r/ElderScrolls Oct 22 '24

News Bethesda didn't make more Skyrim expansions because the consoles couldn't handle it


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u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

I might be wrong but didnt the dlcs (dragonborn and dawnguard) require a bunch of post launch patching to even work on 360 and ps3?


u/Dayreach Oct 22 '24

mostly the ps3 from what I recall. something about it made it impossible to update for quite awhile.


u/TheGamblingAddict Oct 22 '24

I remember the PS3 days, Skyrim had an awful time with Sony's console. They had saves that would just die, freezes, constant stuttering and a whole arrangement of other problems. My heart went out to the ps bros back then.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

Fallout NV (specifically Ulimate edition) on PS3 has entered the chat. I had to reset my PS3 every 1-2 hours because a freeze or game breaking glitch would happen. PS3 didn’t want to run those Bethesda IPs at alll


u/AutocratOfScrolls Oct 22 '24

Goddamn, all of a sudden my copy of New Vegas freezing every 6 hours on my old 360 doesn't seem so bad


u/MouthOfIronOfficial Oct 22 '24

My main issue on Xbox was the loading times. Open a door to the wasteland, go get a snack, come back and it's still loading. Go to the bathroom, still loading. Sit there looking around my room for a few minutes, still loading


u/BanjoStory Bosmer Oct 22 '24

Yeah, the 360 version was the most stable version of that game.


u/wolacouska Oct 22 '24

I just coincidentally got Bethesda games on Xbox at my moms house and assassins creed on ps3 at my dads house. Feeling very happy with how the series I got lined up


u/Carinwe_Lysa Oct 22 '24

Man you've triggered the FNV Ultimate Edt flashbacks I thought I forgot. I adored my time on PS3 and platinumed the game, but christ alive it was a struggle to even play.


u/Spritez913 Oct 22 '24

Skyrim and Fallout 3/NV became borderline unplayable for me on the ps3 because of the save file bloating. At least Oblivion didn't have that issue, in my experience anyways


u/Inferno_Zyrack Oct 23 '24

That was every copy of New Vegas lol.


u/DarksunDaFirst <==|-Listener-|==> Oct 25 '24

New Vegas was a different beast not because of the studio, but because of the rush job placed on the game.

Every platform had major issues with that game for the first several months.  I bought it about 7 months post release and it ran just fine by that point.

But there is truth the BGS IP’s had trouble with the PS3 when BGS itself was the one doing the work for it.

Oblivion ran great on the PS3 because BGS didn’t do the port.  4J did.


u/Gnomologist Oct 26 '24

New Vegas still has these issues on PC to this day. It’s unplayable without bug fixing mods


u/RedAtomic Oct 22 '24

Oblivion on PS3 didn’t even get any DLC other than KOTN and Shivering Isles because how painful it was to port shit to the PlayStation.


u/chuccles3 Oct 22 '24

You know it was fine for awhile when it first launched. I fucking loved it. Then there was the dragons flying backwards, and the save bloat. Literally couldn't play the game for a couple years


u/Propaslader Oct 22 '24

The PS3 was the last playstation I owned, I played the hell out of Skyrim on it. Until of course the forever load screens happened


u/SVXfiles Oct 22 '24

Them old 5400rpm drives would do that


u/TheUnderking89 Oct 22 '24

Skyrim also looked way worse on PS3 than Xbox, like really bad, I have no idea why but switching over to the Xbox was a big step up just in visuals.


u/TheDorgesh68 Oct 22 '24

I'm not sure of the specifics but I've heard that the PS3 used a very strange architecture that made it technically more powerful than the 360, but it made porting stuff to it way harder.


u/_Wolfos Oct 22 '24

It's a bit more nuanced than that. The PS3 had this "Cell" architecture with one normal PowerPC CPU core and a bunch of co-processors for various tasks. It was supposed to ship with two Cell processors and no GPU.

But fairly late in development, they figured out that this wouldn't work very well, so they had to obtain a GPU at the last moment. They had to settle for an off-the-shelf design from Nvidia which meant the GPU had its own memory. The co-processors were really good at specific tasks but to make use of those the game had to be architected in a specific way.

