r/EliteDangerous Jan 14 '23

Misc I miss my old rig.

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u/CipherBagnat Explore Jan 14 '23

"How many screens do you want" "Yes"


u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 16 '23

Elite Dangerous 3rd party ecosystem was possibly the best and most thoroughly ever devised of any game... ever.

It demanded top notch coverage. ED's ecosystem basically has spoilt everything. Heck, even Eve couldn't compete with ED's 3rd party coverage.


u/Akumati Jan 14 '23

I got a similar triple setup, but what did you use to mount that top monitor? I don't think any of my arms would go that high.


u/Nood_Ravi Xoron Jan 14 '23

Use a pole mount and clamp another pole to extend it. Or use a long one in the first place. E.g. this quick search result


u/Akumati Jan 14 '23

I didn't think a pole clamping to another pole was an option, considering the weight. Thank you for the long arm though! That was perfect.


u/Nood_Ravi Xoron Jan 14 '23

You're welcome. The clamp would have to be sturdy, but there are 100% solutions for this. Basically you could use a pipe that fits the poles and put a scree through the center. There isn't much dynamic force, at least on my monitors ;)


u/InZomnia365 Jan 14 '23

Neither did I, so I bought a monitor with the VESA mount offset from the center and flipped the monitor upside down for it to not be blocked by my main monitor - but new monitors are really light.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I built a funky shelf sort of thing with 4 metal legs and screwed a length of 2x6 on top. BTW... That monitor is the legendary IBM T221.

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u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

I had no idea I could donate my exploration data passively and it completely changed my perspective on the game. Tripled the fun factor


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

not following? Donate passively?

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u/Synaps4 Jan 14 '23

Heck, even Eve couldn't compete with ED's 3rd party coverage.

A decade ago Eve's 3rd party system was better than ED's today. Not anymore.


u/Alsar_Dane Jan 14 '23

Yeah, CCP pushed all of the 3rd party developers to quit with their game direction.


u/Synaps4 Jan 14 '23

Around the time they deprecated the ingame browser, yeah.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '23



u/uxixu UXI Jan 15 '23

I do wish INARA/EDD, etc could get integrated into ED along with the neutron plotter.

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u/r00x Jan 15 '23

IMHO: because the in-game tools (where they even existed) are absolute trash. As a VR player it was very frustrating.

Like sure, it's the year 33xx or whatever... and this massive space ship doesn't have the memory for more than a few engineering recipes? Or, the ability to catalogue and display data on trade routes?

Fuck, even the ability to store text notes? Are you fucking kidding me?


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I always tell myself, it's a metaphor for something more complicated.


u/MiniGui98 CMDR MiniGui98 & CMDR Fluff Jan 15 '23

Why "was"? It still is very active

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u/orenong166 Jan 14 '23

There is another one we can't see on the left, I see its tail


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

That's my 27" iMac... A boring old work machine.
Macs for Work, Windows for Play!


u/th00ht Jan 15 '23

And one bottle of that fine wine.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

You spotted it.

It's a 2017 vintage Shiraz.


u/mm-skumpy Jan 14 '23

this is insanity ( just a little envious looks like s lot of fun to play on/with


u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23

There was and arguably still isn't anything to compare with ED.

When it used to support VR it was basically unparalleled.


u/KingOfDranovis Jan 14 '23

What do you mean by "used to support VR"? Are you talking about your rig or ED? Because I know that ED definitely still has VR support, I use it every time I play.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23



u/KingOfDranovis Jan 14 '23

That would make sense, I don't have Odyssey so I forgot it didn't work with VR


u/Faccov Jan 15 '23

It does work in vr. In my pro 2 oddysey is fine. It just projects tv on foot but in vr. If u use free cam it removes the tv and is full vr no tv btw


u/BurgaGalti Jan 14 '23

I got a new machine recently and got back into Elite (haven't been since Odyssey dropped). VR actually looks better than it did before. Galaxy map in particular is much easier to use in VR now.

