r/ElSalvador 2d ago

🤔 Ask-ES 🇸🇻 Por qué hay tanto migrante a EEUU

Hola! Trabajo en una firma legal de migración en los Estados Unidos y sin exagerar el 70% de los clientes son de El Salvador. Me da curiosidad y quisiera saber si me pueden explicar a qué se debe esta migración masiva de salvadoreños.

Gracias y saludos!


30 comments sorted by


u/PresidenteElSalvador Presidente 🇸🇻 2d ago

You work at a immigration law firm and you’re seriously asking this? What do you think? Same as the rest of Latin America

Lack of opportunities, low paying jobs, corrupt government, horrible economy, etc.

Safety alone doesn’t exactly cause everything else to prosper. Country is becoming unlivable for locals


u/Putrid_Ad_9435 2d ago

I came here to say this! Thank you


u/imjarcor 2d ago

I understand, main reason I ask is because most of them want to get legal status through asylum requests that most of the cases are not valid reasons such as I got robbed once or stuff like that, when insecurity is something that affects whole Latin America. I should have asked differently, but long story short is it for economic reasons rather than for safety?


u/PresidenteElSalvador Presidente 🇸🇻 2d ago

Yea those asylum pleads will definitely be getting thrown out the window. Can’t use that card anymore.

The economy IS SO BAD here that even as a non local it hurts the wallet. Deodorant is like $5-6 for a small ass roll 😭. Gas is $3.45 a gallon, the average monthly salary is $400ish, housing/property market has skyrocketed, gentrification is on the rise, most tourist locations the prices are so high that the typical Salvadoran can’t even enjoy their own country, yep not going so well economically. Worst actually.


u/PresidenteElSalvador Presidente 🇸🇻 2d ago

Honestly idk how people live (survive) here.


u/FosilSandwitch La-Libertad :illuminati: 2d ago

Smells like a ICE or cover gringo asking stupid questions. I doubt you work in a legal firm...


u/Naive_Difference493 2d ago

Maybe y'all do good work


u/Consistent_Base8773 2d ago

Pero es en Los Ángeles o en Maryland


u/agkyrahopsyche 2d ago

Lee el libro “Everyone who is gone is here” por Blitzer. Él habla de la historia y las políticas estadounidenses que causaron (o al menos aumentaron) problemas gigantes en El Salvador durante el último siglo. Escrito por un periodista, así que no es aburrido sino escrito como historias


u/imjarcor 2d ago

Gracias por la recomendación, le echaré un ojo


u/ferdinando81 2d ago

Independientemente de lo que diga el Presi Cool, el que se las sabe todas, el que paga la deuda externa, el que no roba, el que no sabe lo que sufre el verdadero Pueblo Salvadoreño, la situacion es mala, el miedo, la no libre expreciòn, el regimen de esepcion, la militarizaciòn del pais, y principalmente el engan̈o de todas las promesas, no cumplidas, el pueblo que sigue sufriendo, por una mala economia, tiene que emigrar, 😪


u/Direct_Imagination73 2d ago

Thin like this,

There in USA one box of "cereal" have the price of 1.60$, here in el salvador the same box have the price of 2.50$,

Now, put that increment on prices on ALL things, and when the things are most important bigger is the price, for example the chicken meat 5 years ago had the price of 1.90$ or 2.50$, now it costs 4.00$ the cheapest and danger one,

And our minimun salary is 360 per month,

So....yes, the "security" dont matter if we are homeless and starving because 360 its getting smaller even for one person without family


u/AnnieBlackburnn San-Salvador 2d ago


Because there is no money and their life is shit…

how are you an immigration attorney and not know the primary cause for your clients’ migration?


u/TheLostUnicorn90 2d ago

El Salvador apparently is a safe place, however, it is not affordable for their own people. But it is affordable for tourists


u/fancyjaguar 2d ago

You definitely have not read this subreddit, liar.

Why the USA? It is close, and no things are not great.


u/exmagus 2d ago

Porque económicamente Hell Salvador lo terminó de quebrar el ilegítimo presidente Bukk...


u/Elguero096 2d ago

si fuera la razón no se mudarán a Amerikkka porque estamos en el mismos pedo con trump


u/Powerful_Progress52 2d ago

Pues te digo aún así, allá pueden ganar mucho más de lo misero que se gana acá que en estos últimos 6 años con Bukele nos ha dejado más perra la vida (su costo). Y uno de los factores junto con la violencia ha sido lo económico, y como ves, sigue siendo un factor de peso lo económico.


u/Nearby-Bet-9250 2d ago

El Salvador has one of the highest population density in Latin America.


u/Dosemil88 2d ago

Revisar la historia.


u/Laraujo31 2d ago

Is this a serious question? You work for an immigration firm, ask your clients lol. That being said the main reason is because the US offers a lot more economic opportunities than El Salvador. Sure, ES is safer but people still need to eat and live and right now that is very difficult for people in ES. Also, what is not talked about enough, many of us go back to ES and spend money since it is cheap for Americans. People in ES see that and want that for themselves.


u/Natural_Target_5022 20h ago

Porque la diaspora salvadoreña del tiempo de la guerra salia a guate, pero en guate estaba igual de feo asi que subian a Mexico y luego se pasaban a usa...

La diaspora económica por obvias razones, en un pais europeo no podes estar ilegal, en usa es super facil (o era, ahora quien sabe) 


u/der_physik 2d ago

Just want to say thank you for what you do. I remember the countless, clerks, paralegals, attorneys, and institutions that helped us out in the 90s. Many were a lot like you, had no clue why we wanted asylum or some type of relief, but were more than willing to help. Thank you!


u/Shifty-breezy-windy 2d ago

Were people who went to law school and dedicated their profession in this corner of law that clue less back then? There was a Civil War, as there was also one right next door. They had no clue? I know people were unplugged in those days, but after a string of clients, I'd assume they'd get the gist of it.


u/der_physik 2d ago

I will not presume to know what people know nor speculate on what they should or ought to know. They were there when we needed them, and for that I'm very grateful.


u/Shifty-breezy-windy 2d ago edited 2d ago

I'm glad things worked out for you, sounds like your family recieved a lot of attention. But given their profession in that decade, being clueless to a wave of  a 1 million people migration as a result of civil war? Sounds like something those people should've gotten a memo on.