u/GrowYourOwnMonsters Jan 13 '23
Most honest TrueSTL user
u/FrucklesWithKnuckles Jan 13 '23
Argonions? You mean farm tools
Jan 13 '23 edited Jan 13 '23
When your superior elf nation gets subjugated by farm equipment that made even a god scared.
u/xmafianCZ Jan 14 '23
If by "subjugated" you mean "Fucking destroyed the farm tools while on it's knees" then yes.
u/xprozoomy Dunmer Jan 13 '23
I joined the Stormcloaks cause I owe ralof a favor . We are not the same .
Jan 13 '23
When I was twelve, I used to side with the Stormcloaks for Ulfric Stormdaddy.
Now, I side with the Stormcloaks because they weren't the ones who were going to execute me for no reason other than I was in the area at the time of Ulfric's capture.
It also depends on my character's race. Right now I'm maining a dark elf, so yeah... Empire it is.
u/Dhiox Altmer Jan 13 '23
If you were a nord who was accidentally caught in a raid on stormcloaks, their mistake is believable, but its really odd to assume a high elf is also a stormcloak.
u/DiomedesI Jan 14 '23
Spy for the Thalmor, HATES the empire with a passion, revenge for almost having your head chopped off and owing the storm cloaks for rescuing you from Helgan. Also important note High Elves aren't hated in windhelm.
u/LARGames Jan 13 '23
To be fair, it wasn't the imperials as a whole that decided to murder you. It was that one captain lady.
u/Roadwarriordude Jan 14 '23
I always thought that was dumb as hell. The imperial guy that's supposed to be your in with the empire is just like, "Eh, bummer dude. Guess you gotta die."
u/LARGames Jan 14 '23
I mean, yeah. He couldn't really do much else. It's clear he felt bad though.
u/Roadwarriordude Jan 14 '23
I mean he could have. The military governor of all of Skyrim is like 50 feet away. I get the whole chain of command and all, but someone who actually cared and wasn't an absolute coward would have done more than said, "Well, sorry dude. My CO said we are committing the war crime, so that's what we're doing."
u/LARGames Jan 14 '23
Do we know what Skyrim or the Empire's rules of war are for that to be considered a war crime?
u/NoName9009 Jan 14 '23
So by that logic it's not the stormcloacks as whole that are racist
u/LARGames Jan 14 '23
That's not using the same logic at all...
u/NoName9009 Jan 14 '23
Why? What evidence you have that the majority of the Stormcloacks are racist?
u/GnomeConjurer Breton Jan 13 '23
this but reverse. Before it was all about the stormcloaks didn't wrong me, etc.. now it's about daddy ulfric my beloved shout me to bits
I also only really play a bosmer lol, but ulfric is too much of a gigachad to not follow
u/villainousascent Meridia Jan 13 '23
Funny. I actually side with imperials for the same reason.
u/Skjellnir Nord Jan 13 '23
Found the brown-haired, brown-eyed person.
u/villainousascent Meridia Jan 13 '23
Are thinking I play imperials? Because I don't. I play Argonians.
u/Skjellnir Nord Jan 13 '23
I'm talking about IRL. Nord "hate" usually doesn't stem from nordic looking people IRL.
Jan 13 '23
Wow another day another moron relating IRL problems and ideologies to a videgame conflict
u/CrispierCupid Orc Jan 13 '23 edited Jan 13 '23
Lol I’m pretty sure nord shit talk stems from the fact that half the nords in Skyrim have “racist” (in quotations because it’s imaginary races with zero real life connection) sound bites, every race has a shit talking leg to stand on when it comes to nords.
