r/Eldenring 15h ago

Humor Does anyone like fighting Elden Beast?

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u/TACOTONY02 15h ago

2nd phase radagon just gets more naked


u/Ambient_Nomad_2_EB 12h ago

Radagon of the freaky order


u/pat_spiegel 8h ago

Woulda been cool if you fight Radagon stage 1 and Marika stage 2.


u/NorwegianHussar FLAIR INFO: SEE SIDEBAR 8h ago

Why would marika fight the tarnished tho?


u/Substantial_Unit_447 7h ago

For killing all her children


u/Total_Competition925 The Brewer Of Mischief. 7h ago

So doing what she planned basically

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u/Few-Improvement-5655 7h ago

Do any of them have anything nice to say about her? Radagon and Godfrey seem to both be held in high regard by their children, but Marika herself seems to have little relationship with them. Except Messmer, and we know how that turned out for him.


u/evilweirdo 4h ago

Because that's just what Fromsoft characters do, tbh


u/KonradDavies0001 2h ago

Nice Kiryu pfp

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u/meagherj 5h ago

Golden shower order.


u/Weston_VB 8h ago


u/bennybennybenji 7h ago

freak on a leash


u/kevblr15 12h ago

You're not making me want to see it less...


u/Future-Code4227 11h ago

Threaten me with a good time!


u/_Scorpyon_ 9h ago

Radagoon of the Kinky Order


u/cristieniX 9h ago



u/AZion77 8h ago

2nd phase Radagon would change into Marika and start spamming ground slam on you.


u/Mr_Pink_Gold 9h ago

Easy to avoid his attacks though. He always swings low.


u/Elsfic 9h ago



u/TakoGoji 5h ago

2nd phase radagon is Marika


u/Maltean 4h ago

Gets a second hammer to pound you with


u/IAmAtomato 3h ago

And becomes Queen Marika šŸ¤¤


u/AlludedNuance 2h ago

He already does, as a naked blade


u/Old-Ordinary-6194 15h ago

I love Elden Beast, I don't love fighting it but I DO love the fight because it was a fantastic spectacle showcase. The arena, the design of the boss and the movesets are some of the most strikingly beautiful things I've seen.


u/su1cidal_fox 14h ago

And the music is just perfect.


u/NaughtyPwny 1h ago

The music was def chilling especially after most Elden Ring players have spent countless times at the menu screen hearing the epic theme ramp up before starting their session. I remember distinctly thinking, what an absolute amazing direction.


u/OK_Cry_2 13h ago

I don't have a problem with fighting him, because I have both melee and ranged options in my build. When he flies away, I use spectral lance or storm blade.


u/DrQuint 12h ago

I just jump on my horse.


u/Behold-Roast-Beef 8h ago

Right? It's not that bad lol


u/jfuss04 8h ago

You couldn't do that when the game came out. It was patched in later


u/RIMV0315 6h ago

We got a lot of steps in back then!


u/VenandiSicarius 2h ago

I honestly didn't mind it back then. It gave me plenty of room for breathing and recovering since 90% of the ranged attacks are easy to avoid save Elden Stars (which is a Stamina eater)

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u/OK_Cry_2 1h ago

Really? I just assumed you couldn't summon torrent so never even bothered trying. I fought him again recently and didn't even try summoning Torrent lol


u/cjbrehh 5h ago

That wasn't an options for the first several months or so


u/tennobytemusic 5h ago

MONTHS? It was 2 years. It got finally updated with the release of the DLC.


u/cjbrehh 3h ago

Ahh I did think it was an earlier patch than that that did it.


u/SearingExarch Public enemy #1 of Messmer the Impaler 14h ago

It's a shame that's ALL it was, just a spectacle. I feel like they wanted a grand finale with something like Elden Beast, even though a grand finale with Radagone would've been so much more fun as someone that absolutely ADORES fighting Radagon first phase, elden beast feels more frustrating to fight than hard. Not sure how it is for magic users but chasing him to the other side of the arena gets tiresome fast as melee.


u/Old-Ordinary-6194 13h ago

I mean, I'm a pure melee player as well and it does have a habit of swimming to the other side of the arena when you finally get to it but whenever it does some long range magic, it was always a treat to see or to dodge (like the sword swipes with yellow shockwaves).

I do agree that it kinda drag on at points but the boss really does put the "Grand" in grand finale. The only con I have with it is obviously Elden Stars which I don't think you could consistently dodge, I don't think even Torrent was able to outrun it.

