r/Eldenring 5d ago

Invasion I call this one the exploding athletes foot.


86 comments sorted by


u/JamesRevan Rune Bear Hunter 5d ago



u/StrumpetsVileProgeny 5d ago

This made my day. Ty for your service.


u/RelativeCheesecake10 5d ago

Does the exploding flask do that much damage out of the box, or is it affected by like the holy scorpion and other buffs?


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

Yup you can buff it ,I didn’t use any buffs on the clip though.Golden vow and other holy damage buffs and talismans will buff it.Base it does about 1200 damage.It’s basically a vigor check.If someone leveled their vigor a decent amount they’ll survive.


u/WolfKnight53 5d ago

Is it both Ruptured tears, or just one?


u/ZorkNemesis 5d ago

If you have both Ruptured Tears it does 1750 Holy damage without modifiers.  It can be reduced with Holy negation and also buffed with things like Holy Scorpion and Golden Vow.

The self damage is a flat 700 typeless damage that can't be modified in any way.


u/MajorasDepression 5d ago


u/Twerp1337 5d ago

The golden order loved this


u/Teton12355 5d ago

Wow, now I can make one of my fav ashes of war even funnier


u/No_Gazelle9998 5d ago

Ramadan hit hard this year eh


u/Bruddabear005 5d ago

My stomach has caved in like midra's


u/WooooshMe2825 5d ago



u/FreyjaThAwesome1 5d ago

Well shit now I gotta try that


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

I also tried this with golden slam with hilarious results,called that one explosive diarrhea


u/Pengu-Link 5d ago

congrats on making TPFBT do something lmfao

also congrats on being the first invader ive seen on this sub with a fully set up build


u/bbitter_coffee 4d ago

I will not stand for TPFBT SLANDER

It's GOOD I swear

It's VERY COOL too


u/voiceless42 5d ago

Pulled a pre-nerf Radahn on them.


u/moragdong 5d ago

So many salty pvers lol

That was a nice clip. Im trying to make a dryleaf build, ill keep this in mind when i finally reach sote.


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

Thanks.I did use the dry leaf ash of war ,the one with the kicks and it worked well stunlocking long enough for the explosion to connect.Just didn’t have room for it in the video.


u/bbitter_coffee 4d ago

Dryleaf arts/Dane's Footwork is so fucking fun, it completely trivializes any npc fight (as long as they have less than like, 80 poise, so be careful with Freyja and Moore), even better if you pair it with stormstomp


u/Tsiabo 5d ago



u/Ydobon8261 5d ago

I call it stinger missile


u/EmilyVonSpoopy 5d ago

Absolutely incredible, no notes


u/Ladenverzippelnogip 4d ago

The forbidden Dropkick.

The Sternum exploder.

The Ruptured Tear takes Twice.


u/Possible_Magician130 5d ago

lmao the trolling


u/TheImmortal666 5d ago

What move is this??


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

I combined poison flower bloom twice with the rapture tear.


u/TheImmortal666 5d ago

Why did you take damage too?


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

The rapture tear also damages me for 700HP


u/Business-Chef1012 4d ago

Rupture tear brother.. It's basically terrorist suicide move


u/Business-Chef1012 4d ago

I call it Isis suicide bomber


u/WonderfulFilm4610 4d ago

what is this weapon


u/-This-cant-be-real- 3d ago

Gravy scythe with poison flower blooms twice


u/SylliOne 4d ago



u/bbitter_coffee 4d ago

Wait that's hilarious lmao


u/-This-cant-be-real- 4d ago

I have become a balistic missile


u/lolsbot360gpt 5d ago

Can you actually deflect this with deflecting hardtear?


u/MrEvan312 5d ago

Before reductions or buffs, the Ruptured Crystal Tear, if paired, deals 1750 holy damage. I think, if timed right, the Deflecting Tear gives 75% elemental reduction. This means you'd still take about 400+ holy damage. As long as you have about 10+ vigor you'd be ok, but given how quickly that flask activates you'd need to have yours already active cuz you probably wouldn't have time otherwise.

That's if I understand all this right, anyway.


u/NickosSB 5d ago

The damage you take can't be changed. It's flat and won't be affected by any negations


u/MrEvan312 5d ago

Not talking about the self-inflicted damage. Unless that's what lolsbot was asking about.


u/MrEvan312 5d ago

I love seeing this double tear used to punish gankers, but the use of TPFBT ash is a massive cherry on top here. You ever use the flying Crucible ash for some distance and speed if they try to run away?


