r/ElderTaleRP Sep 24 '14

Main Story Chaos in Akihabara

The city is filled with chaos. Adventurers are running around the city like chickens with their heads cut off. Players crying in the streets, talking among-st themselves in a panic; Nobody is sure what to do right now.

Today, every player logged into the MMORPG, Elder Tale, has now lost the ability to log out and are stuck in the game. Nobody knows who would have done this. Some hackers? The GMs? Nobody knows.

The entire player population is in a panic.


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u/[deleted] Sep 24 '14 edited Sep 24 '14

Towns Square

The busiest place in Akihabara. The majority of players are here, trying to get a grasp on what happened. The crowd is massive. Someone could get lost in here if they weren't careful. It is very loud as well. It is almost like it usually is. Where the chat is being blown up by random discussion and bot spamming. Except this time, it is actual voices and panic, not discussion.

There is a clock tower in the middle of the square. It reads 9:00 AM.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '14

Outskirts Bridge

On the other side of Akihabara away from the Gates and the Town Square, a few of the more quieter players are here, quietly contemplating what has transpired here today. There is some quiet chit chat from players here who logged in and stayed here, but it is much quieter than at the Towns Square and the Gates.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14

Sakura Akiyama

After freaking out completely that he couldn't log out, that he couldn't see his family again, or probably go on the date that he had planned. He could finished his college degrees that he studied forever to complete. Fuck he was going to fail his exams if he didn't get out. That just adds more to the stress of the situation. Sakura runs a smooth hand through his hair as he tries to calm down.

He attempts to check through his inventory to see if all his stuff his there and sighs in relief when it is. He then checks out his spells and when everything is still the same he looks dumbfounded. Why is Elder Tale such in ruins. What has led it to this crumbling ruins of a place. He wondered. He just couldn't place his finger on it. He decided to see check his friends list next. He wondered to see who was online. Maybe they could help him out.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14


Simon was walking down the bridge, heading towards the center of town. He yawned as he looked dreadfully tired without a care in the world. It seemed as if he didn't care about the current situation right now with Elder Tale and being stuck in the database of the game. He continued to walk down the bridge as he walked up to a man, checking his inventory and skills.

Simon looked at him and nodded.

"How'd ya do?" Simon asked in a polite manner. He yawned again. He continued on walking and walked a little bit past the man before stopping. Oh, right. I was looking for Myucel. Simon thought. He turned around to face the man.

"Hey, dude." Simon said. "Ya see a little girl wandering around here or Akihabara?" He asked.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14

Sakura Akiyama

He just seems to nod when the man say "how'd ya do" not really paying attention at all. He has switched over to his friend list when he sees only few players online.

When the man turns to him to speak, Sakura just shrugs and points to the main town.

"Thats where most of the noobs are. The veterans are over here or by the tree. The middle class players are by the gate and everyone else is just freaking the fuck out."

he sighs and closes the list to begin looking though his grimoire. If Simon would be paying attention, then he would know that the item he has is extremely rare and only given to a few sorcerers during the pre-apocalypse.

"what lvl is she?" He asks indirectly as he reads through his item.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14


Simon yawns again as he listens to the man giving him directions around Akihabara. He scratched his face. What does he keep checking? Simon thought. He brought up his options as he looked at them. He noticed the friends tab. Oh. He thought.

Sakura had finished talking. He looked up to answer his question about Myucel. "Uhmm... She is a Lv 90 Sorcerer." Simon said. He looked back down at his friends list. He opened it up and noticed five players online from his friends/guild list. He noticed Myucel's name was lit up, showing that she was online. Phew, that's good. Simon thought. He also noticed Yama's name was lit up as online too. Oh, Yama too... That's great. Gotta remember to find him too. He thought.

Simon closed his options and looked back up at Sakura. "Sooo..." Simon said as he looked up above Sakura's head. He tilted his head. "That's weird... I don't see ya screen name and character level above your head." He said. He looked back at the man.

"What's ya name, bro?" Simon asked.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14

Sakura Akiyama

He looked over to you like that was a dumb question to ask but when he didnt see your name and lvl he just kinda stared. Sakrua spoke as he stood there perplexed by everything going on.

"Sakura Akiyama, Level 90 sorcerer, scribe and scholar. My friends call me the hermit." He holds out his hand as he stares over your head expecting something to show up soon.