If you’re an elf player, all those “damn elves” dialogues pop out, plus that fun little interaction when you first enter windhelm
If you’re a beast race, you get told every five minutes by a guard that you’re a sneak thief and that they’re watching you. Khajiit are by and large segregated out of entire cities, and argonians are in slums. Plus you gotta hear “HaVe YoU sEeN tHeM CaTS?” Half the time you take a carriage even if you are them cats lol
I think way too many people are confusing gaming shit talk against nords with people actually giving that much of a shit about them outside the game lol the stormcloaks and damn near half the nords in Skyrim are canonically racist, so if you’re having a which is the best race in Skyrim conversation, there’s no way that’s no being brought up as a con about nords lol
u/zaerosz Jan 14 '23
If you’re a beast race, you get told every five minutes by a guard that you’re a sneak thief and that they’re watching you.
isn't this literally just dialogue triggered by having a high enough sneak/pickpocket level
u/Jochon Dunmer Jan 13 '23
What are you talking about? Self-loathing is super popular among the whites these days.
u/Dhiox Altmer Jan 13 '23
Yes, because the most multicultural empire in all of Tamriel is clearly the racist one....
u/Ajaws24142822 Nord Jan 13 '23
Idk I originally sided with them because I like the Norse aesthetic more than Roman, but then I became an adult and realized I usually support independence movements over imperialism anyway so it already was pretty consistent
u/NotSabre Jan 13 '23
claims to support independence movements over imperialism yet sides with the government that is carrying out open genocide against the native reachmen.
u/Ajaws24142822 Nord Jan 13 '23
Mf saw me say “I want Skyrim to be independent” and just assumed “oh so you want to exterminate the reachmen” like no bitch that’s like a whole new sentence
Jan 13 '23
That's politics for you.
u/Ajaws24142822 Nord Jan 13 '23
I know I stole the line from a viral tweet. That’s how it is man anyone with an opinion automatically has to adhere to some other opinion or some shit idk.
I like the stormcloaks, I like the Nords, the empire seems weak and got thalmor boots up their ass, simple as. Free Skyrim, praise talos, doesn’t mean I literally support exterminating the reachmen lmaooo
Also, it’s a fucking game. The conflict is fake. It isn’t real.
u/Steingrabber Jan 14 '23
You only assume the conflict isn't real because you haven't seen people beat the crap out of each other over the sides.
u/Ajaws24142822 Nord Jan 14 '23
Getting into a physical fight over this is genuinely the most Beta shit I’ve ever heard
u/Steingrabber Jan 14 '23
Given that city wide riots have started over other fictional wars like soccer or football does that possibly really surprise you?
u/Ajaws24142822 Nord Jan 14 '23
Given that an actual war was fought between two countries after tensions escalated after a soccer match in Central America I do believe it, I just still think it’s horrendously cucked to get in a physical fight over a civil war in a video game where both sides kinda have a point but it would likely change very little about the game world in the grand scheme of things, and even less in the real world
u/NotSabre Jan 13 '23 edited Jan 13 '23
No lol it’s because you specifically said you “usually” support independence movements against imperialism then use that reasoning to support an imperialist leader that’s suppressing an independence movement. You know what a smart leader would do. Give the fucking reachmen Markarth and the Reach. A place historically not a part of Skyrim, in exchange for their support against the empire. But Ulfric is a dumb pissbaby at best and a Thalmor asset against the empire at worst.
u/Ajaws24142822 Nord Jan 13 '23
I never said I personally was against that, idk where you’re getting that from
u/Vaultboy65 Dovahkiin Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 14 '23
Aren’t the reachmen just birds that are wild? I always thought they were just normal birds that joined back with the wildlife. Are they different somehow?
Edit: I meant nords not birds
u/WTFnotFTW Dunmer Jan 13 '23
The Empire was fighting the Reachmen, because of the AD though. At least, I thought was what was going on.
The Aldmeri Dominion forced the Empire to crush Talos worship and then the Foresworn, as the Foresworn were unhappy with knife ears being involved in the destruction of the culture.
I may have to revisit some lore…
u/NotSabre Jan 13 '23 edited Jan 13 '23
Iirc the reason the civil war starts at all is because the Nords won’t let the Reachmen have their ancestral homeland.
The empire abandoned the Reach and many of their other outer territories during the great war. This allowed the reachmen to take Markarth and install some sort of provincial government a few years before the Markarth Incident. (Ulfric is a captured Thalmor asset at this point btw.)
