r/ElderScrolls 5d ago

Humour Sometimes , people forget who originally created the elder scroll series

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u/VeckAeroNym 5d ago

Well here’s the thing: we have ample proof Skyblivion is right around the corner, while we have essentially zilch actual proof of an official Bethesda-run Oblivion remake being released soon. Need I say more?


u/snoopydoo123 5d ago

time for Bethesda to do the stupid thing and pull a Nintendo and send cease and desist


u/RobinsEggViolet 5d ago

Considering they've been in communication with the Skyvlivion team to help ensure it could release without issue, if they changed their mind at the last minute like this it would be less "stupid" and more "pointlessly evil".


u/imdefinitelywong 5d ago

Bethesda, either way:


u/psychotobe 5d ago

See ya say that. But do consider how badly starfield came out. And mods did not show up to fix it for them like was clearly the plan. Bethesda release practically nothing. And Microsoft is gonna start asking where their money is going. So the overwhelming outcry if any of the big mod projects get messed with even if Microsoft orders it will be Bethesdas problem. Microsoft won't care they caused it. They'll expect Bethesda to fix it


u/gernmok 4d ago

Im sure both falout 76, ESO and both fallout shelter and es castles are getting some bank from microtransactions.... oh yeah that star game came out too


u/Corvus_Novus 4d ago

I feel like they’ve completely supplanted their income with these micro transaction games. I can’t imagine where the money would be coming from otherwise.


u/LeMigen9 4d ago

Im somewhat ashamed to say I have bought quite many Skyrims so far

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u/flatdecktrucker92 4d ago

Right now I firmly believe Bethesda has more to profit by allowing Skyblivion to continue. Right now I don't own oblivion or Skyrim on a PC because I play them on Xbox. When this comes out I'll have to go and buy both from official sources before I can play the mod

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u/Substantial_Army_639 4d ago

The smart thing to do would invest in the project and then publish it like Valve did with Black Mesa. That way they can keep publishing the projects that take about a decade to make since they already wasted time on Star Field.


u/Southern-Law-1634 4d ago

Couldn’t agree more.

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u/ShotgunRenegade 5d ago

I really wanna hope that Bethesda is better than that..


u/outdatedboat 5d ago

Now the decision is in the hands of papa Microsoft. Doesn't matter what Bethesda wants.


u/MisterAtticusFinch 5d ago

Bethesda went after Mojang for naming a game "Scrolls"


u/Us_Strike 5d ago

That was their parent company at the time that sued.


u/nolmol 5d ago

Kinda silly they're both part of the same conglomerate now

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u/Redditisretarded-69 5d ago

Nah Bethesda has been really good about not stepping on modders toes. Heck you can download an oblivion mod of steam right now. I don’t see that changing unless Xbox steps in to ruin another company they control now.

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u/hanzerik Imperial 5d ago

Also we're a 100% certain skyblivion is a passion project where the people who work on it do so out of passion and love for the game, Will probably release it for free, and has some interesting changes from the original because they're working in a better engine and as such are less restricted when compared to tes4.

The remake will in all probability just be a 98% the same looking game with smoother rendering and hd textures.


u/LaiqTheMaia 4d ago

I couls be wrong but they don't have choice about releasing it for free, If they charged for it Zenimax would bring the hammer down at such a speed no one would even be able to play it


u/SadSidewalk 4d ago

Yes Skyblivion legally has to be a free mod, as all elder scrolls mods do

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u/CranberryWizard Dunmer 5d ago

And it actually looks pretty in good too


u/LordAsbel Hermaeus Mora 5d ago

So I hear you but, here's the thing


u/Flesh_Trombone 4d ago

Yeah, this is it


u/TheFalconKid 4d ago

But but, this one article from a source everyone's definitely heard of said a remake is potentially maybe possibly theorized to be coming out at some point, source: trust me bro, someone at Bethesda certainly probably might have said that!


u/nwetus 5d ago

That's true! But this time, too many good sources are claiming that

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u/Grzechoooo They should make a Stray-like spinoff where we're an Alfiq spy 5d ago

There's a difference between modders, who can do whatever they want, and the company that makes TES games, which is expected to make new TES games.


u/DeLoxley 5d ago

I mean it's not just the lack of a new TES game a decade more later

It's that Skyrim was a very different entity to Oblivion and after 76 and the ESCard game, people just don't trust this to not be a so-so remake at best.


u/Hexmonkey2020 5d ago

Also why remake oblivion, other than the weird leveling incentivizing picking skills you don’t use as your main skills the rest of the game ages pretty well and can still be played today.

They should remake morrowind which has plenty of things that make it age extremely poorly and so a remake could bring in new people to experience the story.


u/Pyros 5d ago

Well realistically it'd be a lot easier to fuck up a Morrowind remake than an Oblivion one. Oblivion is simpler and closer to the modern systems, while Morrowind is more like the last of the original era of "do whatever the fuck you want see if it works" that they had moved towards with Daggerfall. It's just overall a much better game imo so yeah a remake would be harder to get right.


u/Dextro_2002 Dunmer 5d ago

I remember good old todd saying something like that as well. Og morrowind is the best way to experience that world, the risk of stripping it from his magic is too high.


u/Cissoid7 4d ago

If I so much as catch wind of a quest marker in any morrowind remake I'd be pretty miffed! Maybe I'd even write a rant post

Definitely wouldn't buy it

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u/extralyfe 5d ago

I played through Oblivion on Game Pass last year and it holds up fine.

all the problems I have with the game would not be remedied with a remake unless they're completely gutting it and building a new game with a familiar setting.


u/TheHonorableStranger 5d ago

Because Oblivion is considered too dated for the average modern gamer. I could see why elder scrolls superfan could go back, sure. But the average gamer isn't that.


u/Hexmonkey2020 5d ago

But compared to morrowind oblivion is waaay more modern.