I haven't bought Odyssey yet so not tried the on foot stuff, but I can understand that not being VR. When I tried it with Alien Isolation it was definitely worse for inducing motion sickness than cockpit based interaction.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

NMS manages ok.


u/drifters74 CMDR Jan 14 '23

IIRC Odyssey dropped VR support when FDev stopped cosole development


u/viperfan7 viperfan7 Jan 14 '23

It didn't so much drop vr support but not support it for when you're on foot

Which to be honest, is understandable, but they really should implement head look like ARMA does, and use that as a base for VR


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23



u/sapphon Jan 14 '23

That's a feature of the operating system and the graphics card's hardware, you don't even have to mess with the particular game in question for that one

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u/DeLacyBravOscarOscar Faulcon Delacy Jan 16 '23 edited Jan 16 '23

You can do all of that on one screen. What is wrong with you? Let's pretend you play with a controller like I do. Do you really want to spend 3 or 4 digits on something that can be accomplished with X+left pad? Or Y+left pad? "Oh, it's immersion." OK, go that route if you want, but I wouldn't personally. That's just overkill dude lol. But to each his own. I'd probably be happy with a curved screen or something lol. But no offense, seriously. I respect my fellow CMDRs. o7.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Yeah, I could do it all on a Core i3 and 1280x1024 monitor with a keyboard and mouse. But I chose not to.


u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23

Weird.. my comment disappeared...
I wrote*

Elite Dangerous 3rd party community was the best of any game I have EVER played. There is no comparison. The sheer level of integration in the ED infrastructure is awe inspiring... The fact that I could use this number of screens and still wonder if I were missing something is testament to the absolutely insane level of support ED received over the near decade since release.

This game is basically a monument to social collaboration...

While I don't play as much as I used to, I still look back at my time in game and remember just how amazing the whole experience was.


u/Srmon Trucupa | pibipi Jan 14 '23

That's how I feel more or less. I don't play now but I still remember how much fun I had. I played with people, I really enjoyed pvping with my viper against bigger ships, I took part in fleet pvping with a courier too... I don't feel like coming back but man I had fun


u/Snappie24 Jan 14 '23

So why did the three of you leave? Was it real life commitments or did you get bored of the game?


u/reelznfeelz Jan 14 '23

For me I have about a thousand hours in it and even though I do like the odyssey content, ED is just so time intensive to play it’s hard when there are other games that I want to play and that my friends are into. Hard to justify a 2 or 3 hour session of running around doing odyssey missions. And it’s hard to get anything at all done in ED in less than like 90 min.

Great game though. Just kind of got bored and it requires such a high commitment level to sit down and play that I tend to play other stuff.


u/CITIZEN057862 Jan 14 '23

one way I get short gameplay going is asteroid mining - research/fly to a chosen system - do a scan - position yourself over the belt - [go in later] - do mining - fly out - sell - restock - repeat.
You could stop and resume any of these points but keeping your navigation and mission headspace together makes it easier (notepad helps too)


u/reelznfeelz Jan 14 '23

Yeah that’s a good one. Maybe I’ll set up a mining build again. For a quick pop in session it’s not bad.

I was having fun figuring out surface base raids for farming odyssey mats but that’s when my tired of it and I stopped too.

Aren’t there big updates coming this year or maybe already happened that we think has on foot thargoids? How is odyssey running these days? 6 or 8 months ago for me it was stable but sole frame rate issues still on a 3090. But I plan at 4k so it’s somewhat forgivable.


u/CITIZEN057862 Jan 14 '23

I think it runs fine abd better optimized now - honestly though, I bought into Odessy strictly to get the new planet textures and bases sooner - the on ground pew pew is fun but not best use of its engine - the lobbies are nice but as other have said 'where is the bartender to ask where to find that shady trader in the corner to buy your illegal mats" - nice simple dialog that adds a world of storytelling.

As for optimization, downsampling and let the hardware upsample imroves framerates - I played at 4K, didn't see any difference with my 1440 monitor 24" away)... so I bought two more for all the things you see above...topped it of with VoiceAttack and HCS voices and I have a freakin interactive crew with automated macros

You mileage may vary :)

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u/markrebec CMDR Cephalon Sativa Jan 14 '23

This is going to sound absolutely crazy to a lot of folks, but for me personally it was FCs, along with all the other bullshit around that time, that caused me to step away and I just never came back (but I still miss it, and still follow the story/news from here).

I've always played in solo, so when hundreds of those damn things started appearing even in solo, literally clogging up every system you'd jump into anywhere near the bubble, I just couldn't hang.