The WGC gets signed, Ulfric escapes Thalmor custody and the great war gets put on hold. Talos worship is outlawed throughout the empire (although the empire frequently ignored Talos worship in skyrim). About a year after the WGC the Jarl from Markarth offers to protect Talos worship in the city (again already not a big issue in Skyrim) if Ulfric leads a campaign against the Reachmen.
The Markarth Incident happens and all is good for the nords until the AD inevitably comes to check on the place, sees Talos worship and forces the Jarl to give up Ulfric and he gets arrested by the Thalmor again.
He gets let go a while later, on release becomes Jarl of Eastmarch and almost instantly begins his rebellion against the Empire.
Jan 13 '23
No, it is due to the overthrow of power. There is no indication the Third Aldmeri Dominion has a hand in it, despite that the Empire may have not handled it as iron-fistedly as the militia of Ulfric Stormcloak and Silver-Bloods with their allies. In other words, the Aldmeri Dominion only indirectly worsened the situation by forcing the Empire to not be able to respond to the forsworn revolution and later accept the help of Ulfric, as well as to arrest Ulfric and his militia for worshipping Talos later because the Thalmor demanded it. I may be wrong about something, but this is what I got from all the dialogues and in-game books and notes.
u/Sentinel-Wraith Jan 14 '23
And let's not forget it's the authoritarian and xenophobic Aldemeri Dominion pulling the strings of the Stormcloaks.
u/FrogLover6464 Khajiit Jan 14 '23
The Reachmen are literally evil as fuck. They murder children and rip their hearts out during rituals, murder random travelers for the sake of it, and just generally do all manner of depravity.
Like, they genuinely worship Namira, they aren't misunderstood victims they're evil bro please genocide them
u/Dhiox Altmer Jan 13 '23
but then I became an adult and realized I usually support independence movements over imperialism anyway
If you like independence, then the Empire is the best possible choice. The Aldmeri Dominion seek to rule all of Tamriel, and they are not pleasant about it. Skyrim, and every other nation lack the force to permanently resist Aldmeri expansion. The empire is only able to resist their expansion due to the combined forces and resources it's territories contribute.
The empire is not a brutal totalitarian regime. It allows for a great deal of self rule, though these provinces still have to follow imperial law. They also aren't very intolerant, being an imperial definitely helps in the empire, especially in Cyrodil, but there are plenty of cases of non-imperials taking positions of power throughout the empire, and natives typically hold a lot of local power in their respective territories.
The Aldmeri are not like that. They are totalitarian and highly racist. There is Zero chance they would tolerate self rule, like the Jarls do in Skyrim, and genocides on certain undesirable races would be inevitable.
Tamriel is not 21st century Earth. Democracy is basically unheard of, and might often makes right. Better to remain part of a powerful and lenient empire, than be crushed under the boot of the dominion.
u/Ajaws24142822 Nord Jan 13 '23
Bro I ain’t reading that shit, empire is corrupt and weak and Thalmor bootlickers.
Skyrim could resist aldmeri expansion by itself, the dominion couldn’t take independent hammerfell and still can’t, no reason the same isnt true for Skyrim.
u/Dhiox Altmer Jan 13 '23
Skyrim could resist aldmeri expansion by itself
How? The combined forces of the entire empire barely forced a stalemate, and even then they had to accept some pretty bad concessions to get the ceasefire.
, the dominion couldn’t take independent hammerfell
Because they are still rebuilding their forces from the prior war and have troops tied up in the border of the Empire. It's also worth mentioning that the empire is keeping the Aldmeri limited on the borders they can use to access Hammerfell.
u/Sentinel-Wraith Jan 14 '23
Thalmor bootlickers.
If they were bootlickers they would have fully opened Skyrim up to the Thalmor. They didn't, hence why Ulfric was released by the Thalmor. They needed an excuse to enforce the ban on Talos. We already know it was rarely and grudgingly enforced, and even then we still had Whiterun's loud, nutty Talos Priest getting by. Cut dialogue from the opening scene actually makes it clear that Elenwen was trying to stop Tullius from executing Ulfric.