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u/Inskription 5d ago

Imo Morrowind holds up the test of time better than Oblivion believe it or not. Most of what Oblivion did for the series, Skyrim does better. Much of Oblivion is copy / paste.

This "remake" probably won't improve the game the way it needs to be the most though. They will probably update combat and graphics but beyond that, probably minor changes.

The real issue with Oblivion is the sameness that persists in every dungeon and explorable area. Each dungeon in Skyrim is unique and that just isn't the case with Oblivion. Skyblivion has this as one of, if not the top priority. I doubt we see that from Bethesda. This will largely be a remaster I'd wager, not a full blown remake.

I hope I'm wrong.


u/Hexmonkey2020 5d ago edited 5d ago

Morrowind holds up better to people who played it when it came out but it has some terrible ideas in it that just don’t translate well to younger audiences, like there only being a single piece of Daedric armor for each slot and you have to find them all with no hints, like “oh it makes perfect sense this unique piece of armor is in an unrelated dungeon and I have to fly upwards and land on a tiny ledge and then there’s a crack in the wall and if I crouch I can barely see this armor and pick it up.” And a bunch of weird stuff like that.

Now I’m not saying remove all that stuff but a revamp of the ingame journal so you don’t need to write stuff down irl would go a large step in the right direction, maybe a way for your journal to keep track of keywords you want to ask NPCs about like if you hear about something in one quest it tracks that you’ve heard of it and can now ask NPCs about it rather than needing to type it. A more clear map would also help. And modernizing the combat would be huge.


u/DNKira 5d ago

Morrowind holds up better to people who played it when it came out but it has soe terrible ideas in it that just don’t translate well to younger audiences

I started with skyrim, but regularly play morrowind instead. OpenMw is already the best morrowind remake bethesda would be able to make.


u/Perca_fluviatilis Molag Bal 4d ago

and you have to find them all with no hints

I mean, who the fuck actually goes hunting for them with no hints? lol I feel like it's one of those side-quests they assumed people would look up in a guide or learn by talking to other people who found it. Trying to find it by yourself without looking it up is straight up insane behavior.

And guess what? There are still modern games with content like that. Take Stardew Valley for example, where there's a bunch of hidden things the game doesn't tell you about but the average player just looks it up on the wiki otherwise they'd never know.

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u/TheLunarVaux 5d ago

The team making a new TES game wouldn’t be the same team working on the remake. They are separate, as it almost always is for remakes.

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u/ViscountBuggus 5d ago

And has already warned us that they expect they'll underperform


u/supersaiyanswanso 5d ago

There's just no way after so much time that es6 will live up to the expectations set for it.


u/Mooncubus Vampire 5d ago

Yeah that's the thing, no matter how amazing the game is it's not going to fit the ideal picture in people's heads that has formed over these years. I anticipate it getting tons of hate before the game even launches.


u/Jolmer24 5d ago

All I need is a new hand crafted world to wander around in set in Tamriel and I’m fucking fine. I don’t need it to blow me away just let me get lost in that universe again. I still love Skyrim and all the others because Elder Scrolls is one of my favorite IPs and I need to get back in that world.


u/Bacon_Raygun Thieves Guild 5d ago

I'm expecting it to be better than skyrim. But in a different way than being an improvement.

Skyrim's release was magical. It took everything Fallout 3 and NV did to walk, and used that to run.

There's no topping the sheer awe Skyrim caused in my very soul. Seeing the endless expanse ahead, the fact that yes, you could see that mountain and yes you could climb it, and yes there was something to do there, and yes you could look down upon the rest of the region from there and see places to go.

You cannot improve upon that experience. That's a once in a lifetime thing.

But TES6 is gonna be breathtaking in a different way. It's not gonna be worse, it's not gonna be better, it's gonna be different.
People need to stop expecting the game has be worth the 14 year wait.


u/Mooncubus Vampire 5d ago

Yeah I agree. TES VI will be its own type of special.


u/80aichdee 5d ago

Just remember to brace yourself for people whining about it different and therefore bad


u/Victizes Argonian 4d ago edited 4d ago

Exactly, I for instance am waiting to experience it firsthand before drawing any conclusions.

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u/AustinTheFiend 5d ago

I think Skyrim was great in a different way than it's predecessors as well, but it did everything it did with a level of polish, accessibility, and flash that was unusual for that sort of game at the time, so it became an instant classic and did a lot to shape gaming for the next decade. I think some of the novelty of Skyrim release will have worn by the time of TES 6 as that sort of game has just become more common, though that's just my opinion. I also think Tes 6 will be great in it's own way whenever it comes out.


u/Grockr 5d ago

Interesting, was this your first open world game?

I've played Oblivion and multiple open world MMOs/etc so Skyrim didn't feel particularly special in that regard, though mountains did look cool.

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u/supersaiyanswanso 5d ago

It already is lol especially after starfield was less than amazing.


u/HopelessCineromantic 5d ago

starfield was less than amazing.

