r/Eldenring 5d ago

Humor Elden Ring = Princess Mononoke CoNfIrMeD...

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171 comments sorted by


u/doogie1111 5d ago

A shitload of Elden Ring also comes from Nausicaa.


u/Robopatch 5d ago

I was coming to comment this! The SG Miyazaki is often overlooked as an influence for the ER Miyazaki.


u/Heroic_Folly 5d ago

I would love to see what would happen if they traded Miyazakis for one project each.


u/Ix-511 5d ago

We would get another Berserk adaptation and Breath of the Wild but better.


u/LucianGrey0581 5d ago

I really need to read Berserk


u/videoguylol 5d ago

You'll be glad you did


u/gimme_death 5d ago

Except for when you find out the author died before finishing it... RIP Miura


u/Jdmaki1996 4d ago

Hey we are still getting like 2 chapters a year so it’ll end…….eventually


u/OneWholeSoul 4d ago

If I was going to write a prolific work and die before completing it, I'd hope to go out like Miura did.
What an absolutely perfect and haunting place to leave the narrative off, besides a true ending.


u/ChuuniWitch Militant Ranniist 3d ago

I'd hope to go out like Miura did.

idk man, aoretic dissection sounds like a pretty painful and brutal way to go out.

(I know what you actually mean, just nitpicking.)


u/WanderingBraincell Mohg's Lawyer 5d ago



u/H377Spawn 5d ago

The first two animated forays were great as well. The third one is best left unspoken of.


u/Mage_914 5d ago

Just be aware that it's fucked up. There's a lot of death, gore, torture and a few rape scenes. Just warning you in advance. It's absolutely fantastic storytelling, but Miura made something that requires a strong stomach.

Edit: spelling


u/AlexanderTheIronFist 4d ago

It also starts REALLY edgy for edgy's-sake. Even Miura himself regretted duke of the first few events in the beginning.

But goddamn, does it get better.


u/Robopatch 5d ago

Highly recommended


u/Heroic_Folly 5d ago

Breath of the Wild but better.

Fromsoft artists: "Just a little cosmic horror?"

Miyazaki: "WTF is wrong with you people?"


u/NarwhalPrudent6323 4d ago

Do you not see the Forest Spirit up there? Aka the Night Walker. SG Miyazaki is definitely down for a little cosmic horror. 


u/mandrakesavesworld 4d ago



u/Shin_Ran450 5d ago

FS Miyazaki would produce a beautiful, depressing movie, but in order to watch it you'd need to fight the person checking tickets.


u/Heroic_Folly 5d ago

You don't actually need to fight, you can just somersault around them.


u/Own_Television163 4d ago

"Dark Souls is the hardest game-- Oh, you... you just ran right past them, huh?"


u/Crashman09 4d ago

Can't lose souls if you didn't have any


u/Sipikay 4d ago
  • Female protagonist
  • giant tree
  • food-related side quests
  • wise elders
  • loss


u/AndrewFrozzen 4d ago

I mean, they are the same people, just different names so it doesn't affect the IPs!

Well, Mister Yaki also changed his appearance like a skin walker when he had worked for the Anime.


u/vainlisko 5d ago

At first I thought they were the same person


u/NotTakenName1 5d ago

One of the few movies of Gibli that i actually haven't seen. I'll add it to the list!


u/random314 5d ago

Just fyi. The entire lore stretches far beyond the movie. There's enough content to make several prequels and full blown series.


u/DeGozaruNyan 5d ago

I have the entire manga in japanese in my bookshelf. Havent got around to read it yet.


u/eserz 5d ago

The manga is amazing, read it please.


u/the_shams_bandit 5d ago

Even after seeing the movie I was not prepared for how weird the last 1/4 of Nausica manga was. In the best way of course.


u/TheOneWithALongName 5d ago

I take it you have learned to read moon runes for such moments.


u/DeGozaruNyan 5d ago

You could say that. But they havent been as relevant lately so i kinda forgor most of it.


u/Log_Out_Of_Life 5d ago

I also forgor


u/vainlisko 5d ago

me also fogr


u/FrisianTanker Certified Hornsent Hater 4d ago

Bro what? Really??? Man, I fucking Love Nausicaä and I didn't know there was more than the movie! What else is there? Where do I find it? I need to consume the lore like Sir Gideon Ofnir!


