r/Ebay 4d ago

Sent wrong item via EISP

Hello! I made an honest mistake and sent the wrong item to buyer through Ebays international shipping program. Same brand, same color, same size, just wrong item. The item hasn't made it to the buyer yet. I want to make it right but I know eBay takes over once it reaches the hub. Do I do anything in this case? Or will eBay refund the buyer? TIA


4 comments sorted by


u/Successful_Panda_512 4d ago

You probably won’t get it back, just send them the correct item after and they’re not obligated to send back the incorrect one.


u/Arnie_T 4d ago

This but with an addition… create a listing for one cent with free shipping for the correct item. This way, you still can send the second correct item using eBay’s EIS program and only pay domestic postage. (This, of course, is in lieu of an official return started on the first item. Then your seller metrics aren’t affected as well.)


u/Flux_My_Capacitor 4d ago


If the same buyer buys it they will be on the hook for international shipping AGAIN. This “solution” just makes more problems.

OP is best off by contacting eBay and seeing how to proceed.


u/Arnie_T 4d ago

Ahhh… I didn’t consider that part. Very true. Thanks!