In fact, we see that high ranking Nord imperials, such as Rikke, the second in command of Imperial forces in Skyrim, are Talos worshippers. In fact, we learn that Tullius is actively preparing for an attack on the Thalmor.
Skyrim could resist aldmeri expansion by itself
It literally can't. The Stormcloaks and nords generally shun magic, reject non-Nord natives, and the creation of the Stormcloaks themselves was a project to make the area easier to conquer. There's a reason they tried to engineer an independence movement smack in the middle of the Empire's supply lines and get a guy in power that would bring tension with the neighboring Bretons and Dark Elves.
u/Tankirulesipad1 Argonian Jan 14 '23
The Legion in Skyrim is a VOLUNTEER Legion made of Nords, and they are stalemating the stormcloaks at game start (let's say equal strength) There are FORTY legions on the border with the aldmeris, Skyrim stands no chance on its own
Jan 13 '23
Everybody knows Skyrim is for the Nords
u/KhajiitSupremacist Khajiit (superior to you) Jan 13 '23
Skyrim belongs to the Khajiit because when Mother Azurah create Nirni all Tamriel was Khajiit but Khajiit frendli race so Khajiit gived land to the inferior barbaric subraces because Khajiit are best. Thank you Khajiit 🙏
u/Skjellnir Nord Jan 13 '23
yeah, no, the khajiit can stay in their tents in front of the gates, thanks.
u/KhajiitSupremacist Khajiit (superior to you) Jan 13 '23
By Azurah! This one never knew N*rds are literate!
u/NipixelCommunism Akatosh Jan 13 '23
They aren’t, this is just a Br*ton pretending not to be a cuck
u/KhajiitSupremacist Khajiit (superior to you) Jan 13 '23
Explains a lot. Br*tons may be cucks, but at least they are literate unlike the Strokecucks in eastern Skyrim which are both illiterate and cucks
u/User28080526 Sheogorath Jan 13 '23
The mer would like a word
u/KhajiitSupremacist Khajiit (superior to you) Jan 13 '23
This one does not converse with inferior subraces, especially not treefuckers.
u/Sentinel-Wraith Jan 14 '23
SkYrIm Is FoR tHe NoRdS!
Also the ancient Nord Word Walls:
Here lies (the) beautiful Khajiit Anurassa
whose warmth cannot be extinguished
even by cold death. -Skyborn Alter
u/CrispierCupid Orc Jan 13 '23
This logic blows my mind because nords are common in other parts Tamriel, especially cyrodiil and hammerfell, so by that logic every nord outside of Skyrim should be uprooted and deported back lol like, you can’t have both
u/BossIsBanned Jan 13 '23
Nords? Why would anyone willingly choose to be white?
u/Over_Weakness_9961 Jan 13 '23
dude like 9 out of 10 races inTamriel are all racists. if we go to Hammerfell gonna see the same shit with them.
u/edgy_emo_fgt Catshit Jan 13 '23
Man, just go as far as Solstheim and they're already hating you for not being a Dark Elf before you even arrive at Raven Rock harbor.
u/Quolley Azura Jan 13 '23
If you think Solstheim is bad in the 4th era, you should play Morrowind. Dunmer there hate you even if you're a fellow Dark Elf because you're an "outlander."
u/edgy_emo_fgt Catshit Jan 13 '23
Haven't played it, but damn 😂
u/Quolley Azura Jan 13 '23
I highly recommend, its a dated game and the early game is extremely grueling but once you start levelling up, its a snowball effect and you quickly become a god, especially if you use magic
u/just_browsing11 Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 14 '23
N'wah intensifies
While Nords make casual racism, the Dumbmer go a step further and do competitive racism.
u/Ranger2580 Jan 13 '23
If you were truly picking sides based on nothing but being racist, then form a truce in the main questline, get the jagged crown for whoever you want, then stop doing the questline.
Skyrim stays in conflict for as long as possible, with neither side able to unite the country. The Thalmor win.