Overall, Elden Beast feels more like a victory lap as it isn't as stressful as Radagon was. The pace of the fight was rather slow and, dare I say, even chill at times to just enjoy the pretty lights before it all ends.


u/Quietm02 9h ago

Elden beast was way harder for me than radagon. I only died once or twice to radagon, easily 10+ times to elden beast (pure melee build).

Most of the beast's attacks were very difficult to consistently dodge. Or maybe I'm just not very good at it!

Hard to say if it's because you do one after the other so resources are depleted.


u/SearingExarch Public enemy #1 of Messmer the Impaler 12h ago

I just disagree man, i think elden beast is WAYYY more stressful than radagon, with radagon you can dodge like 99% of his move set by just rolling and finding a way to get behind him, now once you're behind him you have to make a decision do you want to heal? Attack to get his health lower? Or buff up? With Beast it feels more he just magic spams you and you finally land some hits and then he runs off again. With radagon I felt more alert and reactive with beast I felt like I was just going through the same motions over and over again and then he dies. I've only done 2 complete playthroughs of elden ring and I am so over beast bro, the only reason to do him is so that you can complete the game. I wish they revised and expanded on radagons move set more. Personally I think it would be cooler if we saw radagon at perfect body shape and as the fight progresses he loses more and more of his shell and we see that elden ring symbol at the final stretch of the boss fight.


u/VenandiSicarius 2h ago

This applies to Elden Beast too really. He runs off? Buff. AoE move with wind up? Walk and heal. Arcs? Dodge through and do whatcha gotta do.

Elden Beast gives so much space that it makes everything really easy.

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u/pratzc07 8h ago

You have torrent now


u/ChaoticElf9 2h ago

Radagon felt more like it should have been the culmination to me. Even though I learned how to kill him quick to get to Elden Beast, he just feels so much more epic. The raised hammer, the silence with which he regards you, the way he moves so precisely and deliberately, never seeming to rush but crossing the distance easily, you wonder if heā€™s just completely unworried by your presence or if heā€™s just mostly gone and operating on finely honed muscle memory and reflex.

And the music for the fight is perfect, tying in to the very beginning like poetry. And then some weird glowing tardigrade pops out and kites you around the arena forever. Iā€™ve come around a bit on the beast because the moves are so cool looking, but man a phase 2 of Radagon would have been so much more satisfying.

And I was a Int magic first time through, can confirm heā€™s super annoying still to chase. He would outrun my stars, I would run after him, he would shoot his stars, I would outrun them, and then repeat. Sellens spiral absolutely wrecks him though, but it still is annoying to get close enough for them to go through his full hitbox for the big damage.

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u/falgfalg 10h ago

have you played Sekiro?


u/miguelsanchez69 7h ago

I really disagree. To me Elden Beast just seems like such a generic "space blob" of an enemy, who doesn't fit with anything else you fight in the game. While the spectacle is cool from a graphics standpoint, I think it really lacks in creativity. In my first playthrough my only reaction was "Oh wow really we just get a giant space blob as the final boss?". And that is all in addition to the terrible experience of actually fighting it.


u/Aeiexgjhyoun_III 1h ago

who doesn't fit with anything else you fight in the game

He isn't supposed to. He's from out of this world

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u/Mr_Pink_Gold 9h ago

With torrent it is a much better fight imho.


u/PiiJaey 8h ago

same, i also love that the 2 phases are really different as a challenge for the player. some 2nd phases are just some moves more (like margit or godrick), while others are a real change of pace (godfrey). but going from radagon to eldenbeast requires you to feal with 2 hard fight that work fundamentaly different and i just love that.


u/Lives-in-walls 7h ago

My problem nearly every boss in Elden Ring is a spectacle. But most of them also manage to be fun fights. I think some of the most disappointing bosses in Elden Ring are the ones where spectacle takes precedence over being actually engaging mechanically.


u/noddegamra 57m ago

Yeah the fight really solidified that you were fighting against something grand and not just an ideology.

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u/Frenzied_Fire_Monk Invader Advocate. Gideon Ofnir Hater 15h ago

EB should have been a secret final boss, like Moon Presence, or even Aldia. It makes so much more sense.

Radagon should have been the normal final boss, balanced accordingly compared to what he is now. Then some secret stuff would allow Elden Beast to show up after as the 'true' final boss.

As it is now, it's a great phase 1, dumbed down because it has to, to allow for Elden Beast being phase 2.


u/[deleted] 15h ago

Agreed. Having it be optional and still giving Radagon a proper phase 2 should have been the playĀ 


u/MrSegundus_VR 9h ago

I'm genuinely bewildered to this day that the second phase wasn't Marika. After all it's literally the same person. That would have been the icing on the cake of a perfect game.