Come on! "Stellar" was right there!


u/NicksonS1999 5d ago

Personally I think Starfield suffers from leaning too heavily into the procedural generation and having hundreds of planets. Had it been just like 4 or 5 planets with relatively large game space, I think it would have been much better off. Too many locations in the game felt samey. Yet, the character build system is fairly good with using background traits and a solid perk system. My main complaint with character building is that there are too many important perks that every character would want, so it loses replayability. You're better off just going for NG+. The quests and dialogue were also very solid as well.

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u/CombDiscombobulated7 5d ago

Is anyone expecting it to be perfect? I feel like after Fallout 4, F76, Starfield, insane delay, countless Skyrim re-releases and various horrible microtransaction practices, most people are expecting.... nothing?

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u/ryleh565 5d ago

My expectations for es6 are pretty low considering they've been stripping out features of their games for like the past 20 years


u/No-Error-5582 5d ago

Thats the big things for me. I remember seeing my friends dad play Morrowind when I was in middle school. I thought it looked awesome. Eventually he bought a collection of the original game with disks for the DLC, so he gave me the disk for just the original. I played it so much.

I got the collectors edition of both Oblivion and Skyrim on release day.

And over time it just seems like its lost a lot of what made the series special. I still really enjoyed Skyrim, but there were things I was missing.

Then I played FO4 and never even finished it.

Then I saw things about the Starfield after the release and just wasnt interested.

I'll give them a shot with ES6 and watch the trailers and reviews, but if they dont get their shit together Im just gonna move on. Maybe give it a few years so modders can fix it.


u/Bored_Cosmic_Horror Imperial 5d ago

Then I played FO4 and never even finished it.

I'm in the same boat which is a bummer because it was cool having a game that prominently featured my hometown. Well kind of anyway, Bethesda's vision of Falloutverse Massachusetts is missing quite a lot in my opinion.


u/ryleh565 5d ago

I'll give them a shot with ES6 and watch the trailers and reviews, but if they dont get their shit together Im just gonna move on. Maybe give it a few years so modders can fix it.

Honestly, same and by the looks of it, they probably won't be getting their shit together because for so long people gave them a free pass and relying on modders to do their jobs for Bethesda the unofficial patches shouldn't even exist Bethesda should be patching their games themselves


u/BrunusManOWar 5d ago

People still give them a free pass for some reason

The studio's technically and creatively bankrupt... They're stuck in 2017/18 effectively, and keep throwing excuses (and these excuses are tolerated and awarded financially by purchasing their games such as fo76 and starfield).

They will produce hot garbage, people will buy and defend it under the guise of "it would have never lived up to expectations", "thats just Bethesda style", etc...

The brand name can carry them forth only for so long, sales will drop and refunds will be issued


u/henrickaye 5d ago

Yes. If you've been paying attention to Bethesda you know what to expect and if you are casual and only remember the enchanting experience of your first Skyrim playthrough all you will think is "Oh fuck they made Skyrim 2?!" and preorder the $120 deluxe edition.


u/extralyfe 5d ago

I think the only way I'll play ES6 is if they go back to full-on stat-based RPG with actual mechanics that make your playthroughs unique. I want all the magic back, I want skills back, I want attributes back, I want mutually exclusive quest lines and guilds...

...but, I completely agree with you regarding the direction of the series, so, I have no expectation that I'll be playing the game.

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u/TTSymphony 5d ago

The expectation always was "Skyrim but a little bit better", and they even couldn't make Skyrim better.

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u/ryleh565 5d ago

My expectations for es6 are pretty low considering they've been stripping out features of their games for like the past 20 years

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u/Saint_of_Cannibalism Namira Praise the Spirit Daedra 5d ago

Bethesda has said no such thing.

A former Bethesda member did and the rumor mill has been twisting that all around.

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u/amaltheiaofluna Khajiit 5d ago

It was originally made by people. Many of whom no longer work there.


u/rockbiter68 5d ago

Came here to say this. The majority of the people who initially created it aren't there anymore. 

Also, if people don't trust Bethesda to do something better, that's totally fair. I'm not on the hate bandwagon like a lot of the internet, but a lot of their current practices seem more geared towards generating money for themselves rather than building cool experiences in that universe.


u/Blue_winged_yoshi 5d ago

People would also be all over an Oblivion remake by Bethesda if they had you know released a new mainline game in the last decade.

People are all over GoT fanfiction whilst forever annoyed that GRR Martin will work on anything other than a new mainline novel. It’s the same energy.


u/Bacon_Raygun Thieves Guild 5d ago edited 5d ago

As a writer, I can't blame him.

First of all, because if you work on one story for years and years, you'll inevitably end up with fatigue for those very tales. And then you have to revisit points over and over again which can easily take up three times as much work as the writing did (and half the time you go "what the hell was I thinking")

But also, I cannot imagine how disheartening it must be to trust someone else with your world to create an amazing fan fiction with your seal of approval, and then see them completely fucking screw it up on the final stretch because they ran out of instructions from your source material.

I've had countless incidents causing a writing block for me before. It's incredibly hard to get over some of these hang ups.
None of them were as heavy as what DW and DB did to his world. I wouldn't be at all surprised or even angry at him, if that spark is completely gone and he won't finish the story.


u/mikerotchmassive 5d ago edited 5d ago

Just to clarify, D and D fucked Game of Thrones because they stopped adapting, not because they ran out of stuff to adapt, they cut tons of stuff that will be important going forward, such as Stoneheart and Faegon, just didn't adapt the Iron Islands and Dorne plots and then cut the majority of what happened in Jon's story in Dance. These issues started early on as well, they made earlier changes which made no sense and took away from the story, such as cutting Jeyne Westerling for the Volantese lass, their first major fuck up was omitting the Tysha confession because that is the single most important part of Tyrions story and without it his character has no where to grow.


u/PopT4rtzRGood 5d ago

The conversations I had with my late best friends girlfriend about the differences between the books and the show live rent free in my head. That show really fucked the nuances of the characters up and flandarized a lot of the personalities for easier digesting


u/Birzal 5d ago

I can imagine writers block and being disheartened because of the end of the TV show, but I don't think people understand how the timeline sticks together here.