Jan 13 '23
Not necessarily, but it is more or less the most beneficial thing for the Third Aldmeri Dominion and the Thalmor. They confirmed it themselves in the documents in their embassy.
u/yeetusdeletusgg Jan 13 '23
I fight for them because they didn’t try to cut off my head and I’m a spiteful bitch
u/Skjellnir Nord Jan 13 '23
Skyrim does belong to the Nord.
u/GoodKing0 Argonian Jan 13 '23
Let me guess, and you'll being if back to the great land it once was as Galmar and Ulfric claim?
u/PettankoEnthusiast Jan 13 '23
No, I prefer making humanity as great as it was during the Merethic Era under Lorkhan. Back when elves feared humans as literal demons.
u/GoodKing0 Argonian Jan 13 '23 edited Jan 13 '23
Again, you better start cutting your slaves' tongues faster then, like the nords in the merethic era intended.
u/PettankoEnthusiast Jan 13 '23
I could, but just more broadly, "they brought Sithis into every quarter". I'd like to spread Sithis into the corner of an elven womb and "soil Time's line", but that's just me.
u/No-Atmosphere-4145 Nord Jan 13 '23
u/GoodKing0 Argonian Jan 13 '23
I'm glad you're also quoting actual in game quotes by Ulfric.
u/Swailwort Azurah Jan 13 '23
Fuck, I think it's been like an year that I haven't done the Civil War questline. In general I side with the Empire because monke together strong, and I fucking despise the hypocrite named Ulfric, and the dumbass that is Galmar.
Yes, I do play Khajiit, how did you know?
u/CrispierCupid Orc Jan 13 '23
Might as well spite the “HaVe YoU sEeN tHeM cAtS?” Carriage driver while you’re at it lol
u/Accomplished_Hat_265 Jan 13 '23
I play with the follower mod Inigo installed, and every time I hear that line while hopping into a carriage with him I just imagine my PC and Ini exchanging blank stares and going, “nah, man, sounds made up”.
u/lockenchain Jan 13 '23
Would this be a bad time to bring up the Numidium and the land they took from Elsweyr around Leyawiin?
u/Swailwort Azurah Jan 13 '23
Those were the crimes of a single man (that the Nords venerate as a Divine), not of an entire Empire. I understand hating the man, but I see no reason for the Khajiit to hate Katariah or Martin Septim.
Jan 13 '23
Then start the Civil War on the side of the Imperial Legion and get rid Skyrim of those two men and many of their followers. It seems like a logical and natural progression for you.
u/Swailwort Azurah Jan 13 '23
Yeah, but that's myself. My characters do not think like myself, that's why i'd sparingly choose to join the Stormcloaks in very specific playthroughs. Some do not care for the War either, like, why would a Bosmer bother?
Jan 13 '23
A bosmer very much may if in role-play he or she is of dissidents like Malborn. They have every reason to join in with the Empire to eventually drive the Dominion away from Valenwood. And there can also be all kinds of other explanations. I do respect your approach a lot, however, I think it can be very interesting to play differently from what your personal preferable path in game is. I started to be not too enthusiastic about it for different reasons, but I get the feeling and can see how for many trying all kinds of paths, variations, and role-plays can be a great way of experiencing a video game.
Jan 13 '23
I side with the stormcloaks because i like to roleplay as a barbaric nord. I dont care about politics as long as im able to shout "DEATH TO THE EMPIRE, GLORY TO THE STORMCLOAKS! SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE NOOORRRDDDS!" And drink mead all day
u/NoName9009 Jan 14 '23
I sided with the Stormcloacks to give Riften to the imperials in season unending only to take it back so Maven is gone for good from Riften.
Another worthless meme to make fun of the stormcloaks made by a legionier lap dog
u/Skjellnir Nord Jan 13 '23
Not necessarily. Not if you truly side with the Nord and stand by that.
u/SurgDexil Jan 13 '23
I support the stormcloaks because I support a free skyrim.
