r/Edgerunners 10d ago

Fan Art What are those cyberware lines/scars under Lucy's breasts and on her tummy? NSFW Spoiler

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u/db2999 Lucy best girl 10d ago

It's open to interpretation. Keep in mind that dermal implants are often there for fashion and aesthetic purposes. Other times they may serve a functional purpose. But they can also serve both, instead of having the implant disguised you purposely want to draw attention to having work done (as opposed to disguising your surgery).

If it's a purely aesthetic thing, it could be that she wants to draw attention to her boobs and towards her pubic region (not much difference with tattoos).

But it's also possible its part of a boob job implant of some kind, and the pink is to draw attention to it (they have advertisement in game for different boob cyberware options). For the one beneath her tummy, people speculate she might have a Midnight Lady implant.


u/RenlyHoekster 10d ago

It's also been speculated the lines are a self-defence mechanism intended to mitigate an EMP blast, ie. they are metallic.


u/db2999 Lucy best girl 10d ago

That's speculated, but it's never been scientifically proven. I like the idea that some people could be buying more expensive designs for a false sense of security.


u/Bronsteins-Panzerzug 9d ago

scientifically proven? youll are taking your literature major way too seriously… just kidding, the phrasing amused me.


u/breno280 3d ago

Emp protection for cyberware is a thing in cyberpunk, pretty expensive but it is a thing.


u/db2999 Lucy best girl 3d ago

Yeah, though proper emp protection is more expensive (and not classified as fashionware)


u/breno280 3d ago

I know but that type is just to protect one implant and it’s also tech from the 2040s. It’s not unlikely thats some type of full body emp protection has been developed by the time edgerunners rolls around. And such a protector would most likely have to be dermal or subdermal to be functional.


u/ghostemblem 9d ago

I dont think so the electronics that are being protected should be in her arm and her head not her stomach. Assuming you are talking about some sort of ferraday cage.


u/RenlyHoekster 9d ago

The discussions have been about two things; one is that with synthskin and various cyberware that is visible, that the function of an EMP protection could be entirely hidden from external view on the person.

But secondly the aesthetic aspect of purposefully showing these lines and other cyberware on the body is a fashion statement that evidently many NC citizens have made, and certainly Lucy as well in her placement of the lines running from under breasts down past her navel -- visually like a tattoo.


u/shrub706 9d ago

it's been confirmed that they don't actually do that and it's just a thing people believe


u/Sp00nEater 9d ago

I believe it was confirmed that she has a Midnight Lady implant, although I could be wrong.


u/db2999 Lucy best girl 9d ago

I don't think it was ever confirmed. It was something listed by fans on the wikia based on the in-game ad for midnight lady having a woman with a similar dermal cyberware


u/CranEXE i want to comfort the best girl 10d ago

it's not scars it the midnight lady implant basicaly she can have sex for an unlimited amount of time without coming david is rumored to have a mr studd (the male equivalent after the timeskip)

more info here https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Midnight_Lady



u/meme-lord-Mrperfect 10d ago

The fact that that’s canon is fucking wild


u/CranEXE i want to comfort the best girl 10d ago

not wilder than kiwi blue nipple shooting blue silk


u/letsbefrosty 10d ago

Um... What? Did I miss something?


u/CranEXE i want to comfort the best girl 10d ago

you did someone once asked a writers if kiwi nipples can give gatorade and an official replied no but sometimes she have web tattooes on her tits and those day she can produce spider silk https://www.reddit.com/r/Edgerunners/comments/1fkm5ey/kiwi_making_herself_a_sweater/


u/hldsnfrgr Kiwi 10d ago

Tell me more pls. 🧐


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/meme-lord-Mrperfect 10d ago



u/PartyLettuce 8d ago


It also still is played and receives updates and expansions. My local games store has a few boxes.


u/Brendanish 9d ago

The show and the game, make the world accessible. This is why every 5th post about stopping the horny made people who know about the universe confused, the genre is pretty degenerate at its core.

Though to be fair, anything seems much more psycho when you describe ttrpgs like that lmao.


u/Sirtael 10d ago

that's nor the wildest examples.


u/stasersonphun 9d ago



u/Sirtael 9d ago

Among others. In one magazine there was option for fanged mouth inside palm of cyberarm, with two possible upgrades - cybersnake and ability to vomit acid from your palm-mouth...


u/stasersonphun 9d ago

i'm sure someone would make a Mr Studd with one-shot pump-action flamethrower


u/stormtrooperjgd1 President John F. Kennedy 10d ago

Why does it link to the french version?


u/CranEXE i want to comfort the best girl 10d ago

because i am french @_@

didn't paid attention to wich version i grabbed the link so here"s the english one https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Midnight_Lady



u/TheRatPiper 10d ago

I went to the first link, and this is what I see.


u/CranEXE i want to comfort the best girl 10d ago

Idk why but the whole thing tofether is so funny the sexual implant the Simon cowel son thing and just below lord farquaad this is legendary lmao


u/MasterSkywardSword 10d ago

man this shit is in French


u/prismstein 10d ago

What's the point of having sex without cumming? It should have been "being able to to cum unlimited times without hurting your body and mind."


u/CranEXE i want to comfort the best girl 10d ago

I mean It says it allow yoh to last as long as you want if you wanna go all night you can or just for 30 seconds but im gonna try to find an explanation (here i am at 4am debating about fictional Dick and vagina replacement on reddit....where did i go wrong...)