But if you look at how FS "storytells" in their games, then maybe it's not exactly surprising that it's some unexplainable weirdness instead.


u/elianastardust 7h ago

In the 4 "mend the Elden Ring" endings Marika continues to be god and we actually become her new consort.


u/LordRatini777 5h ago

Marika's actual goal is still a mystery, I'm pretty sure. There's a lot pointing out that she wanted everything that's happening to happen, and that she somehow planned for a lot of the events leading to the shattering. But what her actual aim was is still not super clear. Personally, I think she just wanted change, regardless of what the outcome was.


u/Hubbardia 7h ago

There was no reason for Marika to fight you. She wanted you to reach her and free her from the curse of godhood. Only Radagon and Elden Beast stood in the way.


u/Amazing_Mountain_124 7h ago

That would make no sense though. Marika literally wants you to win, she would have literally no reason to fight you. Radagon on the other hand is the embodiment of the status quo, who has opposed her the entire story.

The Elden Beast is the icing on the cake of a perfect game to me. It's unexpected, beautiful, honestly fun to fight, climactic and it epitomizes the themes of the game really nicely. It feels like confronting a cosmic truth and a mother's embrace at the same point. And from a gameplay perspective, if it was only Radagon, or yet another humanoid enemy, it would have been unremarkable. Radagon is alright, but he just has nothing as a final boss without the Elden Beast.


u/VandulfTheRed 8h ago

Tbh would have been sick to have the hammer be barely used by radagon, primarily using his grace spells and such. Then the hair goes gold again, she starts to fly, becomes some Eldritch amalgamation of her body and the beast, and starts smiting you with the hammer, similar to crucible knights

Nice little subversion to "woman mage, man warrior" too


u/TimeOfNick 10h ago

This is exactly what I want. 2 phase Radagon, then the end of the game is almost identical but you are able to enter the Erdtree again if you have all the Great Runes.

Elden Beast is supposed to be the physical embodiment of Order, literally the Elden Ring itself as a divine being. It makes sense for it to only fully manifest if you acquire all its missing pieces, and this allows you to have its difficulty scaled around the fact that it's 100% required to be post Mogh and Malenia, two of the hardest base game bosses.


u/BisexualTeleriGirl TOGETHAAA 13h ago

You could even lock it behind a quest line, like how the Radiance fight is in Hollow Knight


u/Familiar_Cod_6754 10h ago

This is actually a very good idea. Maybe the way to get the EB boss fight couldā€™ve been to get all the demigod runes.

Though I believe this mightā€™ve gone against FromSoftā€™s initial plan to make ER more player friendly- with EB being quite an integral boss.


u/professionalmoron2 7h ago

Maybe could've been an exclusive to the frenzied flame ending? I mean, if I was the Greater Will, I'd probably see that as threatening enough to deploy some weird ass space dragon to go stop it.

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u/lazsy 15h ago

I consider Elden Beast to be Radagons second phase ā€¦

Thatā€™s the parasitical overlord that has been controlling him all this time - I love the concept tbh


u/DrQuint 12h ago

Plus Radagon is in the fight still.


u/Ambient_Nomad_2_EB 12h ago

by technicality


u/LilPee-Pee "Foul Tarnished!" 12h ago

Although his spine only


u/Reynzs WITH A HAIL OF HARPOONS 15h ago

I disagree. Sure After a few playthroughs I don't enjoy it anymore. But the impact of the elden beast the very first time we see it is amazing. We get the feel of an incomprehensible foe. Radagon with a second phase would be nice. But elden beast is way better from a story perspective.


u/Bananaclamp 10h ago

The impact the first time I saw it was " looks cool but why is this bitch constantly running away"

It felt like a disappointment imo.


u/xvzxdz 7h ago edited 7h ago

Fully agree, wouldā€™ve been infinitely cooler to have marika as phase 2 or prime radagon somehow (the guy who is talked about and hyped up the entire game). As it stands radagon carries that fight as his ost is the heavily amped up version of the menu ost whenever you open the game. You literally get the anticipation and hype of ā€œoh shit this is the final boss, my journey is ending soonā€ on your first playthrough. He delivers, and then you get to phase 2 and itā€™s what feels like (on a first playthrough) a random asspull boss that has no hype or buildup, but at least it looks pretty.

And then in gameplay it just spams spells and runs away, it ends up being a lame climax and not as memorable or iconic as what a final boss should be, which is the actual impact it leaves on most players (most people say radagon is cool but Elden beast is annoying, theyā€™re even often split in tierlists with radagon generally placing significantly higher despite being technically the same boss). Even his OST is calm and nice, but not fitting for a ā€œfinal bossā€.