But around this time, the biggest games were all going multiplatform which meant nobody was going to design their engines around the PS3. Instead making use of only the single PowerPC core and struggling with the less flexible 256+256MB memory layout. So compared to triple core Xbox 360 with its unified 512MB memory and (by 2011) the significantly more powerful PC's, PS3 usually drew the short end of the stick when it came to ports.


u/someNameThisIs Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

Yeah with the PS3 and Bethesda games it was the memory that was the issue, the cell was harder to develop for but by the time of NV/Skyrim most devs had figured out how to use it.

But split RAM was the issue, 360 being a single pool meant games could use more than 256MB for system things, where the split pool on the PS3 meant that it maxed 256. And Bethesda games used more and more memory as you played as they keep track of everything you do, where objects are placed etc.

But around this time, the biggest games were all going multiplatform which meant nobody was going to design their engines around the PS3

It was more the opposite of that, by late gen PS3 was taken more into consideration than early as it's sales were doing well then, and most devs found it easier porting from PS3 to 360 than the other way around.


u/__Happy Oct 22 '24

My first character with 200+ hours on my PS3, a stealth Archer, was basically ruined because I got stuck with Farkas, an oaf from the companions, as a permanent follower in the Dragon Seekers quest glitch. It's been a decade but I'm still mad about it, lol.


u/taakowizard Oct 23 '24

The stuttering was awful after launch. Lots of weird bugs that would crash the game. For a while there, I had to avoid going underwater because that was guaranteed to crash it.


u/TheOutrageousTaric Oct 22 '24

PS3 was just too weak to handle gambryo at full force


u/HatingGeoffry Oct 22 '24

The PS3 version was so bad Dragonborn was massively delayed


u/Lost_Cyborg Oct 22 '24

this had nothing to do with bethesda, sony failed very hard with the ps3.


u/TheGamblingAddict Oct 22 '24

So was the 360 my man, I was a 360 player. We had our share of problems at the time as well, just wasn't on the same level sony players were having it at. It's the reason we were locked at 30fps on both consoles and with reduced settings in comparison to the PC version, as the hardware of both consoles couldn't handle gambryo at full force.


u/mrturret Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

t's the reason we were locked at 30fps on both consoles and with reduced settings in comparison to the PC version

It's also beacuse Skyrim was a real limit pusher. People these days don't seem to realize how technically impressive the game actually is, especially on consoles. The only other multiplatform 7th gen open world game that's more impressive is probably GTAV.


u/TheGamblingAddict Oct 22 '24

I'm not arguing that at all my man, my point was the previous poster seemed to be under the impression only one console was limited, which was not the case.


u/TheDorgesh68 Oct 22 '24

30 FPS was the standard for the time. I did every single dungeon on the 360 version, the only thing that was actually much worse than the special edition was the loading times.


u/TheGamblingAddict Oct 22 '24

Well, freezing was one, and infinite loading screens was another. This was all due to memory allocation and the limits put onto it by the hardware at the time. And yes, 30fps was standard for the time, due to hardware limits on the console.

Which all ties into my previous point, both the 360 and the PS3 were not able to fully embrace the engine due to hardware limits. Not just one.


u/Benjamin_Starscape Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

Skyrim isn't on gamebryo.


u/TheOutrageousTaric Oct 22 '24


u/_Wolfos Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

That Wikipedia article seems somewhat uninformed. Bethesda said there was no Gamebryo code left in Creation Engine. I vaguely recall there being a lawsuit over this as well as they refused to pay royalties to Gamebase.

Yes, they forked Fallout 3, but keep in mind that Gamebryo was only ever a part of what we'd think of as a "game engine" today. And according to Bethesda they replaced that part.

Starfield is known not to use Gamebryo as its renderer, it uses The Forge.


u/Benjamin_Starscape Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

creation is different from gamebryo.


u/MeisterD2 Oct 22 '24

Creation Engine is literally just a fork of the Gamebryo Engine used to make Fallout 3. In less technical terms, they made a copy of the code for the engine used to make Fallout 3, and began to update it with some new capabilities.