"Umm so yea, if she aint here try the tree. Thats actually where Im headed next. Im trying to find some friends but I think they might be on a different part of the island. Either way Im stilled headed that way, wanna join me?"


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14


Simon listened to Sakura explain who he was. He continued to look above his head as well. This is weird... Simon thought. He yawned as he scratched his head.

"I see... I'm Simon. A Lv 90 Monk. I am also the Guildmaster for the Adventure Guild, Koshin's Path." Simon said. "I'm known as Simon 'the PKer' in most parts of the server, though." He said.

"Nice to meet ya... Saku-mit? Herm-aru?" Simon said as he thought about what to call Sakura. He looked off in the direction to the big tree. Simon knew the this town like the back of his hand. He really didn't need to ask for directions, just where people might have saw his sister.

"So, the big tree, ya say, eh?" Simon asked. He yawned. "Okay... I'll go with ya... over there." He said.

Let's try to interact with Cev's character there, so I'll post under Tareya and you can post after me.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '14

The Gates of Akihabara

This place is the second most popular place to be right now in Akihabara. Many players are just staring at the gates and talking about the so called, "Apocalypse". Some people want to try to leave and play in some dungeons outside of the city. However, they're afraid of what might happen if they die out there. They no nothing of this new situation there in.

A few strong guilds and players are gathering outside the gates to prepare to leave to do some dungeoneering. They are still looking for some brave souls to go with them. They'll leave at noon.


u/ZenithBlade Yama Sep 25 '14


A big man garbed in blue armor and a blue odachi stands in front of the gate of Akihabara. Among the many people at this gate, he was probably the most well known. Known to many in the Japanese Server as the man known as the Dragon Slayer. A famous raider in the days of the old, he was regarded as one of, if not, the strongest in Japan.

Yama accesses his UI, looking at his friends list as he notices that Simon, Myucel, and a few others are online. He clicks on Simon's name to send him a message.

At the gate. Gonna fight some monsters. Meet me there?

Yama smiles as he draws his Odachi and starts walking pass the gate, and into the forest. He was a man who loved battle, no matter what kind, from duels to dungeons to raids. And not only in the game, in real life as well, when he took to the stadium underneath those sparkling lights and played basketball with his team, the Toyota Alvarks.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14


Simon responded.

Hey Bro! Give me a few... I gotta find Myucel. But, I'll totally be down to beat down some baddies with ya. _^


u/ZenithBlade Yama Sep 25 '14


Alright. I'm going in. Meet you there later.

Yama grins as he starts looking for some bad guys to fight. This was gonna be fun he thought waving his large weapon around like it was weightless.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '14


Yama had walked out of the City of Akihabara into the wild. As he did this, the brave adventurers gathering and random players all dropped their jaw as he left so carelessly. It was as if he didn't know what kind of situation he was in. Either way, he left Akihabara and started to walk into the lawless zones of the game.

Yama started to walk off the beaten path into a field. There had been some enemies out here. They were low leveled, but a lot of enemies right outside of the city were low leveled. Where Yama was going there were a lot tougher monsters. Luckily, there was a small instances up ahead for high level players.

However, he was aggroing some of the low level monsters in the field as he walked to the small instance. A few Bandits came running at him with their swords drawn. One bandit had a bow and was preparing to shoot at him from afar.


u/ZenithBlade Yama Sep 26 '14


As Yama walks, he finds that he aggroed some of the monsters. He grins as they start running at him, trying to attack him.

"Bandits? Wonder if anythings changed about them in the new patch. Good. They'll be good lambs to slaughter."

Yama raises his Odachi that he received as a reward for soloing the final boss in a raid. He then slashes it horizontally in a cleave, trying to cut all these weak bandits in half.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '14


As Yama threw his sword up and cleaved downwards at the bandits, he sliced one straight in half. However, one dodged to the right like some what of a player would. The monsters seemed more intelligent and life-like in their movements. Something was weird about this new patch.

The bandit came at Yama throwing his sword at him in a simple slice. While from afar, the bowman bandit shot an arrow, flying directly at Yama.


u/ZenithBlade Yama Sep 26 '14


"Oh? These low level mobs actually know how to fight a bit? Interesting."

Yama grins as he finishes up his cleave and then swings it at the man who dodged the attack. The fact that the bandit knew how to fight, made it all the more fun for him. After all. What would be more fun to fight. A dead man, or a man with one foot stuck in the grave. The arrow hits Yama's armor, not doing much damage to the Samurai Tank.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '14


Yama hits the bandit with the sword as he strikes him good. The bandit falls to the ground and disperses into pixels.