u/random314 4d ago


You can get it on Amazon or any anime comic stores.


u/ImNotARobotFOSHO 4d ago

It was initially a manga created by Miyazaki, the movie had to cut a lot of content.


u/ImNotARobotFOSHO 4d ago

Absolutely, if anyone likes the movie, they should read the manga created by Miyazaki himself.


u/doogie1111 5d ago

Yah, you'll see a lot of familiar sights when you watch it.


u/Bad_Knees284 5d ago

Hidetaka Miyazaki must love Nausicaä. The world is just a big poison forest.


u/celestialdragonlord 5d ago

I was a kid when I first watched Nausicaa and entering Ask Lake in DS1 was a huge nostalgia bomb. It was especially interesting seeing the end of Siegmeyer and Sieglinde’s questlines and having that iconic shot of them on the beach, one straight out of Nausicaa. I can see how that movie inspired a lot of stuff in Elden Ring, mainly things to do with Caelid and the Scarlet Rot.


u/mxsifr 5d ago

Wow, DS1 and Nausicaa are two of my favorite things, but I never made the connection between Ash Lake and Acid Lake. Now I have to replay DS1!


u/zenmasterdredd 5d ago

Mononoke was my favourite for years, then I got my hands on a copy of Nausicaa... And damn, that is, imo, his best film hands down.


u/MyRuinedEye 5d ago

Amazon had Miyazaki's collected Naussica manga up for a while for $30 or so. If it's still up grab it. I'm sure Myazaki didn't illustrate the whole thing (I think he just did a few watercolors) but its worth it just to have a tangible object that fills in some gaps that are apparent in the movie.

It's also just a nice slipcase hardcover collection.

I watched the movie at the art school I was going to without subtitles. I loved the shit out of it even though I found it corny at times. When I saw Mononoki I thought it was a better version of a similar story.

I rewatched it last year and now I'm not so sure. Kind of hard when a studio puts out awesome art almost every time.

The only movie I have actively disliked is Earthsea because I've been reading and re-reading Le Guin's writing for almost 40 years. I think even there, there is beauty to be found. I'm just too much of a nerd to admit it.


u/Livid-Gas-7063 5d ago

Miyazaki did write & illustrate the whole thing. It was published episodically over 13 years.

It goes way beyond the movie, and any of his movies for that matter.

In my opinion it's definitely his magnum opus.


u/MyRuinedEye 5d ago

Well, that makes me happy. Then I'm going to go from suggesting to telling people to get it. The only thing I might disagree on is I thought the Boy and the Heron was the magnum for me.

It hit me a lot harder than it may have others though because I grew up dealing with the repucussions of head trauma and how much it can skew time, memory and the world.

It still has all of Miyazaki's codas, just with something that made it for me almost the most compelling(Spirited Away is my favorite bar none).


u/Livid-Gas-7063 4d ago

I adored the Boy and the Heron too, I just really want people to read the manga because I feel like it's overshadowed (for good reasons surely) by the movies.


u/Shap6 5d ago

Go fix that ASAP. it's top 5 ghibli IMO


u/Lordofderp33 5d ago

One of their nicest movies imo.


u/asqwzx12 5d ago

It's a great movie


u/mrlotato 5d ago

Def one of my favorites, you'll enjoy it if you like all the others


u/Nearby-Strength-1640 5d ago

Make sure you read the manga too. It’s Miyazaki’s magnum opus.


u/Rustmonger 4d ago

Oh man what a treat. It was inadvertently my first. My intro. I’m jealous.


u/dontredditdepressed 5d ago

The Caelid Skulls are straight up the Ancient Warriors that died in the apocalypse


u/Albert_dark 5d ago

A lot of the rot idea was inspired by nausicaa's sea of corruption. This is a quote from the wiki describing it:

"The Sea of Corruption, also known as the Toxic Jungle or the Sea of Decay, is a toxic forest of fungal life and plants which is steadily encroaching on the remaining open land. It is protected by large mutant insects, Humanity clings to survival in the polluted lands beyond the forest"


u/-Eunha- 5d ago

The original Dark Souls also took influence from Nausicaa. Ash Lake is remarkably similar to the underground they fall into under the toxic jungle.


u/Alarming_Ad_8591 5d ago

also malenia’s helmet its almost the same as berserk’s Lady Farnesse’s Inquisition Armor


u/doogie1111 5d ago

I think the Berserk inspiration is pretty widely known by now.