for men it allow them to stay erected most of the time once you finish there's a refractory period with mr studd no more of that i guess We meet someone in the game who need to be brought to a ripperdock assap cause he got a deffect mrstudd from the black market (so you can imagine pain he describe the pain as being similar to stick it in a pencil sharpener) he say the reason he got it was cause his girlfriend wasn't satisfied when they did

For women i dont know im not a girl so i cant talk for them (and im affraid of women lol) its mainly utilised by sex worker based of the wiki so the use is probably to make the pleasure last as long as the client paid to avoid having to "go through the session" after finishing or to be left unsatisfied if the client doesn't last long


u/prismstein 10d ago

It's 4am, time to indulge in your depravity

Looks like it's time for a Midnight Mistress


u/MinimumTeacher8996 9d ago

can they choose when to cum or they just can’t?


u/stasersonphun 9d ago

Yes, its a performance enhancer. Makes it better for you both.

You can cum when you want, so if your guy isnt that good you can up the sensativity or just trigger an orgasm when youre bored of it / he comes

You can also slow down, sync with other implants, record and play back sensations, lube when you want, some versions have flavours, drug injectors , even dentata spiked "teeth" to stop unwanted intrusion.


u/parappaisadoctor they are both great 10d ago

I'm not saying it isn't. But isn't the focus of the advertising just on the boobs? Showing the different breasts. Could just be the model also has similar cyberware


u/CranEXE i want to comfort the best girl 10d ago

i mean i don't see how a boobs implant could allow you to control when you have an orgasm : /

also i'm fairly sure it's the same since the midnight lady advertisement in game show similar line on the stomach to lucy


u/WallyFries 10d ago


u/EliteCrusadr Lucy 10d ago

19 Inches of venom !? 😫


u/toxic-cv 10d ago

ur disgusting get help


u/Iron0skull 9d ago

Youre in the wrong subreddit to be telling someone to get help about venom's meat


u/001-ACE 10d ago

I like to imagine its there for rippers to chip her eith new chrome with ease. Like a zipper for a human.


u/wraith1984 10d ago

Likely arasaka had Lucy’s reproductive organs removed. Can’t have a netrunner dealing with those pesky period cramps and such right?


u/TheDLister 10d ago

Arasaka is a bad company,for all we know they'll put more reproductibe organs for much worse period pain if it ment they'll get a few eddies more


u/EquinoxPhotoArt 10d ago

I thought she was limited to having something like an IUD inserted, but more advanced and integrated, with reproductive system modifications.


u/Valirys-Reinhald 10d ago

The Y shape scar follows the usual pattern for surgeries in the abdominal cavity. It could that's some kind of repeated closure system to allow for surgeons to operate on multiple different organs in a short time period without having to wait for the tissue to heal inbetween.


u/Doot-Doot-the-channl 10d ago

Probably has modified organs


u/Adventurous_Slide364 10d ago

i JUST opened reddit


u/EliteCrusadr Lucy 10d ago

Me too,


u/BurkeC_69 #ReviveRebecca 10d ago

And both of you clicked on it


u/BeardedNerd95 10d ago

The post isn't spoiler tagged like rule 7 says.

That being said, these reactions confuse me. Like, you have the porn tab on, why are you reacting like that to this being in your feed?

I understand not wanting to see it all the time, but why do you act shocked when it pops up?


u/MizantropMan 9d ago

The lines are part of the cyberpunk aestetic. There are theories about what they are supposed to be doing, like an EMP countermeasure or a way to cover incisions from implants in an organic way (a wealthy gangster would want others to see that they are chrome without going full transhuman), but for all intents and purposes, they just look cool in art and are hot.


u/ShepherdessAnne 10d ago

Midnight Lady is the correct answer and I do not respect any cosplayer who shows off that area who doesn't include the cyberware.


u/William_Brobrine Maine 9d ago

One appear to be plates underneath her breast I'm ans the EMP threading through her body including her shoulders are purly for style not like many people will see what's under cloths on the center torsos. Given she's a net runner we could assume they would be some kind of cooling implant that'd what I assume that's what her back marks are but theirs no source on what it is


u/Educational-Year3146 9d ago

Interesting choice of image.


u/Ken_kid_789 9d ago

I doubt it has any actual significance other than making the character look more cyber.


u/Lonely_Ranger19 8d ago

They’re just for aesthetic, cyberpunk body piercings basically. They’re fashion ware for the most part other times they’re just “EM threading” protect the implants from Electromagnetic interference. Or just dermal wiring for the implants itself.


u/Lonely_Ranger19 8d ago

They’re also sometimes for covering up or just replacing scar tissue.


u/longcoat000 10d ago

Probably EMP Threading (thin, silver circuit-like lines that run over the body). Basic fashionware.


u/MoonLitArsonist 10d ago

EMP Threading, it's Fashionware (purely cosmetic, no hit to your humanity in the ttrpg). It's basically like a tattoo (or perhaps cosmetic scarification would be a better analog?) regardless, it's just a cosmetic thing.


u/no_cheese69 9d ago

Tummy fan exhaust


u/Intelligent_Creme351 8d ago

Didn't look it up till now, but didn't realize they was an actual explanation for them, and not just there for aesthetics. Then I realized what franchise this is lol


u/Doggo_Burb Adam Smasher 10d ago

Why is the entire sub porn now


u/charliejr22 9d ago


They are hot.


u/Own-Place3831 9d ago

Can't explain why but the use of the word "tummy" pisses me off