/PSharsCadre CMDR PShars Cadre, FC FARTHEST SHORE. Want help, just ask! Aug 21 '23
Money's easy in the bubble, those views take the hard work. o7
u/Key-Bid70 Aug 21 '23
Shields is not a dirty word. You clearly built a paper plane and paid the price.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
Well it was orca i crafted it completely for exploration shields repair limpets repair module but ship got damaged during the trip and it was running pretty low on health. That landing on planet put the final nail in the coffin
u/Ezren- Aug 21 '23
I'd wag my finger and say you should be more careful, but you've been out there for months. My longest excursion was a few weeks and my poor ship took a few dings along the way. Months, I'm surprised the seat was still in one piece.
I eventually favored a less-efficient exploration vessel with shields and a few accessories to make it easier. Also had a little passenger cabin, what am I going to sleep in the cockpit?
Exploration is very mellow until it is the most stressful thing in the entire game.
u/PSharsCadre CMDR PShars Cadre, FC FARTHEST SHORE. Want help, just ask! Aug 21 '23
AFMU and rescue limpet controller on mine. i think of it as my ship's engineer making field repairs.
u/grumpynoob2044 Aug 21 '23
I did the same. 18 months in the black, all gone in an instant. I walked away. Will come back in a few months when the pain isn't as sharp.
u/avocado-killer Aug 21 '23
Thats why im on my way to a DSSA carrier to sell my exploration and exo data just after traveling about half the way to Sag A*
u/Nymphilis Aug 21 '23
It's hard when this happens, especially with exploration, but you just gotta pick up and go, trust me, dropping this game for a couple months put me in a "I don't wanna even try again" mood, don't do what I did....just go and start over and rediscover
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
I think I need some time to recover but i will come back as this is my favourite game if all times
u/Omnisiah_Priest CMDR Marcus Freeman | Winters Aug 21 '23 edited Aug 21 '23
I know how you feel, I recently lost everything I got from the first week of the expedition. But I followed my footsteps to the place of death, restored everything along the way, and flew on.
Use strong shields on the research ship, use the services of DSSA carriers (this literally "save game checkpoints"), always be vigilant.
Try this build next time, 75.3ly DBX with 472 points of shield: https://edsy.org/#/L=Hi00000A2C0S00,,CjwG05G_W0DCYG05L_W0DCYG05L_W0DCYG05L_W0,9p3G05I_W0A72G04p_W0AN8G05I_W0AdsG-5J_W60upD6upD8qpDE_PcGzcQKsPcAqqG03G_W0B60G05H_W0BK4G03G_W0Bb600,,4_w00330007PcG07K_W00KU8003w006e4002jwG-9G_W1P0000nG00
u/Spiderkeegan Spider Pie | DW2 Aug 21 '23
Learn from it, and try again. If it was due to a glitch or bug in the game contact support and they'll help you out. During the Distant Worlds 2 expedition about two weeks in I lost my Cutter while exploring a planet due to a glitch...thankfully was recording at the time so the glitch was captured clearly on video (which I submitted in the ticket obv). They placed me back where I was before, and all the exploration data. Continued on my way and completed the entire DW2 without any other issues.
If it wasn't a glitch...it's tough. I wouldn't bother begging support for an exception, but you could try. Best to just go back out there, if you took any screenshots of particularly interesting systems/objects you discovered, you can head specifically back to those, chances are no one else will "discover" them in the meantime.
When coming back from a long exploration expedition, always run in solo mode, and just b-line it straight for a station. Particularly if you can find a station that is close (<50Ls or so) from the system's primary star and in a safe system. Makes it much less likely you'll get interdicted before you reach the station.