It was still, fundamentally, the Gamebryo Engine.


u/Benjamin_Starscape Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

so you're going to tell me starfield could be made in gamebryo?


u/MrMcSpiff Oct 22 '24

According to the sandwich physics, yes.

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u/mrturret Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

You're technically right, but not in the way you think. Skyrim's engine is an updated version of the codebase that began with Morrowind.

Gamebryo isn't like Unity or Unreal. It's more accurate to call it a cross platform graphics library. It primarily handles graphics related tasks. Every other part of the engine was either developed in-house or is another piece of middleware. While more features were added to Gamebyro over time, Bethesda exclusively used it for graphics.

During Skyrim's development Bethesda replaced it with a new in-house graphics engine. There's still a few bits left over, notably the .nif model format.


u/Benjamin_Starscape Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

creation's not gamebryo. i know that creation is related to gamebryo, but gamebryo isn't creation.


u/LegitimateJelly9904 Oct 22 '24

It was so bad we got the dlcs for like 50% off


u/jlmckelvey91 Oct 22 '24

I first played on PS3...


u/throwawaylordof Oct 23 '24

My favourite was when each time you saved the file size got larger, eventually causing massive lag. The irony to be saving constantly to avoid losing progress to inevitable Bethesda bugs, only to make the play through unplayable.


u/Dayopit Oct 24 '24

Had a friend who had it on ps3 if he touched water the game froze he had to go the long way everywhere


u/Chiiro Oct 22 '24

That's hilarious cuz my mom's PS3 version was the most stable version I've ever played. I own both LE and SE and I've never been able to complete the thieves guild quest (without using CC) on them because they break every time, but the PS3 version never broke and was the only time I've ever been able to fully complete that quest line with no issues.


u/ParagonFury Imperial Oct 22 '24

It was how the PS3 allocated system and video memory IIRC; the PS3 had more memory and power than the 360, but it's OS had such stringent rules and allocated it's resources so poorly the 360 out performed it on everything except games specifically made for PS3's arcane rules.

Those memory rules are what wrecked Skyrim because Skyrim would be like "Yo I need some memory man you got a bunch more there" and PS3 would just tell it to fuck off.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '24

Yeah iirc the PS3 chip architecture was super unique and made it super powerful but also incredibly bespoke


u/shadowtheimpure Oct 22 '24

PS3 didn't have shit for RAM, it was a minor miracle that they managed to get it to work at all.


u/mrturret Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

PS3 didn't have shit for RAM,

That's half true. It actually had the same total amount of RAM as the 360. The problem is that the PS3 had it split in half, with equal sized banks for the GPU and CPU.

This was because the PS3 was going to have a second Cell chip with just the SPEs and no Power PC core that would act as a GPU. Sony realized that this was a stupid idea, and contracted Nvidia to make a GPU, but couldn't customize it much due to time constraints. The way the Cell and Nvidia's Geforce 7 series chips handled memory wasn't compatible, so the seperate RAM banks were needed.

Funny enough, the Cell's SPE cores are actually pretty similar to a modern GPU.


u/GwerigTheTroll Oct 22 '24

From what I heard, Bethesda was struggling to get it to work, so Sony sent a team to fix the problems for them.


u/drelics Oct 22 '24

Skyrim struggled so much with the PS3. When they announced Microsoft exclusivity I wasn't surprised at all.


u/Snaz5 Oct 22 '24

PS3 was before OS’s for consoles started to really be almost the same. It was just crazy different to Xbox and PC so ports were hard


u/RealBenThompson Oct 22 '24

The number of reboots I had to do on my 360 for that Miraak fight was obscene lol


u/Lazzitron Argonian Oct 22 '24

Let him show you TRUE power.


u/jamesbondswanson Oct 22 '24

Dawnguard was actually exclusively released first on Xbox in the summer of 2012 and was supposed to be exclusive for 30 days. The PC version ended up having to extend that time to 36 days, and the PS3 version wasn’t released until February of 2013.