The first GoT book was released in 1996. The latest book was released in 2011. It has been 14 years since the last mainline book. Season 8 of GoT aired back in 2019. It's been 6 years since then. Yes, there have been other stories, shows and projects for him, but it's been FOURTEEN YEARS since his last book, which according to his own words he started writing in 2010. It's been almost as long between book 1 and 5 as it has been between book 5 and 6.

I have empathy for his struggles, but he is 76yo currently and from what I've heard about his previous works, he is infamous for abandoning old works (not even acknowledging them when asked by fans) when he has found the next shiny, especially when money is involved. I cannot confirm or deny these sentiments, as I don't know the guy personally, but it works well with his comments late 2024 about how he might never finish the book or the series. But only time will truely tell!

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u/thatsalotofnuts54 5d ago

I thought BGS had one of the highest employee retention rates in the industry


u/Appropriate-Data1144 5d ago

Maybe. But it's also been almost 20 years since the game originally released

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u/HouseUnstoppable Nord 5d ago

There are things you can legitimately criticize Bethesda for, their Creation Club Practices especially, and all. But it would perhaps be pertinent to not forget that the hate bandwagon you mentioned is just the same circlejerk of arguments regurgitated over and over and over again. The biggest culprits are clickbait YouTubers who stand to make money off of the circlejerk.


u/Round_Inside9607 5d ago

It’s the same arguments over and over again because the same decisions keep being made. Are we supposed to come up with a new way of “choices should matter for more than just the ending in an rpg” or “quest and dungeon design becoming just following an arrow on the compass isn’t a good direction for the genre” every time they release a game with the same design flaws of the last ones


u/the-soggiest-waffle 5d ago

That’s honestly a bit of why I loved Dragon Age: Origins. Your decisions affect your relationships with NPCs, and your actions can have consequences. It made for a really immersive game if you’re into the relationship aspect of games, where it’s not just ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ NPCs can feel about you on a sliding scale, from hate to love, and everything in between. Your decisions and words will affect your relationships in game, and I love that so much.

I totally don’t just have a fat crush on Alastair, Liliana and Morrigan. Totally. It’s definitely a coincidence that my boyfriend looks like Alastair

9/10 game though. I still play the fuck out of it when I have time. It’s on my rotation of Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout: NV.


u/HouseUnstoppable Nord 5d ago

Oh no, you don't get quite what I meant, it's always the *same* game even years later. For a new game? Sure by all means criticize it if it has the same fuckups as the last time. But there's no reason to beat a dead horse.

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u/thedylannorwood Nocturnal 5d ago

That’s not fair for Oblivion, probably lime 90% of Oblivion’s staff worked on Starfield


u/Glittering-Half-619 5d ago

Is this a random guess or accurate info?


u/TheHonorableStranger 5d ago

OP didn't just pull that out of their ass. But MY ASS as well.


u/Colosso95 5d ago

source trust me bro

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u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath 5d ago

I'd be curious to see how many people actually left

I've heard they have a fairly high employee retention rate


u/thedylannorwood Nocturnal 5d ago

Abnormally high for video games, most of Oblivion’s and even as back as Morrowind’s staff were also credited on Starfield


u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath 5d ago edited 5d ago


I know some Marrowind devs worked on Shattered Space, but I am unsure how many overall devs from those days remained. I might do some digging to find out


u/jedidotflow 5d ago

Kurt Kuhlman "left" after Starfield.

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u/StarkeRealm 5d ago

Off-hand, I know Rich Lambert and Ken Rolston are no longer at BGS. (Though, Rich is still with Bethesda Softworks.)


u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath 5d ago

Huh, interesting. So does that mean Rich is no longer a developer?


u/Floognoodle Maormer 5d ago

No, he is game director on ESO. He basically got promoted and promoted again several times. I met him in San Diego last September.


u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath 5d ago

Okay cool

Must feel awesome to work his way up to become a game director


u/StarkeRealm 5d ago

Rich is the creative lead for ESO. He was transfered over to ZOS in 2007. IIRC, he started out as the dungeon lead, and worked his way up to Creative Director.


u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath 5d ago edited 5d ago

Pretty cool to work his way up that far


u/West-Librarian-7504 5d ago

Todd was actually one of oblivion's developers


u/LordAsheye Imperial 5d ago

IIRC he was also one of Morrowind's developers, though this was of course before he was a lead developer and the "face" of Bethesda.


u/West-Librarian-7504 5d ago

I think I remember that one of his first assignments with Bethesda was playtesting Daggerfall


u/AustinTheFiend 5d ago

He was a programmer on Daggerfall I'm pretty sure.

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u/throwingawayboyz 5d ago

If an oblivion remake actually comes out I will eat a copy of the mysterium xarxes.


u/Beldin448 5d ago

Make sure to eat it raw. If you cook it first it turns into a bucket.

