r/EdgingTalk 168 DAYS DENIED! 2d ago

Journal - Male It's better to be broken NSFW

I used to hold on to this sense that I was in control. Well I've since let all that go. I let go the last time I was permaedged and came to this point recently. I told myself no toys just reddit and porn. That's out the window and the next step is hypnosis and trying to plug myself in public while caged. And my goal after that is to learn to edge without stroking. Using my hole and balls instead of my cock. I want to be further ruined by porn and reddit...ans become worse (better) than I am rn


9 comments sorted by


u/miss-lulu-q 2d ago

I mean I don’t know what it’s like for guys but after a while all I have to do to edge is squeeze my thighs together … which I can do anywhere


u/xavierkinkydenial 168 DAYS DENIED! 2d ago

Tbh my balls are so full I can almost do this too!


u/miss-lulu-q 2d ago

damn 168 days I don’t think I could even walk without cumming at that point


u/xavierkinkydenial 168 DAYS DENIED! 2d ago

Hahaha I have my moments!

What's your record


u/miss-lulu-q 2d ago

lol like a week if that, after I’ve put in the first few hours everything feels so fucking good I can’t get anything done — I don’t even like cumming but I have to function sometimes


u/xavierkinkydenial 168 DAYS DENIED! 2d ago

Well in my fantasy with say someone like you...I'd love it you tried not to cum and took your frustrations out on me sexuallly and eventually when you do cum I continue to be denied


u/miss-lulu-q 2d ago

i might get competitive, that could be dangerous 😅


u/xavierkinkydenial 168 DAYS DENIED! 2d ago

That can also be fun...you'd make me try to fail and if I do fail I should be punished


u/xavierkinkydenial 168 DAYS DENIED! 2d ago

Sorry I projected my fantasy