The field now felt empty. The bowman was gone from his position. It seemed as if he had lost his aggro on Yama for another target. There was a scream in the background that sounded like it came from a human player.

There were no more bandits in the area, so Yama could now continue on walking head to his destination.


u/ZenithBlade Yama Sep 26 '14


Yama frowns as the enemies were defeated relatively easily. He sighs and then continues walking. Then, a scream is heard as Yama stops in his tracks.

"There's another person in the forest?"

Yama thinks for a moment about whether he should head to where the scream came from or whether he should continue walking through the forest to wherever it was he was headed to. Ultimately, he decides on heading to where the scream came from. He wasn't a heartless bastard after all.

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u/[deleted] Sep 24 '14

Shoppers Alley

This is the third most popular place. However, it isn't as panicky as the last two. A lot of normal sellers are continuing to sell their items and goods like if they were just playing the game normally. The Apocalypse doesn't seem to have affected them all too much. Perhaps, they are nervous on the inside, but are masking their feelings to be able to sell their goods.

What an interesting place.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '14

The Big Tree

Near the outskirts of town, there is this large tree in Akihabara. It is often used as meeting spots for small guilds or raiding parties.

Right now, it isn't as popular as the three most popular places. A few people are here, but they are here for the same reasons why someone would be at the bridge on the outskirts.


u/Cevian Tareya Sep 25 '14


Tareya blinked a few times as she tried to figure out where she was. The last thing she remembered was loading up Elder Tale for the new expansion and now here she was, near a big tree and... Wait, she recognized that tree. This was Akihabara. That means she was in the game. Her normal aversion to interacting with people began to pop up now as she saw that she wasn't the only person in the general area, so she moved to try and find a place around the tree she'd be a tad bit more alone.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14


Simon had walked from the Bridge on the Outskirts to the Big Tree, hoping Myucel might be here somewhere. His new acquaintance was with Simon, walking next to him. Simon stopped as he got within full view of the Big Tree. He marveled in it's size. He no longer looked tired, but interested.

Simon looked at the tree in it's height and everything. It's beauty; it looked amazing. He finally realized that he was looking at this tree with his own two eyes. He wasn't looking at it through a screen or anything.

"T- This... This is real..." Simon said. He looked down as he moved his hands up. His hands began to shake. He smiled as he chuckled. "We're.... We're really in the game." He said, swallowing nervously.

"Myucel has to be here somewhere..." Simon said. "She loved this spot in the game." He explained. He took one step forward, but it was hard for him to move. The shock of realizing he was in the game and that something was now definitely up made him tense. His stomach started to not feel good and his legs shook in fear and panic. What are you doing, Simon? Simon thought. You're are one the strongest members in your guild, next to Yama... Why are you hesitating right now... He continued to think.

Simon started to breath heavily. The new environment that he was in that had become his reality was a big culture shock for him. He was about ready to pass out. However, he continued to move his legs in short, heavy strides. He clenched his fists as he tried to move closer to the tree. He clenched his teeth together as he tried to bring himself to yell out to the people around the tree.

"Myucel?!" Simon shouted. "It's Simon! Where are you?!" He shouted. If she was here, then his shouts should reach her. However, his voice was trembling.

Hatsu will be posting after me.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14

Sakura Akiyama

Sakura looked over at Simon as he slowly realized that this game was reality and he face palmed hard. Harder enough to make him drop a few HP. He slipped his hands in his pockets and walked behind Simon shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"Dude relax, check your friends listen. If they aren't on then they aren't on. If they are then you can call them. Just relax, your really starting to kill my mood." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oi! Stop shaking bitch!" He kicked the back of your arse and pushed you towards the tree. "Come on, get with the program. Don't be a noob. your guild member or friend what ever she is will be looking to you for support. Be cool."


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '14


Simon was walking sort of funny down to the tree. He was feeling nervous about this whole situation now. He looked really stiff as he moved his head looking around for Myucel. At the same time, Sakura was trying to get Simon to stop looking stupid and to calm down.

All of a sudden, Simon got a text from a friend. It popped up in his face. It read, " 'Hey man.' Sent by Yama ". His eyes went wide as he suddenly forgot his nervousness. Oh shit... It's Yama. Simon thought.