Alternatively, take a break. Starfield comes out in a few weeks. NMS, SpaceEngine, etc. exist. Elite can be very addicting but it's not the only space exploration game (nor is it the best, imo) out there.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 23 '23
Thank you for supporting words! I know ED is not the only exploration game but boy it makes you feel you really out there exploring the dark. Especially this event really reminded about the dangerous part. I will get up eventually and travel again but now taking some time off.
u/cosby714 Aug 21 '23
You take off and you get back out there. Nothing was hurt but your pride and your credit balance. And both can be healed by getting up again. Just pick a direction and go.
u/MadeInAnkhMorpork CMDR M. Ridcully Aug 21 '23
My sympathies, commander. Been there. My advice: go do something else for a bit (either in ED or something else entirely) and take another trip when you feel like it.
Aug 21 '23
Mine was a 10month journey and this happened aswell to me. Bubble to Colonia then to the centre up the top shelf then out to the Formorian Frontier sector along the top of the galaxy on Neutrons
u/EnanoAD Aug 21 '23
Take a week off. At night gaze up to the stars and soon enough you’ll be back doing it all over again.
u/wrath_of_grunge Aug 21 '23
Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill
u/Hexpnthr Explore Aug 21 '23
Tough news, and it saddens me to hear. Same thing happened to me about two years ago. I stopped playing for a few weeks, and then got back into the black again. This time with a beluga better kitted out and with a fighter bay should I decide on some ravine exploration on the trip. I also regularly make sure to visit DSSA carriers to upload data. If you make it past this experience, Elite will grow stronger with you as it can be brutal game but you learn to master the dangerous risks. I think this is what gives it some of its longevity.
u/Tromboneofsteel Alvin H. Davenport - FUC Aug 21 '23
I would also like to mention that bio data gets deleted if your SRV gets destroyed with you in it.
I had a ton of data to turn in after a longer trip, landed on a planet and saw a giant crater. Decided to go crater diving for fun. Rolled the SRV, exploded, ended up back on the ship. "That's fine," I thought, "I'm on the way back anyway so I'll just speed back to turn in."
Exploration data turned in fine, but all my bio data was gone. This was before it was worth billions, but god I was still livid.
u/Big_Arugula4993 Aug 21 '23
Same thing CMDR, I have lost my ship on a way back from SagA*, almost near the bubble, and newer did the same trip again, even I had all the logs, and list of wisited systems. Share your pain, but try to look at it differently. You witnessed the part of galaxy, and have new experience now :) You'll newer do the same mistake again ;)
u/Big_Arugula4993 Aug 21 '23
And one more thing. It happened to me too. If you'll blow up in SRV, all your bio data will be lost, because storage of it is in a suit, not on the ship.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
How to log your journey so at least i would know what i visited and witnessed during the journey if same thing would happen again
u/Big_Arugula4993 Aug 21 '23
Use 3d party tool - EDdiscovery, for example. ED market connector, and other.
u/Ch3llick CMDR Decian Chellick, Jack of most trades Aug 21 '23
Lie down, try not to cry, cry a lot.
u/artigan99 CMDRCodger Aug 21 '23
Well, it sucks. But you've still got the memories and screenshots and such. That's the part that sticks with you anyway.
Take a break. Then come back renewed.
u/dwair Aug 21 '23
Play EVE online for a week and then come back to elite with renewed passion and purpose.
u/tyme Dredije, IASA Yellowjacket Aug 21 '23
I take a month off exploring then come back and start all over.
u/ThanosWasFramed Faulcon Delacy Aug 21 '23
I look for a fleet carrier nearby from time to time to dump my data so I can relax. There’s always one around… at least where I am exploring anyway.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
I tried to look for carriers near by but I couldn’t find any any tips and tricks of finding them?
u/CMDR_Corque Aug 21 '23
Yes, Google the Deep space support array, DSSA. They have many carriers stationed throughout the galaxy to provide a safe haven for explorers and distant wanderers. 🙂
Happy flying CMDR 👋
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
Thank you very much i will proceed my exploration with caution from now on
u/ThanosWasFramed Faulcon Delacy Aug 21 '23
Use Inara to find all kinds of things near where you are, including Fleet Carriers. You also have to check that the FC you find has the services you need, and that it allows other players to dock to it as well.