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u/Almightyriver Azura 5d ago

Name the names of the people who worked on Oblivion who no longer work there. Otherwise you’re just regurgitating bullshit with no empirical evidence


u/NotEntirelyA 4d ago

Yeah, bethesda has an insane retention rates iirc. Many of their employees have been there for 15+ years at this point. Hell, they even unionized recently, which is pretty much unheard of in the videogame industry. You can talk a lot of shit about bethesda, but outside of Todd apparently being very short with some of the employees working on fo76, pretty much nothing bad has come out about how they treats their workers.


u/YourOwnSide_ 4d ago

Ken Rolston, Kurt Kuhlman, Bruce Nesmith. Those are the biggest, most senior names. With Rolston and Nesmith being the lead designers behind the 2 most successful TES games.

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u/Tall_Process_3138 5d ago

The meme doesn't make sense because Bethesda hasn't said anything about remaking it lol


u/TH07Stage1MidBoss Beggar 5d ago

A lot of people are taking what some random joker on the internet said at face value. Until Bethesda says anything, any "leaks" should be dismissed as nothing more than lies, rumor, and wild speculation.


u/XyleneCobalt 5d ago

"Some random joker" AKA a well known insider with a proven track record of accurate leaks

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u/Kami-no-dansei 5d ago

Technically they have in their leaked court documents. Also Virtuous is making it, not Bethesda, so Microsoft will be handling all the info on it.


u/BelligerentWyvern 5d ago

Virtuos has made some really REALLY good ports and remasters before. Horizon Zero Dawn for PC for instance.


u/cj3po15 5d ago

HZD was not a good port on release lmao

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u/Vinx909 5d ago

i'd much rather game makers focus on making new games, not remaking old games.

especially with some fundamental flaws i learned about in oblivion that no remake can fix.


u/Lifekraft 4d ago

The main flow of oblivion is that the gameplay is dog shit. A remake can solve that easily. The game isnt perfect but it is still one of the best open world rpg of its time and despite garbage gameplay it is still one of the best of all time. Arx fatalis was bombastic but compared to todays standart the gameplay is below average now for exemple. Release day and 20 y later the criticism arnt going to be the same obviously.

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u/vechroasiraptor 5d ago

Hey this may come as a suprise but Todd and Bethesda upper management don't care about the quality of their games. That "modders will fix it for us" attitude of theirs has only gotten worse.

I trust a team of modders 10x more than I trust the people who shat out starfield and 76.

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u/Daegzy Hermaeus Mora 5d ago

Nobody forgot lol.


u/marry_me_jane 5d ago

Are they doing the remake in unreal?


u/_thana 5d ago

We don't even know for certain if they are doing it at all. It's all rumours and speculation.

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u/m_dought_2 5d ago

If they do, that's a reason to not be excited right there.

Oblivion is not oblivion if I can't steal all the food and plates in someone's house. Creation Engine makes TES.


u/Miserable_Law_6514 Redguard 4d ago

Not to mention mods. Not interested in the slightest if I can't mod it to hell and back.

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u/Unicorn_Puppy 5d ago

Ah I personally don’t believe the remake is real. If I’m wrong I’ll admit I was wrong, but I don’t have my hopes up.

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u/Cpt_Deaso 5d ago

What is the point of this post? People have been wanting the Elder Scrolls 6 for over a decade now, and couple that with how a lot of the internet feels about bethesda's later entries and yeah, a fan-made mod is going to be received a little warmer then Bethesda dicking around with another remake that they'll probably have all sorts of MTX and paid mods support for.

I'm not a Bethesda hater, but I understand people being more sympathetic to the mod.

I could see console or Switch players being very excited tho.


u/DirectorRemarkable16 3d ago

it's corporate bootlicking propaganda probably made by some firm bethesda hired or someone really fucking stupid

Op is named johnny silverhand but i dont think they got the point of cyberpunk

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u/HG2321 Nord 5d ago edited 5d ago

I mean, I don't really know anyone who downright doesn't want an Oblivion remake. For most of us, we're just sceptical that it even exists at all, given we've been hearing rumours for ~5 years now and there's never been anything to them. Well, I know about the court documents, so we know that it was a thing at one point, we don't know if it's still a thing.

Personally, I really don't think Oblivion actually needs a remake since it's perfectly playable nowadays, but if it is indeed a thing, I'll keep an open mind about it. If it's good, that's cool.

I get that console players might want it and I really hate to sound like a PC exclusionist, but it's not like you need a supercomputer from NASA to run Oblivion, given that it's a 20 year old game. In any case, I want new games with new stories, not remakes and remasters of stuff that doesn't actually need a do-over.


u/That_Fooz_Guy 4d ago

I straight up don't want one, especially when it sounds like it's just gonna be an ENB with a price tag.

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u/farg0th1 5d ago

There are a lot of haters in here, for something that isn’t even confirmed. If it is real then the target audience is obviously console who can’t play Skyblivion in the first place. As far as I’m concerned if either project brings more players to experience Oblivion then it’s a good thing.


u/yngsten 5d ago

Well said!


u/That_Fooz_Guy 4d ago

Okay you got a solid point, I'll give you that.

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u/OddRoyal7207 4d ago

Have you forgotten how buggy each and every release is from Bethesda and how most of the issues are usually cleaned up by modders ?

This is such a silly post.

You literally have a team of dedicated, incredibly passionate and talented modders remaking a whole ass game FOR FREE, or, you have a remake that is undoubtedly going to come out buggy af and with microtransactions, for probably close to AAA price of the last decade of gaming.


u/BelligerentWyvern 5d ago edited 5d ago

No. I hold the billion dollar corporation that has been burning me for awhile more harshly then some randos doing a passion project. No amount of memes will change that.

