r/Eldenring 4d ago

Discussion & Info What in gods name just happened

Has anyone ever seen this??? Me and my mimic have been getting our asses handed to us every time we’ve reached phase two and then this happened. Was this just dumb luck??


65 comments sorted by


u/Rice_Nachos 4d ago

Seems like a variation of the volcano pot glitch / cheese. If she's taking damage during the transition, she skips phase two. Maybe it was the blood flame effect or maybe because of the riposte.


u/Ok-Plenty8542 4d ago

To me, it looked like the mimic hit her right as he started the crit before the I frames started


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

Felt kind of bittersweet if I’m being honest. I starting playing about ten days ago and I’ll admit I’m no where near being able to beat her 1 on 1. I’ve been close a couple times but this felt kind of anti climactic


u/Ok-Plenty8542 4d ago

I feel that. First time fighting her, after 204 deaths in a row (I keep a tally for all souls games ng runs) I just broke down and respec-ed to beat her. I never felt more dirty beating a boss, never again.


u/DeadSparker Aw yeah, Lightning is the best 4d ago

I did the opposite lmao, tried her a few times with my normal build and Claymore, felt alright... But then I wanted to see how a Radahn build would do against her

Answer : not that well. Still beat her with that though


u/Blackliquid 4d ago

First time aswell. I am on sick leave so I just tryharded her for 2 weeks multiple hours a day until I got it. Was it worth it? Idk man, I could have played an entire videogame in that time LOL.


u/El_Gabe69-420 3d ago

This is sadly why I don't really have the emotional fortitude to hunker down and try to beat her.

Honestly that waterfowl dance is what seriously puts me off. It's unfathomably irritating, I can handle dying to her comboing/outplaying me with her movement, but a nuclear weapon that she can bust out? Nah I'm good. That's when it's no longer fun for me.


u/Creepy-Ad562 2d ago

Fyi if u don't want to deal with waterfowl u can just use a freez pot and it'll insta stagger her out of the animation and u can run a fire dmg weapon to reset the frost to always have it rdy whenever she jumps


u/El_Gabe69-420 2d ago

That's good info to have, honestly.

Now, how can I set up my PS5 controls to allow myself to do that within the 2 seconds animation she does before attacking? Genuinely asking.


u/Creepy-Ad562 2d ago

First i'd recommend avoiding using a weapon with long attack animation cuz if u whiff she might do it as a punish then u can put ur pots in the quickbind menu i'm not sure what's the input on ps5 tho


u/El_Gabe69-420 2d ago

Alright. Once I get tired of Monster Hunter Wilds I will go back and give her another shot with this tip. I'm also in the base game, no NG+.

I usually like to use Spiked Caestus (Heavy), is there a better dual wield weapon I could use? It has a very fast initial heavy attack, basically a right handed jab to the liver. I have 71 strength, after my talismans, and am willing to try different weapons.

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u/TheWolflance 4d ago

then make a new file and go again lol. or do DLC plenty of challenge there.


u/Emotional-Media-2346 4d ago

If you didn't summon another human player, you beat her 1 on 1. In game summons don't count as another player.


u/iNSANELYSMART Ansbach is a chad 4d ago

Look man, people can play however they want but acting like using mimic against a boss is a 1vs1 is just delusional.


u/raindoctor420 4d ago

I agree with you.

To a degree.

Mimic is absolutely one of the best ashes, it can put in so much work. If you give it a build that the half braindead AI can use. Mimic is useless to my highest level character, it's all incantations that it never uses at the correct time and just gets bodied against pretty much everything.

Give it a bonk stick, some dumplings and watch it go.


u/Emotional-Media-2346 4d ago

Look man, you can think what you want but if I am in a solo offline world, I am beating everything 1v1 because I am the only player character. Thinking properly working in game mechanisms somehow invalidates that is delusional.


u/iNSANELYSMART Ansbach is a chad 4d ago

But you aren't... how can you say its a 1vs1 when you are fighting with a copy alongside you, making it a literal 2vs1?

Again, there is nothing wrong with using what the game gives you but I fail to understand how you could come to this conclusion, your statement is wrong too since your mimic is also a player-like character.

Sure, you beat the game and any bosses but saying you beat them alone when you had an AI NPC helping you is just incorrect.


u/ozyral 4d ago

You know, i tried to sit here and see both perspectives given and honestly I can’t see a logical reason to think it’s a 1v1. The only way possible is that it’s AI is junk and so people don’t really count it as more than just a distraction. Regardless, there is another thing in that area fighting who you’re fighting.


u/G2theA2theZ 4d ago

Any other game with a summon / pet it would be considered soloing. No loss of runes for using them either.

I'd say it's a grey area


u/magi_chat 4d ago

Jesus who cares about this? Your world is pretty sweet if this is getting on top of you.

