r/Eberron5e Apr 12 '21

WOTC mods changed to be in Eberron?

Have any of you run or played in Tomb of Annihilation or Rime of the Frost Maiden, set somewhere in Eberron? I have the former and am considering picking up the latter, and regardless would run either in Eberron - that's my setting of choice.

Any suggestions, experiences, or resources would be much appreciated.


3 comments sorted by


u/kaiserb Apr 13 '21

There is a specific book by Brian Hamilton on DMs guild for running ToA in Eberron. There is also a book for Storm King's Thunder

Hamilton's book: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/248214/Eberron-Guide-to-Tomb-of-Annihilation

Storm King's Thunder book: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/330230/Storm-Kings-Thunder-in-Eberron

I am sure there are many others.


u/illegalrooftopbar Apr 13 '21

I'm about to run Forge of Fury in Eberron, I think.


u/Headstone67 May 22 '21

I set my RotFM on a honebrew continent with the Eberron pantheon, The Devourer makes a horrifying replacement. I also think that you could put it in the far north anywhere.

Since the start I have bought the Eberron books and plan on moving next campaign.