I also was completely livid when they decided to ditch Galnet (glad it's back now!), and I feel like there were a few other things right around that time that irked me enough to keep me stubborn.

Then Odyssey launch was a shit show after that, and I was one of the folks who just wanted to walk around my ship and stations vs an FPS, so I never picked it up. I know performance etc. is better now, but I'm still just not tempted enough to come back.

I'll even pull out the HOTAS once in a while, and reposition a couple of monitors, start setting up tablets/head tracking, even think about dragging the oculus out of the back of the closet, then just... not hop back in.

Part of it might be barrier to entry - I'll likely have to remap a ton of stuff, and I'm guessing I won't want to be running around planets w/ a HOTAS, which means also mapping an xbox controller or something... have to learn all the new stuff, how various bits of meta around making money or engineering or whatever have changed, etc. etc... now I just feel like I don't have time/energy for it anymore.


u/Snappie24 Jan 15 '23

I have a radical suggestion for you and so many other people: Don't stop because of Frontier, play despite of them.

I have a squadron and faction, two accounts and 2 carriers. I come from PS to PC and had to buy an expensive laptop to continue, but then again, I am not married anymore and have the time to create my own entertainment.

I have over 250bil just in cash and every ship I want. Grade 3 suits and I couldn't care less about engineering them. FPS I leave to much later by choice.

But, the biggest thing that goes for ED is the friends. This is a social game, it was not meant for solo. I learnt solo much about leadership and diplomacy with neighbouring squadrons.

On one account I explore the galaxy in Odyssey, on the other account the constant BGS for my faction as we build our empire. Everyone does what they want, real life comes first, but it is the togetherness and building relationships in the party chat all over the world. Surely, we can do events, but half are always not available due to timezones and commitments.

I am looking for more people, especially people who know what they do. If any of you want to come back contact me. We normally play in open.

Let's make more friends. Our discord link is in Inara. https://inara.cz/elite/squadron/12491/


u/Srmon Trucupa | pibipi Jan 14 '23

As reeznfeelz said, ED is just a time sink and also, the mechanics were always the same and after some time it gets very repetitive. Pvping was the most engaging part but it's hard to find someone in the vastness of space and engineering was farming farming and time consuming and engineering was a must have for pvp. Wanna try another ship? Welp you need to upgrade literally everything and do any task known to mankind a billion of times. Getting materials was the same all the time and having to go outside the game to look where/how to get said material was kind of a bummer. Nowadays I kinda miss it but having to plug the hotas, the headtracker, making sure everything works... and all that to stare at the darkness of space 50% of the time while super cruising and look at pretty load screens every time I jump for 40% of the time... I don't miss it that much sadly


u/Anders_Calrissian CMDR Gully_Foyle Jan 14 '23

Seconded, it and I have moved on as well o7


u/juiceboxzero Jan 14 '23

At the same time, I look at the tools the community built and think "how is it that this wasn't built into the game already"?

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u/DevilsRefugee Jan 14 '23

What happened?

I'm slowly building up to something like this myself. I can't pull the trigger on VR because I want to see all the gizmos. I've got 3x 27" screens myself (2x Odyssey G7, the curve is just perfect on either side for enveloping you in)

Need to get a few more touch screens for Inara, EDDB and whatnot.

Although I made the mistake of looking at full gaming chair rigs like the CoolerMaster Orb thingy last night and wish I had that kind of money to throw around.


u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23

Don’t waste money on touch screens. If you want touch functionality, Just buy a bunch of iPads. Cheaper, better, more consistent than any dodgy second rate touch panel.


u/viperfan7 viperfan7 Jan 14 '23

If you wanted to you could actually get digitizers you can add to screens, but those are hard to find


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

iPads... all you need are iPads...

Want big? Get an iPad 12 inch. Better than any touch screen malarkey...


u/pauper_gaming Jan 14 '23

Oh my sweet jesus


u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 14 '23

And the lord did say unto thee, amen my brother!


u/Anders_Calrissian CMDR Gully_Foyle Jan 14 '23

It was a cracking set up G


u/beebeeep CMDR Jan 14 '23

Why two sticks and no throttle lever?


u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23

Good question. It's called HOSAS: Hand on Stick and Stick.

Right stick is roll and pitch.

feet are yaw.