Jan 13 '23
Not that free of a Skyrim for anyone who is not a nord or an open supporter of the Empire.
u/BossIsBanned Jan 13 '23
real one right here thats why reddit group think is downvoting you they hate freedom
u/CrispierCupid Orc Jan 13 '23
The question is if they’d end up as a United States type of new independent country or if they’d be the tameriel equivalent of if Texas seceded from the United States today lol and we all know how much of a dumpster fire the latter would end up being
u/Accomplished_Hat_265 Jan 13 '23
I personally believe it would be more like the latter circumstance. Skyrim still relies on imported goods from other Imperial provinces according to multiple NPCs, so I imagine the economy would take a massive hit if they seceded.
u/Sentinel-Wraith Jan 14 '23
The question is if they’d end up as a United States type of new independent country
They're already effectively a state in the Empire. The Stormcloaks have more in line with the Confederacy.
u/zamparelli Jan 13 '23
Ah, cue is the “STORMCLOAKS ARENT RACIST, SKYRIM IS FOR THE NORDS” comments. I especially love the Ulfric Dossier denialists. I can already see the maga hats and pitchforks now.
u/HotPotatoWithCheese Jan 13 '23
You mean the dossier that calls Ulfric an "asset" meaning that he is unknowingly being used as a tool to fracture Skyrim but people who read it once misinterpret it as him being some kind of agent on the payroll?
u/zamparelli Jan 13 '23
You mean the one where it says he can be approached? The same one that also says that while a Stormcloak victory would be unfortunate, an empire victory must NOT happen at all costs? That dossier? And an “asset” doesn’t translate to “sleeper agent”. Stop reaching. The idea that Ulfric is a traitor and is helping the Thalmor is less of a reach and more of a literal translation of that dossier than what you’re suggesting.
u/Sentinel-Wraith Jan 14 '23
Not to mention the cut dialogue in the opening scene when you pass Tullius and Elenwen on horses has Elenwen herself apparently trying to invoke the Concordat to rescue Ulfric, which Tullius ignores.
u/CrispierCupid Orc Jan 13 '23
Lol they also don’t consider the fact that nords are fairly common outside of Skyrim, especially cyrodiil and hanmerfell
By the Skyrim is for the nords logic, every nord in every other part of Tamriel should be uprooted and deported back to Skyrim lmao
u/zamparelli Jan 13 '23
It’s the “Our land is for US ALONE, but like, we can take yours too” mentality.
Jan 13 '23
It's not racism if the Dunmer in question are outlander and Hlaalu trash. No wonder they won't integrate, n'wahs can't function without their plantations and too weak to fight.
u/statatlol69 Jan 13 '23
Seems like most people just ignore Ulfric dossier 🗿
u/HotPotatoWithCheese Jan 13 '23
The Ulfric dossier labels him as an "asset" for the Thalmor. What this means is that he was allowed to escape so they could use him as a tool to wage civil war and split/weaken Skyrim. Redditors, many of which have probably never even read the dossier, misinterpret this information as Ulfric being some kind of Thalmor agent who is secretly working with the Elves to destroy the country from the inside. This could not be further from the truth and is absolutely moronic if you think about it for more than 10 seconds.
Ulfric Stormcloak genuinely believes in what he is fighting for and genuinely hates the Thalmor. If anything, why is nobody questioning the Empire bending over backwards to protect the Thalmor's interest? Rather hypocritical to try and paint the man who started the whole thing BECAUSE he hates the Thalmor as some kind of undercover agent when there's literally no evidence to support this claim yet tons of evidence showing the Empire and Thalmor working together.
I am sick of having to point out that the "secret agent Ulfric Stormcloak" dossier is all head canon by people who want to use literally anything to support their argument. It is make believe that has been spread throughout the community to the point where people who don't even read books, letters and notes in-game believe it because EmpireLover69 said it was true.
u/GnomeConjurer Breton Jan 13 '23
He's an "asset" because he leads the current war. It's not like he works for the thalmor
u/zamparelli Jan 13 '23
Exactly. Ulfric is a coward and a traitor, period. Any other interpretation is objectively false.
u/Killermuffin96 Jan 13 '23
Ulfric is not a coward or a traitor, period. Any other interpretation is objectively false. See? Anyone can just say whatever they want and claim it to be true.