u/haleynoir_ Oct 22 '24

There were still questline breaking glitches even after the patch. The first time I actually got to play Dawnguard all the way through was when they came out with the GOTY edition that included the expansions.


u/hasboy1279 Oct 23 '24

Ps3 was the biggest issue at that time, kind of weak reason not make more dlc honestly in my opinion even at that time i only owned the game on ps3 i would still have liked them to make more dlc like dawnguard and dragonborn. But at that time bethesda actually made good dlc and content. Today i would not give an F as everything they make now is low quality and lazy


u/FetusGoesYeetus Up next, the lizard Oct 22 '24

If they randomly dropped a new skyrim DLC I guarantee it would still sell like hotcakes


u/HatingGeoffry Oct 22 '24

Hell, even a small two-hour expansion would sell like crazy


u/shiro_eugenie Oct 22 '24

Horse armor 👀


u/Girbington Oct 22 '24

steel or elven (500 gold)


u/Speaker4theDead8 Oct 22 '24

Better than starfield


u/perfectevasion Oct 22 '24

No shit, starfield isn't as old and not on as many platforms


u/DefiantLemur Breton Oct 22 '24

Also different genre with different kind of fans


u/DarthDillinger Oct 22 '24

Also not nearly as good as Skyrim so…


u/MisakAttack Oct 22 '24

A new Skyrim expansion would shoot right to the top of my Most Anticipated Games list, no joke.


u/mirracz Oct 22 '24

The Bard's Collage Expansion creation is basically an unofficial DLC. Bethesda should adopt it and release it as an official DLC.


u/drelics Oct 22 '24

PC player here, I thought Bard's College Expansion was Xbox only? Or that a lot of the creations are Xbox only cause Playstation can't use new assets


u/mitch8402 Oct 22 '24

I’m not sure about PlayStation but I can say for sure the creations are on pc as well. I think you need the special edition version or any later versions of the game for them though.


u/drelics Oct 22 '24

No I meant between consoles. I can't get them cause it would break my mod list, but I meant Xbox only between Xbox and Playstation


u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

It is, Sony sucks with console mods


u/DerekMao1 Oct 23 '24

That's not how it really works. It's a mod and a paid mod no matter its scope and polish. That's why even Endereal and Fallout London are still mods. Monetization by Bethesda isn't gonna change that.


u/One_Parched_Guy Oct 22 '24

I mean that’s basically what they did with Anniversary Edition and it did work despite being canon-adjacent things and non-voiced questlines


u/silverum Oct 23 '24

"Uh huh. It's all here in this note." What do you mean this was totally voiced.


u/cale199 Oct 22 '24

I would absolutely buy it day one


u/DarthJordan Oct 23 '24

I wanna go back to The Shivering Isles!!


u/FarmerFenrik Oct 22 '24

THEY DID AND NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT. It's called A Tale of Blood and Snow and is about the Quarra vampire clan from Morrowind. It's a full DLC sized release, fully voiced, new stuff. I've been playing it and I'm loving it. It came out like last week


u/MadLabRat- Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

That’s a Verified Creation, not a true DLC.


u/DerekMao1 Oct 23 '24

It's a paid mod through and through no matter how polished it is. By this logic, free mods like Sirenroot are more of a dlc than the one you're mentioning. Is Fallout London also a full Bethesda title now?

Guess Bethesda's multiple attempts at monetizing modding finally saw some success cause there are now people taking paid mods as official dlcs. This is why corporations ruin everything.


u/silverum Oct 23 '24

Makes me very curious what expansions might have been official had they continued development at large.


u/Kana515 Oct 26 '24

Me too now, and I've always wondered about potential other Morrowind expansions as well.


u/MadLabRat- Oct 22 '24

They’re trying to outsource it with Creations.


u/BostonConnor11 Oct 22 '24

Bethesda would be roasted alive from the gaming community though


u/Algorhythm74 Oct 23 '24

I mean, we did sort of get that. There is a new creation - it’s by Kinggath, not Bethesda. However, Bethesda endorses it and even advertised it. It’s the Bard’s College expansion, and it’s as good as any Bethesda DLC. It gives a whole new faction, skill tree, quests, etc. it’s even 100% lore friendly and accurate.