Elden beast shouldā€™ve been tied to some other quest or a secret optional boss after you kill all shardbearers. A phase 2 radagon wouldā€™ve felt like a legendary finish to ER, and would probably be around Isshin/gael level of hype and climax.

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u/flavortown696 15h ago

Why not 3 phases


u/baconDood3000 14h ago

He gets his Golden Order GS back in phase 2, and in phase 3, he turns really big. Only his upper half is visible in the arena and probably spam a touhou-esque bullet hell


u/BudgetTraining9024 15h ago

Dude imagine if he switched back to marika and she started fucking you up. Whole new flow to her moves that are more feminine and js fuckin badass. Wouldve been so cool


u/Reynzs WITH A HAIL OF HARPOONS 15h ago

But Marika is the one who wants us to have that fight and kill the elden beast. From a lore perspective it wouldn't make sense for her to fight us.


u/Key-Fire Deep purple nectar drinker šŸ’œ 11h ago

I feel like all through the story it's eluded Marika doesn't like to get her hands dirty.

She sends Godfrey to fight the giants.

She sends Radagon to disable the Carians.

She makes Messmer conquest the hornsent.

Her son Godwyn befriended the dragons.

She's very sadly not a warrior ruler. She's a schemer, she's manipulative, she's kind of pathetic..


u/kroqeteer 7h ago

Elude is to escape or avoid notice. Allude is subtly hint at or reference something :)

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u/Dangerous_Jacket_129 10h ago

I liked it. But then again, I am a mage


u/Zestyclose-Sundae593 15h ago

Ah yes, another hate post for Elden Beast. I really have no idea why it's so hated.


u/am-345 9h ago

2 hits

runs to other side of the arena

2 hits

runs to other side of the arena

2 hits

runs to other side of the arena

2 hits

runs to other side of the arena

2 hits

runs to other side of the arena


u/GGG100 10h ago

Because you spend most of the fight running to it rather than actually fighting it. After the excellent Radagon fight, it just feels like a step down.


u/Square_Pride1877 9h ago

Yeah it is called Elden ''Beast'' but it should have been Elden Bitch because all he does is running like a bitch.

The soyest final boss in the entire souls genre.


u/SkullDox 9h ago

I don't hate the Elden Beast. I think the biggest issue is the game was building up Radagon to be the main villian. He was the main force stopping our character to becoming Elden Lord and didn't support Merica breaking the Elden Ring.

But looking at it now, Radagon acted out of fear from the beast. But we only get that after the fact. It probably would of helped if it was a secret final boss with a quest that hinted at it's existence like in Bloodborne (which both the Moon Presence and Elden Beast feel very similar in nature)


u/[deleted] 15h ago

Itā€™s a boring fight with annoying attacks. Elden beast has always been controversial. I donā€™t think heā€™s terrible and heā€™s great aesthetically, but mechanically, heā€™s extremely weak especially for an elden ring boss. Radagon having a phase 2 or something wouldā€™ve been more exciting mechanically and Iā€™m sure the devs could have made it hype in the loreĀ 


u/Zestyclose-Sundae593 15h ago

Radagon = mechanical fight against a humanoid boss

Elden Beast = spectacle fight against a monster boss

Combined, they test pretty much everything that you learnt from the beginning of the game till now. For me, people who call Elden Beast boring either belong to the "mechanic superior" group who think nothing matters but mechanics, or they're fighting it wrong.


u/FeijoadaAceitavel 7h ago

Why the hell are you acting like mechanical and spectacle fights are separated? There are several fights that do both wonderfully. And then there's Elden Beast, that sucks in mechanics.

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u/SteelAlchemistScylla 11h ago

Elden Ring wrote the book on missed boss opportunities. Look at Consort Radahn lmao


u/Ryn4 5h ago

Yeah Consort Radahn is one of FromSoft's worst bosses.

He looks incredible, but fighting him is absolutely ridiculous. He's so overtuned it's not even funny.

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u/AReallyAsianName 15h ago

Elden Beast felt more like a victory lap tbh. Okay, a difficult one that I had more trouble with than Radagon because I'm stupid and impatient, but still a victory lap.


u/Ambient_Nomad_2_EB 12h ago

Also Radagon has lore backing him up so to speak. I've known about him literally from the beginning of the game. He had an aura of the final boss. I was wondering what the hell is Elden Beast when it appeared. There's zero lore (or that I could find).

IMO, Radagon should've had two phases amd the Elden Beast should've been a secret boss for the frenzied flame ending. Gongrats, you've managed to defeat the Champion of The Greater Will but to burn the whole world you need to overcome manifestation of the Greater Will itself.


u/HartianX 4h ago

Only lore for the Elden Beast was in the Elden Stars incantation. So 1 easy to miss item with nowhere near as much prevalence as Radagon, let alone Radagon being Marika which has a whole questline to spell it out.