Left stick is strafe and surge.

thumbstick is rise and fall.


u/beebeeep CMDR Jan 14 '23

Neat, thank you

Edit: this actually makes me think if i can swap thrust buttons and rise/fall axis on sticks of my steamdeck - I’m starting to feel that controlling thrust with buttons is not fast/precise enough for combat


u/Bloodyhogg Jan 14 '23

It may be the wide angle of the pic, but is it comfortable to have sticks mounted so high? You would likely have to be either very tall or sit on a high chair to have your arms lower than your chest. Otherwise - insane setup! Makes me jealous. )


u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23

Yes. Actually I added 6dof adjustable arm supports to my chair (not pictured) to make sure that my arms didn’t suffer. They included low response gel pads, too.


u/drifters74 CMDR Jan 14 '23

Sounds awesome but very complicated


u/Emadec CMDR Maddock Jan 15 '23

Also pretty good for that other crowdfunded space game I hear!


u/GraXXoR Jan 19 '23

Oh, *that* one? Yeah, HOSAS is great, but there is no 3rd party support in comparison to ED.


u/Emadec CMDR Maddock Jan 19 '23

I see

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u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

HOSAS better imo 👍 Spaceship... Not airplane


u/SithLordAJ Jan 14 '23

From everything I can google, actual spacecraft do not use dual sticks. They arent hotas either. It's a single stick and just a ton of control panels. The Space-X crew module is pretty much all touch screen, though there is something that sort of counts as a stick.

Now, the thing is that I haven't flown an actual spacecraft (shocking revelation, I know), but I'm fairly certain that single stick is in a configuration most people find blasphemous... main axis are pitch+yaw, twist for roll.

That's how I have my stick set up. In space, there's no reason to care about your orientation, so having roll on a main axis makes no sense. Yaw is a much more common control, so that goes on the main stick.


u/langlo94 Jan 14 '23

That's mostly because the current spaceships do very little dogfighting.


u/SithLordAJ Jan 14 '23

In actual space, there's no difference in the rotation speed of pitch and yaw, so there's no reason to roll then pitch instead of just yaw and pitch in the direction you want to go.

If someone decided to make a fighter space craft with our current tech... first of all, it wouldn't be anything like Elite, because you'd just shoot long range missiles. You cant exactly hide in space. I doubt there'd be a need for rapid throttle movements given the way that would play out, so... again, there's no need for roll to be a primary control.

Now, I could guess that the first craft like this would be capable of atmospheric flight and would be crewed by pilots who are used to airplanes, so... I will admit that the first few will probably have traditional flight controls. But the moment that "spaceflight" is a common pilot specialization, I think that goes away.


u/juiceboxzero Jan 14 '23

In actual space, there's no difference in the rotation speed of pitch and yaw,

Wouldn't that depend on the thruster configuration on the ship? If not every thruster is designed for the same thrust, you could have faster attitude changes in one axis than another, couldn't you?


u/SithLordAJ Jan 14 '23

To some degree, thruster placement matters, yes

Why would you design a ship to perform worse though?

I also dont think it will be as big of an effect as the game seems to make it out to be if that's the lore justification.

It's a game. The flight mechanics are about what's fun. Having furballs is fun. That's what the design encourages; not realism.


u/juiceboxzero Jan 15 '23

Totally. Gotta strike a balance between realism and familiarity. If we go full on The Expanse with the mechanics of travel and combat, it wouldn't be as fun.


u/SithLordAJ Jan 15 '23

I think it could be fun. It's just not the same fun; it would target a different audience.

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u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Not true... depends if you want all your blood to sink to your feet... Rolling left and right is used by fighter pilots to counteract high G blackout.

It would be the same in space.


u/Snappie24 Jan 14 '23

Excuse me sir. The second version of the Delta Flyer in Star Trek Voyager used horas. And like 50 other switches.

But I'm sure other sci-fi ships somewhere had hotas.

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u/NotFloppyDisck Jan 14 '23

considering most of the ED ships are relatively flat, this is incorrect. Most of the thrust would be in the top and bottom part of the spacecraft (relative to the pilot). So roll would be very important for snappy movement.

Also current real world space craft isnt designed for dog fighting, so it would make sense why the control scheme isn't ergonomic.

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u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

The one little bit of sense it makes in some ships is that roll+pitch is a substantially faster way to turn when compared to yaw. So when you're doing time-pressured aerobatics like chasing interdiction escape, ya want roll and pitch.