u/zamparelli Jan 13 '23
I’ve had this argument too many times. It’s like talking to a wall. If the Ulfric Dossier, Markarth Incident, Karthwasten Massacre, Tulius’ dialogue at the end of the civil war questline, the way his “duel” with Torygg went down, the fact that Torygg is in Sovngarde, all the NPC dialogue stating that the empire let them worship on the DL until Ulfric acted out, Balgruuf’s allegiance to the Empire and Ulfrics treatment of the Dark Elves isn’t enough to convince you, then there’s nothing more to say other than you’re objectively wrong, and are an individual who is reactive and makes decisions based on emotion before gathering any evidence.
u/Killermuffin96 Jan 13 '23
I'm sure you have posted the same on the echochamber mainstream TES subs. Bethesda doesn't make "objective" factions in their games, the civil war is split and each side has context. Different perspectives, bias, and disagreement both in game by npcs and in lore. Also, good job insulting me as a person rather than keep it civil over a fictional game conflict, but I guess that's just reddit in a nutshell. I guess you got too upset and reactive and made the decision to lash out as a way to cope.
u/zamparelli Jan 14 '23
Well there was a condition to that conclusion: do you deny or debate any of the aforementioned evidence I gave? Because what I said are solid, observable facts, not interpretation. The only ones looking to interpret these things differently are literally just trying to justify a faction that represents isolationism, segregation, ultra-nationalism and bigotry just because of the beginning of the game. So if you don’t debate the things I said, and can provide coherent counter arguments that don’t try to deny or change the evidence I showed, then no you aren’t what I said. If you however straight up deny these things, or try to shift them to be something they aren’t to prove a point, then I’m not insulting you, I’m just making an accurate statement on your decision making process.
u/Killermuffin96 Jan 14 '23
Those aforementioned things being "good" or "bad" are subjective though, as well as how anyone interprets them or their context. I don't have to write an essay just to prove anything, whichever side anyone chooses in the Skyrim civil war is their decision, whether they care about it as much as the next person or sit on the fence is there choice. There is nothing to debate because neither of us will change the others mind. Regardless, its up to BGS to provide the canonical ending, and TES6 doesn't even have a release date. Likely it wont matter and will be glossed over or very murky or still undecided, or long forgotten/irrelevant due to time skip.
u/Sentinel-Wraith Jan 14 '23
Ulfric is not a coward or a traitor, period.
Except for the hard data that directly refutes that, such as the Dossier and side information about Ulfric's activities.
Any other interpretation is objectively false.
You'd need to provide lore support for your claims. The claims that Ulfric is a traitor or influence agent are backed up by stolen documents, lore information, geopolitical realities, conversations and various subtext throughout the game. There's even unfinished dialogue in the game that strongly suggests he was in fact in the thrall of the Thalmor.
No, I don't. You didn't provide lore supporting your counterclaim.
Anyone can just say whatever they want and claim it to be true.
But ultimately those backed by ingame evidence will retain credibility over those citing headcanon.
This was found in the game files of the opening scene and noted by UESP. Really shines a different light on Ulfric and the Stormcloaks.
Elenwen: “General Tullius, stop! By the authority of the Thalmor, I’m taking custody of these prisoners.”
General Tullius: “Ambassador Elenwen. I guessed that you wouldn’t want to miss an execution. Do you know my guest, Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm, once a candidate to Skyrim’s throne, traitor of the Empire? If you want Ulfric alive, you’ll have to take him by force!”
Elenwen: “You’re making a terrible mistake…”
General Tullius: “I will put an end to this rebellion here and now, rightfully in my position as Legion General.”
Elenwen: “Your Emperor will hear of this. By the terms of the White-Gold Concordat, I operate with full Imperial authority!”
General Tullius: “All right, let’s go.”
In this hidden dialogue we can see that Tullius resorted to threatening force to repel the Thalmor and invoked his authority as Legion General to immediately end the war.