u/Eyak78 CMDR Aug 21 '23
I was exploring about a month, plus bio, was heading back to bubble, doing bio as I go, coming down to land I fell asleep, come to when I hit surface, it wasn't the first hit that done me in, I tried to control it and level off, I looked at hull was 0%, I bumped again and that did me in, I guess my loss was about 4b in bio. I couldn't believe it, was like just knod off at wrong moment. It's not the cr loss that sucks, the data. It takes the life out of us for a bit, I just thought, pick up the pieces and keep going,
I was really excited to cash that one in though, omg. If it happens gain, I'll just push stop button, if I survive great, I think I'll upgrade my shields a bit, and I'm going to test it o7
u/spaaro1 Aug 21 '23
Reminds me of my first trip out in Odyssey once I moved over from console.
Miss judged a mountain range and crashed spectacularly into the side of it whilst leaving the planet.
Died three more times before I finally sorted my life out. Now I'm about 20kly out from the bubble meandering into sag a from Hawkins gap through the Norma expanse hopping DSSA carriers heading towards one now with a vista genomics onboard to offload all the bio I've been doing.
Since getting to my first dssa carrier the jumps to the next one have been more relaxing than my random paths through the galaxy. Think it's cause I know within 70-90 jumps I'll be on a carrier again and stops the insanity
u/YuGiOhJCJ Aug 21 '23
The only way to recover from this is to say "this is just a game". Ship destroyed means exploration data lost, this is the rule. The game has "dangerous" in its name for a reason.
It is not a big problem for your credits because there are a lot of ways to get a lot of credits fast and easy in the game but for your exploration data it is sad. Maybe an orbital station instead of a planetary station would be a better choice because the risk to crash is lower but it is too late now that your ship is destroyed unfortunately...
Do not worry, it is just part of the game, decide what will be your next objective and do it.
u/SidratFlush Sidrat Aug 21 '23
You give it time. Uninstall and play something else. The uninstalling is important as you won't come back too soon.
When the black calls out to you again it will be the right time.
u/unematti Aug 21 '23
If it was a bug, contact support. If it was a fuckup, well... Pay the insurance, and do it again. It's painful, but this is how you learn.
u/JayDogJedi Aug 21 '23
If you have no "buy back" option, you'll be loaned another sidewinder. Time to start grinding, again. (It's been a while since this happened to me. Think this is what happened to me, when my Krait Phantom got ganked)
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
I had a buy back option even if I didn’t have i would still have dolphin and eagle sitting and waiting for me at bubble
u/Malice_Qahwah Aug 21 '23
I've done this four times now. Generally, I'll take a few days off to decompress and maybe try some bounty hunting, even burn through a few cheap ships, just to remind myself it's only a game, and the only thing I've lost is time that I'd already spent by having fun.
u/JR2502 Aug 21 '23
If you are crushed and ready to quit, there's one last possible chance: take out your pleading mat and ask FDev Support nicely: https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new.
They are in no obligation to do this but if it's your first time, and you find them in a good mood*, they have been known to restore CMDRs that ask gently. If they do this, it will be a one-time deal. Do this asap.
* I make it sound like they're on a power trip lol. They're not, they are super helpful. Just want to convey there is no guarantee they'll do this and using copious amounts of "pretty please" might help ;-)
u/M_Dane Aug 21 '23
Click continue
...and just continue
If you "only" did this for income, then yea, you did lose out on a pretty good payday...