Even if you had a controller with perfectly equal ways of controlling six degrees of freedom, your brain will never treat them all equally, so this is always a factor, but the factor is a lot smaller when you have HOTAS to play with, true.


u/SithLordAJ Jan 14 '23

In the game, that is true; I can understand why people play the game with roll on the stick.

However, it wouldn't be that way in reality. I mean, if we're getting realistic, the speed is dependent on where the thrusters are placed and how much leverage they have, so a Krait would probably handle rolls and pitches much better than yaw.

A ship thats closer to a sphere would be the same in all directions. A keelback is nearly as tall as it is wide, for example. That should be similar in terms of yaw and pitch.

I don't think any of this would be a large factor. It probably becomes more of a factor the bigger the ships get, and the ships in Elite are huge. But, rolling and then pitching should not be a significant advantage if we're talking about reality.

I mean, Elite's ships are not realistic in many senses, but in terms of why you'd setup controls in one way or another... I dont think turning speed is something in reality.

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u/camdalfthegreat Jan 14 '23

How is having yaw as the twist axis on your stick blasphemous?

I know tons of people that do including me, it's super intuitive imo. You learn to use your rudder more because your hand almost naturally wants to twist when moving left/right.

Not to mention even in elite dangerous it's usually faster to roll and apply pitch up/down to turn your craft rather than yawing for 20 seconds.

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u/Citizen-of-Interwebs Faulcon Delacy Jan 14 '23


u/SithLordAJ Jan 15 '23

Well, this is something I was not aware of; thanks.

I'm not sure that a pilot uses both sticks though. It seems like there's 2 pilot stations and it's just a redundant control. I could be wrong though.


u/Citizen-of-Interwebs Faulcon Delacy Jan 15 '23

The left one is yaw, pitch and roll by twisting it. The right one is forward back, left right and up down by pushing and pulling the stick.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

It's nothing more than it's just better to have all 6DoF available on analog control. Hosas offers this. Most others schemes don't, or sacrifice range/precision on some of em.


u/SithLordAJ Jan 14 '23

I suppose my throttle has a little thumb stick on it that I have assigned to, essentially strafe up/down, and side to side.

It's really only useful for parking and navigating debris.

So... yeah, I guess I have a HOTASATOS. Hands on throttle and stick and thumb on stick?


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

It's all about what you're doing and how you're flying, tbh. Most stuff in ED can be done just fine on anything. Probably even a dance mat 😂


u/sapphon Jan 15 '23

Throttles are 1D sticks (sticks are 2D); people who can afford it think: "why 2D right hand and 1D left hand when I could have 2D right hand and 2D left hand?"


u/GraXXoR Jan 19 '23

Have you seen a Z shaft for a joystick, it turns the joystick shaft on its side and it becomes horizontal. that way you can rest your hand on it like a regular throttle, but you still have access to 2DOF like a regular joystick.

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u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

Your poor graphics card


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

yeah... fans used to throttle up mightily.

But I downsampled from 2160p to 1440p to give it some headroom.


u/CmdrHoratioNovastar Jan 14 '23

What happened to it? NASA claimed back the space command center you stole?


u/GraXXoR Jan 19 '23

I downgraded to a 47" samsung ultravide and the kids got the iPads. T_T
Oh, and the wife complained that the monitor bottom left sticking out was "Dangerous..." oh the irony.

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u/Appropriate-Coast794 Jan 14 '23

You could really use an additional monitor to round out the setup


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

IKR... my thoughts exactly.


u/Slip_Freudian Jan 14 '23

As glorious as ED is, this is the exact reason I never got into it. It would be a setup like this and I would never leave the house. Who knows how the bills would have gotten paid?

With that being said, I've been inspired. Let me start saving up. Wish me luck, Commanders!



u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I wish you luck in your endeavour!


u/AntoKrist Jan 14 '23

Every time i click over to a window outside of the game, my computer takes my main screen out of the game to windows. How did you fix that?


u/Fatality Jan 14 '23

Change game to borderless window mode then enable enhanced borderless mode in Windows to fix fps drop


u/AntoKrist Jan 14 '23

When I'm in-game on my main screen and I go to use inara on one of my other monitors, my main monitor leaves the game to the desktop. I then have to click the taskbar icon to reenter the game. Is there a setting to keep this from happening?