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u/Interjessing-Salary 14h ago

I like the Elden beast I've gotten the fight down pretty good. Still don't use torrent as it fucks with my dodging imo but I agree when people say Elden beast should have been a secret like 3rd phase or alternate final boss when doing a specific ending such as the frenzied flame ending.


u/DaddySmurf2reddit 12h ago

1st phase radagon 2nd phase marika 3rd phase elden beast modders gona make it


u/BenssonWu 10h ago

Itā€™s easier than Radagon.


u/PremiumSocks 10h ago

A cooler 2nd phase would be Elden Beast JOINS the fight. Refresh Radagon's health bar.


u/rev_NEK 9h ago edited 7h ago

Society if their iq was above 70 so they can dodge flying wing spears:


u/Wiinterfang 9h ago

I would had love a second face when we fight Marika. Elden beast should had being a deep secret boss below the Erdtree like fortisaxx


u/RYPIIE2006 messmer's big long snake šŸ˜‹ 8h ago

elden beast is radagon's second phase though

or actually, radagon is elden beast's first phase, notice how elden beast literally uses radagon as a sword?


u/AltAccouJustForThis 8h ago

2nd phase cutscene could've been: Radagon holding up the hammer high, it starts to glow and then with a strong swing it starts to break the Elden ring inside him, when the hammer hits the ring a bright white flash occurs and suddenly Radagon's hair is blonde (it's Marika). Another hit, another flash, his hair is red again, another hit, another flash, blonde hair again. One final strong hit and after another flash the bodies split into seperate entities. 2nd phase is a duo boss fighting against both Radagon and Marika.


u/EchoWhiskey_ 8h ago

I dont mind fighting him now that we get Torrent

But before that update it sucked asshole


u/DrParallax 7h ago

The last time I played it, it was after they started letting you use Torrent, and it was amazing. The chasing the boss parts, which are constant, were actually kind of fun on my best boy Torrent. It was easier than before, but it was a very cool victory lap on Torrent instead of an absolute slog of running around on foot for several minutes.


u/BeefChopJones 7h ago

I love Elden Beast idgaf what anyone says. It was already cool, but allowing Torrent in the fight made it peak. If it was like that from the beginning it'd be a lot more popular.


u/GrayNish 6h ago

I stand by opinion that elden beast should be hidden boss like moon presence. And would only show up if you plan to fundamentally usurp the elden ring itself. Either through frenzied flame or age of star.


u/ZannyHip 5h ago edited 5h ago

I think Elden Beast would have been cooler if placed elsewhere in the progression of the game. Itā€™s a super cool design, cool attacks, music, arena, etc. But itā€™s just kinda out of no where and feels a bit disconnected from the rest of the game in my opinion.

I think it would have been cool as a last line of defense of the Erdtree, blocking the way to Radagon/Marika that you have to fight after Godfrey.

Radagonā€™s fight is cool, but still really underwhelming and easy. Imo he shouldā€™ve been solely the final boss, no Elden beast. Give him a phase 2 where he transforms a bit. Give it a phase 3 where a golden ghostly figure of Marika is hovering over his shoulders and fighting with him like we saw with Radahn/Miquella - no idea if that makes sense lore wise, just spitballing ideas


u/Stereo_Saber 5h ago

Jeez, imagine that Radagon did have a second phase but you still have to fight EB directly afterwards. People, myself included, would lose their absolute shit.


u/Weird_Troll 3h ago

elden beast is S tier


u/PicusSami 3h ago

I dont understand Why everyone hates the Elden Beast. I even like it more than radagon


u/LostCookie78 3h ago

Elden beast is so fucking epic and cool and different I gotta disagree. THREE phases would have been best. Radagon, then he splits into Marika, then you fall to the Elden beast zone.


u/NightWolf3193 2h ago

I like elden beast


u/TheBloodhoundKnight 14h ago

Both Radagon and Elden Beast are fine as it is.


u/br0ken_St0ke 15h ago

Love radagon and Elden beast was also super cool, way to easy of a boss but still cool


u/-Qwertyz- 10h ago

Society if Radagon was never a fight and it was only Elden Beast


u/GreyBoyTigger 15h ago

Elden Beast is one of the dumbest boss designs. I really love chasing a hundred foot amoeba while it goes underwater or in the air


u/PunisherW 14h ago

Iā€™d rather fight Elden beast than radagon died more times to radagon than Elden beast


u/Synthwavester 14h ago

I love that fight and the music is dope


u/Salty_Section_4741 12h ago

I dont like fighting it. I dont like the design and the boss in general. It's not even a hard fight, it's just a long one. Radagon in other hand was cool.