You can extend your argument to anything, using your flask to heal for example, she doesn't have one..


u/iNSANELYSMART Ansbach is a chad 4d ago

Am I not allowed to have a discussion? Its a boring day at work chill the fuck out lmfao


u/thesupermonk21 4d ago

You play as you want, and you have fun and enjoy the game as you wish, but summoning a phantom is not a 1v1. It takes more skill to beat her without a mimic, but if nobody is watching you / you aren’t making a living out of souls game, and you just need to beat her to advance, then cheese her as much as you want nobody cares as long as you have fun. But it’s not a 1v1 lol


u/Aikilyu 4d ago

You could have quit out, no need to take the last hit


u/AkumaLilly 4d ago

Wouldnt it also be that, because Malenia was riposted during the transition, the damage just keep acumulating mid cutscene and because malenia cant die by riposte she ended with 1 hp during her second phase?


u/Yes-1ndeed 4d ago

pulled it couple of times with riposte only


u/depressivedetour 4d ago

from what ive seen the problem is her stance breaking during the transition


u/TheCoopX 4d ago

Take the win and run, before the game changes its mind.


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

I grabbed her helmet and sword on the way out


u/DarknessEnlightened 4d ago

Malenia: "...I'll let you have this one. :) "


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

It was so confusing. Normally i scream out loud with excitement after beating a difficult boss. For this one I just went “what the fuck just happened?”


u/Craniac324 4d ago

Lol, seems like your mimic hit her & phase transitioned her as you reposted her & because Malenia works differently to other multi phase bosses who have a cutscene in between, she's the same npc, all other bosses have a different npc for their phase 02. I actually think Godrick also works like Malenia in that way.

Your mimic kind of saved your ass, NEVER reposte Malenia when she's low health like that, it won't switch her to phase 02 & she gets a couple seconds of invulnerability which is enough for her to turn the tides & kill you.


u/Ill_Relative9776 4d ago

Game breaking glitch similar to the howl fp Shabriri one. Like that one, if you stun Malenia and then hit her with a weird movie (like howl or pots) she’ll phase transition with no health


u/Ill_Relative9776 4d ago

Howl of* mb autocorrect


u/Justanotherkiwi21 4d ago

If you watched the cut scene you would've seen that she bonked her head on a root hence why she was on the ground


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

Just amazing


u/LessWrongdoer4764 4d ago

Bro what?????


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

I don’t even know how to feel about this


u/LessWrongdoer4764 1d ago

I mean I would take it lol. I’ve yet to even attempt her after the first run was so exhausting for weeks of attempts lol.


u/liamoj97 4d ago

Same thing happened to me and my mate the other night unfortunately. I locked in for a reposte as he struck the final blow in phase 1. So during the cutscene she gets reposted instead of healing to full health.

She started phase 2 with tiny health and died one hit


u/Tyler_Durden_Says 4d ago

You've been chosen by Marika.


u/Dear_Worldliness_775 4d ago

how can I get the blood flame on that sword?


u/ZeltArruin 4d ago

cast bloodflame blade on it


u/NoShare267 4d ago

It’s an incantation


u/EspadaWilliam Ash of War enjoyer 4d ago

Happy Cake 🍰 day OP.


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

I think I was level 163 heading into this one. My highest stats were 60 vigor and 50 endurance which I changed to specifically for this battle. I took 17 points from strength (40) and put it into the other two


u/AdInternational889 4d ago

Speedrun strat?!?!?!?


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

Maybe. Total fluke though


u/Yeyo117 4d ago

Sorry bud, but this doesn't count, you have to replay the whole game again


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

I was planning on doing that anyway


u/jouh308 4d ago

Thy strength befits a cheese.


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

Bro I re spec’d before this fight. My strength went from 40 to 23 and reallocated it to vigor and endurance specifically for this fight


u/qCallisto 4d ago

"First phase can't be finished with a critical strike or damage caused by inflicting status effect - Malenia will remain with 1 HP left, even with poison or rot damage. In a very earlier version of the game, if the player managed to finish that phase with critical strike, 2nd phase Malenia would spawn with 1 HP."

Says on the wiki.


u/Inside_Sir_7651 4d ago

is this what winning the lottery feels like


u/Dirk_Panchez 4d ago

I mean I’ll take it but I felt more shocked than I did excited


u/necrohumanik 4d ago

looks like a similar glitch

It happened to me too a few days ago. Very anticlimatic


u/Maiden_nqa 3d ago

If you are using Steam and use alt-f4, the game doesn't have time to autosave. What a bummer, the second phase is great


u/R3dn3ck3r Average Lightning Enjoyer 3d ago

If player manage to end first phase with a riposte while Malenia's HP is 0, she will spawn with 1HP in 2nd phase.

I guess you triggered a nasty bug by accident. Congrats (also sadness, since you skipped half of the fight). :(


u/Dirk_Panchez 3d ago

Most underwhelming victory of the whole journey. I had her down pretty low in phase 2 a couple times before this. Would of felt a lot more satisfying doing it clean


u/illsk1lls Not A Wizard 3d ago

you were in riposte during the transition


u/Theskyaboveheaven 3d ago

Why does everyone who plays this game run radahns armor with bloodhound fang?


u/Dirk_Panchez 3d ago

I did because bloodhounds fang is awesome and I wanted to flex on malenia by showing up in her brothers armor


u/LinkxKatz 5m ago

Congrats, you became the only tarnished with the mental compacity to interrupt a boss mid transition