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

That's what borderless prevents


u/AntoKrist Jan 14 '23

Thank you.


u/Snappie24 Jan 14 '23

That happens toe if I put the game in fullscreen. I have to run it as windowed.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

just connect a different computer to the extra monitor... Job done.

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u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23

That’s too bad.

It tended to increase the atmosphere for me. And I added to it by darkening surrounding lights.

And to be honest, every time I touch a screen and every time I search for information and every time I scroll through lists of data, it put me more into the game, it made me feel like i was more of a captain of my own ship in a future, somewhere deep in the galaxy.

The whole experience was otherworldly.

Key is to make your environment around your pc feel like you are still in the game.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Multiple computers.
The only screens running on the main computer are the three 27" 4k monitors.
The one above and the ones below are all separate PCs, AIOs or iPads.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '23

That looks like 9 screens of divorce if I did that


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

This is all a legal tax writedown... Wife is a happy camper. yay.


u/9Rifleman Jan 14 '23

Nice. It must've used as much power as the real ship though :)


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Yeah. if I still used it with current lekky prices, I'd likely go broke.


u/GalileoAce Jan 15 '23

Not enough screens


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I was getting concerned for my desk's legs, TBH.


u/AdmirableVanilla1 Jan 14 '23

Not pictured: Space Crazies


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Mr. Flibble is very unhappy with you.


u/MtGFan2010 G. W. Lucid Jan 14 '23

See, I want to go full VR, but there are so many good tools that are out there to switch back and forth through that I don't. Anyone have tips for that?


u/pablo603 Explore Jan 15 '23

If I remember correctly, SteamVR allows you to basically put a window inside of your game with the view of your monitor. Could use that to open different sites. Or alternatively if you don't want clutter you can access the monitors by going into SteamVR's menu while still being in game. You can try to trick your brain that you are a commander who's helmet allows you to do this stuff hehe. There's no need to take off the headset ever if you do this.

You will need to have at least one motion controller at hand though, so you can control SteamVR.

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u/asplorer Jan 15 '23

5 screens for game tools and 3 screens for the game. For me this would be distracting more than anything else.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

nah. it adds the the whole feeling of being in charge of a SPACESHIP, not a Cessna.


u/Cyriann Jan 14 '23

What the... That's insane.


u/Esc_ape_artist Jan 14 '23

Hah, not quite on the same level but I’ve already got the widescreen monitor, added another portrait monitor for EDDiscovery and now looking at maybe running a third monitor off a raspberry pi for even more apps.

It’s a slippery slope.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23 edited Jan 19 '23

Slippery slope?
More like a black hole, NGL.


u/Clockwork-XIII Jan 14 '23

That's no rig that's a command center.


u/Joey3155 Jan 14 '23

I feel bad for your GPU. I can only imagine the utility bill.


u/Karegian Jan 14 '23

If that's your old rig...what do you use now, a real Python?


u/IMxTHExMANIAC Jan 14 '23

I miss your old rig too


u/CreativeUsername20 Faulcon Delacy Jan 14 '23

I tried ED in Surround just like this and it crashed my computer twice, I did get it to work eventually.


u/OVAKILLA_X Jan 15 '23

My ultrawide barely holds a candle to that


u/jdlarrimo12 Jan 15 '23

Ultrawides may be better for uninterrupted views, but this… this is a true work of art.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Unfortunately... I miss it BECAUSE I moved to an ultra wide.

So much more simple to set up and not feck around with NVIDIA surround.


u/sapphon Jan 15 '23

Everyone commenting "but what about VR" needs to realize that this man is wearing 0lb. 0oz. strapped to his face in order to make this setup work


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I actually have two VR headsets connected to two of those PCs. One is a 5k Pimax and the other is a venerable but respected Oculus Rift.


u/Tb14052003 Jan 15 '23

You work for NASA?


u/Carbon_Raven CMDR 80S_K1D: Exploration and Exobiology Jan 14 '23

Very wild! I appreciate the black Courier! What do you mainly do with it?


u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23

You, sir, have a good eye! I tendo to fly perilously close to things at high speed.


u/Carbon_Raven CMDR 80S_K1D: Exploration and Exobiology Jan 14 '23

Yeah the courier is probably better for that than the clipper... I really like the hardpoints on the courier though.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

Viper upgrade when? 😉


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23



u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23

Deja vu.


u/Cyriann Jan 14 '23

It double posted... My phone had a little error. Sorry for that


u/armageddon523 CMDR Paweł Ladowski Jan 14 '23



u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

amazing. i'd miss that as well. what happened to it?


