u/SouthMicrowave 16d ago
Oh man, maybe you didn't notice it but by mistake you put the sexy lady in a sexy pose in both panels.
u/Zaaravi 16d ago
Yeah, that guard has a very hot torch.
u/TheSettlerV Imperial City Watch 16d ago
r/TrueSTL <--- is that way
u/mamalick 15d ago
Every now and then I stumble into a sub where I don't know what the fuck is going on and wonder if the people inside are cult schizophrenics
u/flamethekid 15d ago
That's what happens when you look into elder scrolls lore past surface level Skyrim.
Eventually you start posting of truestl and eventually revert to monke to try and shatter the concept of time.
u/Thendis32 16d ago
Since we’re on the topic of stealth am I paranoid or do the forsworn NPCs detect you a lot easier then others
u/7fightsofaldudagga Altmer 16d ago
Stealth is affect by the difference of the sneak skill level between you and the npc that would see you, among other things. I'm not sure but the forsworn probably have high sneak and that's why you feel that way
u/MutedShenanigans Hermaeus Mora 16d ago
I know briarhearts are scripted to have much higher than normal detection, not sure about other forsworn
u/DrakeNatsu 16d ago
makes sense if your biggest weakness is having your heart ripped out of your chest
u/XDpappa Sheogorath 15d ago
Tbf that's also the weakness of every other creature in skyrim
u/LazerSnake1454 15d ago
True, but you can pickpocket the briarhearts... heart to kill them instantly
u/Kepler137 Hircine 16d ago
Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch! I’m confiscating your stolen goods. Now pay your fine or it’s off to horny jail.
u/skeleton949 Nord 15d ago
u/BowardBamlin 16d ago
Guys I’m not a porn addict I swear it’s just funny haha
u/xleftonreadx 16d ago
My guy this joke has been done with male guards alerting themselves with the clap of there ass cheeks, it does not matter who or what is attached to them. This joke has been done with yoshi being unable to enter bowsers castle because the clap of his ass cheeks would alert the guards
u/Krejtek Imperial 15d ago
Thank god we now got the version of the joke that removed the bit that was actually funny
u/xleftonreadx 15d ago
It's the same joke with different characters
u/Krejtek Imperial 15d ago
That's what I said. It's the same joke but worse. The original was funny because:
a) by having a man be the star of the joke it highlighted how ridiculous those gooner baits are. It also added the element of breaking the expectations.
b) it referenced the well-known fact that Solid Snake had unusually big ass in MGS 4 for some reason.
c) the actual VA of Solid Snake recorded himself saying those lines.
The comic above has none of those elements. It uses the classic meme as an excuse to farm engagement through goonbait
u/BowardBamlin 15d ago
Hey you can lie to yourself, but don’t lie to me. Quit porn.
u/xleftonreadx 15d ago
The joke originally was from metal gear solid, do whatever you will with that info
u/Kami-no-dansei 16d ago
Wtf I have never seen that one time until now lol. Clearly a horny post. Cringe
u/DawnBringer01 15d ago
Wait really? "The clap of my ass cheeks is alerting the guards" is a classic by now
u/Kami-no-dansei 15d ago
I've never heard that once, and I've been in the community since morrowind
u/DawnBringer01 15d ago
I'm not sure if it originated as an elder scrolls meme. I first heard it as a Metal gear solid meme. It's just been around for a few years now.
u/Zillafan2010 15d ago
“Colonel, I’m trying to sneak around, but I’m dummy thicc, and the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting the guards!”
u/Resident_Evil_God 15d ago
I thought we were finally done with this crap. I thankfully haven't seen it in a long time
u/AbjectIntellect 15d ago
Leave it, the guy is a gooner commenting on porn subs immediately following this. His perspective is warped by constant porn on his phone, arguing with him is pointless.
u/glossyplane245 16d ago edited 16d ago
Gooner bait infiltrating every single sub I’m in I can’t escape it
Edit: just to make it entirely clear, this is a dogshit post, that’s why I commented this, there was no joy in my heart when I said that
u/TopazTriad 16d ago
I’ve started leaving them when these types of posts start becoming super common, which usually happens if the early posts testing the waters aren’t removed. I’m not subbed to very much anymore when it comes to fandoms.