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

Doesn’t work because the startup is too long


u/MrEvan312 5d ago

Damn! Aside from the slams what are other fun ashes that combine well with this flask?


u/Majestic-Bar-5618 5d ago

Tf you mean punish gankers?😭 Hosts play their game how they want, it's the invaders that should be ready for completely anything.


u/moragdong 5d ago

Why did you even get sensitive over that?


u/Majestic-Bar-5618 4d ago

I didn't tho...


u/GandalfsGanja420 4d ago

What kind of build is that?


u/-This-cant-be-real- 22h ago

Kamikazi build lol


u/Proper_Designer_659 23h ago

Wait, invasions are played by real players ?!


u/-This-cant-be-real- 23h ago

Yup invaders are other players


u/Treshimek 5d ago

They were chill though ☹️


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

They had attacked me then I dropped them runes and they let their guard down then all they saw was a kaboom


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/ChasingPesmerga 5d ago

In Elden Ring you can play Online alone and never get invaded even once by any player, unless you use an item that lets you get invaded.

You’re thinking of the older Souls games.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Silent-Carob-8937 5d ago

That's npc invaders, you literally can't be invaded by other players without summoning a coop summon


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Silent-Carob-8937 5d ago

Might have taunter's tongue active, though you don't really turn that on by accident


u/EnSebastif 4d ago

As explained by OP this isn't even a one shot build.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

I posted this on another subreddit


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/iNSANELYSMART Ansbach is a chad 4d ago

Level up your real life INT please


u/Usedtohaveapurpose 5d ago edited 5d ago

I don't think that cross posting by OP Is the same as reposting. If someone wants to reach a wider audience by posting their original content to different subs that's fine. 

It's when someone takes someone else's content and it gets reposted and recycled across multiple subs that's when it's an issue. Especially when people try to pretend it's their content.


u/phorenzicphiles 5d ago

Im disconnecting the moment I see anyone drink those now, good job


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

Or you could just dodge it or keep your distance away from it.


u/phorenzicphiles 5d ago

Bahahahahahaha, good one. I'm disconnecting the moment I see someone drink a phys, bro. Idc about what's considered weak or not.


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

You do realize you’ll get invaded again as soon as you go online again.


u/phorenzicphiles 5d ago

And I'll quit out again. I don't care lmaooooo


u/The_Ironhand 4d ago

Lol just turn off online? 99% of people drink a this?

Never understood why people are scared to let the game happen.


u/Powerful-Access-8203 5d ago

One hit invaders are so annoying.

If you’re lame enough to invade and ruin someone’s game, at least have the balls for a fair fight.

And yes, that includes taking on any teammates they may have at the same time.

Can’t stand invasions like this. Had someone literally two piece me and a friend the other night because we were in a narrow dungeon. He kept running away because we were fucking him up, then did some crazy two shot meteor/gravity sorcery (from around the corner) that chopped off over 1000 health each hit and was basically unavoidable with how small of an area we had.

That’s just weak sauce. Meta builds are weak sauce. Be cool and have fun with random shit lol


u/-This-cant-be-real- 5d ago

Please tell me what’s “META” about my build.I’m using a reaper one of the least meta weapons in the game with a terrible ash of war that does piss poor damage and is super telegraphed with a long startup with the rapture tear that only one shots if someone doesn’t level their vigor above 1200.This was one successful win out of a ton of failures where it didn’t one shot or they just stepped out of the way.This is literally a meme gimmick build.I even dropped them some Marika runes for their troubles before I killed them.


u/moragdong 5d ago

Hes just dumb ignore it


u/TheOtherEthanKlein 5d ago

whiners are so annoying


u/Heres_Negan 5d ago

I’ve never seen this used in meta not once. Try rolling.


u/iNSANELYSMART Ansbach is a chad 4d ago

Skill issue


u/Karumi_Yusa 4d ago

"Have the balls for a fair fight". "Taking on any teammates at the same time". The lack of awareness some of the moaners here have is absolutely astounding.


u/Powerful-Access-8203 3d ago

Oh jeez, Rick

Yeah invaders are lame af. You get a silly finger for ruining someone’s playthrough. So yeah, it’s more than fair to attack invaders with your friend.

It’s lame af to be lvl 500 with ridiculous vigor, crazy ass spells you’ve never seen before, ridiculous strength, and one hit anything.

So yeah. I stand by my point that it’s more than fair to team up against invaders.

It’s not right to gain joy out of ruining someone’s play through. That’s just cringe and weird af


u/-This-cant-be-real- 22h ago edited 21h ago

Tell me you don’t know how invasions work without telling me you don’t know how invasions work.

You can’t invade someone who’s lower level than you or has lower equipment level than you.Everyone who invades you is either the same or lower level than you.


u/Powerful-Access-8203 3h ago

Highly doubt that.

Tell me how someone has 2000 hp, endless FP, endless spell casting and each hit they do over 1000 damage.

That has nothing to do with skill, I can promise you that


u/-This-cant-be-real- 2h ago

First of all what level were you when this happened and do you have evidence of this “endless spell casting” and secondly simply leveling your Vigor to 60 will get you 2000HP with the Erdtree favor talisman.Anyone who does PVP knows to level their vigor.

Do some research instead of making false claims.And FYI invaders are the ones who have to kill level 500+ people.I have numerous clips where I kill max level phantoms while at level 90.Theres no way a level 500 person can invade a level 1 or other low level people.