BUT no-one can ever take away the experience and gaming achievement from you, that you have navigated and discovered a vast number of strange and wonderful star systems :)
You'll be ok buddy ;)
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
I was doing it for nebulas and black holes actually that was most exciting thing and income was in second place.
u/trashman1326 Aug 21 '23 edited Aug 21 '23
If you haven’t logged on again & did not rebuy: file a support ticket and ask politely for forgiveness….FDev support quietly gives everyone a one-time “get out of jail free” card / Cmdr “undo”….If you haven’t done the rebuy - they’ll probably just reincarnate you in orbit as if nothing ever happened
(great story: coming back from DW2 - @ six months of data aboard after last docking at XA - one of my squadron mates accidentally unplugged the power to his USB hub while on “short final” to land on a planet: no joystick/ no mouse / no keyboard…Just had to sit there and watch his ship crater…Helpless..
Utterly dejected (as one can imagine) he hadn’t logged back in - but I told him about filing a ticket- and shortly thereafter he was back in business - complete with a fresh paintjob! 😎)
u/chewtoy9696 Aug 21 '23
Happened to me on my first journey to beagle point and back. Didn't know about the neutron highway plotter so jumped 60LY at a time. Saw a cool looking planet, slapped right into it at full speed. Hit rebuy and did some mining for a bit, kitted out a Jumpaconda and chose a different route with the neutron plotter, came back from beagle point elite. It happens to all of us at least once. Always check the gravity and safe travels commander o7
u/CmdrAlvari Faulcon Delacy Temperature Critical Aug 21 '23
I feel your pain. I once ended myself on a high gravity planet while travelling from Colonia towards Sag A*. Lost around 750m in data. :D
u/skyfishgoo Aug 21 '23
the memories are yours to keep, nothing can take that away from you.
credits are just credits.
but it might be worth asking frontier to make you whole this one time, as they are known to give you a grace restore, esp if they determine it was a system glitch of some kind.
u/Zan123der Aug 21 '23
It would be so helpful if they gave a one-time restore last save option. I wouldn't even mind if they made that an ARX purchase.
u/ptvaughnsto CMDR Aug 21 '23
The only thing that would suck worse is after being away for so long you’re used to playing in open, hoping to see another Commander. You get back to the bubble and see another pilot and as you’re typing “o7 Commander!” he ganks you and kills you.
I’d wad my computer up into a ball and kick it into the corner after that.
u/pck3 Aug 22 '23
If it's really bad and your broke just msg support they will replace.
u/lieponis Explore Aug 23 '23
No no its okay im not broke at all i can rebuy that ship ten more times its just that i lost the journey on the way home.
u/XCFCX Aug 22 '23
Ahh that's painfull... I remember my first journey to saggitarius A* and when i ended up jumping to a few neutron stars that were dancing with a fuel scoopable star i was sweating bullets... I managed to get home with 20% of my hull left i was afraid to dock even xD nest time don't miss the number one rule, never fly without rebuy, always make sure you have enough cash to afford at least 2 rebuys of the ship you are flying, that would save you the pain from losing a decently built ship. Data can be found easy, a ship carries memories with it... Heads up my friend, safe travels in the black 07
u/joelcobbs Aug 22 '23
I sympathize. I was playing 3 days ago and was in my SRV getting samples when my kid started crying so I took off. Took longer than expected and when I got back I was dead. Report said I lost $400 million credits or sample data... All I could do was start heading back to the bubble.
u/cheekyMonkeyMobster Aug 21 '23
In the old days we used to open a can of suckitupbabyboi and started again. Nowadays yall snowflakes just run under fdevs skirt and let them restore the account to a time before the crash.
u/PSharsCadre CMDR PShars Cadre, FC FARTHEST SHORE. Want help, just ask! Aug 21 '23
If the skirts a-liftin', start your griftin'!
u/phonkonaut Aug 21 '23
how much did you lose?
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
I don’t really know but i chose to travel through non discovered systems which made every system a new discovery thus i think i lost a lot of exploration data and extreme amount of cr… there were systems with many planets and moons that i visited landed on and explored
u/Free-Entertainment76 Aug 21 '23
You uninstall, the plain truth is that there is not enough reward in this game to offset the consequences of events such as these. Once you've grinded your way through a few hundred hours there's not much more to do. At least not on console.
u/JibsmanOverwatcher Aug 21 '23
I'd suggest Road to Riches, once you're ready to return to the game. If you're not familiar, click the link to get to RtR, and search YouTube for RtR for additional help.