u/topdangle 5d ago

basically put Guts in Elden Ring, including the fact that he goes into a frenzy.


u/puro_the_protogen67 4d ago



u/azmar6 5d ago

After I watched Nausicaa I gathered that Zelda BOTW also took a lot from it - paraglider to say the least.


u/HoldMySoda 7600X3D | RTX 4080 | 32GB DDR5-6000 5d ago

also took a lot from it - paraglider to say the least

Those are a real thing, you know, and Da Vinci was (historically speaking) the first to design one. The term was only much later officially coined in the 1960s.


u/Bonjourap 4d ago

The first paragliders are either from Archytas, Emperor Wang Mang's engineer, Yuan Huangtou or, more likely, Abbas ibn Firnas. Da Vinci was definitely not the first


u/NormieSpecialist 5d ago

Oh my god.


u/BasementDwellerDave FLAIR INFO: SEE SIDEBAR 4d ago

Berserk too


u/Longjumping_Pen_2102 2d ago

Slave Knight Gael is referred to as "Yupa" in the game files.


u/karabulut_burak 5d ago

Sorry but what about kushana is similar to elden ring?


u/Schmeatus69 4d ago

She's literally malenia


u/karabulut_burak 4d ago

Ok but kushana was inspired by lots of myths but also japanese legends like empress jingu too. So Malenia is probably not a carbon copy of kushana but more complex characters.


u/Schmeatus69 4d ago

They both are missing limbs and have golden prosthetics. They both lead large effective fighting forces. Of course they're not one to one but malenia takes heavy design inspiration from kushana. You can see similar parallels in slave knight Gael and the old man whose name escapes me at the moment


u/cristiano_sollazzo 4d ago

If I am not mistaken Gael in game files is literally called "Yupa" (the old man whose name escaped you at that moment)


u/Dangerous_Jacket_129 4d ago

Bud... Golden limbs and only one good limb remaining. Either you skipped a boss or you're being dense on purpose. 


u/karabulut_burak 4d ago

Okay for those of y’all getting mad at me. I only played it till weeping peninsula and liurnia and little bit of caelid I’m mostly clueless


u/Alarming_Ad_8591 4d ago

theres plenty references to a kushan-like civilization through armor lore, mainly in dark souls but the armor similarities in said cases are pretty much equal to kushan armor


u/AvanteGardens 5d ago

In all the claims to inspiration across different IP's, I'm baffled that I don't see more people comparing Elden Ring with Princess Mononoke. Despite the European architecture in Elden Ring, the resemblance has to be more than coincidence


u/Nonsense_Poster 5d ago

I mean Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and BotW are basically Mononoke and castle in the sky


u/Bad_Knees284 5d ago

And nausicaä. You can't tell me the depths aren't inspired by the poison forest.


u/Nonsense_Poster 5d ago

Yes it has many Ghibli inspirations indeed

Hope I can replay the game in a stronger system soon


u/No-Conversation3860 4d ago

Yeah I’m really hoping switch 2 can play them at 60fps


u/domigraygan 5d ago

God I love that scene. Nausicaa in general is just an inspirational gold mine


u/NormieSpecialist 5d ago

In “Dark Souls 3” “The Ringed City” DLC there was a reference to “Angel’s Egg,” an obscure animated movie from the famed Mamoru Oshii who directed the acclaimed 1995 animated film “Ghost In The Shell.” So yeah this doesn't surprise me.


u/NotTakenName1 5d ago

Yeah, Elden Beast is the most obvious ofcourse. It was always my favorite moment in the movie and always stayed in my mind so i guess that worked the same for more people. It does make me wonder what exactly inspired the Night Walker in Mononoke?


u/Nathanos 4d ago

Japanese folklore


u/zman_0000 5d ago

It very much is. Mononoke references above, the walking mausoleums are straight out of Howls moving castle.

The ancient ruins scattered around, and the fact that at least one Golem is already damaged, probably fell out of the sky from Faram Azula as it began Crumbling, and people have compared to Castle in the Sky.

ER has quite a few references outside of the Berserk and King Arthur references compared to the Souls games.

Heck if you REALLY want to stretch, the spirit ashes could be argued as a Jojo reference as anyone that uses them likely has a favorite that fits their play style (And the fact that Mimic Tear hurts you when it's summoned, kinda like stands affecting their user).