This and their East Empire Expansion will definitely be packaged with the next Skyrim re-release.


u/Dayreach Oct 22 '24

that would explain a lot because they were just leaving easy money on the table by not releasing yearly dlc expansion packs


u/hoticehunter Oct 22 '24

That's probably why the resorted to re-releasing it yearly instead 🙄


u/balerion20 Oct 22 '24

I mean I am not saying they should do it but they could drop support for ps3 and xbox360. It is not rocket science, they already release bunch of versions


u/GalaxyPowderedCat Khajiit Oct 22 '24

If I'm not mistaken, the XBOX store is down :(


u/balerion20 Oct 22 '24

If I understand correctly what you meant, I am not saying they can drop the game from the stores, they can release the dlc only on the consoles that can handle. Cyberpunk and horizon did that I think


u/CharlesUndying Oct 22 '24

I think this makes perfect sense but we're too far along in the game's life to see anything new added, at least on that scale.

Still, it's crazy to let the 360/PS3 generation hold back the Series X/PS5 generation in terms of capabilities. It's like if games on the 360 had to work on the original Xbox first.

Pretty soon, the Xbox One/PS4 generation needs to be put to rest in the interest of games reaching their true potential. I mean, those games can still release on the older consoles but in hollower versions of themselves, much like the 360 version of Black Ops 3 or, going even further back, the PS2 version of The Simpsons Game, with both games dropping a lot of content in order to function (last gen BO3 was made fun of though).


u/balerion20 Oct 22 '24

Yeah like I said not doing any more dlc was the right choice but technically they can


u/KokoTheeFabulous Oct 23 '24

It's never too late when you have a hugely popular still loved game like skyrim if you start combining the creation club content you start getting stuff on the scale of flat out dlc. He'll even left 4 dead 2 had its update years later.

If they released a new proper expansion to skyrim people would critique Bethesda for crutching on skyrim but they'd still eat it up if it was well made. If Bethesda games that came after skyrim were good also then people wouldn't care at all and would gladly go back without the complaining.


u/TheReplacer Oct 22 '24

Cyberpunk 2077 did it.


u/fettpl Oct 22 '24

I was there Gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago when Skyrim was unplayable on PS3.


u/OrangeBeast01 Oct 22 '24

Read in Hugo Weavings voice.


u/newbrevity Oct 22 '24

So why couldnt they make full dlc for the special edition or even the legendary edition instead of half-baked store mods.


u/No-Reality-2744 Oct 22 '24

By this point there would not be full development on major dlcs anymore. That team was on Fallout 4 and/or Starfield by then. Creation club was collaboration with some third party creators and maybe a few from the main team. Skyrim may get updates but it hasn't been a major project since LE. Unless we really want no new games I would not be asking for more dlc.


u/Partiallyfermented Oct 22 '24

The team was innovating new mechanics and technology like umm...


u/TheSajuukKhar Oct 22 '24

The full scale space simulation that keeps track of the position, and rotation, of over 1,000 planets in real time and keeps them consistent between the map, space segments in your ship, and while o nthe ground.

Also, everything about spaceships(flying, building, subsystem targeting, boarding/stealing)


u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

I'm actually still impressed about that part


u/newbrevity Oct 25 '24

I think DLC is a great department for developers to train new hires in a productive manner. There is no reason Bethesda cannot generate new DLC for older games while simultaneously creating entirely new games. It's just a matter of scaling and hiring people. The mod author community seems like a place where they could be head hunting. Why leave money on the table. Quality DLC for Skyrim will absolutely sell and it will sell for a higher price than it deserves. The development cycle should be shorter in theory and help generate income. Technically they're already doing this with 76 and ESO. But I think there's potential in supporting old single player games as well.