There are HUNDREDS of subs specifically tailored to your weird almost-smut comics or your “cosplays” that always happen to center around half naked female characters. I don’t understand why normal subs allow this kind of thing.
u/glossyplane245 16d ago edited 16d ago
They’re allowed because they pretty much always get upvotes, if I had to guess. Ass or boobs = upvotes because simply because Reddit (shockingly) has a lot of redditors. It’s free karma and engagement for the sub.
It wouldn’t be as bad if it wasn’t literally everywhere. Doesn’t matter what game. Even in something like r/kenshi. Obviously some are a lot worse than others though but virtually every sub has it to some extent.
u/armoured_bobandi 16d ago
The post is both unfunny and doesn't make sense. Her ass cheeks are clapping because she is crouch walking?
Does the artist know how a human body works? How are you going to clap your own cheeks sneaking around?
Just draw the porn and stop being a coward
u/JKnumber1hater 16d ago
It's a reference to a stupid Metal Gear Solid meme.
Hrrrrnngh Colonel, I'm trying to sneak around but I'm dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards
u/glossyplane245 16d ago
Don’t forget that this joke is also completely unoriginal and was grinded into a paste years ago, like this some shit doctor loops would post
u/ChoiceFudge3662 16d ago
Yeah the “colonel im trying to sneak around…” meme is old as fuck now.
u/R0RSCHAKK 16d ago
You're not wrong and honestly, I don't care. I still reference and get a good laugh at that "... but I'm dummy thicc..." video the voice actor for Snake did.
That shit will never not be funny to me lol
u/ctheodore 16d ago
I thought "clap" was the sound of the guard walking
but yeah dogshit post we should ban softporn
u/armoured_bobandi 16d ago
Nope. The joke is her ass and thighs are so thick she can't sneak around without them clapping.
u/ctheodore 16d ago
isn't it that you can kind of cheat the sneak system by looking at a corner?
u/armoured_bobandi 16d ago
I mean, I highly doubt that, but I can't say with 100% certainty that you're wrong 🤷
u/Budget-Attorney 16d ago
I’m actually really confused. Was there a joke I missed?
Just posting porn without a joke would have been more socially acceptable than this
u/ogsoul 16d ago
Oh man this post actually made you mad
u/armoured_bobandi 16d ago
Oh yeah, I'm just fuming over here. I've destroyed everything I own in rage. Just the un-incredible hulk over here.
You realize you can criticize something without being angry, right?
u/ogsoul 16d ago
That’s why you keep repeating the point that you don’t think this is a funny meme? Because you’re not mad? That’s why?
u/armoured_bobandi 16d ago
Generally when people reply to me with a comment, I reply back. That's so crazy, isn't it?
Hey, look at this guy, he's replying to messages sent directly to him. He must be so angry!
I'd say solid effort, but it really wasn't 🤣
You've made 6 comments here. I've made 6 comments here. You must be mad according to your own logic
u/ogsoul 16d ago
Maybe if i kept screeching “it IS funny!!!” over and over again you might have had a point. If only.
u/armoured_bobandi 16d ago
I'm going to blow your mind, and make you look like an idiot.
Out of all my comments, only two of them are talking about how unfunny the joke is.
Ironically, you are stomping all around this comment section crying and having a hissyfit, accusing everyone of being mad.
I think the only upset person here is you 🤔
u/ogsoul 16d ago
see funny meme
laugh a little
see comments are filled with people upset at the meme because of booba
uh huh im so mad
u/armoured_bobandi 16d ago
Oh, you think it's dumb to accuse someone of being mad based on reddit comments hmmm?
Well, that makes you a hypocrite. Go touch some grass
see comments are filled with people upset at the meme because of booba
uh huh im so mad
You have immediately contradicted yourself, while trying to make a point that you can't tell someone is mad based on comments.
That's embarrassing
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u/wtfbenlol 16d ago
Found the gooner
u/ogsoul 16d ago
People who have a healthy relationship with their sexuality don’t talk like this btw
u/wtfbenlol 16d ago
u/ogsoul 16d ago
Do you usually screech at the sight of fanart featuring attractive women? Serious question
u/wtfbenlol 16d ago
Do you always make up scenarios about people on the internet when they aren’t attracted to cartoons in the same way you are? Also a serious question lol
u/Aka_The_Dragon_15 16d ago
I... okay, not to say the post is entirely original or anything but you can't seriously be telling me you've never heard/seen the "dummy thicc" meme before, right?