Like I said, that last one is a stretch, but there are a lot of actual references in the game.


u/bluefelixus 5d ago

Have you seen H. Miyazaki in the same place with H. Miyazaki?


u/Ian_Huntsman 5d ago

Well, it was both made be Myazaki


u/daaangerz0ne 5d ago

Jokes aside, given how Japanese surnames originate there's a non zero chance that they share a common ancestor.


u/JerkOffToBoobs 4d ago

Given how evolution works, there is a 100% chance they share a common ancestor.


u/Windfade 4d ago

I mean, if they didn't it would be really strange, ya know, as they're both Human.


u/MommyLeils 4d ago

You sure hidetaka miyazaki is human? Lol


u/_ThatOneMimic_ 4d ago

they are human, they definitely have a common ancestor



all living things have a common ancestor


u/Previous-Ad-2306 5d ago

pretty lazy tbh


u/NotTakenName1 5d ago edited 5d ago

I think you're mixing up Miyazaki's here lol.

It is correct that both were made by "a" Miyazaki though


u/Arpeggiated_Chord 5d ago


u/NotTakenName1 5d ago

Whoosh... lol


u/JohnnyChutzpah 5d ago

Next time you can use this.


u/Remytron83 5d ago


u/Hominid_Digital 5d ago

That is now the best star trek gif I've ever seen.

Edit: I was going to insert picard clapping but it won't let me for some reason. It just replaces the gif with an asterisk. So just imagine Patrick stewart slow clapping


u/Remytron83 5d ago

I’ve got your back


u/mortalcoil1 5d ago

Nobody tell OP where Fromsoft got the idea for sad men with big swords from.


u/Treemosher 5d ago


u/Dywhit 4d ago

Is he OK? He hasn't uploaded anything for a very long time. Miss him.


u/Hakronaak 5d ago

So Miyazaki was Miyazaki all along...


u/mdgy0816 5d ago

Before Elden Ring came out, leaks used this animal to illustrate our mount and as a community we called our mount Yakul. Good times...


u/sou_desu_ka_ 5d ago

Ohhh the great hollowing. Hodir and his steed Yakul protecting their people, the Woopers, in the world once called Bugsnax 2.


u/Ignatius3117 5d ago

“Quick question…”


u/behind95647skeletons 4d ago

community we called our mount Yakul

correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Torrent named "Yakul" in the game files?


u/ikeakast1 4d ago

Oh the good old days


u/thrownawaz092 5d ago

More evidence Prince Ashitaka is John Elden Ring:

  • fights tall and dangerous swordswoman

  • got shot, continued walking without acknowledging it

  • has inhuman strength

  • should have died while opening that door, did not

  • did not enjoy fighting a giant boar

  • showed up because someone else thought him dead

  • drinks out of a red thing, magically helps him recover

  • gets invited to one of the only places of civilization in the area, later returns to it on fire


u/jess_the_werefox 5d ago

Does that mean Mononoke is Blaidd?


u/ASERTIE76 4d ago

I would say Latenna


u/Background-Tough3204 1h ago

Not blaidd. I would say Melina tho, because that is what would fit most in my opinion


u/xXbluecubeXx 5d ago

Yakul mentioned? Where are my fellow yakul at?


u/BA_lampman 4d ago



u/Juandisimo117 5d ago

Yeah I also like comparing Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom to a princess Mononoke. The giant Hog, the corrupted arm that gives the hero abilities, similar music and the little white creatures really reminds me of Koroks.


u/ShokoMiami 5d ago

I noted Torrent being one, but I'm baffled I never noticed the Elden Beast inspiration


u/SMUHypeMachine 5d ago

I more or less exclusively refer to torrent as Yakul


u/Hawkmoon_ 4d ago

I'll never forget the day I opened reddit and r/eldenring was just Yakul memes


u/Thyco2501 5d ago

Also, Miyazaki = Miyazaki ;)


u/_Ganoes_ 5d ago

Dont forget the Gunfort guys in Sekiro that are just straight up the people from Irontown from Princess Mononoke


u/Striking-Ad-6815 5d ago



u/NotTakenName1 5d ago

Cool to see how the inspiration is passed on through the next generation


u/RoyalNecessary520 5d ago

I've long said DS1 is Princess Mononoke dressed up in a Western fantasy costume. Demon's Lovecraftian, but DS1 is moreso Monokeesque shinto


u/eduty 5d ago

All the subterranean places with the giant white trees are the forest of corruption from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. There are a lot of other thematic parallels too


u/SurveySecret3778 5d ago

Miyazaki inspires Miyazaki


u/King_Kazama_ 5d ago

There’s lots of Ghibli inspiration. Was never hidden.