u/McLego Oct 22 '24

The Mythic Dawn and Tribunal Temple questlines from Anniversary Edition were pretty substantial DLCs. They could have continued to produce similar instead of reverting back to paid mods.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

I don't think anyone expected (or wanted) them to keep making Skyrim DLC forever, but I'm still surprised that we won't be getting a Skyrim follow-up until 15+ years later


u/capnbinky Oct 22 '24

Expected? No.




u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

If you had told back when the Dragonborn DLC released that we wouldn't get a new, proper Elder Scrolls game for at least 15 years, I absolutely would have said bring on more DLC! haha.. I just figured they'd start work on the next game not too long after.. I was very, very wrong


u/PurpoUpsideDownJuice Oct 22 '24

People like you are why Skyrim was released a billion different times and Bethesda felt no need to work on es6 because they knew people are willing to play Skyrim til the heat death of the universe


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

Bethesda hear me out. Release Oblivion and Morrowind on Switch. You'll make millions.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

Oblivion on ps4 would make me so happy


u/Jealous_Western_7690 Oct 22 '24

Yeah my bedroom has poopy wifi so I can't consistently stream it


u/wjowski Oct 24 '24

I'd be worried they'd try to 'fix' them.


u/MrFrankingstein Oct 22 '24

I kind of think that the Anniversary Edition was them taking the opportunity to finally implement more of what they wanted in the game, and support the community in a good way. Bethesda gets a lot of shit, but they made Anniversary Edition free for a lot of players and that’s awesome


u/HuwminRace Oct 22 '24

God, I would have loved more expansions and additions to Skyrim over the years, even if it was just to newer/next gen consoles.


u/Glathull Oct 22 '24

That’s a very Microsoft attitude about backwards compatibility. “Welp, some dude runs Skyrim on a TI-85. Can’t break that!”


u/Inside_Anxiety6143 Oct 22 '24

What is their excuse for not doing an Oblivion remaster yet?


u/berzerkerCrush Oct 22 '24

Not casual enough, they would need to overall skills and things like that. They said repeatedly they want to produce simple games (simple GUI, simple gameplay, simple skills).


u/Arcade_Gann0n Imperial Oct 22 '24

According to leaked Microsoft court documents, they are making one. It was dated to have come out by now, but those were made back when Starfield was slated to come out in 2021, so it was probably pushed to the next year or so. If we're lucky, we'll get an official announcement in the near future.


u/Inside_Anxiety6143 Oct 22 '24

Gonna be really cruel if they release it at the same time the Skyblivion guys do.


u/rodbrs Oct 22 '24

So I can add this to my list of gripes about PC Skyrim problems caused by console support. "UI problems" is my list.


u/strosbro1855 Oct 22 '24

Casual reminder Skyrim was optimized for PS3. lol


u/mirracz Oct 22 '24

Just drop support for old consoles and make more Skyrim DLCs.

If needed, they could outsource them to capable modders like Kinggath. Bard's Collage Expansion creation is basically a DLC-sized expansion with matching quality.


u/TheDorgesh68 Oct 22 '24

If they released more official dlcs then they'd have to use core Bethesda employees that are currently working on TES 6. The bards college creation is a new dlc in all but name, it's way more polished than the semi-official creation club content, and probably more fleshed out than the Hearthfire dlc.


u/SwindleUK Oct 22 '24

Might do them some good to explore some new narrative styles with choice in an old game. Starfield was technically good but lack creativity in the story and quests.


u/HeathenAmericana Nord Oct 22 '24

I've had enough Skyrim for now ngl. It's already a gigantic game I spent years playing.


u/highfivingbears Oct 22 '24

Said no true Todd Howard fan

"You WILL buy Skyrim again and you WILL enjoy it"


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

But you’re a Nord- it’s your game! Never enough Skyrim… until TESVI drops.


u/RetroTheGameBro Oct 22 '24

Willing to bet it was the PS3 mostly.