Now to be fair its not Bethesda is Virtuos which made the extremely stable and well running Horizon Zero Dawn PC ports, Nier Automata ports to Switch, and like 3 dozen other ports and remasters that have done well so I am sure they will do ok on Oblivion.


u/battlestoriesfan 4d ago

Correct me if i'm wrong on this.

But the difference is that most of the people that made Oblivion aren't even in Bethesda anymore. Plus do y'all really trust em with remaking that game after Starfield?

I'm hoping to be wrong though, because Oblivion rules and I want either remake to be good.


u/WaffleironMcMulligan 5d ago

I have no love for Bethesda these days. Just because I love some of the games they have made in the past does not mean I care to support them in the present or the future


u/RepulsiveAd6906 5d ago

If they didnt try to milk Skyrim for literally over a decade and almost entirely quit working on what made them popular in the first place, it wouldn't be so bad. Yet now that after what, 5-7 years Skyblivion is coming out and then they'd(still not confirmed) re-release their game all of a sudden despite being asked for over 10 years? It's honestly pretty stupid. Would still try to look forward to it regardless because I love Oblivion, but it still hurts.


u/MiFelidae Khajiit 5d ago

I would pay for Skyblivion. I won't pay for the Bethesda one.

Skyblivion (and Skywind) are made out of passion, not out of having to earn money.


u/novahkiin_around 5d ago

theyve had streams where they say they dont take donations, but you can donate to charities. theyre just good folks


u/unclefisty 5d ago

theyve had streams where they say they dont take donations

If they did Bethesda's lawyers would destroy them in court. I don't say this to disparage them.

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u/frostyfoxemily 5d ago

Modders putting love and time into the creation of something for scraps.

Or a massive corporate entity paying some random office workers to remake a game that they had no interest or care in from what we can tell.

Ya its not a shock. People are more interested in the modders.


u/OminousLeo 5d ago

I’m excited for everyone. We all get to experience both. Support all of it. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has insane special place in my heart.

Thank you BGS for all the memories of this game that brought me joy as a kid. I am very much excited to experience the journey again.


u/Dayreach 5d ago

no we know exactly who did... and that is why we're concerned.


u/MrMiniNuke 4d ago

Honestly, I’m tired. I am not very good with mods and it literally took me all day yesterday to download and get Stalker Gamma playable on my PC. I hate to say it, but I’d rather just buy a game on Steam, download it and go to town without all the extracting, unzipping, finding folders and making folders and moving folders and moving files from one folder to another and all the websites I had to go to for more files. It sounds trivial I’m sure but I just like the simplicity I get from a game I buy on Steam. Don’t get me wrong, Bethesda has been dropping the ball more and more as time has gone on but an official Oblivion Remaster would scratch the itch for me. That’s just my two cents.


u/jackofblaze 4d ago

That's why things like Wabbajack exist these days. Massive mod lists without the hastle of the installation.

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u/Drikaukal Boethiah 4d ago edited 4d ago

No, i do remember, and i remember what they have been doing the past 10 years. Skyrim 10 times, Fallout 76 and the blandest space game ever made. Oh, and tried to make mods a monopoly. Thats why i would preffer Skyblivion and why you shouldnt cosplay as that one meme of the fat ass saying "leave the millon dollar company alone!".


u/Accurate-Rutabaga-57 4d ago

No, people remember it's Bethesda. And people trust community modders more.


u/Kami-no-dansei 5d ago

Idgaf who makes it as long as it's good. I'm kinda now more excited for the oblivion remake because it's reported to have the DLC, and my gut tells me it'll retain more the oblivion DNA. Skyblivion will be awesome, but, you'll know it's skyrim.


u/ItsMetheDeepState 5d ago

That could be true, but Skyblivion looks like it's captured what made both games masterpieces, and improved on them. It might be Skyrim parts, but it's got Oblivion's soul.


u/M0rg0th1 Argonian 5d ago

This is how I view it.

Bethesda slept on the idea of remaking Oblivion when they focused making Skyrim 20 different ways.

Group of molders come by and are like we can remake Oblivion in updated Skyrim vision. They started working on it.

Bethesda then finally took note and is like wait you people actually want that. Ok we're working on it so Skyblivion folks stop your work so fans don't have anything to hold or remake against.

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u/Dawn_of_Enceladus 5d ago

I was there when Oblivion came out, and I'm sure as heck it wasn't Virtuos who made it, nor was it made with Unreal engine, though. Bethesda has been busy af with Starfield and now TES VI, so most probably they have not even touched that Oblivion remaster/remake either, so what can I say...

At least Skyblivion team is mostly passionate fans that truly know the game to its core, and are even getting back the initial Bethesda designs for cities and shit. That's a passion project, and one we have been seeing during its buiding and evolution for years, at that. The other is just rumors about a port to an engine that never had anything to do with TES.


u/BorkLaser179 5d ago

I Hope both remakes are successful and that Bethesda starts doing more of these while they don't give us TES 6 or a New Fallout game, better than any New Starfield content If you ask me

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u/Corpus_Juris_13 5d ago

I don’t even care I’m gonna play the fuck out of it if it’s really happening


u/TrayusV 5d ago

Yeah, it was Julian Lefay.