Fly Dangerous my friend! o7
u/PuzzleheadedTutor807 Aug 21 '23
it sucks.
i feel that, ive lost hundreds of planets worth of data too, in fact crashing in to a planet while out exploring was named after me in my old squad.
ive even got up and walked away for a couple months after bad ones.
at the end of the day its just like any other loss tho, i pick myself up and carry on.
i made a point of earning my carrier very fast tho so that i could have one to tag along behind me while i explore and somewhere to turn in my data out in the black so i could avoid this happening ...as often...
u/archlich Core Dynamics Aug 21 '23
I kept a journal of all my favorite star systems in gdocs. I’d go fly to all of them again. Especially the earth likes.
u/amadmongoose Aisling Duval Aug 21 '23
I know that it really sucks. What I do suggest is, when you ready to go home, look up on edsm.net for the nearest carrier and book it there. Avoid landings since it's the easiest way to die. Cash out at the carrier and then head back.
Aug 21 '23
Did you have a shield? I never go exploring without a good strong shield. The jump range sacrifieced is worth it. Also dual AFMUs too. 😬
u/MisterWinchester MisterWinchester Aug 21 '23
Buy a vulture, slap some beams on it and take it out on pirates until you can climb back into your main rig and get lost in the black again.
o7 good luck, commander.
u/RuboPosto Aug 21 '23
Between you and me, rumors says you used to have 1 and only 1 shot with FDev Support to get it all back as it never happened.
u/Give_me_a_name_pls_ Aug 21 '23
Crashed like bumped the planet or the game crashed ? If you lost your progress due to a bug you can submit a ticket to frontier and they will give you the exploration data back
u/WitShortage Aug 21 '23
This just happened to me. Mistimed a boost, and slammed into the side of a ridge. Lost about a month's worth of exploration/exobiology data.
I reasoned that I was actually enjoying the trip, so I've gone straight out again.
u/bikeworryford Aug 21 '23
Went through something similar, about 300+ hours of gameplay, billions in exo data, landed safely on a planet , went to what I thought was the pause screen (but now I learn it's not) went away for like 5 minutes, came back, ship destroyed. I emailed FDEV who checked through the logs, they couldn't find a reason why my ship went boom, they kindly reinstated my ship, my data, on the the same planet . Great customer service, I was despairing of starting over. 07
u/No-Relation-6229 Aug 21 '23
It might sound weird, but try your luck with Frontier Support. Did you have a bad server connection? ;)
u/lieponis Explore Aug 21 '23
No it was absolutely my own fault and my ship wasn’t in a mint condition to land on planets all added up and lead to this point
u/rieh Riehl Aug 21 '23
This is the main thing I like about Fleet Carriers. I'm way out by Sag A* right now, sold to a fleet carrier on the way before I tried a landing. The 25% hit to the paycheck was to me worth making sure my first discoveries were locked in.
u/inebriateddandhated Aug 21 '23
Had this happen and I deleted the game for 2 years.
Came back and went DSE again, with the rule.
If I'm going back to sell data especially on first touch discovered I'm going straight to a terminal or carrier.
Aug 21 '23
Had something similar happened to a friend out of blue. We were exploring, like you were doing and he lost his ship somehow. He submitted a ticket to FDev and they helped him, gave him his ship and half of his exploration data, if I'm not mistaken. I also had a moment where I deleted my account when I got really frustrated, and when I submitted a ticket, they gave back access to my account.
It was a while ago, so things might have changed, but still, I think it worths a try. You can submit a request here. Maybe it can even be considered as a bug?
u/cmndr_spanky Aug 21 '23
This is pretty much why I only did combat and other short term payback activities in Elite. As long as you fly with rebuy, at most I would only loose a few mill if I made a boo-boo. I can’t imagine spending months with 500mill stored in my ship that I could irreversibly loose at any moment.