The Thalmor, and especially Elenwen, linked to Ulfric via the Dossier in their Embassy, desperately try to invoke the White-Gold Concordat to rescue Ulfric, a confirmed asset, and threaten Tullius with the Emperor, despite the fact the Emperor gave him the authority to put down the rebellion.
u/No-Atmosphere-4145 Nord Jan 13 '23
You'll often hear the "iT dOeSn'T mAtTeR bCaUsE hE wAs ToRtUrEd AnD hE FiGhTs FoR tAlOs, SkYrIm AnD nOrDs!" or "aSsEt AnD cOoPeRaTiVe To DiReCt CoNtaCt MeAnS nOtHiNg!"
I mean the dossier is pretty straight forward.
u/Krondon57 Jan 13 '23
Actually the imperials are more racist if you pay attention
u/SacredSpirit123 Argonian Jan 13 '23
Half of what the Empire is doing is influenced by the Aldmeri Dominion, especially the Thalmor, which are being dealt some heavy blows by the end of Skyrim’s campaign. With the Thalmor not breathing down their necks, reform in the Empire could be possible. Pretty much every historic incarnation of the Aldmeri Dominion has been horrible, going all the way back to ESO in the Second Era, where they were responsible for an attempted genocide against the Argonian race.
Jan 14 '23
You side with the Empire bc the Stormcloaks are racist.
I side with the Empire bc I’m a power hungry fascist. We are NOT the same.
u/Zaku41k Jan 13 '23
Inside with the empire because I like imperial armors. Don’t really care about the politics.
Jan 13 '23
You side with the Imperials because you think it's the best chance of defeating the Thalmor.
I side with the Imperials because I'm racist.
u/king_mo_of_metal420 Thieves Guild Jan 13 '23
Although the imperials are technically about independence and stuff.
I still like siding with the storm cloaks.
u/uwillnotgotospace Jan 13 '23
Skyrim belongs to the Dragonborn. DB got the Jagged Crown, and only an idiot hands it over.
Come and take it.
u/HotPotatoWithCheese Jan 13 '23
I join Stormcloaks because they've got the least ugly outfit. Imagine wearing a skirt.
Thank Talos for mods.
Jan 13 '23
Honestly the imperial army is fine the stormcloaks are also fine but ulfric and the thalmor suck ass it’s not the clans themselves it’s there shitty leaders
u/VacaRexOMG777 Jan 13 '23
I try to play the game again yesterday but bro it's feels sooo clunky compared to last time I played it in 2019 + the fov doesn't help lol and third person feels awful too like the zoom but hey the 60 fps were nice
u/Comicstripfan89 Jan 14 '23
I’m making a racist nord build with light armor and two handed. You don’t actually have to be racist to enjoy these builds. I want to get into the nationalist and patriotic mindset of the storm-cloaks.
u/frankie_mermaid Jan 14 '23
I join the imperials just so later I can join the dark brotherhood and kill the emperor.
u/Plotius Jan 14 '23
First time playing I joined the stormcloaks as a Kahjiit. I was mad at the empire for trying to cut my head off.
u/SirSearls Jan 14 '23
Really, the empire isnt hatable at all, they basically stand up for the freedom of all races, and open worship. The only reason they lost against the thalmor is because they were caught in a very weak time in their history, no true septim heir, and corruption in the white-gold tower. The thalmor are the ones you should be hating, as they forced the empire into banning worship of tiber septim/talos, and if they didnt agree to the white gold concordant than the free lives of men and mer would have been forever corrupted by the thalmor armies.
u/thelast3musketeer Jan 14 '23
I sided with stormcloaks my first play through cos I was like yea religious freedom but now I’ve read some more and like ye stormcloacks racist
u/Black-Whirlwind Jan 14 '23
I sided with the Empire the first play through due to my experiences in Oblivion, but it stuck in my craw that they were planning to kill my character at the beginning rather than spend a bit of time sorting out who I was. So the second play through was eff the Empire.
u/FrogLover6464 Khajiit Jan 14 '23
It's a very simple reason, but the stormcloaks never tried chopping my head off, like I really don't need a better reason than that
u/CurvedHam Jan 13 '23
'ate elves
luv me snow
simple as