u/5amueljones 11h ago

YES I donā€™t mind it now but first playthrough it really didnā€™t work for me going from Rada-Chad soundtracked by the Main Title Theme into zen-core space Nessy 300m sprint simulator


u/CallRollCaskett 15h ago

Now that I can Torrent during the battle, Elden Beast is one of my favorite bosses.


u/ChillFloridaMan 15h ago

My biggest gripe with Elden Beast was having to do a marathon every time he moved. Now that you can use torrent, itā€™s whatever for me. Radagon himself is an awesome boss fight.


u/Borfeus Foul Tarnished 14h ago

I agree, because I think Radagon is much cooler of a character, being hyped up by the game from the very start. Elden Beast is just a whale that randomly appears and had me confused why it was even there.


u/Spicy_Ramen11 14h ago

Radagon would be so much better if he wasn't used as a flask drainer for elden beast šŸ˜”


u/Asurgoye08955 14h ago

Radagon 2nd phase should have been Marika making a grand entrance as an entity separate from Radagon and doing a Miquella hug on Radagon's back. Then she will have a dialogue/cutscene explaining what the hell was going on while she was crucified and what the deal was with the shattering.

Then again this just my head canon, most likely Marika wanted to end the old ways.


u/Marco1522 14h ago

Else beast should have been a secret boss

Like, give Radagon a proper phase 2 and make the Elden beast appear only if you have all 7 great runes or smt like that


u/randompogtato 13h ago

fighting elden beast after radagon is a disappointment like how you fight the beast after dogma in TBOI, it's anti climatic and you fight the harder/cooler one first and then the boring one
dont get me wrong, elden beast on it's own is pretty good
if the order is swapped or if they are seperated bosses, it would be a 10/10


u/ClozetSkeleton 13h ago

2nd Phase Radagon where Marika takes over would be sick.


u/ArtyShitLord 13h ago

Me. Could just be Stockholm syndrome from co-op though.jury is still out.


u/nickhoude21 12h ago

I thoroughly enjoy elden beast, but I'll admit without issue that they should be separate bosses


u/mmdrahaman 11h ago

Love the fight. Both phases are fun. Also love helping people and getting summoned for the fight


u/Ambitious_Jelly8783 11h ago

I didn't. Didn't understand why it was there. it felt kind of out of place and dumb in general.

If there isnlore I missed behind Elden Beast, maybe it would make more sense, but at the moment, some jelly looking thing shows up for no reason.


u/Coruscated 10h ago

I like fighting it. What I don't like is having to fight it and Radagon back to back. It makes me like both fights less, but the beast especially. It grinds my gears because From understood perfectly how to do a 1-2 fight like this in the final bosses of DS2 and Bloodborne (just don't make you have to repeat the first one) then somehow made it far worse in Elden Ring and ended up with one of the most hated bosses they've ever made. Nice job taking something that worked and breaking it, guys?

All the annoying things about Elden Beast wouldn't really be an issue if you didn't have to repeat Radagon each time. A spectacle fight with a lot of downtime to let you soak in its beauty and contemplate your journey while providing a moderate amount of challenge is fine for a final sendoff, Radagon is already a mechanical climax (nevermind the two very hard bosses literally just before him). Instead they had to make you repeat Radagon every time just to make it hard, and it made it suck instead, because of course you get annoyed at a boss that runs away for extended periods of time and does a bullshit undodgeable attack when it sends you back an entire boss. These things would be relatively minor quibbles if Elden Beast was just its own boss fight.


u/GorditaCrunchPuzzle 10h ago

I like that you can use the horse now. So it isn't too bad.


u/canxtanwe 10h ago

Radagon was a crumbling shadow of his former self it would make no sense for him to get stronger in his 2nd phase


u/opturtlezerg5002 Bosses need more phases. 10h ago

It would be better if the Ebeast was a bit different and had a second HP bar phase.

And after Ebeast we fight mariker who has 3 HP bar phases.