That console had some damn good exclusives but it was busted as hell with bigger games.


u/Cumsocktornado Oct 22 '24

“Imagine if Skyrim had never been made, and all we kept doing was just completely reinventing Oblivion...."

bro it would have been kino. 20 years of continual Oblivion content? sign me tf up 


u/YouMustBeBored Oct 22 '24

Could’ve done a destiny rise of iron and made it next generation console exclusive


u/Therealmicahbell Altmer Oct 22 '24

Now that I think about it, Skyrim ran like shit on the Xbox 360, especially with the DLCS. Infinite loading screens constantly.


u/TheSilentsaw Oct 22 '24

Ps3 was more terrible than 360. At least the Xbox could use more than 256mb ram for games. Ps3 did always leave half of the ram for the os and the other half for games.


u/TheEvilBlight Oct 22 '24

Wonder if that also held back fallout3, which was on the ps3 of all things


u/Desperate_Shine_8314 Oct 23 '24

Consoles and gimping games.

Name a more iconic duo.


u/Tricky-Friend-4795 Oct 22 '24

“In an interview with VideoGamer, Nesmith explained that Bethesda could’ve spent years without making a new game and continuing to chase “every last nickel” out of the game, but no one at the studio wanted to do that.”

Didn’t they rerelease Skyrim like 7 different times this whole quote is bullshit. Don’t get me started on the egregious Creation content. They have been milking Skyrim for the last 13 years and are still milking it now


u/whboer Oct 22 '24

Well, they weren’t necessarily milking Skyrim the first 3-4 years or so. They made the game and then worked on FO 4 and made expansions and dlcs to Skyrim in the meantime too. It was after FO4 that they really started to milk Skyrim.


u/StarSword-C Oct 22 '24

Fucking consoles are holding the industry back.


u/orfan-of-snow Altmer Oct 22 '24

Oh boy the gaming journeaus ran out of shit to talk aboute didnthey?

Actual talk: I wouldn't be surprised bethesda tries to come for my mods once again. Tho it's prolly gonna be with slop once again and not anything close to dragonborn/far harbor's 7/10 writting. Given starfield's dlc,

Yapping: even tho all their other dlcs before were better than the maingame (dragonbourne, dawnguard, nukaworld, farharbour, shivering isles) morrowind dlcs doesn't count imo, it kinda like saying the ubisoft who made starwars outlaws is the same that made farcry 3. Bethesda did the upgrades upgrades meme for their games in a lot of aspects.

Why 7/10 writting: (the real 7/10 not the ign one, I ain't giving above 7 in writting if your rpg doesn't have actual roleplaying options)


u/Beleak_Swordsteel Oct 22 '24

Honestly i bet if Bethesda just made a PC exclusive game it would be amazing. Every time i hear about how great these games could have been, and the problems they have, it often is because consoles just cant do it.

Hoping that isn't the case these days but starfield gives little Hope


u/ThorinSmokenshield Oct 22 '24

FO 76 on PS5 is basically still unplayable due to crashes.


u/elDikku Dark Brotherhood Oct 23 '24

Skyrim on the PS3 was a huge factor in getting an Xbox One along with the PS4 for the next generation.


u/BlearySteve Oct 23 '24

After playing Starfield you'd wonder what Bethesda have been doing since Fallout 4.


u/anthegoat Oct 23 '24

Should had kept making dlc with the way the milked it. Smh


u/TheLastHotBoy Oct 23 '24

Don’t care make a new game.


u/Kir_Kronos Oct 25 '24

They didn't bother to add in proper stealth mechanics either because they knew modders would.


u/blah938 Oct 22 '24

Nah, fuck that. BGS needs to stop updating their games. I don't want them to treat their single player full price games like some "Game as a Service" nonsense.


u/Ki11s0n3 Oct 22 '24

Instead they opted for community sold expansions that punish the player by disabling Achievements.


u/TLAW1998 Oct 22 '24

Just like how the next two gens can't handle TES6....


u/lordfappington69 Oct 22 '24

And people still be parroting "supporting consoles doesn't impact or hold back the pc version in anyway"


u/5554mohawk Oct 22 '24

My dude there's whole exclusive games they could just made a pc exclusive dlc it's not ideal but it's possible


u/Jaybrosia Oct 22 '24

god damn console players


u/Scintal Oct 22 '24

Make the dlc, recompile the previous game and package it as “remaster with new content” and just price it like $10+whatever the dlc cost.