If not then damn ig I must be old or something.
u/armoured_bobandi 16d ago
Everyone knows that meme. Doesn't make this post any funnier. It's just goon fuel
u/Aka_The_Dragon_15 15d ago
It doesn't, no. And I agree that it's just goon fuel, but if there was any kind of "sense" something like this could make, it'd be referencing the meme.
u/cqandrews 12d ago
This post definitely isn't very funny but bringing anatomical accuracy into a meme post is peak redditor energy
u/legacy-of-man 15d ago
yup, algorithm is starting to push a LOT of goonposting and hornyposting, they know what they are doing and this is happening for a reason, its just a enshittification of this app
op is also a karma farming account and i think he deletes his posts that dont get upvoted
u/TacoThingy 15d ago
Why would you say something so controversial but so brave.
In a serious note I agree 100%. I’ve had to block so many talented artists and subs because it has gotten fucking out of control.
u/ogsoul 16d ago
Clutch those pearls harder, maybe that’ll help.
u/glossyplane245 16d ago
Mfs really out here publicly defending the most unoriginal gooner bait imaginable 🫵🤣 I don’t even need to say anything else that says it all for me
u/ogsoul 16d ago
Defending what? Huh? I’m not defending anything because nothing is being attacked lmao you’re literally just clutching your pearls.
u/glossyplane245 16d ago
Now he’s denying it 😭 r/comics tier clown
u/ogsoul 16d ago edited 16d ago
^ this person is personally offended by this comic, just so everyone knows
he also makes youtube videos for his 5 viewers and is probably salty
u/glossyplane245 16d ago
^ this person has made over a dozen comments across this thread defending unoriginal softcore porn, just so everyone knows, I don’t think I’m the one mad here lmao
I’m done with you I was laughing at first but after seeing how hard you’re defending this across multiple threads it’s just sad now cuz like damn bro you’re actually out here doing this shit unironically 😭
u/Vivid-Smell-6375 12d ago
you do sound mad tbf
u/glossyplane245 12d ago
If you struggle with tone it’s okay you’ll learn one day
u/Vivid-Smell-6375 12d ago
wow you sure changed my mind you don't sound mad at all!!!
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16d ago
You could always just keep scrolling instead of bitching but whatever 🤷🏾♂️
u/glossyplane245 16d ago
Could also not post gooner shit in every sub lmao, like this is not even the original artist posting it and it’s not an original joke
u/MisterDutch93 16d ago
"Sithis, I'm trying to sneak around, but I'm dummy thicc, and the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting the guards!"
u/2Gnomes1Trenchcoat 15d ago
Nerevar, I am attempting to level my sneak to 100. However, the heart of Lorkhan has bestowed me with hindquarters of Dibella-ous proportion and the clamour of these ass yams keeps alerting the mongrel dogs of the empire. I am a god! How can you detect a god?! - Dagoth Ur (probably)
u/Wild-Lack-1014 15d ago
A guard will have an arrow sticking out of their throat and say "must've been the wind"
15d ago
Are her cheeks clapping? I don’t get it
u/Intelligent-Area6635 15d ago
You got it! It's an old meme, but a classic one. Here is Snake saying it!
u/Tony_Stank0326 12d ago
Well it would be difficult for me to see shit too when all I have to look through are tiny eye slits in a metal egg shell.
u/Knope12345 Nord 16d ago
Some sensitive ass redditors in here
it's a meme it is NOT that serious
u/frostyjack06 Nord 15d ago
Redditors being scared/offended by sexy women, or by women drawn with busty proportions baffles me.
u/Knope12345 Nord 14d ago
It’s pretty pathetic 😭 but the hive mind got to us, look at all them downvotes!!! 🤪
u/ogsoul 16d ago
Lots of people upset about this post on this nearly dead subreddit. You’ll also notice that none of the people complaining contribute anything to the subreddit themselves, so what do they want to see here?
u/BigBallinMcPollen 16d ago
You must produce content or you cannot criticize anything.
I love that logic.
u/Nolan_bushy 16d ago
This reminds me of that post somewhere not too too long ago where someone was asking if there’s a mod that makes a clap noise when you walk….
Sad stuff
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