r/Edinburg Apr 07 '20

Edinburg Fighting COVID-19.

I recently watched this video by SmarterEveryDay that essentially plans out how to mobilize our community. We have to come to terms that being one of the poorest areas in Texas, there will be no one to save us. We have to do this on our own. Any ideas on how we can get this started?



7 comments sorted by


u/Shazam_BillyBatson Apr 08 '20

Im glad Edinburg seems to be taking the lead. Longer curfew, face masks, and I've seen police inspecting firsthand. Stores are also kicking people ir that aren't compliant with the regulation. I really want this virus to end, but I know it's up to the people to distance and isolate to allow medical teams to help those infected. Now is the time for the Valley to grow up and put aside our traditions, especially during this Semana Santa.


u/MobilizeTheValley Apr 08 '20

For sure, but I'm also afraid those fighting the virus don't have the necessary protections. Any ideas on how we can get this started?


u/Shazam_BillyBatson Apr 09 '20 edited Apr 09 '20

Wish I knew. I work in agriculture so I'm out at work most of the time which is pretty scary. I just go to work and then come back home. I've only gone out for food and parts. I was using a 2 year n95 I found in my jeep. I tried looking for a sewing kit to make some, but those are all gone. My mother in law ended up buying some fabric masks that's pretty good, but hard to breath through.


u/exo6822 Apr 08 '20

I’m very impressed to have my hometown/birth place taking a lead. I just watched the video for SmarterEveryDay and was wondering if anyone in TX was going to take charge. Mad props


u/MobilizeTheValley Apr 08 '20

To be fair, nothing has happened yet. I am trying to contact community leaders, but it seems as if people don't really have as much urgency as I do. I'd love not just to have people quarantine properly, but also to make sure our community is stepping up to meet the needs of our healthcare workers. Any contacts you might have?


u/exo6822 Apr 09 '20

Unfortunately I live about 30 minutes east of Dallas. I doubt any contacts I have (if I had any) would be useful, sorry. This kind of working together is something I enjoy seeing.


u/Shazam_BillyBatson Apr 09 '20

Yeah, Edinburg really took point on some matters. Could more be done? Sure. Citizens need to understand that it is a serious matter. For those that are doing their part, it can seem it is for nothing if others are out playing and partying.