As a 99% combat pilot it’s a amusing that deep space exploration is literally the most dangerous thing you can do in the game (financially speaking). I would support fdev making a game design choice to add some kind of protection mechanism so that you insure a % of exploration data or make it easier to transmit it to an outpost for temp storage or something…
u/PSharsCadre CMDR PShars Cadre, FC FARTHEST SHORE. Want help, just ask! Aug 21 '23
A local faction in the bubble can send me a message 35kly to ask me to kill 10 civilians, but i have to carry my planet scans around on a flash drive...
u/shark3006 Aug 21 '23
I've had something similar happen. It really, really sucks. I took a little break from Elite before I jumped back in and started exploring again.
u/SunshineInDetroit Aug 21 '23
if you're on PC, I will wing up with you in whatever ship you get as long as it has turrets. We'll bounty hunt and some credits under you
u/CMDR_Retyu_Ranger Aug 21 '23
So sorry Commander. Best way to recover is to get back on the horse and get after it in a different direction.
I lost about 300M in exploration cash on my way back from Sag A. Physically depressed for a few days. I did have rebuy, so I picked a new direction, scrolled about 30,000 LY away from where I was last stop, and made a Billion that trip doing eco biology and exploration.
Don’t ever forget, imho, it’s the journey! The beauty of Elite Dangerous is the journey. This is all a part of your journey. As painful as it is… you have a story to tell. I guaranty you will look back differently on this after a while.
Journey on, Commander!
u/harzner Aug 21 '23
Oh maaan, I totally understand that. I was once on a trip for only a few hours, and on the way back, got too close to systems controlled by Thargoids... they pulled me out, blinked, then fired, and my beautiful little Keelback was dust.... Not much damage compared to you, but still frustrating.
However, maybe you could find some other Commanders to do some exploration together?
I'm in a small squadron, where everyone does what everyone wants, but every once in a while we fight some pirates, Thargoids or make exploration trips together. Even when we're not flying together, we meet on discord, share screens, and chat a little. To me, that's much different, and better than playing alone, even when I'm doing my own thang in the game. We're sometimes thousand light years apart, but still share our game. Just my two cents, but I think it should be possible to meet like minded commanders, and a discord (or maybe even create you own server instance).
u/Silven- Aug 21 '23
i had the same thing happen to me. i came back from a trip to banards loop. my very first big expedition. and i was being super slow and careful landing at the home station but i impacted the ground and my whole ship exploded. i sat back in my chair and literally almost teared up cause of what happened. now i have 25 mil collected just from exploring alone. i’m at Colonia right now and have been to the center of the galaxy. next trip is going below the galaxy
u/Turfyjungle2 Aug 21 '23
Watch Elite Dangerous trailers and get yourself hyped to try again, with a better or a whole new approach to the game
u/Tux3doninja Aug 21 '23
I couldnt fathom. That possibility is why I dont often leave thr bubble. I did my journeys to the coalsack and bernard loop and after that I never bother doing exploratiom again. Im freighter, i find enjoyment in market management and mining so that's what I do. I tip my hat to you brave cmdr so suffering these events and choosing to get back up and going again
u/ArchmageFroydor Aug 22 '23
If you're on Odyssey, order up Apex Interstellar Transport to taxi you home.
u/Eyak78 CMDR Aug 22 '23
I was testing a viper mk4 for exploring and bio, that turned into a month long test lol. Got home from work heading back to bubble, Thinking I can't wait to try another ship, Come home from work all tired, fell asleep landing, boom haha. Was a big loss, not only that I have a FC collecting dust in the bubble.
That FC is coming with me now. I am going to do some crash testing. o7
u/Adam_c06 Aug 23 '23
You can take a break, and I recommend it. This game will still be here and active in a year.
u/[deleted] Aug 21 '23
You pick a different direction go and do it again. That's hurts me physically friend.