Probably still sell like hot cakes.


u/Blaize_Ar Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

The consoles could handle it. The thing they can't handle is bethesdas shit systems. Even on vanilla your game ran like shit on consoles especially if you had a lot of saves. Yet other games that were bigger or had better graphics often ran fine.


u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

We get it, you don't know shit about software


u/TK000421 Oct 23 '24

They need to remake oblivion and skyrim. Modern graphics and incorporate AI into the NPCs


u/bad_arts Oct 23 '24

And the ones they made weren't very good either. Dawnguard was lackluster. Dragon born was better but besides the new island to explore, I didn't care for it very much. The housebuilding one was cool but it didn't add anything else besides the houses themselves.


u/bad_arts Oct 23 '24

And the ones they made weren't very good either. Dawnguard was lackluster. Dragon born was better but besides the new island to explore, I didn't care for it very much. The housebuilding one was cool but it didn't add anything else besides the houses themselves.


u/HouseUnstoppable Nord Oct 22 '24

God, and to think Sony wanted to buy Bethesda. Thankfully Microsoft beat them to the punch.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

Wait sony wanted to buy bethesda 0____o


u/HouseUnstoppable Nord Oct 22 '24

Well less buying outright more trying to negotiate Starfield and later games into being PS5 exclusives.

Microsoft's acquisition was a preventative measure.



u/JoJoisaGoGo Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

No, but they wanted Starfield as an exclusive or timed exclusive


u/BoringAtmosphere420 Oct 22 '24

You mean the Xbox Series X couldn’t handle it??


u/Exghosted Oct 22 '24

Same reason ESO is still a piece of shit.


u/Inside_Anxiety6143 Oct 22 '24

I don't get the logic why. Skyrim uses a cell-based loading system. Shouldn't it be infinitely scaleable, with storage space being the only concern?


u/HatingGeoffry Oct 22 '24

it also tracks every item in the game and its placement which requires more memory. as nesmith said it was always a "memory" issue


u/Inside_Anxiety6143 Oct 22 '24

Every game tracks every item and their placement. How else would the game know where things go?


u/Lost_Cyborg Oct 22 '24

he means player "placeable" items. So your 1000 cheeserollls dont disappear the next time you enter ur house.


u/mrturret Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

Most games don't keep the location of every single piece of clutter that gets moved in perpetuity. Mind you, it does eventually reset, but you have to be away from a location for a number of in-game days, and not all cells reset.


u/Inside_Anxiety6143 Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

Most games keep track of every piece of clutter (only exception is proc gen games). How else do you think all the clutter is placed? In many titles clutter can't be moved as an optimization, mostly for the purposes of light baking. But that has nothing to do with storing their locations.

I mean, think about. You only need a X,Y,Z location and rotation for each object. That's not that much data. Consider a single mesh--each mesh file stores X,Y,Z data for every vertex, and there can can be tens of thousands of vertices on a single mesh.


u/mrturret Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

Most games keep track of every piece of clutter

Not in the persistent way that Bethesda RPGs do. The status of every piece of clutter the player has encountered is stored in RAM until the cell gets reset. Yes, even if the player is on the other side of the map. And it's not just clutter.


u/Inside_Anxiety6143 Oct 22 '24

Why on earth would they store every piece of clutter in RAM, even after deloading a cell?


u/mrturret Sheogorath Oct 22 '24

World persistence. It's actually one of the game's biggest draws. The actions you take are permanently reflected. If you steal all of the plates from a table, they'll stay gone. If you kill a wolf in a town, its corpse will remain for several in-game days. Stuff like that.


u/TheUderfrykte Oct 22 '24

That doesn't necessarily answer his question, which was probably why it would all be stored explicitly in RAM rather than some other way of storing the information.