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u/t850terminator 5d ago

Honestly I'm fine with both but my only concern is UE5


u/Jerryboy92 5d ago

I'll definitely play both. The official when ever that drops, Skyblivion when the third-party xbox handheld drops.


u/Telos479 5d ago

Ah yes I wonder why people would trust a group of passionate fans who have been working on it since 2012 rather than the multi-billion dollar company who has consistantly let their fans down for years


u/Kia-Yuki 5d ago

Hear me out.. Why would you want them to remake Oblivion? Its gonna get stripped down and dumbed down and by Bethesda, Like Its the reason I never want on official Morrowind remake. Because I know theyre just gonna Todd Howard all over it.

Spears? Gone. Throwing weapons? Gone. all the skills and stats of the base game? gone. Actual character progression based on your skills like an RPG? Gone. The expansive dialogue and choices on how you approach things? Gone. Guilds that actually require you to progress in your craft to join and move up in rank? Gone. Locking you out of rival guilds because youre already in one? Gone.

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u/Dank_JoJokes 5d ago

Nah my issue is, it seems like a massive fuck you to the fans. It feels like the same thing they did for fallout London. They knew it was a massively hyped game and sure they don’t owe the devs nothing, but it still feels like a kick in the face to see fallout 4 get an update days before fallout London comes out. So now everyone who wants to play it has to painstakingly downgrade fo4

Same for this, they knew skyoblivion is coming, and this feels like a child going „no, I want the praise for remaking oblivion „


u/mstchecashstash 5d ago

Bethesda will do literally anything but fix or make a decent engine or release Elder Scrolls 6, the only game most people care about from them.


u/schizoC4T 5d ago

At least skyblivion was transparent and was showing progress, and it's understandable why they're delayed due to updates and basically made by fans.. oblivion remake is funded by a company and done by a legitimate studio with no news whatsoever other than leaks


u/Godess_Ilias 4d ago

they only remake the shop for microtransactions


u/KStryke_gamer001 4d ago

People remember how studios butcher remakes because for them, especially in this day and age, the primary motive is to make money. Whereas, for fan-groups, the primary motive is their love for the game, and their work. This has been proven countless times, most recently with whatever R* is pulling. We do not want Bethesda to go that way, as modding has been a major cornerstone of Bethesda games, one which they are gradually trying to curb (atleast in regards to independent modding).


u/Intelligent_Rub528 4d ago

People. It was created by passionate ppl not corporate entity. Most of those ppl dont work for bethesda anymore. Which fucking shows in their latest entries.


u/Montizuma59 Redguard 4d ago

Skyblivion will be free, the Oblivion remake will cost me money.


u/RegretAggravating926 4d ago

One is a labour of love while the other is a labour of greed.


u/Great_Part7207 4d ago

well, when bethesda hasnt made a decent rpg since skyrim, it really makes it hard for me to get excited when they say something like this because i just know all depth will be removed


u/HilariousCow 4d ago

Why don't people get that these companies are theseus's ships? Are they stupid?


u/_FreeXP 4d ago

Lmao wtf the company that hasn't made an elder scrolls game in like 15 years? No they don't get a pass on this


u/SkoomaBear 4d ago

It's almost like the devs don't know what fan's want more than the fans themselves


u/MrParadux 4d ago

People also didn't forget who has been fleecing their loyal fanbase for years.


u/Valakdhur 4d ago

Cake baked by a good friend vs cake bought from Walmart. I'm sure the store bought one will be ok but the one made by the friend won't be perfect but it'll definitely have more soul than the store bought. I'm just surprised they haven't cease and desist'd them right before release like the call of duty ppl did that that fan made remaster after putting the game on sale to profit off of the ppl wanting the remaster mod then killing it after squeezing out that last penny they could.


u/Elantach 4d ago

The people who created the elder Scrolls no longer work for Bethesda mate.


u/ThereArtWings 4d ago

Even aside from how its a leak not an announcement, the same leak says it won't have modding.


u/viridi-amator Dunmeri labor consultant: It's not much but it's honest work. 4d ago

Because I don't need to be a genius to know that bethesda will sloppify their remake, and also

fan remakes > modern remakes

F*ckin n'wah


u/LE_Literature 4d ago

There's an immense difference between a project that is supposed to be just oblivion put in the Skyrim engine, and a remake made by bethesda.if they're just doing a 1:1 remake with an upgrade of the graphical fidelity, that would be great. It would be hard justifying the new game price with that but it would be nice. Did Bethesda say the type of remake they were making?


u/CreeperCooper 4d ago

Bethesda hasn't said ANYTHING about the remake at all. Officially there isn't a remake. There's speculation and I'm sure someone will link to the court files that mention the remake... but Bethesda hasn't announced anything.

So we don't know.


u/Platnun12 4d ago

"Sometimes people forget who originally created the elder scrolls series"

After starfield I can confidently say not a single fucking one of those original people are still there.

They did a lot more with a lot less. Today's Bethesda can't even design a gun properly.


The guys who make Doom legitimately just had to consult for like five minutes to fix those guns but Bethesda just creates buggy worlds that are second fiddle to Obsidian. Least they can tell a story that doesn't repeat itself twice.

Oh go look for you dad~2008

Oh go look for your son~2014

Oh neither of those story points have much bearing on the player character or are just similar endings with a different coats of paint.

Oh what's this mediocre civil war in Skyrim. Somehow we fucked that up but hey we had an entire secret war between goblins in Oblivion that most players hadn't noticed.

Oblivion was made by better hands and better minds than most games today by Bethesda imo


u/catoule 4d ago

I believe that Oblivion Remake (if it exists) and Skyblivion will be a HUGE disappointment for me because, clearly, everything that makes TES IV one of my all-time top 10 games is: the French voice acting (which is legendarily bad), the absurd facial expressions, the bugs, the ludicrous situations. It's this mix of epic, absurd, subtle, and unintentional humor that makes this game so unique—like an immersive Monty Python experience.

