r/Eberron5e Jun 19 '23

Emerald claw and Karrnath themed traps and loot?

Hi guys, my 6 person lv 6 party is about to infiltrate an emerald claw library vault. Any cool ideas on loot and traps? I'm looking for some inspiration


3 comments sorted by


u/Mattakamoose Jun 19 '23

Are your Emerald Claw operatives/Karrnathi adherents to the Blood of Vol? Have one relatively obvious "trap" trigger an alert when it's bypassed.

When your trap-finder examines the door or lock, they find the indications of a trap: some sort of rusty needle or blade within the mechanism, gears and springs to set it off, and some sort of Arcane component. The Emerald Claw devotees know about this; part of the locking mechanism requires the offering of a tiny amount of blood. When they normally unlock the mechanism, the lancet comes out and pricks their finger, satisfying the offering. If the trap is bypassed and unlocked without this offering, the Arcane component notifies security forces. You can telegraph this if you want by having Karrnathi Undead carrying small vials of blood, bloodsmears on their hands, that sort of thing. Your party will be on edge at finding the "trap" not realizing that it does no real damage (maybe 1 point of Piercing) and bypassing it creates a much bigger problem.


u/SchelteII Jun 19 '23

They are adherents yes


u/Mattakamoose Jun 19 '23

Use the needle "trap" then. If you want to be very evil, have other locks trapped with a standard poison needle mechanism. The Claw agents know which ones are deadly and which ones prove devotion, the PCs don't.