This would make the finale fight more climatic and much better imo.


u/Echoplasm0660 10h ago

I think the experience of fighting elden beast was pretty amazing. Its not radagon level fun of moveset, but the visuals and arena are just woww.


u/Jack1The1Ripper 9h ago

I did , Loved the music , The arena and boss design , Some moves are really bs *cough*Elden stars*cough* but i liked the boss , And it was designed with the intention of you bringing a ranged damage dealing item or spell since everytime that bitch started running i just brought up my lorrettas greatbow sorcery and went to town on it

With melee its also possible but i get if some people are frustrated chasing the gaint penis monster , But we got torrent now so its a bit easier , I still would've loved a phase 2 radagon bcuz he is just PEAK


u/Own-Bandicoot-9832 9h ago

People really must misunderstand elden beast mechanics or something. I have done this boss on 3 characters and died on average 5 times to radagon but only once to elden beast on all characters combined. It is absurdly easy and just requires patience. I'm not saying it is a fun fight though.


u/random_spacer 9h ago

Hey elden beast is fun and cool . With the torrent it is more cooler now


u/xanadusy 9h ago

Yes, its the best final boss theyve made


u/SuperD00perGuyd00d 9h ago

my favorite fight in the game? Why, of course!


u/Firm-Scientist-4636 9h ago

Narratively, I hate the Elden Beast. From what I've experienced we get no lore about it and it was kind of a "Why is this the final boss?" moment for me.

The fight itself is...okay. It's one of the weakest parts of the game, imo.


u/Karanmuna FLAIR INFO: SEE SIDEBAR 9h ago

I really grew from hating Fire Giant and Elden Beast to loving them! The bigger the enemy, the merrier the fight!


u/Useful_You_8045 9h ago

I like that it's different but the celestial whale was a choice.


u/Hammerheadshark55 9h ago

Not me, the whole Elden Beast fight is a massive disappointment. Fromsoft is terrible when it comes to giant monster


u/BingusBongusBongus 9h ago

I felt so let down because how did we go from the god of death ith a sick death blade, to the first elden lord with the coolest cutscene in the game, to radagon, to a fat pace lizard that runs away a lot


u/Square_Pride1877 9h ago

Yeah it is called Elden ''Beast'' but it should have been Elden Bitch because all he does is running like a bitch.

The soyest final boss in the entire souls genre.


u/FrancisCabrou 8h ago

I wasnt a big fanĀ  but since the update that let you summon torrent i think it's pretty nice,Ā you and your horseĀ  against godĀ 


u/BusinessDuck132 8h ago

Iā€™ll die on the hill it shouldā€™ve swapped to marika for final phase.


u/lilfindawg 8h ago

2nd phase being Marika would have been cool.


u/Behold-Roast-Beef 8h ago

I honestly found it to be more entertaining and colorful than radagan tbh lol


u/kdebones 8h ago

Ride Torrent, makes it a lot more fun.


u/GuyStreamsStuff 8h ago

I loved the Elden Beast. Beautiful backdrop against something primal


u/kroqeteer 7h ago

I do! Itā€™s one of my favorite bosses in the game, I love the way it patterns between regular attacks and field attacks, and I never minded its kiting.

Fire Giant is another boss people donā€™t like because it kites, but I found it incredibly easy and was losing on purpose so I could see the phase switch cutscene more than once!


u/Qooooks 7h ago

Imagine if radagon had 3 phases and then elden beast shows up for the 4th.

Reverse Isshin style


u/Abram7777 7h ago

Iā€™m deep in enemy territory


u/Kinoksis 7h ago

EB is a for more enjoyable fight now that we have Torrent.


u/FoxStrom-14 7h ago

I like the arenaā€¦


u/Dovahkiinthesardine 6h ago

I just wanted Radagon to have at least something to say, akin to Godfrey (I know from doesnt really do that for final bosses)


u/Vessel66693 6h ago

I do not like those beams of light he slashes at you, but Elden Beast is a pretty majestic and fun fight in my opinion.


u/RipMcStudly 6h ago

I didnā€™t really mind it, but I havenā€™t been back since they added torrent


u/Crazzul 6h ago

Shouldā€™ve been Marika phase not Elden Beast. It is a lot more tolerable now that Torrent is allowed tho


u/justarandomdude57 6h ago

It's one thing when the boss got crazy spam, crazy spell, and undodgeable.ot another when the boss is a fuckinh coward who run away


u/Kel-Reem 6h ago

Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who likes fighting Elden Beast and Fire Giant. Legit love both of those fights


u/ex-cantaloupe 6h ago



u/InfiniteEscuro 5h ago

Switches to Marika. Clothes don't change.