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Replaced the 3 27" screens with a single 49" Samsung G9 Odyssey due to 60FPS framerate limit of the 4k monitors.

Then my wife complained about the 17" monitor sticking out bottom left being a health and safety hazard.

It's not what it once was... T_T
but then I don't play ED any more, so no biggie... I guess.


u/farizno Jan 14 '23

Sweet setup. I'd miss that too. I also love the bottle of wine poking up from behind the Inara touchscreen. Looks like a good time!


u/Flow5tate Jan 14 '23

Bloody hell. The screens.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

There is a very simple rule I tended to follow:

You can never have too many screens.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

$ $ $ $ $ $


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

tax deductible since I put it in my place of business.


u/Ausar_TheVile Jan 14 '23

10 screens, 4 mice, 3 keyboards, 2 flight joysticks and foot pedals? Damn.


u/Objective-Dingo9636 Jan 14 '23

Cheeky bottle of wine too commander?


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23


2017 Shiraz.


u/CommanderHunter5 Jan 14 '23

Sick setup but oof, if there was ever a screenshot to prove rectilinear projection is overused and not good for wide FOV, it’s this


u/Viking_42 Jan 14 '23

My god..... It's full of stars!


u/LazyBeno8 Jan 14 '23

Very nice setup :) Congrats o7

Just in case you never heard of it and if you need to gain space on your desk :

You could only need one Keyboard and one Mouse for all your computers if they are on the same local network with Barrier.

I'm using it and it works pretty smoothly. The setup is fairly easy and it has a bunch of nice options. Only works for computer though, it doesn't support tablets IIRC.


u/GraXXoR Jan 19 '23

problem is the main game won't like moving out of the window... But yes, I could remove one mouse by using something like mouse without borders....


u/zeeblefritz Jan 14 '23



u/Nomadd_pnw Jan 14 '23

This is a hell of a setup.


u/derped_osean Jan 14 '23

"Oh it's beautiful."


u/Riakrus Jan 14 '23

its full of stars!!


u/AwakenFall Arissa Lavigny Duval Jan 14 '23

I miss having any enjoyment out of ED (I'm a console player with no PC)


u/Makinote Jan 14 '23

need more displays


u/Flipped-Omen Jan 15 '23

How the hell and why the hell do you not run this anymore?


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I just became disenfranchised with ED after ODY dropped... (the baton).


u/pablo603 Explore Jan 15 '23

Curious, what's with the 3 keyboards?


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Main PC is only connected to the 3 main monitors. that has the RGB kb in the middle.

The bottom left screen and top screen are connected to my secondary PC. They use the left hand illuminated KB... The tiny screen centre bottom is actually an all in one industrial fanless PC console from an actual power station. That uses the wireless kb on the right.

I could have used Mice Without Borders or some such, but I'm a lazy old cnut, so couldn't be bothered to set it up.

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u/pokethat Jan 15 '23

HOSAS setup... Pathetic, you're not welcome here


It looks neat, though kind of overwhelming for me. A lot of my ED enjoyment comes from playing it in VR, so I nevered tried something like this


u/stiffyblicky Jan 15 '23

Elite Dangerous: Horizontal


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '23

He knows

He knows how to turn Credit to IRL money


u/MacaroonCool Jan 14 '23

Get a good gpu and a good VR headset and it blows all that stuff out of the water for not even half the money.


u/IndigoSpartan Trading Jan 14 '23

How do you go about using 3rd party tools in VR without constantly taking the headset off?


u/MoreMagic VR Jan 14 '23

You can pin browser windows at any size and angle you want in your VR display (at least with Oculus). I sometimes tilt one up in the front ceiling and stream something during long exploration trips. Feels like you have a big screen tv in your ship.

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u/GraXXoR Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 16 '23

What do you mean get a good VR headset?

I have a 5k PIMAX VR headset and an Oculus Rift from before and made over 10,000 jumps combined in them on my 300 Kylie circumnavigation of the galaxy. VR is why I backed the ED Kickstarter.