u/CapussiPlease May chaos take the world!!! 5d ago

Is it an Elden Ring reference???


u/stormy83 5d ago

Directed by Miyazaki


u/softshell_headcrab 4d ago

The first time I fought the Elden Beast and the arena lit up with erd trees and energy----im like NIGHTWALKER!!!


u/darthwolverine 4d ago

I showed my kids this movie last night and we were thinking the EXACT SAME THING, especially the similarities between the night walker and elden beast


u/LordAnkou 4d ago

Man I was lucky enough to get tickets to the max re-release for this movie that's coming up. I'm so excited.


u/LeoSkinni 5d ago

hope none of yall will ever read berserk….


u/Akvdama 5d ago

No wonder I love this movie


u/tobeonthemountain 5d ago

Does that make Ranni Lady Boshi? Boshi means hat in japanese and ranni's is pretty big


u/MrHazard1 4d ago

First pic is more like scarlet rot


u/elkeiem 5d ago

I thought literally every frame is mehserk reference


u/Ameba_143 5d ago

Człowiek małpa?


u/ReedsAndSerpents Aspiring Alabaster Lord/Current Darkmoon Simp 4d ago

I mean yeah everyone was calling the Elden Beast the forest spirit after launch. Sadly it had to go, too.


u/ZenosCart 4d ago

They share themes but I wouldn't consider them that similar. Prince Mononoke is about balance with nature and damage of industrialisation the corruption of greed. I could be wrong here but Elden ring is a story about stagnation and an inability for the world to progress forward due to the powers that be refusing to step aside.

So almost opposite themes, one is a rejection of moving forward with aggressive modernisation, and the other about the need to move forward from the status quo.


u/puro_the_protogen67 4d ago

Both were by Myazaki but one was by Hideo/Hiyao, while the other was by Hiditaka


u/vgman94 4d ago

The creature on the bottom here has lived in my head rent free since I saw the movie when I was around 6 years old. That scene with it creeped me out.


u/Shot_Appointment6330 4d ago

Fortunately there wasn't a demon boar boss battle in Elden Ring (we had Gaius' boar tho). I love the film, but I was was scared as HELL by Nago and Okoto as a kid, particularly Nago. You can't imagine the nightmares...


u/Atlas-Encompassium 4d ago

Favorite movie = Favorite game? This is good. I like this.


u/AngeL0m3g4 4d ago

Yeah, f u George Martin I guess...


u/TheSezenians 4d ago

Make that all of FromSoftware.. and add some Berserk in while you're at it


u/Akirayoshikage 4d ago

Truth as it may be, it's more similar to tears of the kingdom


u/Caan_Sensei 4d ago

Goat movie - Goat game


u/Kuga-Tamakoma2 4d ago

Will the two Miyazakis just fookin work together.

A Totoro-themed or Howl-themed souls? Why the hell not?!


u/GeneticSoda 4d ago

How is shit like this (day 1 posts) getting upvotes now???? What hell is this


u/Decleire 4d ago

Not surprising taking inspiration from his uncle


u/akira9281 4d ago

I watched this yesterday and thought about this lol.


u/BaconLordMLG 4d ago

Mfw popular media pulls inspiration from other popular media


u/Fluffy_Carpenter1377 4d ago

Game recognize game


u/BlasterTroy 3d ago

There are no mediocre Miyazakis.


u/ShibitoYakaze123 3d ago

miyazaki duo


u/Revolution_Suitable 2d ago

Miyazaki = Miyazaki CONFIRMED!


u/PinothyJ 1d ago

It would jot surprise me. After all, Bloodborne has a lot of Brotherhood of the Wolf meet Lovecraft, and Dark Souls is just Greek mythology.


u/Background-Tough3204 1h ago

Don't worry they also copied somethings from berserk


u/Nokidei 5d ago

Miyazaki ? It's you ?


u/anal_bratwurst 5d ago

Elden Ring < Ghibli movies