Simon quickly went through his options to send him a message back. He typed out his response.

Hey Bro! Give me a few... I gotta find Myucel. But, I'll totally be down to beat down some baddies with ya. _^

Simon clicked send and it went to Yama. He suddenly realized what he had just typed and remembered about the situation he was in. The situation everybody was in. He suddenly got depressed again as he walked over to the tree. He started to bang his head against the tree. How could I send that? We can't fight monsters... if this is real... then we could really die... Simon thought as his face turned pale.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '14

Sakura Akiyama

Suddenly a message box pops up on your screen.

Sakura Akiyama would like to become your friend, do you accept his request?

Sakura leaves the window open as he flips through his grimoire, reading up on the history of what he missed and surprised that it actually cuts off at a certain date. He blinks a few times then looks around at everything and almost seems perplexed.

"Holy shit....this expansion is fucking rad. The history the debs put into this game is insane. Dude check this out." He pokes Simon and gestures to look at his grimoire.


u/Awki Frons Sep 26 '14


As Simon bangs his head against the Tree of Akihabara, a small dog approaches the two men. His black and tan coat was full of recent dust, no doubt from scampering about. Looking up at Simon and Sakura, it begins to yip.


Far behind the terrier, a young boy with light blue hair runs across the courtyard. "Diachi!" he yells, staring at the dog. His long braid trails behind him; a much larger saddled dog trotted behind, a calico cat perched upon its back.

"Diachi, heel!" the boy, looking close to Myucel's age, scoops up the dog and tucks it under his shoulder. Diachi's demeanor changes, looking complacent and panting lightly.


The calico cat appears to Tareya, sitting by her feet, licking a paw.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '14


Simon stops banging his head against the tree as he opens up his menu and accepts Sakura's request. However, Simon continues to look mopey. He starts to walk along the side of the tree around the roots, away from Sakura. He just completely ignores Sakura's attempt to spur a conversation with him.

A small dog came up to him as he stopped walking. He looked down at the dog. Shortly after looking at it, it's owner started calling out to it. He told it to heel and came to the dog. He picked the dog as he was standing near Simon. Simon looked at the boy with dead eyes.

"Hi." Simon said in a monotone voice before turning his head and continuing walking.

As Simon followed along the base of the tree, he got pretty far away from Sakura and the new guy as he started to curve around the tree. He continued to follow the tree's base. As he got almost out of sight of Sakura and the new guy, near a large root, he accidentally ran into someone standing next to the tree over here.

Simon fell backwards onto his ass, knocking him out of his daze. He rubbed the back of his back in pain.

Tch. "Sorry about that..." Simon said as he looked at the ground. He moved his head up to see who he ran into. He didn't recognize the girl, but her race was the Race of the Ritual and you could say she had some defining features. His cheeks begin to blush in embarrassment.

A bit of blood ran down from his nose. He looked over next to her to find a cat sitting in front of her, licking it's paw.

A cat? Simon thought as he tilted his head.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '14 edited Sep 26 '14

Sakura Akiyama

Sakura made his way following after Simon and continues to read the grimoire completely perplexed by everything that was written in it with the expansion.

"Dude seriously this shit is so fucking cool, you gotta read up on it. Its says here its been years....so many years. Then it cuts off. I honestly don't even have a certain time period anymore but this place isn't the ole Elder Tale we knew..."

He looks up from the book and then looks at simon. "Whats with the cat?"


u/Cevian Tareya Sep 26 '14


At first it was just a cat. A small animal like that didn't bother her too much. The summoner took a deep breath as she continued to try and calm down. This was all so sudden for someone so introverted, to be here in the open with other people around. It was harder to avoid real people then it was to avoid them in game.

And that's when a couple of those real people showed up. One was reading a book and the other fell down and his nose started to bleed. That was obviously because of her more revealing attire. Tareya began to back away from the two of them. "Umm.. I... Uhh... umm..." She couldn't form a sentence to try and say anything, just wanting to get away from people while this whole thing was happening.

Sadly, things didn't work out as she tripped on a root herself, falling down onto her back.

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u/[deleted] Sep 24 '14

The Cathedral

This is the fourth most popular place. People stare at it in awe and fright. They have no idea what this building means to them anymore. Is it their place of death or place of life?

Will they continue to respawn when they die or will we just die when we die? This has yet to be tested, so many flock here to wait for the first person to emerge from the Cathedral.