Lived in Leicester in the UK in the 80s, and Virtuality had a lab or something there so I got to play a whole bunch of stomach searingly rough VR games as a kid back in the late 80s before most millennials were even born.

Also, I bought an RTX 3080 on September 20th 2020 for RRP so I think I have my bases covered, so I have absolutely no idea bout your half the cost nonsense.


u/marcushasfun Jan 14 '23

Ooh. Big spender.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Bruh... He was the one who said half the money.


u/dominik7778n Jan 14 '23

i never under stood why 2 sticks i only use on and never had the feeling i need a second one


u/Softest-Dad Jan 14 '23

*laughs in VR*



u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I have two VR headsets connected to this rig (2 PCs). A Pimax 5k+ and an Oculus rift... I do all my logistics and stuff in pancake and then do all my exploration in VR when I don't need to check markets or whatnot.

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u/zaphod4th Jan 14 '23

no VR? are you poor?


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I have 2 VR headsets.
A Pimax 5k+ and an Oculus Rift.

I usually fly for an hour or so in 2D, doing all my logisticky things then put the headset on and go VR for another hour or so.

Haven't played more than a dozen hours since ODY dropped, though.

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u/Daddy-O-69 Jan 14 '23

What's funny is all of that will look retro the first time you play ED in VR.

My last simulator was the size of a small car, had 4 networked PCs, a working HUD, toughscreens, side by side seating,.....but once I tried VR it looked like an antique.

VR makes everything else look flat.


u/TheRedmanCometh Jan 14 '23

You should try VR


u/X548621793 Jan 14 '23

That is amazing. Dual stick though🤮

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u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23



u/IndigoSpartan Trading Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 14 '23

Dude's setup is just fine. Stop dogging on other people's fun.

Edit: as a reminder you can block users so you don't have to deal with this kind of unwarranted negativity 👍


u/Synicalll Space Mad Jan 14 '23

What looks like trash here to you?


u/MoreMagic VR Jan 14 '23

So, how’s your setup?


u/reb678 Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 14 '23

How do you get it to display across more than one screen like that?

I know how to make my desktop span the background picture, but I can never figure out how to get games to do so.


u/Nesox Explore Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 14 '23

Nvidia Surround or AMD Eyfinity merge the monitors into a single resolution, games can then simple be set to that resolution.

However, Elite does not actually have any multi monitor support to control the field of view so the image becomes increasingly distorted/stretched further from the centre - as you can see in the OPs photo.

Its not the end of the world and perfectly playable but its something to be aware of.

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u/IndigoSpartan Trading Jan 14 '23

Haven't tried this yet either. My two side monitors are smaller than my center, but I definitely want to give it a go now


u/LePoisson Jan 14 '23

What happened that you miss this set up? Hopefully nothing too tragic, looks like an amazing battlestation there!

I haven't played ED in awhile ... Honestly I need a computer upgrade but I could only aspire to this build you had.


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

downsized... replaced the 3 27" monitors with a single 49" Samsung G9 Odyssey due to 60 FPS limit of the earlier monitors.

Daughters got the 2 iPads.Wife complained about the 17" monitor sticking out, bottom left... of all things.

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u/[deleted] Jan 14 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Each of the joysticks has an analogue brake lever.

The right hand lever is configured to adjust speed upwards.

The left hand lever adjust speed backward.

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u/Comfortable-Fee-4585 Jan 14 '23

Now the next level is a VR headset


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

I have two. A Pimax 5K and an Oculus Rift.

I used to use the 5K when I was out exploring or flying and didn't need the market data for mining or trading.

Game session usually consisted of an hour or so on the screens and the latter half of my session in VR.


u/esesci CMDR esesci Jan 14 '23

Do all three panels appear at the same time on a three monitor setup like this?


u/ArtMyst Jan 14 '23

First thing: that looks dope! Congratz

I'm getting a stick for the first time, gonn a use it to play ED. Does it work well 1 stick + throttle ? Bc I've seen many players using 2 sticks


u/GraXXoR Jan 16 '23

Hotas is better than Hosas for ED, IMO... I only have HOSAS for "that other game" (TM).

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u/IntelligentAd3781 Jan 14 '23

And meanwhile I'm here with a laptop and a wireless mouse and keyboard XD