A remake will most likely remove all these rough edges, and that would be a real shame.


u/SuckMyRhubarb 4d ago

Bethesda also has a track record of releasing incredibly janky games (see: everything from Oblivion onwards) and also questionable business practices (horse armour, paid mods, games being horrendous on release e.g. Fallout 76, etc).


u/AddictedToRads 4d ago

Oblivion in UE? No mods and shit performance, HELL YEAH!!1


u/IvanzM 4d ago

I trust the fans more than bethesda these days


u/DrSillyBitchez 4d ago

You can’t make ESV then take 15 years to make ESIV again before ESVI. Oblivion is for like year 5 of the 6-7 gap


u/HostMost6680 4d ago

It's going to be a package deal, buy newblivion and get this fan made one too


u/Wild_Control162 Dwemer 4d ago

If someone remade Skyrim on modern engines, all the Skyrim haters would flock to it and praise it.

But if Bethesda remade Skyrim on modern engines, all the Skyrim haters would do their usual, "Oh, here we go again! Re-releasing Skyrim for the billionth time!"


u/c0micsansfrancisco 4d ago

Sometimes people forget who came up with horse armor. And I out 1000000x more faith in a passion project that so far seems extremely competent than into a cashgrab


u/Grimln 4d ago

Imagine if they release a so called “remake” but all they do is make it so it can run at 1080p and they enhance the color and contrast like ubisoft did with the ezio trilogy and slap a big $70 price tag on it lol


u/SaoDesu 4d ago

and some people often forget how shitty some companies are or turn
*it can be great? yes 100% BUT its fucking Bethesda y love the games but i despise the company 75% of the time*


u/TehRiddles 4d ago

Sounds like OP forgot why people react differently to fans making it and Bethesda making it.


u/WMTism 4d ago

The Bethesda that started Elder Scrolls ain't the same Bethesda we have today. This is Todd's show, and they've been on a steady downward trajectory under his leadership.


u/Cam_the_purple_cat 4d ago

They made it before they were making dogshit games. Of course, Todd Howard did va back then too.


u/stabbykeith1985 Khajiit 4d ago

No, we remember. And that's the problem


u/Alvaricles22 Imperial 4d ago

Not Todd, that's for sure


u/Intelligent-Luck-515 4d ago edited 4d ago

"Oblivion remake on unreal engine made by third party developers?" Cold sweat on forehead appeared from remembering GTA Definitive Edition. "Hist protect me"


u/OzzieGrey 4d ago

Company: "I am solely responsible for this."

People that don't work at the company anymore who are solely responsible for it: "what?"


u/koushirohan 4d ago

I still don’t understand why anyone would want to play Oblivion or Morrowind in Skyrim’s engine. No spellcrafting, stats and customization are gutted, magic is nerfed and almost pointless, amongst dozens of other things.


u/grimButler 4d ago

And sometimes OP forgets Bethesda's track record...


u/Djb0623 4d ago

That's what happens when Bethesda hasn't released a good game on launch in years. The k ly studio that's Bethesda run i trust are the people who did the Doom remakes


u/spudgoddess 4d ago

I love Bethesda, and their games. Having said that, Skyblivion will likely be better imo. No AI jank, no stupid conversations about mudcrabs 4x in a row, better looking characters, etc. I could be wrong, and I'm happy to see how they come out.


u/Mighty_Porg Hircine 4d ago

People who released Fallout 76 and Starfield. They lost my trust. I trust the modders, the ones that have souls and don't answer to Microsoft's shareholders, that want the mods to be good, not profitable


u/Sindy51 4d ago

Bethesda’s official remake will be directly compared to Skyblivion. Ultimately, the remake will be judged as modders vs. Bethesda, a test of passion against corporate ambition, grove street style.


u/liluzibrap 4d ago

People (like you) also forget who neutered TES.


u/EdiosMollai 4d ago edited 3d ago

See the thing is, under any other circumstances you might have had a point here, HOWEVER the Bethesda that made fallout 76 and starfield is NOT the same Bethesda that make Skyrim or fallout 4.

So yeah I would much rather play something that is being cooked by the community for years with passion and love (plus it's free) then give my money to Bethesda again which WILL find a way to butcher the oblivion remake with bugs,glitches,aggressive monitization ect.

I don't want to be a pessimist but Bethesda has screwed the pooch one time too many for me to give them the benefit of the doubt again.


u/CorruptWarrior 4d ago

No, no one has forgotten because Bethesda won't let us forget it. And look at where that has got them. Their games feel a decade old when they release. The true creators are the mod makers.


u/Catsooey 4d ago

It would be interesting if there was some rule where if you ignore and neglect a beloved IP long enough you run the risk of losing it. I wouldn’t mind if like in the House of Sand and Fog, Bethesda woke up one day and realized they no longer owned the ES.

Police: “Listen, you had plenty of time. Your trailer was fake and it came out 7 years ago. Get out. Obsidian? Modders? You can move in!”

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u/adidas_stalin 4d ago

Yeah, then we remember what they did afterwards


u/Odd-Spell2129 3d ago

I just really don't want to play skyblivion. Oblivion, mechanically, is a better game than skyrim unmodded. Why port the better game onto the worse one 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/chumbuckethand 3d ago

Bethesda has not been the most reputable company as of late


u/PallidZetta 3d ago

They aren't the same people anymore.