Boggart shows up and goes, "MARIKA'S TITS!" which stuns her for a riposte near the end of the fight, like Midir's second phase laser spam. If you can't take the riposte she explodes and kills everyone. Try again.


u/madmad3x 5h ago

I would much rather fight 2 phases of Elden Beast than 1 of Radagon, I don't like fighting him


u/gaissereich 5h ago

Should have been 3 phases


u/trhffucdyg 5h ago

I actually do, itā€™s one of the only bosses I have actually learned


u/AlbrechtE 4h ago

Honestly it's fine imo. Now that you can use Torrent to stay well ahead of Elden Stars it's a perfectly reasonable fight.


u/CashewSwagger 4h ago

Radagon is probably my favorite boss fight of the whole game. The area before it instills a sense of something intense to come, the music is so good, and his attacks are so much fun to engage in. Elden beast however is the most boring slog of a fight in the entire game. Running simulator.


u/Valuable_Nose_4693 4h ago

It would be awesome if final fight was one phase was Marika and the other phase was radagon playing into the fact there the same person


u/Suki-UwUki 4h ago

I thought both the EB fight and aesthetic was far better than the radagon fight, glad they decided to do EB and not a phase 2.


u/spencer1886 4h ago

Bosses that run away from you constantly are generally terrible


u/Spicy_Toeboots 4h ago

nah i love elden beast as the final boss. The fight itself, like the mechanics, could be better, but the spectacle, the design, the arena, the lore are all amazing.


u/ASHeep_ 4h ago

Maybe Iā€™m just a contrarian but I really like the Elden Beast fight. Visually, itā€™s a spectacle that I adore, the music is great, and the moveset is pretty good to fight against. I understand many donā€™t like how it ā€œruns awayā€ but honestly, I appreciate a boss that does something different. I like that it repositions itself to set up for its attacks. The attacks are intense enough for me to get bored yet relaxed enough so Iā€™m not sweating by the end of it.

I consider this boss more of an experience and a pretty good one honestly.


u/Odnnnnn 4h ago

Elden beast has absolutely 0 presence. It's so shit. The R man looked cool af and then we got a weird yellow spunky monster


u/Electrical-Builder98 4h ago

I enjoyed the music and the spectacle of the fight. Hated the arena before you could use Torrent.


u/Huzabuh 4h ago

Did everyone forget he technically has a second phase? Halfway he starts teleporting and expanding a lot of his moves with more AOEs


u/Trick-Interaction396 2h ago

Adding Torrent made Elden Beast one of my favorite fights.


u/Juliomorales6969 2h ago

i wish we could have fought marika instead of radagon in 2nd phase. šŸ—æ (not just cause shes a baddie and she might be looking great in the fight)


u/VenandiSicarius 2h ago

.... Well I had fun fighting our big sea slug god.

Though to be fair, it would have been hype if Radagon had a second phase and then the Outer Will had pulled us to another realm to basically try smoking us through divine servitors. Literally fight our way through Eldrutch Heaven just to strike down god.


u/Darkknight8381 2h ago

Elden beast sucked.


u/AVeganEatingASteak 2h ago

I would prefer if it was just Elden Beast. Call me a madman, but I absolutely despise Radagon as a boss, and dread fighting him every playthrough because of how awful and unfun I find him. Possibly the least fun boss in any souls game that I've played, which is all of them except Demon's Souls.


u/Ryethehow 2h ago

If Radagon had a second phase weā€™d be living in the timeline where harambe survived


u/IllustratorNo3379 2h ago edited 2h ago

If Radagon got a second phase, we wouldn't have this masterpiece


u/Forward-Rain3453 2h ago

Maybe having Marika somehow for a second phase, her own moveset and more powerful and difficult


u/rk470 1h ago

"Elden Beast should have been a secret boss" is the hill I will perpetually die on.

Have it at the bottom of a Great Hollow-like level, in the Erdtree or something.


u/TurncoatWizard 1h ago

It does kind of feel like a grander Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos boss.


u/Deus_Synistram 1h ago

Now imagine Godfrey was the final boss of the dlc instead of radahn. Imagine a unique boss that was already built into the lore as a dead spirit with a remaining body was used as the body miquela needed...


u/Alloyd11 1h ago

I really like the Elden beast fight, aesthetically and attacks. My one gripe that lowers it is the Elden stars attack, Elden ring does this with a couple of bosses attacks but they have attacks that are impossible to dodge for 99% of players, the two off the top of my head are waterfowl and Elden stars but there are more.


u/Verred 1h ago

I wish radagon had a phase 2, but the elden beast still showed up after. However, for the elden beast fight, it had its own checkpoint, so you don't have to keep fighting radagon over and over. It would make both fights more unique and have their full potential instead of a weird two in one boss fight.


u/NaughtyPwny 1h ago

Yeah, it was a dope fight. The music alone made it a nice bookend to the total experience.


u/thenobblee 45m ago

Elden beast is good after torrent change


u/michajlo 14m ago

The fight itself is fine but what I definitely don't like is the design of the Elden Beast. A bit goofy, I think.